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Veline Paul – Student #00318838T


In this reflective report, I will be focusing on the performance of the group and group member Maimu
L Bae.
Firstly, we planned and brainstorm on the organization which we are currently employed with and
how we can improve on providing better products and services. With the help of Maimu after we had
finalized the questionnaires, I was able to upload those questions online using the Google Form and
forwarded to the customers using their email address however, only three out of the twenty
participants responded. Then, we changed from plan A to plan B where we printed out the survey
questions and conducted a face to face interviews with the customers at the BSP Branch SME
Waterfront on the 25th July 2020. A total of fifty survey forms were printed and given out but
managed to collect only forty-five survey forms back at the end of the day.
All questionnaire was given to me, so I worked on compiling the data to help us see a trend in what
really the customer’s needs are, gains, pain points and their touch points were. It was a challenge but
we were able to do so. The report was distributed among us where I did the extracting and gathering
of data and working on the diagrams and flow charts, while Maimu assisted in preparing the
introduction of the report and the final write-up was done together with great team work.
Despite, sending in our report one day late, we had a good teamwork. Maimu is a good team player,
who is very understanding, helpful and supportive. She has given many good ideas and suggestions
that had helped in our group survey. She is very punctual every time for our meetings, giving good
ideas, suggestions and showed interest in the survey. Maimu is very outgoing and dose not hide
knowledge of what she knows she shared information. In terms of doing up the diagrams and
extracting data she was a bit not good with excel and doing up graphs which she let me work on those
which was quiet a challenge for me but I managed and at the end of the day after submitting our
report we both satisfied.
To conclude this group survey was a challenge for us and we managed to archive that together. We
have also learned from the survey conducted on the different types of customer and what are their
different pain points and touch points. Seeing this we learned that Customer focus is very import in
every organisation or business because their feedbacks is what will make the business or organisation

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