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  I think it is astonishing that they refer to “Ann Patchett” as a different

person, her husband and friends do it and even herself. She explains
the do so because  Ann Patchett has become a brand rather than
being just her name, and doing this she can somehow take some
distance from it..
 The idea that people can be fundamentally good,  and because of
this the characters she depicts in her novels are good light hearted
people that can sometimes make mistakes. It might be naive to but to
believe that everybody can't be evil. She justifies her opinion in that
she has been shown a great deal of kindness which ultimately has
shaped the way she sees the world.
 That writers can be more than that. They can have a bookstore, why
not? There's no need for them to seclude, working on something else
could prove to be very inspiring and also as it is in this case be
related with writing. Furthermore she does this to help the industry
because feels writers should take responsibility for the industry.
 Even though she was raised by catholic nuns she has strong feminist
ideals and is interesting to see the internal conflict she present as
one part of her tell her to serve and obedient and other tells her to do
just the opposite. As shown by her example of making the beds
which she find dreadful but ultimately does it.
 Reality can often be overwhelming and I find the idea of being able to
just hide somehow through writing incredible. Writing can also
provide great scope for the imagination. There are whole worlds
waiting to be discovered inside of us  and writing is the key not only
be away from the worrying reality but also to unlock a better reality.

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