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I was a Mischievous Child!

Many have argued that people never really change. How many times have you
heard the phrase “once a liar, always a liar” followed by the typical expression
of disdain? How many times have you saw a kid misbehaving and thought “that
kid is a lost cause”? Well, in this essay I will prove to you that people can and
do change if they want to and have the proper support to do so.

From my early years, my parents could notice that I was not an easy child. I
would come home from kindergarten feeling majestic and unbeatable. I would
slam the door open and answer to every of their questions insolently. But they
never doubted that I was a sweet boy with just some slips as, of course, any kid
could have. So when I started telling them about “Charles”, they believed me

This “Charles” kid, as I have secretly named myself to avoid any responsibility,
was a serious troublesome at school. It all started with harmless little things like
no paying attention in class or pounding my feet on the floor. But suddenly I
found myself hurting other people. I would kick the teacher and my classmates,
and then rush home to tell everything to my parents with a spark of excitement.
They were horrified at my stories and impatient to meet Charles's parents —
without a single clue they were actually them.

The reason I would act like such an aggressive brat is unknown, even today.
Fortunately, my parents found out through my teacher that Charles in fact was
me soon enough before I did something even more dangerous to others. She
also told them that I was already working to improve my behaviour. Thanks to
her and my parents I could repair my wrong doings and learn from those
mistakes. It was not easy — I won’t lie — but with a lot of patience and support I
manage to become the well-mannered person I am today.

So, I find it extremely important for everyone to stop thinking that people cannot
change the way they behave. We all need a second chance to redeem
ourselves and do right — just I like had. It may take time but with eagerness it is
more than possible. People make mistakes, learn and grow. If not, whoever is
without sin, cast the first stone.

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