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Journal Assignment

Ethics and Professional Conduct


Student First Name:

Student Last Name:

Student ID Number:

Instructor Name:


Instructions: 1. Read instructions carefully.

3. Due date: ___________________________


TOTAL: _____/64
Ethics and Professional Conduct (IMM105) Journal Assignment – Page 1 of 2


Every day in this course, please keep a journal of your own thoughts about ethics and
professional conduct issues as they relate to the daily topics that will be discussed. These
can be reflections on topics of discussion, observations, thoughts, ideas, questions,
conversations that you had during class, etc. All entries must be related to the topic of
immigration as they relate to your daily experiences in the class room.

A journal entry shall be kept for each and every day you are in the class room. Each entry
shall be between 50-100 words. The word count shall always be included at the end of your
journal entry. If you miss a class, you are not allowed to make up for that missed entry.

Your journal entries shall be typed in a WORD document, in Arial 11 font, single spaced,
double sided. There should be a total of 13 journal entries (exam days do not count for journal
entries). Create a separate cover page containing the title “Journal Entries.” Put your name on
the cover. When complete, hand in stapled in the top left hand corner.

Each day shall be reflected upon by using the below formatting:

Day One – Date

Type text

Day Two – Date

Type text

The sample entry below is how your entry should look and has a word count of 57
words meeting the minimum requirements for a journal entry:

Day One – September 30, 2017

Today we discussed the topic of the ethical duties of an immigration consultant. The ICCRC is
the regulator of the profession. All issues of ethics are discussed in the Ethics and
Professional Conduct PDF which consists of fifteen articles. Although I have a basic
understanding of the concepts, it will take some time to absorb it all. WC: 57

© 2017 February 21, 2017

Ethics and Professional Conduct (IMM105) Journal Assignment – Page 2 of 2

Marking Rubric:

2 4 6 8

Did not format Followed some Followed most Followed all

Formatting journal as of the of the formatting
directed formatting formatting instructions
instructions instructions

Had more than Had at least Had one Had no spelling

Spelling three spelling two spelling spelling error errors
errors errors

Most entries More than Some entries Always had

WORD did not meet three entries did not contain between 50-100
Counts WORD count did not meet between 50- words
requirements WORD count 100 words
Entries are Writing is Writing does Writing is
Content extremely limited and not clearly confident and
limited and does not reflect communicate clearly focused
have no depth daily daily
reflections reflections
No variety in Little Some limited Consistent
Sentence sentence variety in variety in variety
Fluency structure sentence sentence of sentence
structure structure structure
Missed more Missed two Missed one Made journal
Missed than two journal entries journal entry entries for every
Entries journal entries class

Careless or Language is Shows some Effective and

Vocabulary inaccurate trite, vague or use of varied engaging use of
and Word word flat word choice word choice
Choice choices

Entries were Entries were Entries were Entries were

Relevancy mostly not sometimes mostly relevant very relevant to
relevant to relevant to to immigration immigration
immigration immigration topic of the day topic of the day
topic of the day topic of the day

/64 Marks

© 2017 February 21, 2017

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