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Mbak Nadia

RD 001

Analysis of reinforced slopes

Input data
Task : Mbak Nadia
Part : 001
Customer : NM
Author : RD
Date : 19/10/2020
(input for current task)
Materials and standards
Concrete structures : ACI 318-11
Wall analysis
Active earth pressure calculation : Coulomb
Passive earth pressure calculation : Mazindrani (Rankin)
Earthquake analysis : Mononobe-Okabe
Shape of earth wedge : Calculate as skew
Allowable eccentricity : 0.333
Internal stability : Standard - straight slip surface
Verification methodology : Safety factors (ASD)
Safety factors
Permanent design situation
Safety factor for overturning : SFo = 2.00 [–]
Safety factor for sliding resistance : SFs = 1.50 [–]
Safety factor for bearing capacity : SFb = 2.50 [–]
Safety factor for sliding along geo-reinforcement : SFsr = 1.50 [–]
Safety factor for geo-reinforcement strength : SFst = 1.50 [–]
Safety factor for pull out resistance of geo-reinf. : SFpo = 1.50 [–]
Safety factor for connection strength : SFcon = 1.50 [–]
Stability analysis
Verification methodology : Safety factors (ASD)
Safety factors
Permanent design situation
Safety factor : SFs = 1.50 [–]
Geometry of structure
Embankment height hn = 7.00 m
Embankment length ln = 5.00 m
Reinforced soil - Reinforced Soil

Types of reinforcements
Type of
Name Line type Reinforcement strength Coefficient
No. reinforcement
Tult[kN/m] Rt[kN/m] Cds[–] Ci[–]
1 100UTS (user) user-defined 100.00 15.43 0.70 0.70
2 UTS60 (user) user-defined 60.00 9.26 0.70 0.70

[GeoStructural Analysis - MSE Wall | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Mbak Nadia
RD 001

Reinforcement details
1. 100UTS (user)
Short-term char. strength Tult = 100.00 kN/m
Long-term design strength Rt = 15.43 kN/m
Overall coeff. of model uncertainty FSUNC = 1.50
Inputted reduction factors
Creep red. factor RFCR = 3.00
Durability red. factor RFD = 1.20
Installation damage red. factor RFID = 1.20
2. UTS60 (user)
Short-term char. strength Tult = 60.00 kN/m
Long-term design strength Rt = 9.26 kN/m
Overall coeff. of model uncertainty FSUNC = 1.50
Inputted reduction factors
Creep red. factor RFCR = 3.00
Durability red. factor RFD = 1.20
Installation damage red. factor RFID = 1.20
Height of
Spacing of
Number Type of reinforcement first Reinforcements geometry
No. reinforcement
of hr[m] h[m]
1 7 100UTS (user) 1.00 0.00 identical length of reinforcements
Reinforcement details
Reinforcement No. 1
Reinforcement type : 100UTS (user)
Number of reinforcements 7
Reinforcement geometry : identical length of reinforcements
Reinforcement length : 5.00 m
Reinforcement Origin End Height from bottom Length
No. l1[m] l2[m] h[m] l[m]
1 -5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00
2 -4.29 0.71 1.00 5.00
3 -3.57 1.43 2.00 5.00
4 -2.86 2.14 3.00 5.00
5 -2.14 2.86 4.00 5.00
6 -1.43 3.57 5.00 5.00
7 -0.71 4.29 6.00 5.00
Soil parameters
Layer 1
Unit weight : g = 16.00 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction : jef = 23.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 25.00 kPa
Angle of friction struc.-soil : d = 16.00 °
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 17.00 kN/m3

Layer 2
Unit weight : g = 16.00 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction : jef = 16.00 °

[GeoStructural Analysis - MSE Wall | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Mbak Nadia
RD 001

Cohesion of soil : cef = 50.00 kPa

Angle of friction struc.-soil : d = 11.00 °
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 17.00 kN/m3

Layer 3
Unit weight : g = 16.00 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction : jef = 18.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 90.00 kPa
Angle of friction struc.-soil : d = 12.00 °
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 17.00 kN/m3

Reinforced Soil
Unit weight : g = 16.00 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction : jef = 30.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 5.00 kPa
Angle of friction struc.-soil : d = 11.00 °
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 17.00 kN/m3

Geological profile and assigned soils

No. Assigned soil Pattern

1 3.00 Layer 1

2 12.00 Layer 2

3 - Layer 3

Terrain profile
Terrain behind the structure is flat.

Water influence
Ground water table is not considered.

Input surface surcharges

Surcharge Mag.1 Mag.2 Ord.x Length Depth
No. Action
new change [kN/m2] [kN/m2] x [m] l [m] z [m]
1 YES permanent 10.00 0.00 10.00 on terrain
No. Name
1 Load
Resistance on front face of the structure
Resistance on front face of the structure is not considered.

Settings of the stage of construction

Design situation : permanent

[GeoStructural Analysis - MSE Wall | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Mbak Nadia
RD 001

Verification No. 1
Forces acting on construction
Name Fhor App.Pt. Fvert App.Pt. Design
[kN/m] z [m] [kN/m] x [m] coefficient
Gravity force 0.00 -3.47 554.29 4.95 1.000
Active pressure 0.00 -7.00 0.00 9.29 1.000
Load 0.00 -7.00 -4.15 6.86 1.000
Load 0.00 -7.00 42.86 7.14 1.000
Verification of complete wall
Check for overturning stability
Resisting moment Mres = 3023.28 kNm/m
Overturning moment Movr = 0.00 kNm/m

Safety factor = 1000.00 > 2.00

Wall for overturning is SATISFACTORY

Check for slip

Resisting horizontal force Hres = 367.37 kN/m
Active horizontal force Hact = 0.00 kN/m

Safety factor = 1000.00 > 1.50

Wall for slip is SATISFACTORY

Overall check - WALL is SATISFACTORY

Bearing capacity of foundation soil

Design load acting at the center of footing bottom
Moment Norm. force Shear Force Eccentricity Stress
[kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [–] [kPa]
1 -1540.79 593.00 0.00 0.000 118.60
Service load acting at the center of footing bottom
Moment Norm. force Shear Force
[kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m]
1 -1540.79 593.00 0.00
Verification of foundation soil
Eccentricity verification
Max. eccentricity of normal force e = 0.000
Maximum allowable eccentricity ealw = 0.333
Eccentricity of the normal force is SATISFACTORY

Verification of bearing capacity

Max. stress at footing bottom s = 118.60 kPa
Bearing capacity of foundation soil Rd = 300.00 kPa
Safety factor = 2.53 > 2.50
Bearing capacity of foundation soil is SATISFACTORY

Overall verification - bearing capacity of found. soil is SATISFACTORY

[GeoStructural Analysis - MSE Wall | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Mbak Nadia
RD 001

Verification of slip on georeinforcement No. 1

Forces acting on construction (verification of most utilized reinforcement)
Name Fhor App.Pt. Fvert App.Pt. Design
[kN/m] z [m] [kN/m] x [m] coefficient
Active pressure 0.00 -7.00 0.00 5.00 1.000
Load 0.00 -7.00 9.67 5.00 1.000
Gravity force 0.00 -2.33 280.00 3.33 1.000
Reinforcement -15.43 -1.00 0.00 5.00 1.000
Reinforcement -15.43 -2.00 0.00 5.00 1.000
Reinforcement -15.43 -3.00 0.00 5.00 1.000
Reinforcement -15.43 -4.00 0.00 5.00 1.000
Reinforcement -15.43 -5.00 0.00 5.00 1.000
Reinforcement -15.43 -6.00 0.00 5.00 1.000
Check for slip along geo-reinforcement with the maximal utilization (Reinforc. No.: 1)
Inclination of slip surface = 90.00 °
Overall normal force acting on reinforcement = 289.67 kN/m
Coefficient of reduction of slip along = 0.70
Wall resistance = 0.00 kN/m
Overall bearing capacity of reinforcements = 92.59 kN/m
Resistance along geo-reinforcement = 117.07 kN/m

Check for slip:

Resisting horizontal force Hres = 209.66 kN/m
Active horiz. force Hact = 0.00 kN/m
Factor of safety = 1000.00 > 1.50
Slip along geotextile is SATISFACTORY

Calculation of internal stability No. 1

Calculated forces and strength of geo-reinforcements
Name Fx Depth Rt Utilization Tp Utilization
[kN/m] z[m] [kN/m] [%] [kN/m] [%]
1 user-defined -2.73 7.00 15.43 26.57 452.00 0.91
2 user-defined -3.87 6.00 15.43 37.58 358.82 1.62
3 user-defined -2.41 5.00 15.43 23.38 274.02 1.32
4 user-defined -0.93 4.00 15.43 8.99 199.24 0.70
5 user-defined -0.01 3.00 15.43 0.11 134.47 0.01
6 user-defined 0.00 2.00 15.43 0.00 79.73 0.00
7 user-defined 0.00 1.00 15.43 0.00 35.00 0.00
Check for tensile strength (georeinforcement No.2)
Tensile strength Rt = 15.43 kN/m
Geo-reinforcement force Fx = 3.87 kN/m
Factor of safety = 3.99 > 1.50
Geo-reinforcement for tensile strength is SATISFACTORY

Check for pull out resistance (georeinforcement No.2)

Pull out resistance Tp = 358.82 kN/m
Geo-reinforcement force Fx = 3.87 kN/m
Factor of safety = 92.82 > 1.50
Geo-reinforcement for pull out resistance is SATISFACTORY

[GeoStructural Analysis - MSE Wall | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Mbak Nadia
RD 001

Overall verification - geo-reinforcement is SATISFACTORY

Global stability analysis No. 1

Slip surface parameters
(slip surface after optimization)
Center S = (-5.63;-1.29) m
Radius r = 8.31 m
Angle a1 = 4.37 °
a2 = 81.07 °
Slope stability check (Spencer)
FS = 1.54 > 1.50
Slope stability is SATISFACTORY

Global stability analysis No. 2

Slip surface parameters
(slip surface after optimization)
Center S = (-6.28;-1.73) m
Radius r = 8.81 m
Angle a1 = 8.42 °
a2 = 78.68 °
Slope stability check (Bishop)
FS = 1.37 < 1.50
Slope stability is NOT SATISFACTORY

Slope stability analysis

Input data
(input for current task)
Stability analysis
Earthquake analysis : Standard
Verification methodology : Safety factors (ASD)
Safety factors
Permanent design situation
Safety factor : SFs = 1.50 [–]
Coordinates of interface points [m]
No. Interface location
x z x z x z
1 -30.33 -7.00 -5.00 -7.00 0.00 0.00
4.29 0.00 21.00 0.00 33.83 0.00

2 -5.00 -7.00 0.00 -7.00 0.71 -6.00

1.43 -5.00 2.14 -4.00 2.86 -3.00
3.57 -2.00 4.29 -1.00 4.29 0.00

[GeoStructural Analysis - MSE Wall | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Mbak Nadia
RD 001

Coordinates of interface points [m]

No. Interface location
x z x z x z
3 2.86 -3.00 33.83 -3.00

4 -30.33 -15.00 33.83 -15.00

Soil parameters - effective stress state

jef cef g
No. Name Pattern
[°] [kPa] [kN/m3]

1 Layer 1 23.00 25.00 16.00

2 Layer 2 16.00 50.00 16.00

3 Layer 3 18.00 90.00 16.00

4 Reinforced Soil 30.00 5.00 16.00

Soil parameters - uplift

gsat gs n
No. Name Pattern
[kN/m3] [kN/m3] [–]

1 Layer 1 17.00

2 Layer 2 17.00

3 Layer 3 17.00

4 Reinforced Soil 17.00

Soil parameters
Layer 1
Unit weight : g = 16.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 23.00 °

[GeoStructural Analysis - MSE Wall | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Mbak Nadia
RD 001

Cohesion of soil : cef = 25.00 kPa

Saturated unit weight : gsat = 17.00 kN/m3

Layer 2
Unit weight : g = 16.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 16.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 50.00 kPa
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 17.00 kN/m3

Layer 3
Unit weight : g = 16.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 18.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 90.00 kPa
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 17.00 kN/m3

Reinforced Soil
Unit weight : g = 16.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 30.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 5.00 kPa
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 17.00 kN/m3

Rigid bodies
No. Name Sample

1 Material of cover 23.56

Assigning and surfaces

Coordinates of surface points [m] Assigned
No. Surface position
x z x z soil
1 33.83 -3.00 33.83 0.00
Layer 1
21.00 0.00 4.29 0.00
4.29 -1.00 3.57 -2.00
2.86 -3.00

2 0.00 -7.00 0.71 -6.00

Reinforced Soil
1.43 -5.00 2.14 -4.00
2.86 -3.00 3.57 -2.00
4.29 -1.00 4.29 0.00
0.00 0.00 -5.00 -7.00

3 33.83 -15.00 33.83 -3.00

Layer 2
2.86 -3.00 2.14 -4.00
1.43 -5.00 0.71 -6.00
0.00 -7.00 -5.00 -7.00
-30.33 -7.00 -30.33 -15.00

[GeoStructural Analysis - MSE Wall | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Mbak Nadia
RD 001

Coordinates of surface points [m] Assigned

No. Surface position
x z x z soil
4 -30.33 -15.00 -30.33 -20.00
Layer 3
33.83 -20.00 33.83 -15.00

Point to the left Point to the right Length Strength End of
No. Pull out resist.
x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m] L [m] Rt [kN/m] reinf.
1 -0.71 -1.00 4.29 -1.00 5.00 15.43 Tp = 13.58 kN/m2 Fixed
2 -1.43 -2.00 3.57 -2.00 5.00 15.43 Tp = 27.17 kN/m2 Fixed
3 -2.14 -3.00 2.86 -3.00 5.00 15.43 Tp = 40.75 kN/m2 Fixed
4 -2.86 -4.00 2.14 -4.00 5.00 15.43 Tp = 36.70 kN/m2 Fixed
5 -3.57 -5.00 1.43 -5.00 5.00 15.43 Tp = 45.88 kN/m2 Fixed
6 -4.29 -6.00 0.71 -6.00 5.00 15.43 Tp = 55.06 kN/m2 Fixed
7 -5.00 -7.00 0.00 -7.00 5.00 15.43 Tp = 64.23 kN/m2 Fixed

Location Origin Length Width Slope Magnitude
No. Type Type of action
z [m] x [m] l [m] b [m] a [°] q, q1, f, F q2 unit
1 strip permanent on terrain x = 0.00 l = 10.00 0.00 10.00 kN/m2
No. Name
1 Load
Water type : No water
Tensile crack
Tensile crack not inputted.
Earthquake not included.
Settings of the stage of construction
Design situation : permanent
Results (Stage of construction 1)
Analysis 1
Circular slip surface
Slip surface parameters
x= -5.63 [m] a1 = 4.37 [°]
Center : Angles :
z= 1.29 [m] a2 = 81.07 [°]
Radius : R= 8.31 [m]
Analysis of the slip surface without optimization.
Reinforcement forces
Reinforcement Force [kN/m]
1 15.43
2 15.43
3 15.43
4 15.43
5 15.43

[GeoStructural Analysis - MSE Wall | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Mbak Nadia
RD 001

6 15.43
7 0.00
Slope stability verification (all methods)
Bishop : FS = 1.38 < 1.50 NOT ACCEPTABLE
Fellenius / Petterson : FS = 1.39 < 1.50 NOT ACCEPTABLE
Spencer : FS = 1.54 > 1.50 ACCEPTABLE
Janbu : The solution has not been found.
Morgenstern-Price : FS = 1.53 > 1.50 ACCEPTABLE
Analysis 2
Circular slip surface
Slip surface parameters
x= -6.28 [m] a1 = 8.42 [°]
Center : Angles :
z= 1.73 [m] a2 = 78.68 [°]
Radius : R= 8.81 [m]
Specified slip surface.
Slope stability verification (Bishop)
Analysis has not been performed.
Optimization of circular slip surface (Bishop)
Analysis has not been performed.

[GeoStructural Analysis - MSE Wall | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]

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