Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubrics - Task 5 - The Suprasegmentals PDF

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-Rector

Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric
Task 5 – The suprasegmentals

1. General Description of the Course

Faculty or Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación

Academic Unit
Academic Level Profesional
Academic Field Formación disciplinar
Course Name English Phonetics
Course Code 518014
Course Type Metodológico Retake Yes ☐ No ☒
Number of Credits 2

2. Description of the Activity

Type of Number of
Individual ☒ Collaborative ☒ 4
Activity: Weeks
Initial ☐ Intermediate ☒ Final ☐
Environment to Submit the
Total Score of the Activity:
Activity: Monitoring and Evaluation
Starting Date of the
Deadline of the Activity:
November 22th, 2020
October 24th, 2020
Competences to Develop:
The student understands, expresses and interprets thoughts orally as
written, in situations that require the use of the foreign language to
facilitate and ensure assertive interaction and communication.

- The student uses the skills acquired within the course to improve
their own pronunciation, in order to communicate in real life

- The student recognizes the language as a cultural manifestation

associated with the practices of different human groups, as well as
their differentiating factors such as the articulation of sounds, accent,
intonation and rhythm, and the student integrates this knowledge to
his/her training in foreign languages.

Topics to Develop:
• Unit 2
• The suprasegmentals
• Rhythm, intonation and stress
Steps, Phase or Stage of the Learning Strategy to Develop
Step 1: Read all related to The suprasegmentals.
Step 2: Download the Pronunciation practice document.
Step 3: Record yourself.
Step 4: Collaboratively develop the practical exercises.
Step 5: Review the contributions and choose the best answers
Step 6: Write a reflection
Activities to Develop

Step 1: Go to the Knowledge environment, unit 2 and read all related

to The suprasegmentals and focus on Rhythm, intonation and stress.

Step 2: Go to the Collaborative Environment and open the folder

Activity guide and evaluation rubrics – Task 5 – The suprasegmentals
and download the document named English Phonetics_ Task
5_Pronunciation Practice.

Step 3: Record yourself developing and pronouncing all the exercises

of the document, including the reading, the intonation, rhythm and
stress exercises. Also, red the following specifications:

-Show your face and mouth when pronouncing the sounds, I need to
see your performance in the pronunciation of the exercises.
-Show the document with the exercises as you pronounce them, in
order to facilitate the identification of the sounds and be able to give
meaningful feedback (you can use the tool
- Here you have to pronounce all the exercises of the document,
including the reading, the intonation and rhythm exercises.
-In this video you must focus on rhythm, stress and intonation.

Step 4: Go to the Collaborative Environment and open the folder

Activity guide and evaluation rubrics – Task 5 – The suprasegmentals
and download the document named English Phonetics_ Task 5_written
exercises and collaboratively develop the practical exercises.

Step 5: Review the contributions of your classmates and choose the

best answers to the exercises and compile a single document
throughout the group with the solved exercises.

Step 6: Write a reflection stablishing a comparative relation between

English and Spanish sounds, this reflection must be written following
the next specifications:
-Use a least 350 words.
-Use APA style for citations and references.
-Explain the differences and similarities between Spanish and English
-The importance of knowing about the segmental and suprasegmental
features of English.
-Answer the following question: Do you think is it important to teach
pronunciation in early stages?

Here is a chart that can help you with your reflection.

Murcia (2019) Spanish vs English sounds

Knowledge Environment
ts for the
Collaborative Learning Environment
Evaluation and Monitoring Environment
nt of the
Practical environment
Link of the video, exercises and the reflection
Products to
submitted to turnitin
Submitted Collaborative:
by Students
The exercises are collaborative, but you have to submit
the final document individually.

3. General Guidelines for the Collaborative Work

Collaborative learning is a strategy that allows

students to work together in order to achieve a
common goal. Accordingly, the collaborative
work proposed for the course is based on a
structured and planned process that includes
individual and group activities, as well as
interaction and socialization in the virtual
1. Explore the syllabus of the course.
Planning of
2. Make several readings of the activity guide
Activities for the
and the evaluation rubric for each of the units of
Development of
individual and collaborative work.
3. All the activities that are carried out for the
development of the activity should be reflected
within the course through the different media
and especially in the forum of each activity,
since the interaction; if they work by Skype or
other means they should evidence it in the
forum with screenshots.
4. Be in constant communication with the
colleagues and tutor during the development of
5. In case of any concern, ask the tutor or the
colleagues with time, using the various
communication channels arranged in the course.
6. Enter the contributions with time for the
Timely feedback from peers and tutor.
7. Establish a schedule of activities within each
forum and a table of roles and functions for
meet during the development of each activity.
Different roles are proposed within the
collaborative environment, which allow an
appropriate space for academic growth and
effective interaction that promotes learning and
interpersonal relationships. Every student will
take up one of these roles for the development
of the course assignments and can only be
changed if decided by the group members.
Facilitator: Makes sure that every voice is
heard and focuses work around the learning
Roles to Be task. Provides leadership and direction for the
Performed by the group and suggests solutions to team problems.
Student in the Recorder: Keeps a public record of the team's
Collaborative ideas and progress. Checks to be sure that ideas
Group are clear and accurate.
Time keeper: Encourages the group to stay on
task. Announces when time is halfway through
and when time is nearly up.
Planner: States an action for the completion of
the task at hand according to the instructions
and course agenda.
Task monitor: Looks for supplies or requests
help from the teacher when group members
agree that they do not have the resources to
solve the problem.
Compiler: Puts together the final product and
Roles and Duties
includes the work done only by those who
for the
participated on time. Informs the student in
Submission of
charge of alerts about people who did not
Products by
participate and will not be included in the final
Reviser/Editor: Makes sure the written work
follows all the criteria established in the activity
Evaluator: Evaluates the final document to
ensure it follows the evaluation criteria of the
rubric and informs the student in charge of
alerts about any changes that need to be made
before delivering the product.
Deliveries: Student in charge of informing
about the dates set for presenting each task and
delivering the final product according to the
course agenda. Also informs other students that
the final product has been sent.
Alerts: Informs group participants about any
news in the work being done and reports the
delivery of the final product to the course tutor.
All references considered for this activity have to
be cited using APA Style
Students must be aware of the risks and
penalties in case of plagiarism.

Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the

actions that infringe the academic order, among
others, are the following: paragraph e)
"Plagiarism is to present as your own work all or
part of a written report, task or document of
invention carried out by another person. It also
implies the use of citations or lack of references,
Plagiarism Policy
or it includes citations where there is no match
between these and the reference" and
paragraph f) " To reproduce, or copy for profit,
educational resources or results of research
products, which have rights reserved for the
University ". (Acuerdo 029 - 13 De Diciembre de
2013, Artículo 99)

The academic penalties that the student will face

a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in
the academic work or evaluation, the score
obtained will be zero (0.0) without any
disciplinary measures being derived.
b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic
work of any nature, the score obtained will be
zero (0.0), without any disciplinary measures
being derived.

To learn how to properly cite all your tasks, see

the following:
BibMe. (n.d.). APA Citation Guide. Retrieved

4. Evaluation Rubric

Evaluation Rubric
Task 5 – The suprasegmentals
Activity Collaborative
Individual Activity ☒ ☒
Type: Activity
Evaluation Intermediate
Initial ☐ ☒ Final ☐
Moment Unit 2
Evaluated Performance Levels of the Individual Activity
Items High Score Average Score Low Score
The video is The video is not
complete, the complete, the
student shows pronunciation is
good not accurate,
Step 2 pronunciation and finally it does not There is not video
video follow the follow all the at all.
20 points
pronunciatio specifications specifications
n exercises added in the added in the
Activity Guide and Activity Guide and
Rubric. Rubric.
(up to 20 (up to 10
(up to 0 points)
points) points)
The reflection is
The reflection is
not written The student does
written following
Step 6 following the not write any
the specifications
Write a specifications in reflection. 20 points
in the guide.
reflection the guide.
(up to 20 (up to 10
(up to 0 points)
points) points)
Evaluated Performance Levels of the Collaborative Activity
Items High Score Average Score Low Score
All the exercises
are correct,
Some exercises
showing good
are wrong,
understanding of The student does
showing poor
Step 4 the sounds and not solve any
understanding of
practical the features exercise. 20 points
the sound
exercises involved in the
production of the
(up to 20 (up to 10
(up to 0 points)
points) points)
The student The student does
Posts at the not post at the
The student does
beginning of the beginning of the
not post any
Forum activity and activity and
contribution in
contribution his/her his/her 10 points
the forum.
s contributions are contributions are
meaningful. not meaningful.
(up to 10
(up to 5 points) (up to 0 points)
Final Score 70

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