Section Four

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Section Four: Alignment to Curriculum & Professional Standards


This section is broken down into two main parts; Curriculum and Professional

Educational Standards and Curriculum and Professional Standards Chart. The following

curriculum or professional standards are included; Interstate New Teacher Assessment Support

Consortium Standards (INTASC), NYS Code of Ethics for Educators, The Ontario Teacher

Ethical Standards, P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards (ELA, Math and Social

Studies), NYS Learning Standards, Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum Expectation,

Department of Education (DOE) Claims & Council for the Accreditation of Educator

Preparation (CAEP) Standards, International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and

Students (ISTE), International Literacy Association (ILA) Professional Standards and the

Council for Exceptional Children (ECE). The importance of each standard and curriculum will

be outlined and emphasized on how they represent each artifact. The Chart that will follow will

be presented as an easy overview of my explanations below. It is important as an educator, to

understand how the professional standards and curriculum are connected so we can provide the

most effective learning environment.

Curriculum & Professional Educational Standards

INTASC Standards

The Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium Standards is a model

of standards that assist teachers to give a consistent and high level of teaching across all subject

matter. These guidelines provide educators with standards related to the learner and learning,

content, instructional practice, and professional responsibilities. These standards are important

to educators to create consistency as well as provide educators with a set of standards that can
help them improve their teaching.

The standards are important for teacher consistency and they help educators ensure their

students are living up to the highest potential. The INTASC Standards are defined in four

sections: The Learner and Learning, Content, Instructional Practices and Professional

Relationships. Within these categories, the standards are further divided into: Learner

Development, Learning Differences, Learning Environments, Content Knowledge, Application

of Content, Assessment, Planning for Instruction, Instructional Strategies, Professional

Learning and Ethical Practice, and Leadership and Collaboration.

Artifacts supported by the INTASC Standards

Artifact # 1: Pecha Kucha Presentation (Standard #1, #3, #4, & #8)

Artifact # 2: People of the Amazon Lesson Plan (Standard #3, #5, & #6)

Artifact # 3: Google Classroom Bitmoji (Standard #4, #5, #6, #8, & #9)

Artifact #4: Annotated Bibliography (Standard #9)

Artifact #5: Survey Analysis Assignment (Standard #1, #3, #5, #8)

Artifact #6: DASA (Standard #9, #10)

Artifact #7: SAVE Certificate (Standard #9 & #10)

Artifact #8: Theorist Presentation (Standard #3 & #9)

NYS Code of Ethics for Educators

The New York State Code of Ethics for Educators is a set of expectations and principals to

help guide educators practices in the classroom, while ensuring professional excellence. There

are six principles that outline the New York State Code of Ethics. ​Principle 1: Educators nurture

the intellectual, ​ ​physical, emotional, social, and civic potential of each student. Principle 2:
Educators create, ​ ​support, and maintain challenging learning environments for all. Principle 3:

Educators commit ​ ​to their own learning in order to develop their practice. Principle 4: Educators

collaborate with ​ ​colleagues and other professionals in the interest of student learning. Principle

5: Educators ​ ​collaborate with parents and community, building trust and respecting

confidentiality. Principle ​ ​6: Educators advance the intellectual and ethical foundation of the

learning community.

​Artifacts supported by the NYS Code of Ethics for Educators:

Artifact # 1: Pecha Kucha Presentation (Principal #1)

Artifact # 2: People of the Amazon Lesson Plan (Principal #1)

Artifact # 3: Google Classroom Bitmoji (Principal #3))

Artifact #4: Annotated Bibliography (Principle #1, #2, &#3)

Artifact #5: Survey Analysis Assignment (Principal #1, #2, & #3)

Artifact #6: DASA (Principal #1)

Artifact #7: SAVE Certificate (Principal #1)

Artifact #8: Theorist Presentation (Principal #3)

Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards

The Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards parallel the New York State Code of Ethics for

Educators. These standards have four main goals, which are to create a shared vision for the

teaching profession, to help members identify values, knowledge and skills that are relevant to

educators, to help guide educators professional judgment and actions, and to promote a common

language between teaching members.

Artifacts supported by the Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards:

Artifact # 1: Pecha Kucha Presentation (Standard of Care, Respect, Trust, Integrity, and Professional

Artifact # 2: People of the Amazon Lesson Plan (Standard of Respect)

Artifact # 3: Google Classroom Bitmoji (Standard of Professional Knowledge, Care)

Artifact #4: Annotated Bibliography (Standard of Integrity and Professional Knowledge)

Artifact #5: Survey Analysis Assignment (Standard of Care, Respect, and Professional Knowledge)

Artifact #6: DASA (Standard of Care, Trust, Respect, Integrity, Ongoing Professional Learning)

Artifact #7: SAVE Certificate (Standard of Care, Trust, Respect, Integrity, Ongoing Professional


Artifact #8: Theorist Presentation (Ethic Standard of Care)

P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards (ELA, Math and Social Studies)

The New State Common Core Learning Standards for ELA, Math, and Social Studies

provide objectives for teachers to apply to their lesson plans and to guide them in delivering

appropriate content to various grade levels. These standards are divided by areas of content

and grade levels.

Artifacts supported by the NYS Common Core Learning Standards: ​Artifact # 2:

People of the Amazon Lesson Plan

New York Grade 3 ELA: PKW3, PKW7

New York Grade 3 Science: K-ESS3-3, ESS3-1

Artifact #3: Bitmoji Classroom Lesson

P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards for ELA and Science Rl.5.3

NYS Learning Standards

These standards also outline the learning objectives in a classroom and parallels and links to the
New York State Learning Standards.

Artifacts supported by the NYS Learning Standards:

Artifact # 2: People of the Amazon Lesson Plan

Artifact #3: Bitmoji Classroom Lesson

Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum Expectation

The Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum Expectation and the NYS Common Core

Standards are compared and paired throughout lesson plans. Each ministry makes every effort to

make sure the curriculum is current and relevant. These curriculums provide educators with an

outline to follow and implement by grade and subject from FDK to grade 12. The Ontario

Ministry of Education Curriculum expectations includes policy and resource websites to

supplement and assist educators in delivering the objectives. The three artifacts I have included

exhibit my knowledge and understanding with this curriculum document.

Artifacts supported by the Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum


Artifact # 2: People of the Amazon Lesson Plan

Ontario Grade 4 Science Understanding Life Systems Habitats and Communities: 3.1,


Artifact #3: Bitmoji Classroom Lesson

Grade 5 Science Curriculum: Developing Investigation and Communication Skills

2.3 & 2.4

DOE Claims & CAEP Standards

The Department of Education of Medaille College and the Council for the Accreditation

of Educator Preparation Standards are set out to guarantee that graduates of the Master of

Education program are professionally ready and competent to become schoolteachers. Many of

my artifacts reflect these claims/standards as each showcases my knowledge of pedagogy,

competency, professionalism, and best teaching practices.

Artifacts supported by the DOE Claims and CAEP Standards:

Artifact # 1: Pecha Kucha Presentation (Claim 1: Subject Matter, Claim 2: Pedagogy &

Best Teaching Practices, Claim 3: Caring)

Artifact # 2: People of the Amazon Lesson Plan (Claim 1: Subject Matter, Claim 2:

Pedagogy & Best Teaching Practices, Claim 3: Caring)

Artifact # 3: Google Classroom Bitmoji (Claim 1: Subject Matter, Claim 2: Pedagogy

& Best Teaching Practices, Claim 3: Caring)

Artifact #4: Annotated Bibliography (Claim 1: Subject Matter)

Artifact #5: Survey Analysis Assignment (Claim 1: Subject Matter, Claim 2: Pedagogy

& Best Teaching Practices, Claim 3: Caring, CAEP Standard 1.1 Content and

Pedagogical Knowledge)

Artifact #6: DASA (Claim 1: Subject Matter, Claim 2: Pedagogy & Best Teaching
Practices, Claim 3: Caring, CAEP Standard 1.1 Content and Pedagogical Knowledge)

Artifact #7: SAVE Certificate (Claim 1: Subject Matter, Claim 2: Pedagogy & Best

Teaching Practices, Claim 3: Caring, CAEP Standard 1.1 Content and Pedagogical


Artifact #8: Theorist Presentation (Claim 1: Subject Matter, Claim 3: Caring, CAEP

Standard 1.1 Content and Pedagogical Knowledge)

International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and Students (ISTE) ​The International

Society for Technology and Education for Teachers and Students are

standards that are a guide to assistant students to become empowered learners. The standards

deepen an educator’s practice, while promoting collaboration with peers to challenge and rethink

the traditional approaches to learning. The standards encourage students and educators to educate

themselves on the web and to maintain a positive digital footprint, while being a responsible

digital citizen. Many of the artifacts I have chosen, demonstrate my competence and creativity

through the use of technology and displays how I incorporate it in my lessons and professional


Artifacts supported by the ISTE Standards:

Artifact # 1: Pecha Kucha Presentation (Educator Standard 3a: Citizen)

Artifact # 2: People of the Amazon Lesson Plan (Standard for Students 3c: Knowledge Constructor,
7d: Global Collaborator, Standards for Educators1a Learner)

Artifact # 3: Google Classroom Bitmoji (Standard 5a, 5b, & 5c)

Artifact #5: Survey Analysis Assignment (4c Collaborator )

International Literacy Association (ILA) Professional Standards

The International Literacy Association Profession Standards set criteria for educators to develop

and evaluate their preparedness to deliver reading programs. The standards describe what the

teacher candidates should know and be able to do within the classroom. They ensure an


effective educational practice in this role that is geared to supporting student’s literacy

development. The artifacts that I have chosen, display these standards.

Artifacts supported by the ILA Professional Standards:

Artifact # 1: Pecha Kucha (Standard 4: Diversity)

Artifact # 2: Survey Analysis Review (Standard 4: Diversity)

ard 6: Professional Learning and Leadership)

Council for Exceptional Children (ECE)

The Council for Exceptional Children outline ethical principles that are to be upheld by

educators to respect the diverse characteristics of individuals with exceptionalities, and their

families. The principles are evident within an educator’s classroom environment through lesson

plans, professional development and considerations for accommodations and modifications

within the educational content. The artifacts I have chosen, support these principles. ​Artifacts

supported by the CEC Standards:

Artifact # 2: People of the Amazon Lesson Plan (Standard 1: 3.1)

Artifact # 3: Google Classroom Bitmoji (Standard 3.1)

Artifact #4: Annotated Bibliography (Standard 2.1 & 3.1)

Artifact #5: Survey Analysis Assignment (Standard 2.1 & 3.1)

Artifact #6: DASA (Standard 2.1 & 3.1)

Artifact #7: SAVE Certificate (Standard 2.1 & 3.1)

Artifact #8: Theorist Presentation (Standard 6)

Curriculum and Professional Standards Chart

The Professional Standards Chart below provides an overview of the artifacts that are found in

Section Three of my portfolio and how these artifacts directly connect to the standards.

Artifact INTASC NYS Code NYS NYS DOE ISTE ILA CEC Ontario Ontario
Title Standards of Ethics Learning Claims & Standards International Standards Curriculum Teacher
Standards Standards CAEP for Teachers Literacy Standards Ethical
for Standards and/or Association Standards
Educators Students Professional

Learner & Principle 1: n/a n/a Claim 1: Educator Standard 4: N/A N/A Standard of

Learning: Educators Subject Standard 3a: Diversity Care,

Artifact #1:
Standard nurture the matter Citizen Respect,

#1:Learner intellectual, Trust,

Claim 2:
Development physical, Integrity,
Pedagogy &
emotional, and
Standard #3 Best
social and Professional
Learning Teaching
civic Knowledge
Environments Practices
potential of

Standard #4: Claim 3:
Content Caring


Standard #8:


Artifact #2 Standard #3: Principal 1: New York Claim 1: Standard for Standard 4 Standard 1: Ontario Grade 4 Standard of

People of the Learning Educators Grade 3 Subject Students 3c: Diversity 3.1 Science Respect
Amazon Environments nurture the ELA matter Knowledge Understanding
Lesson Plan
intellectual, PKW3, Constructor Life Systems
Claim 2:
Standard #5:
physical, PKW7 Habitats and
Pedagogy &
Application of 7d: Global
emotional, Best
Content New York Collaborator
social and Teaching 3.1, 3.4
Grade 3
Standard #6 civic Practices
Science: Standards for
Assessment potential of
K-ESS3-3 Claim 3:
every Educators
, ESS3-1 Caring
student. 1a Learner:

Artifact #3 Standard #4: Principle 3: P-12 NYS n/a Claim 1: Standard 5a, n/a Standard 3.1 Grade 5 Science Standard of

Google Content Educators Common Subject 5b, & 5c Curriculum: Professional

Classroom Knowledge commit to Core matter Developing Knowledge,
Bitmoji Gr.
their own Learning Investigation Care
5 Science: Standard #5 Claim 2:
learning in Standards and
The Application of Pedagogy &
order to for ELA Communication
Digestive Content: Best
develop and Skills
System Teaching
Standard #6: their Science 2.3 & 2.4
Assessment practice. Rl.5.3

Claim 3:
Standard #8:


Artifact #4: Standard #9: Principal n/a n/a Claim 1: n/a n/a Standard 2.1 Standard of

Annotated Professional #1,#2, & #3 Subject & 3.1 Integrity

Bibliograph Learning and matter and
Ethical Professional

Practice Knowledge

9c & 9n
Artifact #5: Standard #1 Principal n/a n/a Claim 1: 4c n/a Standard 2.1 n/a Standard of

Survey Learner #1, #2, & Subject Collaborator & 3.1 Care,
Analysis Development #3 matter Respect,
“The Standard #3 Claim 2:
Importance Learning Pedagogy &
of Outdoor Environments Best

Education” Teaching
Standard #5
Application of

Content Claim 3:

Standard #8

Instructional CAEP

Strategies Standard 1.1

Content and



Artifact # 6: Standard #9 Principal n/a n/a Claim 1: 4c n/a Standard 2.1 n/a Standard of

DASA Professional #1 Subject Collaborator & 3.1 Care, Trust,

Learning and matter Respect,

Ethical Integrity,
Claim 2:
Practice Ongoing
Pedagogy &
Standard #10 Best
Leadership Teaching

and Practices

Claim 3:



Standard 1.1

Content and


Artifact #7: Standard #9 Principal n/a n/a Claim 1: n/a n/a Standard 2.1 n/a Standard of

SAVE Professional #1 Subject & 3.1 Care, Trust,

Certificate. Learning and matter Respect,

Ethical Integrity,
Claim 2:
Practice Ongoing
Pedagogy &
Standard #10 Professional
Leadership Learning

Claim 3:



Standard 1.1

Content and



Artifact # 8: Standard #3 Principal 3: n/a n/a Claim 1: n/a Standard 6: Principle 6: n/a Ethic

Theorist Learning Educators Subject Professional Using Standard of

Presentation Environments commit to matter Learning and evidence, Care
, Howard
Standard #9 their own Leadership instructional
Gardner Claim 3:
Professional learning in data,
and the Caring
Learning and order to research,
Theory of
Ethical develop CAEP and
Practice their Standard 1.1 professional
practice Content and knowledge

Pedagogical to inform

Knowledge practice

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