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Alyssa Fisher

My public health interest stemmed while in high school when my father was diagnosed with leukemia.
Prior to his diagnoses I was unaware of what I wanted to study or dedicate my life to and now the drive
to help others diagnosed with cancer is my number one priority. I will channel this goal by working to
become a radiation therapist to assist patients undergoing radiation treatment. Though cancer is a tricky
illness I want to be there for the worst and best cases for no one deserves to feel alone or hopeless
while suffering from this disease. What I value most about this profession is that it takes more than just
academic and technical skills to do the job well but also have the skill of compassion and sensitivity to
aid in both the physical and mental state of the patient.
Public health is a major with substance, each topic worth understanding to better oneself for the
betterment of others. With my interest being in the field of radiation I will be able to apply the topic of
tertiary prevention through my work. Tertiary prevention is a form of rehabilitation for individuals who
have already been impaired or dependent and aims to limit the impact of the disease present. Radiation
therapy is a treatment for cancer using high-volume energy beams to kill cancer cells in a specific
location on the patient’s body. An important duty relating to tertiary prevention is the explanation done
with the patient to educate them about further treatment plans after radiation.
After graduating from the University of North Florida in the summer of 2021, I plan to attend
Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, Florida to complete a certification for radiation therapy. The
first two years following graduation I will be dedicating my time to complete my Associate in Science
(AS) degree in radiation therapy to then continue to achieve my radiation therapy college credit
certification. Healthcare has the beauty of being there to provide support, help, and possible recovery
for those with whatever physical or mental ailment possessed. Keeping this in mind now and when
working as a healthcare provider in the field of radiation therapy will give me the ability to give one
hundred percent of my effort to every patient I encounter.

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