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Curriculum Map: Course: Introduction to Civics 9 Unit: Rights, Responsibilities, and Duties Subject: Social Studies Timeline: 28 days Brief Summary of Unit Tracing the¥ history 19 Revalulion hat berated her oneesiars rom a epresive gavemnment, Americans cherish Individual rights and the freedoms. Tis background led to the establishment of a ropubcon form of government Ina democrotic republic, the people retain power By having o voice In govemnment ond a quorantee of fundamentalrights. fo keep the republic. ne people hve to caxty oul cerioin responsi ond duties. Inthe Rights Responsiiies and Duties Unit stuserts wil examine their reedoms, nek resporsmilifes onc dures as well as the balance between the two. The material wl focus on the rights elated to poltical expression, the fights cf the eccused and suffrage rghis. It wil aso exclore the expansion of freedom through he Civil Rights Movement ‘Competencies/Academic Standards #5119 A- Apply excmples ofthe rule of law cs related to individual igh ond the common good. © 5.19C-Analyze the principles and ideals that snape tre Unted States government. ‘9 Uberty/freedom + 5.19-Compore nd conivas the botic ideal end pxinciples found in signiicant documents © Declaration of independence © United States Constitution © allot Rights © _Pennsylvonia Constitution ‘© 529 .&-Contrast ie rights ond responsbites cf citzen ina democracy with ¢ citizen in an authoritrion system, ‘+ 529- Analyze citzers' role in the poltical process toward the aticinment of goals forthe incividucland the pubic geos, + 539D-Expicin how citizens participate in choosing thelr leaders through poltical paties, campaigns, and ‘elections, + 539H-Evcluate the importance a! reecom o! the press and the pica! influence of mass mecia. © CC.85:7-10 8: Determine the central idoas or information of ¢ primary or socondaxy source: provide on accurate summary of how key events ideas develop over Ihe course of Ihe ext © CCB59-10D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text including vocotoulary esctiving poltical, social, or economic ospects of hsiory/social science. © CCB6.9-10 C: Produce clear and coherent wifing in which the development, organization, and she ore ‘oppropricte fo tosk. purpose, and audience, + CC8.89-10F: Conduct shor! es well a: more suslcined research projects to answer @ question (including & seli-genercted question) or sole a problem: narrow or broaden the inquly when cpprepriate: synthesize multiple fources on the subject, demonstrating uncerstancing of tne subject under investigation (CC.8.69-10H: Draw evidence from informational fexs fo supper! analysis, reflection. and research. 3 6C.8.6.97-101 write routinaly over extended fime frames (ine for ellection one roviion) ond shorter time tromos [osingie sitting ora day or two) for oronge o diciptine-speciic tasks, purposes, and audiences. 215.4128 Evaluate the impact of social. lego. ethical and sofe behaviors on dito ctizenstip. Big Ideas: studenis wil understand that: ‘= A thoughtful eltzen evaluates ne accuracy of communications and cnesyzes media sources attempting to influence the pudic ogenda, + Cifaens understons their ighs ond practice their responsi in a vibrant society. * Anengaged citizen's oifeiong leorner continuing fo benef rom internal maturly and external influences * Chil dcoure and though deliberation are necossary to promote the common good and protect ihe Inavidval ©The rights Americans ore guaranteed allow them to express. defend, ond protect themselves torn ‘euihotriorir, Essential Questions: + How does tne Bil of Rights protect Americans ftom government abuses? ‘© How hos universal sutage been established in he United States? | How have the nghis of al Amercars bean expanded throughout our history? = __What should cilzers be required and encouroged fo do on behalt of ihe nation? Knowledge: Students wil knove fs The rahi tat protect ree expression The ighis ofthe occured The fights for self-protection ond protection of home ond property The amendments thal guaranteed voting ighis fo Afican-Americans, women and young people Themis ploced on certains rights The influence of the Civil Rights Movement in expanding treedom Te landmark Supreme Court Cases elated to righls and protections The duties thet cifzare ore required to perform 3 _the resconsbities hal cilzars ore encouraged fo carry out Essential Skills/Objectives: Students wi. + 2xplain how the Fist Amendment protects religious teedor and tree expression and the mis placed on those righ. 1+ Analyze the competing interpretations of the 2nd Amendment ain how the 4”, 5". 6" ond 8° Amendments protect people cccused af aime from urjust conviction and punishmont + Bqploin how property k protected by the Sih Amendment *Ewploin how vorious grcups of Americans fought for and won sutrage fights iden key fgures and avonts of ihe Chil Rights Movement ‘Angie the role of the Supteme Cour in nterpreting rhs and protections Compare and contrast the nights people have os eizers cf Penmyivaria withthe ights they hove as US. clizens Identity ond analyze the duties and responsible of clizens | voluate ¢ current erhisterical topic related to guranteed rights {Evaluate tha valety ond reliably of online information Performance Tasks/Major Assessment: studonts wil Gemonstrate undesstonding: * Completion of a content-based test © Cotins Type 3 wating #_!Search project Learning Activities: Stucen's wl work ioword mastery of the desked culcomes by participating in ‘+ Informational eodng + Teachered Sides presentations + Completing worksheets (Dees ond Forme! oleted to informational readings ‘Close reading of curent event aricles Examining websites ‘Composing written responses using Colins weting Tang notes Engaging in class discussions ‘Viewing insructional viseos ‘eacherled Common Sense Technology presentations Essential Vocabulary & Definition ‘Assembly -@ gathenne of people 2 Boi Money or property an aceuten parson ghves fo the court that guarantaes thay wil show up fori allot Rights the fst fen amencimenls fo the US. Constitution that cutie cizens’ rights ond protections from the goverment + Givdrights- personal ights that ensure equality cmong citizens © Counsel A person trained in tne laws wha arate peope with legal matters and during coust casos: an attomey or lawyer ousie jeopardy - being put on hrial more than once forthe same crime: Due proces: ~ lay opalving the law and protecting tho rights of an accused person before he can be denied Ne, Ioerty or property ‘= Eminent domoin— the power of the goverment fo toke private property for public use + Granctatner clause A part of store Constiutons thet alowed peopl fo vate enly i hel father or grandfather dbeen allowed to vole 3nd jury -A gtoup of elizens that examine evicionce against an cecused criminal end determine whether or nol 'o charge hem with a crime and pu! them on rial Grievances - complaints Jim Crow - nome given to segregation lowsin the South “st compensation - fe payment itercey test text given to people fo pxove they con read ond write before being allowed to regisler fo vote Petition to ast (usually through a written formal request Poll fax—a toxrequited in order te vote Fres:- ine madia {newspopars, TV news, ef) that repost news fo the public Frobable cause - Evidence that indicates ¢ crmne ha: been committed,

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