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Section One: Teacher Candidate Introduction to the Elementary Portfolio Project

Introduction, Overview and Rationale

Becoming a teacher is a commitment to becoming a life long learner:

“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn”.
This quote by Ignacio Estrada (Gutierrez, 2014) summarizes the type of educator I have
become and will continue to be. My experience at Medaille has taught me how important it is to
be a multi faceted teacher who not only creates and delivers engaging lessons but also
prioritizes creating a safe learning environment through love, compassion, and understanding
the needs of my students. By developing an in-depth understanding of each learner I will be
able to create a psychologically safe environment for every learner, determine each student's
readiness for learning, identify multiple access points to the curriculum to increase engagement
and success, and develop and demonstrate greater emotional intelligence in the classroom. In
addition to creating a safe learning environment I aim to create a learning environment that
fosters the development of future change makers. I am dedicated to creating a classroom where
my students can learn to become change makers in their local communities and in the world. I
integrate outdoor education ,sustainability, and human rights into my lesson plans and I hope
that when my students find an issue they care about they will have my support and the tools
they need to take action to solve it or bring awareness to it.
Portfolio Overview and Rationale
My portfolio contains six sections; an introduction to the portfolio project, background
experiences, eight to ten artifacts, curriculum and professional alignments, reflection, and a
teacher candidate interview video. You will learn about my previous experiences and work
history and how I ended up on the path of becoming an elementary educator. You will see the
meaning and passion I put into my work through the artifacts I include.
Portfolio Development Revise this part- briefly describe each of the six sections in a paragraph
for each.
The first section of the portfolio is the introduction, this section will introduce this
portfolio to you and outline the connections I've had from my past educational and work
experiences to my teaching philosophy. Teaching strategies and educational theorists will be
linked to my educational philosophy.
Section two is called Teacher Candidate Background Experiences. In this section of my portfolio
I have outlined all of my life experiences that have led me to becoming a qualified elementary
school educator. In this section you will get to know me and understand why I have chosen to
be an educator. To highlight my teacher candidate background experiences I will include my
educational and work related experiences, my resume and philosophy of education.
Section three of the portfolio is called Teacher Candidate Artifacts. The artifacts will show you
my abilities to create effective lesson plans, my abilities in using differentiated instruction and
assessment in the classroom and my approach to a universal design for learning in all aspects
of my teaching content. Not only do these artifacts display my ability to plan, instruct and
assess, but also how I utilize technology in the classroom. Technology has become one of the
most important tools in education today. The access to information and the creation of flipped
classrooms has opened up a whole new world for educators and students. The worldwide
COVID19 pandemic has taught educators that virtual classrooms are necessary and we need to
become fluent in delivering virtual learning experiences. The artifacts that will showcase my
technological aptitude are my; Google Classroom, Cyber Safety presentation using Google
Classroom, Weebly Website, Screen Castify, and Online Behaviour and Classroom
Management Tools Presentation. My lesson plans include technology and demonstrate how I
access online tools for differentiated instruction.
Section four of the portfolio, Alignment to Curriculum and Professional Standards highlights how
professional standards and their purpose are connected to each of the artifacts presented in the
previous section. The standards that I will be using to support my artifacts and their significance
to me as an educator are the NYS Learning standards, Ontario Ministry of Education Learning
Standards, INTASC Standards, NYS Code of Ethics for Educators, Ontario Teachers Ethical
Standards, P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards (ELA, Math and Social
Studies),TEAC/CAEP Claims, International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and
Students (ISTE), Council for Exceptional Children (ECE), Dignity for All Students Act (DASA),
and Child Abuse Awareness and Violence SAVE.
Section five of the portfolio is called the Teacher Candidates Reflection. In this section I will
reflect on my experiences on my path to becoming an educator and my experience developing
this portfolio.
The final section is the Teacher Candidate Interview Video and this will contain a video of a
mock job interview where I will highlight all of my abilities as a teacher.
Theories, Theorists and Experts in the Field of Education

My educational philosophy and ideologies have been formed by a few theorists and educational
philosophers. The educational theorists/philosophers I’ve included are; Howard Gardner, Henry
David Thoreau,Jane Goodall, Henry Wong, Maria Montessouri, and Henry Wong. Howard
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences is very important to the way that educators teach.
Gardner proposes that humans learn, remember, perform and understand in different ways. For
instance, Gardner developed eight intelligences: Verbal-Linguistic, LogicalMathematical,
Musical, Visual-Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalist. Using
Gardner's multiple intelligences theory can help teachers determine which learning style
category their students fall under. This information empowers teachers with knowledge on how
to best present and assess students. For example, a student with visual-spacial learning style
may benefit from puzzle building, painting , constructing etc., a kinaesthetic learner will benefit
by being able to move while reciting rote facts, or connecting yoga poses when learning letters
and sounds.
Harry Wong and his theory on classroom management. Wong mentions that effective teachers
manage their classroom and ineffective teachers discipline their classroom. Teachers will have
to teach the procedures and routines then rehearse them with the students and to insure that
the behaviour is consistent, teachers must reinforce the behaviour. I have learned a lot about
the best teaching practice of classroom management from Wong and will provide examples of it
in my artifacts.
Henry David Thoreau was an American essayist, poet, and philosopher.A leading
transcendentalist,and he is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in
natural surroundings. He truly believed in living in harmony with the natural world.
Thoreau’s philosophies were the basis of environmentalism, equality, sustainable living, and a
truly meaningful life (Furtak, 2019).
Jane Goodall is one of the worlds most influential women in science and is one of the
earths most effective change makers. She has made great scientific contributions to the world
and is an educator who “walks the talk” and models how to live sustainable on this earth (Jane
Goodall Institute of Canada, 2020). I will be using Jane Goodall’s curriculum in my classroom.
Maria Montessori is another woman who has greatly influenced my teaching philosophy. It is
important for educators to give students the opportunity to explore the ideas on their own in a
meaningful way.


A teacher is someone who has to be a lifelong learner themselves. The learning that I have
done through Medaille’s Masters of Science in Elementary Education has already change my
conceptual framework of the world and myself. Continuing on the learning journey is important
to stay passionate and current for the students who deserve a teacher who knows their content
and who challenges them to think critically, be kind human beings, encourage emotional
intelligence, and helps them reach their full potential in life. An effective teacher understands the
content they teach and uses a variety of instructional alternatives in their classroom. I strive to
be a teacher who continues to listen, understand, and provide a dynamic classroom setting
where all students feel welcome, supported, and appreciated.

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