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Logarithm Notes


A Logarithm is another word for index or power.

The logarithm of a number to a given base:

is defined as the power/index to
which the base MUST BE RAISED in order to give that stated/or given number.

Base logarithm = Number


Number = Base logarithm

Example 1. 23 = 8

Interpreted as : The base 2 must be raised to the power/index 3 to obtain 8

Or 3 is logarithm with which a base of 2 gives 8

Or 3 is the power/index to which the base 2 must be raised to get 8.

And so 23 = 8 maybe written simply as

3 = log2 8 ↔ 8 = 23

Interpreted as : 3 is the logarithm with which a base 2, gives 8

1 –2
Example 2. ( ) = 25 ⇔ –2 log 1/5 25

Interpreted as: –2 is the logarithm with which a base gives 25

Example 3. 83 = 512

3 log8 512

At the introductory level one uses common logarithm i.e. to base 10

The logarithm of a number to the base 10 is abbreviated or denoted as:

log10 or lg
Logarithm Notes

 NB – The logarithm of a negative number does not exist, i.e. there is NO index/power for
given base that would result in a negative number.

 NB – The logarithm/index/power of a positive number to base 10, is simply put the

power of 10 that would give you that positive number.

If y = 10x x – logarithm/index/power

y – positive number.

The Laws/Rules of Logarithms

Let loga b ≡ x and loga c ≡ y

. . ax ≡ b and ay ≡ c

Hence (ax) (ay) ≡ bc

a x + y ≡ bc

. . x + y ≡ loga b c

loga b + loga c ≡ loga b c ..... Identity [1]

Hence (ax) ≡ b
(ay) c

a x– y ≡ b
. . x – y ≡ loga b

loga b – loga c ≡ loga b . . . . . Identity [2]


If your number has an index/power/logarithm already such as b and this logarithm is different
from the logarithm you seek z then

Let loga bn ≡ z
Logarithm Notes

az ≡ bn

Taking n√ of both sides

√ az ≡ n√ bn

And so az/n ≡ b

Expressed in logarithm form z

loga b ≡ n OR n logab ≡ z

logab n ≡ n logab .... Identity [3]

 NB – With the aid of the Three identities any expression such as maybe written in terms
of loga and logb .

 NB – When the base is not specified as in an expression such as the one above can have
any value, but must be the same in each term.

Example log a2 ≡ log a2 – log b3

log a2 ≡ 2 log a – 3 log b

Changing the Base of a Logarithm

Since tables are not readily available which list the values of expressions such as


However to solve an expression as the one above requires changing the Base of the logarithm

Step 1. Write the expression log7 2 = x

in index form
. . 7x = 2

Step 2. Changing the base from, log 7x = log 2

base 7 to base 10. By
taking log’s to the base 10 x log 7 = log 2
of the expression.
Logarithm Notes

Step 3. Transpose the new expression x = log 2

for x, and solve. log 7

x = 0.3010 = 0.3562

Then log72 ≡ x = 0.3562

A General Formula for Changing from base a to b

If loga c = x

Then ax = c

And so taking log to the base b which one wants to make the change to, of both sides of the
expression, one gets.

logb ax ≡ logb c

x logb a ≡ logb c

Hence x = logb c
logb a

loga c = logb c . . . Identity [4]

logb a

 NB – In the special case when c = b

Then loga b ≡ logb b (since logbb ≡ 1)

logb a

loga b ≡ 1 . . . . . .Identity [5]

logb a

Solving Exponential Equations (i.e. the unknown variable is an index/power)

Example 1. Solve the equation 5x = 10

Step 1. By taking logs of both lg 5x = lg 10

sides of the equation one
brings down the index.
Logarithm Notes

Step 2. Simplify the equation x lg 5 = lg 10

Step 3. Transpose and solve x = lg 10 =

for the variable lg 5

Solving an Exponential Equation by making it a Quadratic Equation

Example 2. Solve the equation 22x + 3(22x) – 4 = 0

 NB – Taking logs of this type of equation is pointless/futile, a waste of time. Since the
log of the L.H.S. cannot be simplified.

Step 1. Since the equation has 22x + 3(22x) – 4 = 0

2x as a factor. By substituting y22x y2 + 3y – 4 = 0
2x changes the equation to a quadratic
in terms of y.

Step 2. Solve the quadratic y2 + 3y – 4 = 0

equation for y a = 1, b = 3, c = – 4

y2 + 4y – y – 4 = 0
(y2 + 4y) + ( – y – 4) = 0
y(y + 4y) – (y + 4) = 0
(y – 1) (y + 4) = 0
y = 1 or y = – 4

So 2x = – 4 or 2x = 1

And since there are no real values for x (i.e. that there is no index/power for a given base
that would give a l – ve number).

Hence 2x = – 4 (does not have a value for x.)

Thus the only logical solution to the equation is that

2x = 1, thereby making x = 0

Solving an equation using Natural Logarithms

Example 3. Solve equations xy = 80 and lg x – lg y = 1 for x and y

Step 1. Arrange and number xy = 8 . . . .(1)

each equation as a pair lg x – 2 lg y = 1 . . . .(2)
of simultaneous equations
Logarithm Notes

Step 2. Using the Laws of Logarithms lg x – 2 lg y = 1

Simplify (2)
→ lg x = 1 Using rule [2]

Step 3. Transpose (2) for x → x = 10 ↔ x = 10y2


Step 4. Substitute in the value xy2 = 80

for x in (1) 10y × y = 80
10y3 = 80 → y3 = 80 = 8
. 10
. . y =8

Step 5. Solve for both y and x y3 = 8 and x = 10y2

y3 = 3√ 8 x = 10(2)2
y=2 x = 40

Solving an equation by Changing the base

Example 4. Solve the equation log3x – 4 lgx 3 + 3 = 0

Step 1. Make the bases logx 3 ≡ 1

analogous(same) log3x
By changing the
base of the 2nd term to
1st term using the identity
loga b = 1
logb a

Step 2. Substitute in the new form log3 x – 4 1 +3=0

2nd term in the equation. log3 x

log3 x – 4 + 3=0
log3 x

log3 x – 4 + 3 ≡ (log3 x)2 – 4 + 3 log3 x = 0

log3 x

Step 3. Make the expression into

The quadratic form, by (log3 x)2 – 4 + 3 log3 x ≡ y2 + 3y – 4 = 0
substituting in the y for
the log3 x.

Step 4. Solve the quadratic equation y2 + 3y – 4 = 0

for y. ac = – 4 → [ 4 × – 1]
Logarithm Notes

b = 3 →[ 4 × – 1]
y2 + 4y – y – 4 = 0
(y2 + 4y) + ( – y – 4 ) = 0
y(y + 4) – (y + 4) = 0
(y – 1) (y + 4) = 0
y=1, y=–4

Step 5. Solve for the value since the log3 x = y

for x in the equation
log3 x = – 4 Or log3 x = 1

x = 3 – 4 Or x=3

x= 1 = 1 Or x = 3
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