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MPU 3022 - Essay Writing.

Question: (Expository essay) Advances in technology has given rise to a variety

of issues. Discuss how the advent of digital technology has impacted netizens

The current trend of development has had a profound impact on our lives. We cannot
cope with this development without building a new civilization in our lives. Over the last fifty
years, digital technology has become a particularly important source of knowledge in modern
society. According to Encyclopedia (2003) Amerika engineers began developing digital
technology in the mid-twentieth century. We can say these times as the technological age
because of the today’s dependence on technology. Technological products are available
everywhere and everyone is using it. Now we are living in the 21 st century the are many
inventions of science and digital technology in our daily life like computer, laptop, smart phone,
and robot. So, let’s we discuss how the advent of digital technology has impacted netizens
Globally. Based on this topic we will explain the advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, there are at least three benefits why people use digital technology in their
daily life. Digital technology development can simplify one business and can help us to save
time. So, we can spend more time on important tasks or we can do more work at a same
time[ CITATION Jer18 \l 1033 ]. In other way, we can make any assessment in daily life fast and
easy, so we can have more time to plan something else. This is because, we can see that
whatever the government of private affairs in the employment sector is done online. For
example, government matters such as utility bill payments, banking matters and job applications
through the online resume system. However, with the advent of such technology, it will make it
easier for us to settle the bill in our home and will no longer have to line up just to settle their

Besides that, digital technology also makes it easy to find information. Digital technology
enables the storage of massive amounts of information in relatively small spaces[ CITATION
Pau19 \l 1033 ]. To make it right, with the advent of this information and communication
technology, it will make it easier for youths to access any knowledge related to education and
make it easier to know the current world or current content through daily online news, daily rays
and so on. This will broaden the minds of the youth as they lean towards crafting access to an
important issue. Not only that, we also know that humans are inseparable from advanced
information and communication technologies and this is because humans are also inseparable
from this information and communication technology. So, the digital technology obviously can
make us easy to find information.

Furthermore, it facilitates and encourages communication with each other without

boundaries. You can easily communicate in a matter of seconds through emails, text and other
messaging applications[ CITATION Sha19 \l 1033 ]. This is because the presence of social sites
like Facebook, Twitter, Blogger and others will indirectly lead to more and more communication
between people whether it is important or not. Through social sites, it will make it easier for
people to communicate online especially with friends, family members and more. For those who
are study abroad can still have a good communication with their family like video cam with
Skype. Therefore, it is undeniable that this communication will also foster closer relationships
with each other. It is clear that digital technology can promotes communication.

However, life surround by cutting edge of technology has given birth to a simple human
life. Digital technology not only gave the benefits but have the disadvantages, there are at least
three disadvantages of digital technology. Abuse of this technology indicates that users cannot
control their own behavior when they use or apply technology. One of the abuses of technology
is cybercrime. According to Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department (JSJK)
recorded a loss of about RM250 million involving cybercrime cases for the first six months of
this year cybercrime refers to cyber-related activities related to technology and computers
through the Internet[ CITATION Far19 \l 1033 ]. According to the study, Internet users commit
various types of cybercrime such as fraud, damage or modification to computer programs or
data, theft of information, spreading viruses and spam mail.

Next, technology digital also can do creating plagiarism in education. With advanced
technology, most of the tasks that require skills such as drawing, counting, writing have been
completed by computers. Today's youth is becoming lazier and losing certain skills with
increasing dependence on computers. For example, typing and counting using computers and
counting machines will cause students' writing and thinking skills to decline. Communication
problems and plagiarism can also occur with the use of technology in education. There are
several forms of plagiarism practiced. These include direct misrepresentation of words,
paragraphs or any material derived from other people's derivative material without due diligence
in recognizing the source of such scientific material [ CITATION Ett15 \l 1033 ]. With today 'world at
the fingertips' technology on the internet, it is acknowledged that a student is able to prepare his
or her paper or thesis in a fast way.

Never the last, in this era digital technology can make our time wasted. According to
Kenneth Goldsmith (2016) in her book Wasting Time on the Internet, digital technology have
many thing and million of fun, entertainment, story and a lot of information it can make us
amaze and did not realize what the times is running out .The thrill of surfing social sites like
Facebook, Twitter, and playing virtual games online causes one to spend a lot of time. The most
noticeable effect is for students who spend their time surfing the internet ignoring school and
study time. An employee's productivity will also decline if he is too lazy to surf the internet.

In conclusion, digital technology advances are expected to have a positive impact on its
use. The negative effects of digital technology advances should be taken into consideration by
the government and the responsible party to prevent these negative symptoms. Digital
technology users should also be smarter in assessing each content received by digital
technology users.

Encyclopedia. (2003). Digital Technology. From
Faris. (2019). JSJK rekod kerugian RM250 juta jenayah siber. Kuala
Lumpur: BH, New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd.
Goldsmith, K. (2016). Wasting Time on the Internet. London: Harper Collins
Goodman, P. (2019). 16 Advantages of Digital Technology. From
Indriati, E. (2015). Strategi Hindari Plagiarisme. Jakarta: PT Gramedia
Pustaka Utama.
Jeroen & Ivo Van. (2018). Digital Technology in Physical Education :
Gloobal Perspectives . Milton Park, Abingdon: Routledge.
Mike, S. (2019). How is Human Resources Evolving with Technology? San
Francisco: HR Technologist.

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