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Answer each of the following questions in one paragraph.

1. What are your limitations as a person? What are the factors affecting your

My limitations have many factors affecting it. what the mind can conceive of, the mind can
achieve as well ,this is a saying says that, there's no limit to what we can do in life as long as we
have the motivation to do it, and that is my limitation for I lack motivation to do something. this
only affects to those things that is possible for a human.

2. What are your strengths? What do you think are the possible things that you can
reach or achieve in the future?

My strengths are that is that I adapt depending on the situation given to me.
With that I think I can stay alive for a long time, hopefully, and during that time of
me adapting to different situation make me capable in overcoming some of my

3. Explain the role of Transcendence in overcoming your limitations.

Transcendence is a way to overcome our limitations for it enables one to overcome

oneself or being in control despite the body’s natural inclinations. There are different
ways to transcend and my way is to Set Targets, for one will have difficulty in improving
if you don’t know what to improve, and to continue to do something to reach that

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