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1.What is the essay about? What is its thesis?Being a Man is an essay written by Paul Theroux.

The text revolves around the idea of the negative effects of being a man from his own
perspective. Theroux, inhis piece, argues that a man is oppressed by gender expectations,
despite living in the world where women are belittled in comparison to men. Theroux attempts
to explain the gap of the two opposing genders. Furthermore, Theroux as well proposed his idea
that because of the stigma surrounding gender roles, men feel like they dislike being men. The
thesis statement is in paragraph ten which states that, “Everything in stereotyped manliness
goes against the life of the mind.”

2.How did Paul Theroux develop the essay’s thesis?He started with referencing a sentence that
supports his belief on the awful thing of being a man. He described and elaborated his strong
dislike on the society’s ideal and concept of manhood/manliness. He elucidated, basing from his
opinion,society's view of manliness and what it means to "be a man." Throughout the essay,
Theroux tried to entice the audience to his idea and understanding of his disgust for the
contemporary world's "insulting" idea of masculinity.

3.What do you think is the purpose of the writer?

Theroux’s purpose in writing "Being a Man" is primarily to beget awareness of the
oppression the two genders face, particularly in men. The reason why Theroux
wrote his piece was because of feminist movements. Feminism has allowed
women to strive more equality because that’s what it means to be a woman. He
compared the two opposing genders and find common ground against the type of
oppression they are facing. He elucidated the struggle of being a man and a
woman. Since he stated that the society is considered men as a light of strength
The purpose of an author in being a man is to look to his own perspective and able to
interact to his own work as it's own opinion, this is also needed so people can relate to
the author's work without misunderstanding or miscommunication.

4.What are the words you found difficult to understand?

The following words that i am not familiar with:

● Treacherous- guilty of or involving or deception.
● Obnoxious- extremely unpleasant.
● Subverted- to overturn or overthrow from the foundation.
● Inadequacy- the state or condition of being inadequate insufficiency. Something
● Coquettishness- describes woman’s flirtatious manner.
● Affliction- something causes pain or suffering
● Oppressive- unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority or
other subordinate group.
● Pugnacity- the quality of wanting to start an argument or fight , or of expressing
an argument or opinion very forcefully.
5. Are the concepts mentioned in the text that you are not unfamiliar with?

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