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"Cleaning your Worries away" The word CLEAN, when emphasized, gives
a clear and distinctive notion of something, which can be the stain, dirt,
unwanted matter(any contamination) or even your thoughts. The quality
or the state of being clean as well as achieving and maintaining that
state defines Cleanliness. A person finds himself calm and positive while
in the cleanliness but on the contrary the poor and unhygienic
environment can lead to bad physical well-being and affect directly on
his behaviour and mental health. Reflecting the Gandhian ideology, he
said-"Sanitation is more important than Independence''. He pointed out
the necessary factor which should be embedded into one's conscience
before asking for the Freedom. Without the clean environment all
around, a person can not live with peace and bring positivity in his
mind. Cleanliness is the first law of Health. We see, many of our house
members like mother and grandmother are very strict about cleanliness
before worshipping; it's just about making cleanliness our habit.
Instead, they adopt a different way by not telling us the main purpose
and benefits of clean place to worship. It directly influences our mental
and intellectual health which they illogically convey to their children.
Similarly, bathing everyday, nail biting, wearing clean and ironed clothes
are some of the activities which are said regularly to us to not forget
them. These are some practices that one should follow everyday and
include in their lifestyle. We should never compromise with our Page 1 of 3
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cleanliness. We can't deny the fact that livelihood in a clean and healthy
environment within the society can bring prosperity to the nation as
well. As mentioned in the epic Sanskrit texts and various events of the
Indian history, 'Diwali', celebrated as the Indian festival of lights and
also observed as a mass involvement of people cleaning their own
homes. In the lead-up to diwali, people prepare by Cleaning, Renovating
and Decorating their homes and shops. This profound activity of
cleaning areas from our surroundings support the fact of importance of
cleanliness. From early times, the idea of cleanliness has been shaping
its way in people with different means and concepts. It is also
developing the importance of the notion of cleaning the surrounding in
our society. It is a part of responsibility that everybody should posses in
themselves to bring clean and hygienic surrounding. Maintaining
cleanliness is an essential exercise because it plays an important role in
refining our personality, both internally and externally. Being unhealthy
and less immune towards any disease are in most cases the symptoms
of unhealthy and unclean practices someone follows. To avoid these
practices, some policies are also enacted and implemented by
environmental organisations. Last year the theme of World Environment
Day was 'Air Pollution', which can be sensed as keeping our atmosphere
fresh and tidy. Therefore we need to observe our surroundings clean if
we want to avoid harmful diseases. People who have second-class
habits of not cleaning the surroundings are also the reason of spreading
infections and harmful diseases. Therefore we should take care of our
internal and external hygiene to impart morally good well-being and
qualities in the society. Government Iconic "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan"
was one of India's biggest Cleanliness Drive Ever, which covered every
city and as many as towns and villages in India. The Campaign aims at
cleaning Streets, Roads, Public places and Infrastructures. As the
government's mega project and was influenced and promoted by
prominent celebrities and politicians, it developed a significant sense of
Cleanliness and Hygienic Environment. The mass movement, promotion,
coordination and strategies developed by government inculcated the
concept of clean and healthy environment within every individual of the
society. This project was indeed the demand of deteriorating
environmental conditions. Although the task of cleaning the 'Bharat' is a
mammoth, people still have the motivational inspiration to pick up and
put every disposal and unwanted rubbish into the Garbage bins.
Government is also putting their best effort to make sure proper
implementation of the Project. The Cleanliness operators are collecting
waste daily, Hygiene Inspections by local counsellors and the
engagement of Panchayat and Government bodies, all these activities
on the ground level spreading the awareness to pledge for the clean
India among the people. There are other Campaign too such as
'Namami Gange Project', ''First Toilet, Then Temples', like missions
which aimed to build easily available and affordable toilets in public
places and the idea was smashed to smithereens by the Mantra: ‘Pehle
Sauchalaya, Fir Devalaya (First Toilets, Then Temples) given by
honourable prime minister Narendra Modi, to reach to every poor and
rural area of the society. Some organization like Central Pollution
Control Board(CPCB) also promotes cleanliness of surrounding in
different areas of state by prevention, abatement and controlling
different polluting bodies and activities. All these outstanding projects Page 2 of 3
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fascinated the strength of Gandhian philosophy of being a clean and

organized society among people. Cleanliness is not an act that can be
done to get some paid earnings rather one should adopted in this in his
daily routine. This is not a work of getting attention or some respect to
attract a particular group to get recognised with some entitles. This is
the work of virtuousness and we should do it peacefully to keep us
healthy at Physical, Social, Mental and Intellectual Level. The Traits
involved Endurance, Attentiveness, Consistency, Punctuality, and Pride
towards his job to work with complete Joy and Passion. Some people
find cleaning very exhausting work. But on a positive note, if you could
burn hundreds of calories an hour by cleaning the workplace and your
surroundings, it will not deprived you of oxygen! "CLEANING IS ALL
LIFE". Page 3 of 3

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