Sociology Abstract

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TITLE OF THE PROJECT :- Crimes against Children.

RESEARCH PROBLEM :- Crimes against children in the society.
RESEARCH DESIGN :- This is a Doctrinal type of research.
 Dependent Variable : Crimes against children
 Independent Variable : Vulnerability of Children, Exploitation of Children, Lack of
Protection and Family Support

HYPOTHESIS : Relation between Crimes against Children and Vulnerability of Children

and lack of Protection and Family Support.
SOURCES OF DATA :- Books, Internet and Journals.
ANALYSIS OF DATA :- There are many crimes against children in the present
situation.These crimes are high in East Asia and Pacific. This led to increase in Crimes and
offences against children. Indian Government enacted many laws to protect child rights.
According to UNICEF violence against child can be ‘Physical and mental abuse and injury,
neglect or negligent treatment, exploitation and sexual abuse. Violence may take place in
homes, schools, orphanages and in places of detention. Such violence can affect the
development of child impairing their mental, physical and social being. Generally the
offences committed against children or in which children were affected are called Crimes
against Children.
 Crimes against children in India.
 Trends of in Crimes against children in India.
 Reasons for Increase in Crimes.
 Measures taken by government to Decrease these Crimes.
Crimes against Children still persists in Indian society and resulting in many
problems like Sexual Offences, Child Trafficking and child labour and other various
problems. The government of India is taking required measures to decrease following
problems and even Indian Constitution is guaranteeing many rights which safeguards the
interest of the children.

Name of the Student –

Section-B Roll No - 2018120

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