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Professional Role Development Plan

Victoria V. Ho

College of Nursing, University of Houston

NURS 3310: Professional Role Development & Practice Issues

Professor Tracy McManaman-Bridges

November 12, 2020


Professional Role Development Plan

The role of a baccalaureate nurse is to provide direct and indirect care. In this role, nurses

are patient advocates as well as educators. This emphasizes partnering with patients in order to

support the patient’s participation in determining their healthcare decisions. The baccalaureate

nurse is expected to function within the nurse’s legal scope of practice, use clinical reasoning,

evidence-based practices, communicate and collaborate with patients, families, populations,

communities, and deliver quality patient care. Being a member of the profession and part of the

health care team, professional advocacy is a hallmark of the nursing role and requires that nurses

deliver the best care, evaluate care outcomes, and provide leadership in improving care.

Member of Profession

The baccalaureate nurse is expected to function within the nurse’s legal scope of practice

and in accordance with the policies and procedures of the employing health care institution or

practice setting (Texas Board of Nursing, 2011). The nurse must hold themselves accountable to

abide by policies and procedures, using them as a guide in different work environments to ensure

they are providing the best and efficient patient care. For instance, a professional nurse

demonstrates being a member of the profession by reporting unsafe practice of health care

personnel. The nurse must intervene as when seeing improper care or abuse of patients.

A vocational nurse assumes responsibility and accountability for the quality of nursing

care provided to patients and their families. However, a baccalaureate nurse assumes

responsibility and accountability for the quality of nursing care provided to patients, families,

populations, and communities (Texas Board of Nursing, 2011). This means the baccalaureate

nurse ensures health services are provided to not only individuals and families, but to groups and

populations as well. The nurse may demonstrate providing health care services to communities

by helping in a rural prenatal clinic that serves migrant farm workers (Rector, 2018). This allows

the nurse to assess the needs of the population and determine the appropriate services to give.

The professional nurse must also promote the practice of professional nursing through

leadership activities and advocacy (Texas Board of Nursing, 2011). Every patient has the right to

receive just, equal, and humane treatment. A professional nurse will prevent depersonalized

services, especially within the poor and disadvantaged clients. In addition, the nurse will act as

an advocate for clients, pleading their cause of acting on their behalf. For instance, a

baccalaureate nurse may demonstrate advocacy by explaining to a client which services to expect

and receive, make referrals as needed, and write letters to agencies or health care providers

(Rector, 2018). With this, the nurse helps guide patients through the complexities and assure


Provider of Patient Centered Care

A baccalaureate nurse will determine the physical and mental health status, needs, and

preferences of culturally, ethnically, and socially diverse patients, families, populations and

communities based upon interpretation of comprehensive health assessment findings compared

with evidence-based health data and a synthesis of knowledge derived from the baccalaureate

degree nursing program of study (Texas Board of Nursing, 2011). A baccalaureate nurse will

demonstrate patient centered care by engaging in eye-to-eye contact, listening to patient’s

concerns with empathy, and use of therapeutic communication. The nurse will also look at the

needs of the whole patient and provide offer or referral to services such as peer support

programs, social workers, financial counselors, mental and emotional providers, transportation,

and daily living assistance (NEJM Catalyst, 2017).


A vocational nurse, as a provider of patient centered care, will use clinical reasoning and

knowledge based on the vocational nursing program of study and establish evidence-based

practice as the basis for decision-making in nursing practice (Texas Board of Nursing, 2011).

However, a baccalaureate nurse, as mentioned above will use clinical reasoning and knowledge

based on the baccalaureate degree nursing program of study, evidence-based practice outcomes,

and research studies as the basis for decision-making and comprehensive patient care (Texas

Board of Nursing, 2011). Nursing research is critical to the nursing profession as it has a

tremendous influence on current and future nursing practice. Knowing the importance of

research studies as basis for decision-making ensures a baccalaureate nurse will continue

advancements and promote optimal nursing care.

The professional nurse must also report data to assist in the identification of problems and

formulation of goals/outcomes and patient-centered plans of care in collaboration with patients,

their families, and the interdisciplinary health care team (Texas Board of Nursing 2011).

Reporting data gives reliable sources to other health care workers and researchers. This helps

increase further understanding of problems and improves the outcome of quality patient care.

Patient Safety Advocate

The baccalaureate nurse must also demonstrate knowledge of the Texas Nursing Practice

Act and the Texas Board of Nursing Rules that emphasize safety as well as federal, state, local,

and governmental standards (Texas Board of Nursing, 2011). This means the professional nurse

knows to not include acts of medical diagnosis or prescription of therapeutic measures (Texas

Board of Nursing, 2013). The nurse will only administer medication or treatment as ordered by a

physician, provider, etc.


A vocational nurse will assist in the formulation of goals and outcomes to reduce patient

risks. However, a baccalaureate nurse will formulate goals and outcomes using an evidence-

based and theoretical analysis of available data to reduce patient and community risks (Texas

Board of Nursing, 2011). This means the baccalaureate nurse will use principles, theoretical

models, and evidence-based risks to form the best goals regarding patients. Knowing the

difference between the two nurses regarding patient advocacy will enhance a nurse’s

comprehension and improve quality care.

The professional nurse is expected to implement measures to promote quality and a safe

environment for patients, self, and others (Texas Board of Nursing, 2011). This includes things

such as recognizing unsafe practices and clarifying any orders or treatments. For instance, the

simplest protocol of hand washing protects not only patients, but health care providers as well

from acquiring infections. Furthermore, the baccalaureate nurse may demonstrate advocacy by

double or triple check medications for the correct medication, dosage, timing, and possible drug

interactions. Implementing such measures ensures a positive effect on the provision of quality

care. Furthermore, patient advocacy saves lives, aids to maintain good health, and decreases a

nurse’s workload.

Member of the Healthcare Team

The role of a baccalaureate nurse as a member of the health care team involves

communicating and collaborating with patients, families, populations, communities, and the

interdisciplinary health care team to plan, deliver, and evaluate care (Texas Board of Nursing,

2011). For example, given a situation regarding families needing to find a good nursing home for

elderly parents, a professional community health nurse demonstrates being a member of the

health care team by collaborating with elderly patients and their families with making a list of

desired features. This includes things such as showers, access to walking trails, and contacting a

social worker to locate and visit several nursing homes (Rector, 2018). Other than directly

providing patient care, the baccalaureate nurse will also act as a coordinator of care by

identifying solutions and refer patients to helpful sources.

A vocational nurse, as a member of the healthcare team, will communicate and

collaborate with patients, their families, and the interdisciplinary health care team to assist in the

planning, delivery, and coordination of patient-centered care to assigned patients. However, as

mentioned earlier, a baccalaureate nurse will not only communicate and collaborate but also

coordinate with patients, families, populations, communities, and the health care team. The

baccalaureate nurse will also not only assist, but plan and evaluate care as well (Texas Board of

Nursing, 2011). Knowing the differences between the roles of nurses demonstrates the nurse is

adequately prepared and educated on their duty as a member of the health care team.

The baccalaureate nurse must also assign and/or delegate nursing care to other members

of the health care team based upon analysis of patient or organizational need (Texas Board of

Nursing, 2011). There will be times a baccalaureate nurse will be given more responsibility than

directly caring for a patient. The role may involve working with a team of professionals to direct

and coordinate projects. In this situation, the nurse will focus on health promotion decision-

making, initiating group therapy, directing preventative programs, and/or influencing health

policies (Rector, 2018). With this, the baccalaureate nurse will also assign and delegate tasks to

different team members to work efficiently and effectively. The nurse will ensure the daily

functioning of a department as well as support and guide others. The role of the nurse is more

than a care provider. Baccalaureate nurses will play the role of a manager, leader, and educator.


To summarize, there are many roles to a baccalaureate nurse that include direct and indirect care.

Although a vocational nurse has many roles as well, the baccalaureate nurse includes more evidence-

based research and community health practice. The baccalaureate nurse may also partake in leadership

roles where assigning and delegating tasks to other members of the health care team is key. In addition,

the nurse must also implement measures and advocate to promote the best and safe environment for

patients. Knowing how to lead, collaborate, and communicate with the patients, their families,

populations, communities, and other health care members allows nurses to fulfill their role in quality

patient care.


NEJM Catalyst. (2017, January 1). What Is Patient-Centered Care? NEJM Catalyst. Retrieved

November 12, 2020, from

Rector, C. (2018). Community and public health nursing: Promoting the public’s health (9th ed).
Wolters Kluwer
Texas Board of Nursing. (2011). Differential essential competencies. Graduates of Texas
Nursing Programs

Texas Board of Nursing. (2013). Practice - Registered Nurse Scope of Practice. Retrieved

November 12, 2020, from

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