Personal Narrative Reflection

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This assignment was a way for us to tell our story and in my case the journey to get to where I
am today. We examined an experience in our lives that affected who we are today I chose a
more emotional experience that shaped me into someone with a different and clearer
perspective of life.
I found this very useful and relevant because my writing was similar to a blueprint of my life
and I never reflected on how I’m doing up to this point in my life. After reflecting on my
progress from the low points in my life I’m very happy with how my life is going.
During this writing I felt it was easy to transfer my personal narrative to words because I keep
my thoughts bottled up in my head just waiting to be expressed.
What I learned from this assignment was that bringing your personal experiences into your
writing allows for more passion. Before this assignment I was a very closed off writer because I
didn’t think incorporating personal experiences would make my writings better. After reading
others personal narrative essays I found I enjoyed reading more personal information because I
could feel like I was talking to them in person.

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