Pereyra, Ina Paulynne P. 2019101462 Pre-Assessment Human Behavior in Organization (Hbo)

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Pereyra, Ina Paulynne P.




1. What do you understand of Organizational behavior? Explain the dynamics of relations between two people,
within small groups, two or more groups and whole systems.

From the name itself, is the study and earning of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within
the  organizations  where they work. Human behavior, focusing and attending not only to the individual but also
to the larger systemic and interactive dynamics between people. Working in groups requires a whole different
set of understanding to your surroundings. Rather than focusing on one person, you must be aware of multiple
people, various interactions, and all the process events happening in-between. Group dynamics are at the core of
understanding racism, sexism, and other forms of social prejudice and discrimination.

2. Why studying OB is important? Discuss it benefits.

The study of  organizational behavior  is a big help in a workplace. It gives us insights on how employees
behave and perform in the workplace. It helps us develop an understanding of the aspects that can motivate
employees, increase their performance, and help organizations establish a strong and trusting relationship with
their employees. It also helps any individual to understand his behavior, it works as a positive attempt in fulfilling
psychological agreement between organization and the individuals and it helps in improving functional behavior
within the organization. It helps in attaining higher productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, organizational
citizenship. It works effectively in reducing dysfunctional behavior at work place

3. Present the key forces affecting organizational behavior and discuss comprehensively its conceptual relevance.

The key forces are: People, structure, technology, and environment.

People. People make up the internal social system of the organization. That system consists of
individuals and individuals creates groups and groups may be large and small, formal and informal. Groups are
dynamic because group form, change and disband.

Structure. Structure defines the formal relationship and use of people in organization. There are
managers and employees, divide the tasks to different person with their own expertise to accomplish different
kind activities, this scenario can be related in structural way so that their work can be effectively coordinated
because there is no organization can be successful without proper coordination.

Technology.  Technology provides the resources with which people work. They cannot accomplish work
with their bare hands, technology makes our lives easier. But there is also disadvantage to a person that lacks
knowledge in using the technology. Technology decrease per unit cost and improve quality of the products and

Environment.  All organizations operate within an internal and an external environment. A single
organization does not exit alone. An organization is a part of a lager system that contains many other elements,
such as government, the family and other organizations. Any kinds of change in the environment effect the
organization. Citizens expect organizations should be socially responsible. There is a direct impact of several
tread unions of organizations.

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