Book 1 Breaking Dawn Edward's P.O

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Breaking Dawn

Book 1

(Edward’s POV)

This story is dedicated to my friend, Aurora, whose
strength, bravery, and indomitable spirit inspired me to
continue writing even when I wanted
wanted to throw my
computer out the window.

Aurora: the Dawn, Symbol of Hope
Every Morning, Without Fail
Persistent, Faithful, Light for a New Day

Aurora: Mystical Light

God’s Shining Promise
Comfort for His Children

Aurora: So Beautiful
Erasing the Shadows
Cleansing. Healing.

By Maggie Chambers
All characters and plot developments belong to Stephenie Meyer.

I have a long list of people I need to thanks. First and foremost, thank
you, Stephenie Meyer, for creating the world of Twilight, the amazing
characters, and most epic love story of our lifetime.

* * *

Thank you, also, to the websites that support Fan Fiction, especially The Twilight Saga,
Freedom Fan Fiction Writers, and Writer’s Unite. The creators of these websites have
given us a home to share our passion for The Twilight Saga. We are all in your debt.

* * *

When I first started writing in January, 2009, there were several readers who went out of
their way to encourage me. While this list is not complete, these individuals directly
contributed to the writing and success of this story:

Ben_at_Work, LisaEver, Krugness, V (Hopeless Romantic),

Panchali.TeamCullen and Jezzy the Jezebel

I am forever indebted to you guys!

* * *

There were many individuals who supported me throughout the writing process.
I need to thank my husband and children for not only tolerating my obsession, but
cheering me on and being excited for me. Also, Mary H., Katie B., Kate (Jessica),
LisaEver, TwiHigh, Debra, Aurora, and Yneone.

Certain readers went above and beyond the call of duty, promoting and sharing the
story with anyone who asked. Again, this list is not all-inclusive:

Debra, Yneone, Joanne, Lestat, Thais, Jillian, al_ain, TwiHigh, jklly12, meadusa03,
Dianne, Just_1_Fan, Talva, Victoria, twilightmomlg, Lynn . . .
The list just goes on and on. . . Thank you so much!

* * *

Finally, I had the most incredible group of proofreaders in the world.

Thank you, san_diego_gal, mortangel, Ben_at_Work, Tonya, Susan and Marli.
Without you, this story would not be what it is. You are amazing!

Finally, everyone who has read, commented, and cheered me on. You are the best!
Table of Contents

Chapter 2, Long Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 5

Chapter 3, Big Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 17

Chapter 4, Gesture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 26

Chapter 5, Isle Esme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 48

Chapter 6, Distractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 79

Chapter 7, Unexpected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 134

Ch. 2 Long Night
Song – 311, “Love Song”

“I miss you already,” Bella murmured against my lips.

We lay, intertwined on her small bed, with a thick blanket between us to protect her from
my cold skin. Bella had removed my shirt long ago and now her left hand rested against my
lower back spreading vibrant warmth and energy through my core. Her father slept in the next
room, ignorant of my presence this night and almost every night since I had returned to Forks.

“I don’t need to leave. I can stay. . .” I could not believe how time stood still while our
lips were joined, and yet time still traveled too quickly.

“Mmmm.” That simple sound was so delicious and I refused to speak again. Any further
interruptions were inexcusable. Our mouths communicated more fluently than words. Mine,
hard and unforgiving, and hers, soft and sweet and sensual. They spoke of passion and need and
the immeasurable love we shared.

I opened my eyes, fascinated by the tiny blood vessels visible beneath the thin skin of her
eyelids, the lush black lashes that fluttered where they rested against her flushed cheeks, the
thick, dark hair that framed her heart-shaped face. Bella’s eyes opened as our lips parted with a
gentle sigh.

I drowned in her eyes. But, drowning was a fate I embraced. I sank deeper and deeper,
seeing the purity of her spirit, her goodness, her indomitable strength and courage. Every time I
looked into her eyes, I fell in love again.

With her fingers buried in my hair, she pulled my face back to hers. Our lips renewed
their spontaneous dance.

“Definitely staying,” I managed to whisper several heartbeats later.

“No, no. It’s your bachelor party. You have to go.” Her words were at odds with her
body language. While she spoke, the fingers of her right hand twisted in my hair and her other
hand rested against the small of my back, pressing me lightly against her.

I stroked her face carefully, trying to find the perfect analogy for the feel of her skin
under my fingertips. There were no words to do it justice.

“Bachelor parties are designed for those who are sad to see the passing of their single
days. I couldn’t be more eager to have mine behind me. So there’s really no point.” This
modern human tradition of gathering the male family members and friends together for a night of
drunkenness and debauchery sounded neither fun nor attractive. Jasper and Emmett had been

guarding their thoughts carefully, but I was fairly certain Alice and Rosalie would not stand for
that type of revelry either.

“True.” Bella seemed happy with my reasoning. Her warm breath on my throat sealed
my decision. I was not leaving her bed unless I was forcefully removed.

Bella ran her hand softly down my body, her fingertips tracing the muscles of my chest
and stomach. Her touch was feather-light and warm, sending a jolt of electricity through my
frame. My lips quickly found hers. Her tongue brushed across my bottom lip, delicious,
tantalizing. I could not resist the sweet taste or the softness that caressed my mouth so

But I had to. I pulled back slightly, giving both of us space, however her hands gripped
my bare shoulders. I stopped, surprised.

“Wait,” she said, pressing her body against mine. I felt her leg wrap around my waist,
drawing me closer to her. The heat emanating from her body was doing strange things to me. I
was starting to have trouble concentrating on anything other than the feel of her embrace.
“Practice makes perfect,” she continued.

Chuckling softly I replied, “Well, we should be fairly close to perfection by this point,
then, shouldn’t we? Have you slept at all in the last month?”

We had spent every night in one another’s arms, kissing, talking softly about our plans,
our families, our favorite books and music. I worried about how little she was sleeping, but
whenever I pressed the subject she found another topic that she just had to question me about. It
was gratifying to me that she didn’t want to miss anything. That she wanted to spend every
moment with me. My heart thrilled with the overwhelming love I felt for her and the intense
pleasure of having it returned.

“But this is the dress rehearsal, and we’ve only practiced certain scenes. It’s no time for
playing it safe,” Bella purred with a playful smile on her lips.

My breath caught in my throat. Her voice was like smooth velvet, soft and seductive. I
wanted her so deeply, that every fiber of my being ached with the need. Self-control had never
caused me so much pain. This desire was more primal than the hunt, more forceful than the
sharpest thirst. I hungered for this with a fierce intensity that blinded me. It terrified me. How
could I control this beast inside of me?

I had almost surrendered to the monster within that thirsted for her blood. My self-
control had been tested to its absolute limit, and only luck and the love of my family had saved
Bella’s life then. How could I control this titanic craving?

“Bella. . . ,” I whispered, struggling to focus on speaking those two short syllables.

“Don’t start this again. A deal’s a deal.” She spoke forcefully, with an edge of frustration
in her voice.

I was frozen. The heat of our embrace chilled me now.

“I don’t know. It’s too hard to concentrate when you’re with me like this.” I could
barely complete my sentence, desperately grasping at the words as my mind raced down long
worn paths of fear and panic. “I—I can’t think straight. I won’t be able to control myself.
You’ll get hurt.” I was rushing now, trying to make her see just how desperate I was feeling.

“I’ll be fine,” she reassured me.

How could she know? She had no idea of the battle I faced every second we spent
together. She could not possibly understand how fragile she felt in my arms. How could she be
so confident in my control when I was walking on the blade-thin edge of self-restraint?

“Bella. . .” I was almost pleading with her now, panic plain on my face.

“Shh!” Her lips pressed against mine once again, her determination, or obstinacy,
breaking briefly through my concentration. I cautiously returned her kiss before pulling back
with a wry smile.

“How are your feet?” I joked, desperate to redirect where this was going.

“Toasty warm,” she smiled, rubbing her right foot gently along my calf. My self-control
was dealt another small blow. I grasped at conversation as my lifeline now.

“Really? No second thoughts? It’s not too late to change your mind,” I pressed, although
with Bella I knew it was fruitless.

“Are you trying to ditch me?” Her tone was playful, but I detected a hint of annoyance in
her words.

I chuckled again. “Just making sure. I don’t want you to do anything you’re not sure

Her reply was immediate, a stubborn set to her chin. “I’m sure about you. The rest I can
live through.”

Can you? Will you? I quickly squashed that train of thought and redirected the
conversation to another subject we had both agonized over for weeks and months.

“Can you?” I spoke out loud this time. “I don’t mean the wedding, which I am positive
you will survive despite your qualms, but afterward. . . what about Renee, what about Charlie?”

She sighed. I watched her eyebrows pull together slightly with hidden pain, her brown
eyes were troubled as she murmured, “I’ll miss them.”

“Angela and Ben and Jessica and Mike.” I pressed on, dredging up the trappings of her
human life that she seemed so determined to abandon.

“I’ll miss my friends, too,” she replied. And then I saw her smile, her voice teasing.
“Especially Mike. Oh, Mike! How will I go on?”

I growled low in my throat, pretending to be jealous. She laughed quickly at my

response, but the humor was gone almost instantly.

“Edward, we’ve been through this and through this. I know it will be hard, but this is
what I want. I want you, and I want you forever. One lifetime is simply not enough for me.”

“Frozen forever at eighteen,” I whispered.

She could not know how the spirit stagnated when physical change ceased. She could not
understand how the changes and aging of the human body were so closely interlinked with the
growth and maturation of the mind. Even physical pain and injury could shape the longevity and
fortitude of spirit that makes a person stronger. Without struggle and strife, what catalyst was
there to drive you forward? Vampires, once changed, were frozen in more ways than the
physical. . .

“Every woman’s dream come true,” she teased.

I was not being facetious and her light tone hurt. Melancholy settled over me as I thought
of another sacrifice I knew she would be making. She brushed off the loss of friends and family
so easily, but how could she deny her birthright as a woman? I knew from Esme’s and Rosalie’s
heartbreak that sacrificing motherhood was a burden I did not want Bella to carry. She may not
realize it now, but at what point would she register her loss? How would she look at me then,
once it had already been stolen from her?

“Never changing. . . never moving forward.” If she could only see what I was trying to
show her. I desperately wanted her to understand but I could not bring myself to lay all my
concerns before her.

“What does that mean?” My tone and manner had finally sunk through her forced cheer.
I answered her slowly, gauging her reaction.

“Do you remember when we told Charlie we were getting married? And he thought you
were. . . pregnant?”

“And he thought about shooting you,” she laughed. “Admit it—for one second, he
honestly considered it.”

The image of a shotgun had crossed his mind, but I felt no humor at the thought. I
prepared myself for my confession, completely unsure of how Bella would react.

“What, Edward?” Bella pressed.

“I just wish. . . well, I wish that he’d been right.”

“Gah,” she gasped. He cheeks blushed red and her eyes opened wider with surprise.

I knew that wasn’t going to come out right. It wasn’t that I wished Bella was really
pregnant. Then. But the thought of her standing next to me, her hand held protectively over the
swell of her stomach, was a dream I knew I would never have.

“More that there was some way he could have been. That we had the potential. I hate
taking that away from you, too.”

I would never hear the flutter of a tiny heart, or see her belly grow with the miracle of a
new life. I would never sit with her thumbing through a book of names, matching them with
‘Cullen’ to find the perfect combination. I would never sit by her side, rocking a tiny being in
my arms while she slept. This was one gift I would never give her. A taste of humanity I would
never share. While I could accept that loss for myself, stealing that future from the one woman I
loved above all else was the most black-hearted theft imaginable.

Her eyes searched my face for a full minute before she responded. “I know what I’m

“How could you know that, Bella? Look at my mother, look at my sister. It’s not as easy
a sacrifice as you might imagine.”

“Esme and Rosalie get by just fine. If it’s a problem later, we can do what Esme did—
we’ll adopt.”

I sighed. Esme and Rosalie did NOT get by just fine. They hid their pain well from the
others, but I felt their loss every time they saw a human infant. I knew their memories and
relived their regrets. Theirs was a loss and a sacrifice too great to put into words.

“It’s not right! I don’t want you to have to make sacrifices for me. I want to give you
things, not take them away from you. I don’t want to steal your future. If I were human—“

Her soft fingers across my lips halted me mid-sentence. “You are my future. Now, stop.
No moping, or I’m calling your brothers to come and get you. Maybe you need a bachelor
party,” she threatened with a smirk.

“I’m sorry. I am moping, aren’t I? Must be the nerves.”

I wrestled my thoughts away from my regrets and guilt. There were so many other things
that were weighing on my mind. Creating new problems served no purpose. I was already
severely pre-occupied with the question of whether Jacob Black would accept my invitation and
how the human guests would feel among the eleven golden-eyed vampires. Also, of course, the
honeymoon was always in the back of my mind; tangled doubts and fears of fulfilling my
promise to Bella.

“Are your feet cold?” she glanced slyly down to the foot of the bed where our feet were
tangled in the blankets.

“Not in that sense. I’ve waited a century to marry you, Miss Swan. The wedding
ceremony is the one thing I can’t wait. . .”

Come out, come out wherever you are!

Emmett’s mental call taunted me. From his point of view, I could hear Jasper’s stealthy
passage off to his right and see the light from Bella’s house up ahead. Jasper’s thoughts were
quiet, showing me only a slightly altered perspective of their swift approach.

“Oh, for the love of all that’s holy!”

“What’s wrong?” Bella was shocked and confused by my dark tone.

“You don’t have to call my brothers. Apparently Emmett and Jasper are not going to let
me bow out tonight.” Emmett’s muffled laugh carried through the open window.

“Have fun.” She held me tightly for a second before releasing me with a resigned smile.

I saw Emmett’s jump in his mind the second before he sprang. Clinging to the narrow
sill, he scraped his diamond-hard fingernails against the glass letting out a bone-chilling screech.
I met his fiendish grin with a harassed glare.

“If you don’t send Edward out, we’re coming in after him,” Emmett hissed.

“Go, before they break my house.” Bella was laughing at my brother’s antics. Emmett
dropped back to the ground with a quiet laugh.

With a long-suffering sigh, I rolled my eyes, dragged myself from her warm embrace and
shrugged into my shirt. “Go to sleep. You’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

“Thanks! That’s sure to help me wind down,” Bella replied sarcastically. I paused,
smiling as I considered ordering my brothers away and falling back into her arms.

“I’ll meet you at the altar.” I vowed. Those words were like a rush of adrenaline in my
veins. My whole body hummed in anticipation of that moment.

“I’ll be the one in white.” She wore a bland smile, but her attempt at nonchalance was
ruined by the slight quaver in her voice.

“Very convincing,” I chuckled, but I was struggling to find the force of will to leave.

Song – 3 Doors Down, “Here Without You”

Saying goodbye to Bella always caused me pain even if I was only gone for a short time.
The anxiety I felt was partly due to my worry that she would be hurt in my absence; that I would
not be there to ensure her safety. But the stronger emotion was harder to define. I was afraid
that she would change her mind, somehow. That somewhere in her human thoughts, perpetually
hidden from me, something would finally click and she would realize the impossibility of our
love, that she would no longer want to doom herself to an eternity with me; a monster.

Her love, her adoration—I could not deny their existence. But when I examined the
intensity of my love and need for her, for every part of her mind, body, and soul, I knew that
there was no possible way for her love to be as great as mine. I just could not exist without her.
Such a cliché. But, in my case, so completely true.

I committed the image of her sitting there in her bed to memory. Her lips curved into a
wry smile, her hair tangled and still damp from her shower, the rumpled, old T-shirt that she
always wore to bed in lieu of pajamas.

Be Safe. I spoke to her silently as I sprang out her window into the night.

My eyes instantly found Emmett crouching next to a tall pine. I twisted in the air to land
on him, my full weight striking him in the left shoulder. Emmett cursed and I slugged him in the
same shoulder.

“Watch your language, Em,” I scolded.

“You’d better not make him late,” we all heard Bella speak softly from her room.

Jasper leaped lightly into the air, gripping the frame of her window as he replied, “Don’t
worry, Bella. We’ll get him home in plenty of time.” We had to guilt trip him into coming with
us tonight. Not even the Volturi could keep him away from you tomorrow. He finished the
thought silently in his head for my benefit.

I sensed the wave of calm reassurance he sent washing over Bella and whispered,
“Thanks, Jazz.”

Her sheets rustled and the bed creaked as she sat up to address Jasper. “Jasper? What do
vampires do for bachelor parties? You’re not taking him to a strip club, are you?”

I could hear curiosity warring with a tinge of jealousy. Did she honestly think I would
frequent such establishments? That I would have any desire to see any other woman in that

way? I couldn’t help the surge of hurt I felt. I shouldn’t be offended. She had a legitimate

Emmett grappled me to the ground, taking advantage of my brief distraction to get his
revenge. “Don’t tell her anything!” he growled. I slipped out from his grip, snaking my foot
behind his leg to bring him down hard. Thud. I snickered at his slightly bewildered look.

“Relax,” Jasper told her. “We Cullens have our own version. Just a few mountain lions,
a couple of grizzly bears. Pretty much an ordinary night out.”

“Thanks, Jasper,” she responded, obviously relieved.

I heard her settle back into her pillow with a sigh as Jasper dropped silently to the ground
and we raced down to Emmett’s Jeep where it was parked deep in the shadows of an overgrown
fir tree. Emmett flung himself into the driver’s seat, ignoring the off-road harness, and brought
the powerful V8 to life. An upstairs light in the house two doors down blinked on accompanied
by the irritated thoughts of the neighbor we had awakened.

Emmett took full advantage of the upgrades Rosalie had installed as we raced out of town
and took off into the forest along an abandoned logging road. The closely planted trees hugged
the road on either side, scraping against the sides of the Jeep. When the way became too
crowded, we abandoned the vehicle and continued on foot.

Hunting was a necessity tonight, for sure. Our house would be inundated with humans
tomorrow, thanks to Alice’s extensive guest list, and I personally didn’t know how long it would
be before I would be able to hunt large game again. Emmett teased me without mercy as we ran
east toward the mountains. We stayed clear of trails where hikers might have been camping,
angling further south as we left civilization behind us. Jasper ran wordlessly, keeping his
thoughts carefully focused on the surrounding forest.

Many miles later, Emmett tired of his teasing, aggravated by my unresponsiveness. He

launched himself toward me, trying to ram me into a tree. I caught the flicker of his thoughts
and, at the last instant, dodged his assault. The aged evergreen was not so lucky. Emmett
crashed into it like a juggernaut, the 14-inch thick trunk splintered and cracked. The towering
tree came crashing down, knocking over two other trees. The twisting and snapping sounds were
deafening as they echoed off the hills around us. I raised my eyebrow at Emmett’s shocked
expression. His brow lowered into a threatening glare and Jasper burst into loud guffaws.

“Cheater!” he muttered under his breath. I crouched in anticipation. He had not decided
to attack yet, but it was there in his thoughts.

“Hold it!” Jasper interrupted the imminent violence, still chuckling a bit, with a raised
hand. Emmett and I froze.

“Emmett, lay off for a minute. Edward, we wanted to get you alone tonight to hunt, but
also because I can tell you’re really anxious about something. Carlisle said you may come to
talk to us about something, but you never did. I can tell you’re stressed out, I mean, of course
you are. You’re getting married tomorrow! But Em and I just thought, if there’s anything we
can say or do to help you out. . . well, we’re here for you.”

I glanced at Emmett. He had straightened from his crouch and now leaned nonchalantly
against a tree. He nodded once in agreement. Glancing back at Jasper, I saw that he was
honestly worried about me and I thought about what Carlisle could have been referring to.

The forest was silent, still recovering from the aftermath of Emmett’s horseplay. My
brothers were looking at me expectantly, waiting for a response.

Realization dawned on me and I was suddenly embarrassed. I had cornered Carlisle

many weeks ago, when Bella had first given me the ultimatum. She would only marry me if. . .
I tried not to let my mind complete that thought. Carlisle had patiently reassured me, always
confident in my self-restraint. His trust had hurt, because I knew that it was ill-founded.

Something must have showed on my face, because Emmett suddenly pushed away from
the tree and was in front of me in a fraction of a second. Two hands grasped me by the shoulders
and I looked up into his concerned eyes. His eyes narrowed and then his mouth turned up into a

“Ha! Are you kidding? No freaking way! Was this your idea or hers?” His thoughts
revealed that he had jumped to the correct conclusion. I saw the image of my face in his mind,
worry, guilt and fear warring with anticipation and excitement. He was definitely getting a lot of
satisfaction out of my mortification. A growl erupted from my throat before I could stem the
sudden anger rising in me.

“Whoa, wait a minute,” Jasper intervened again. “You guys are going to try after all?
We all thought you were going to wait until she was changed!”

My shoulders bowed under the hideous weight of my internal turmoil. I sank wearily to
sit on a mossy boulder. With my elbows on my knees, I buried my face in my hands. “She
insisted,” I said, my words muffled and barely audible. “It’s the only way she would agree to
marry me.”

“Tough break, bro!” Emmett was his usual, unstoppable, cheerful self.

“So, how are you going to manage that?” Jasper was curious, concerned.

I lifted my head to meet his worried glance. “I don’t know. I don’t even know what to
expect. I’ve never. . .”

“Wait!” Emmett interrupted. “Never? I mean, I know you turned Tanya down, I thought
you were just choosy. But, never?”

I shook my head wordlessly.

“Not even before you were changed?” he pressed.

I shrugged my assent. That stopped him. He was truly at a loss for words, both mental
and verbal.

The despair I was feeling was palpable and I welcomed Jasper’s calming influence. I
took two shuddering breaths before I responded. “We’re both. . . virgins.” The word was
awkward and uncomfortable to say out loud. From his thoughts, I knew Jasper had suspected as
much, but Emmett was clearly astounded.

“Wow. That’s all I can say, wow!” Emmett looked at me again. “So I guess you’re just
going have to be ready to change her right then, right?” His cavalier acceptance that I would
injure Bella so badly infuriated me beyond words and I sprung at him without thinking.

My attack was more controlled than his had been, and I instantly had him by the throat,
pressed up against the same tree he had just stepped away from. My jaw was clenched in rage,
wishing he would fight back so that I could channel some of my fear and pain away from myself.
However, he raised his hands in peace, patiently waiting for me to loosen my chokehold.

“Easy, bro. I didn’t mean to piss you off. I was just curious, I guess. I mean, you have a
plan, right?”

My anger dissipated as quickly as it had come. I released him and turned away, dejected.

“I’m sorry.” My words were a whisper.

“Would it help to talk about it?” Jasper interjected. “Maybe if you knew a little bit more
about what to expect you wouldn’t be so torn up. You might be able to handle it better, you
know?” Emmett nodded in agreement.

I looked from one to the other, seeing their thoughts, astounded by the offer they
presented. Their selfless gesture ignited a spark of hope within me.

My gratitude was heartfelt as my brothers stood close to me in that rain-soaked forest,

one on each side with their hand on my shoulder. They loved me, and they cared deeply for
Bella. Neither one of them envied my predicament, but they stood by me, supporting me,
encouraging me. Both Jasper and Emmett opened up to me, dredging up their most personal,
intimate memories for me to understand. Time stood still as I relived some of the most powerful
experiences of my brothers’ lives.

I did not feel at all like a voyeur. Instead, I was overwhelmed by the unconditional love
and trust that these men offered me. Truly, nobody in the history of the world had two brothers
like mine.

Emmett tried to compare what he felt during intimacy with the pure exhilaration of
drinking human blood. It was too invigorating, too tempting a sensation to deny it. And yet, I
thought, we all lived without that pleasure and fulfillment. I didn’t think what I felt for Bella
would be so easy to control.

Jasper was more understanding of the emotional onslaught that came hand in hand with
the union of two bodies. His love and adoration for Alice colored every memory with rich
rainbow hues. However, for both Jasper and Emmett, their first times were distant, faded human
memories— dark and out of focus compared to the brilliance of vampire experiences.

Even so, it helped. Knowing helped.

Gradually, the rapport we shared slowed. I took a deep breath to steady myself, and then

“Thank you, both.” This time my voice was stronger and the anxiety had faded ever so
slightly. I was still afraid, but hopeful that I would be able to control myself and give Bella what
she so desperately wanted.

Emmett grinned and slapped me on the shoulder. “No problem, just don’t tell Rosalie.
She doesn’t like to think about the ‘other girls’ even though they were decades ago, before I ever
met her.”

“Oh, believe me. This one goes with us to the grave. Figuratively speaking, of course. I
would never betray your trust. I owe you so much more than that!” I replied fervently.

Jasper hugged me quickly, pounding me on the back. “Come on, let’s hunt! I heard
some campers spotted a mountain lion just north of Quinault earlier this week. Let’s help repay
our debt to society.”

“Your debt,” Emmett snickered. “You’ve got decades worth of slaughtering innocents to
make up for.”

Jasper didn’t respond to Emmett’s barb. It was an obvious attempt to shift attention away
from me. He never lifted his soothing pressure. With a shrug and a fortifying breath of the pine
scented air I followed them, settling into an easy, ground devouring lope and casting out my
senses, searching for that signature musky scent.

Four hours later, we were scaling the icy cliffs of Mt. Olympus. Our thirst sated for now,
we playfully challenged one another to climb the rocky heights. The exertion was invigorating
and we quickly reached the summit, which was ice-capped, even in August. Facing the east we
watched as fingers of light crept up to reclaim the night sky. Streaks of amber and pink spread
out, heralding the dawn. As the golden orb crested the horizon, we were bathed in its pure

I tipped my head back, reveling in the warmth of the breaking dawn. I stretched my arms
high. My bare skin refracted the light, casting brilliant rainbows across the snowy expanse. All
worry was washed away and my being sang with joy and anticipation. Today I would be joined,
mind, body and soul, with the most perfect of creatures.

Laughter erupted from my chest and I embraced my brothers, ignoring their bemused
expressions. Without hesitation I threw myself down the mountainside, eager to meet my bride.

A sound like thunder swelled behind me as Emmett barreled down the mountainside after
me. Cracking and rumbling grew beneath my feet. I heard a string of expletives in Jasper’s
mind, but Emmett let out a whoop of excitement as tons of snow and ice collapsed under the
pressure of our unexpected descent.

I rolled my eyes at his childish exuberance and flung myself forward, lightly gliding over
the shifting surface. I left the sea of ice chunks and snowy boulders behind easily, disappearing
into the relative shelter of the trees. Jasper joined me seconds later and we turned to watch
Emmett bouncing and cart-wheeling down the slope, shouting and hollering with delight.

I couldn’t help laughing as his ‘ride’ came to a shuddering end and he leaped gracefully
across the fractured remains of the avalanche with a grin on his face.

“Sorry, Edward. I guess I underestimated you. I thought I’d be bored out of my mind
tonight ‘cuz you’re such a prude, but that was fun! I’ll have to bring Rose up here one day and
try that again.”

I couldn’t imagine Rose putting up with his antics, let alone joining in. It would destroy
her hair, for one thing. . . I caught myself rolling my eyes again and traded glances with Jasper.
He just shook his head and shrugged.

We had only descended another 200 feet before we were enveloped by a thick layer of
clouds. Alice had foreseen that today would be free of rain and even pleasantly warm for the
ceremony, but this part of the peninsula was smothered by a thick layer of clouds. The tiny
droplets clung to my clothes and condensed on my cold skin. I glanced at my brothers who also
had beads of moisture glistening in their hair and soaking their clothes. Between the horseplay,
hunting, mountain climbing, avalanche surfing and heavy clouds, we were going to be a mess
when we finally made it home.

We returned to the Jeep at an easy pace, occasionally talking, but mostly traveling in
silence. I was lost in thought and my brothers seemed to understand and respect my need for
some time alone in my own mind. I frequently checked the position of the sun in the sky. It was
only about 10:00am, and the wedding wasn’t scheduled until late afternoon.

I knew Alice wouldn’t hear of me seeing or even talking to Bella until she walked down
the aisle. What was I going to do in the intervening hours? The minutes stretched out before me
like the endless waves of the ocean. I swallowed hard, frustrated and anxious for the time to

Ch. 3 Big Day
The drive back to Forks was no easier. Emmett drove at the speed limit, aware of the
heavier weekend traffic and the need to remain inconspicuous. I realized I was grinding my
teeth in frustration when I felt a gentle calm wash over me and heard Jasper’s compassionate

I was just as nervous before I married Alice, if you’ll remember. It’s one of those bizarre
human emotions that make little sense to our kind, so it is even harder for us to process. It’s
going to be just fine.

I nodded, grateful but unable to pull together a smile. It seemed like my light-hearted
moment of joy had disappeared as soon as we descended below the clouds. When I was shut off
from the sun, darker thoughts invaded my mind.

What I was experiencing was so much worse than nervousness. I was excited and
exhilarated, but I couldn’t stop hundreds of other thoughts from flitting through my mind. As we
drew closer to home, and the hour of the wedding, one picture kept creeping back to me with a
persistence that was deeply disturbing.

The anguished face of Jacob Black.

With it came the heart-rending memory of watching Bella cry herself sick the night she
said goodbye to him. Would he be there tonight? Did he even receive the invitation and the
letter I wrote? Did I truly want him to come?

When I considered the joy and relief Bella would feel if he did show up, I knew my
answer was ‘yes’, but the answer did little to stop the nagging sense of jealousy and pain that
always accompanied any thoughts of my former rival.

It was lunchtime when we finally turned onto the three-mile drive that led up to our
house. Somehow, since we had left the night before, Alice and Esme had strung thousands of
twinkling lights around the trees lining the road. Even with vampire speed and agility, it was an
impressive feat. White satin bows glowed regally at frequent intervals. The effect was stunning,
like traveling through a starlit tunnel, even though it was still midday.

I jumped impatiently from the moving vehicle as Emmett pulled around to the garage on
the north end of the house. I cast around, sensing the minds of my family around me before I
sped across the open lawn and entered the house. The heady scent of orange blossoms, roses,
lilacs and freesias billowed around me. I was enchanted by the transformation that had taken
place in my absence.

I stood for a moment, dazed, just taking it all in. All of the furniture had been removed
from the living room. Rows of chairs, draped in satin, flanked the center aisle down which a
simple rose-colored carpet ran. The color of Bella’s blush. A canopy of gossamer and

intricately woven flowers hung over the assembled chairs. At the far end of the aisle, a bridal
arch, also dripping fragrant blossoms, marked the blessed spot where we would make our vows
to each other.

My precious piano, glistening with polish, occupied its elevated platform in the rear left
corner. The lid was raised half way, the perfect position to fill the room with its mellow
resonance. Rosalie’s sheet music was neatly laid out, marked with her notes and personal
embellishments. Like a magnetic force, my eyes were pulled back to the front of the room again.
I envisioned us standing there, without another soul in the room, speaking those words of love
and commitment. I forced my mind to rewind the scene, my heart aching as Bella retreated from
my side, back to the base of the stairs. My feet were unconsciously drawn to those stairs.
Alice’s musical voice carried clearly from upstairs. But the thing controlling my movements,
that sucked me in, was the rhythmic beating of a human heart. My Bella.

“Don’t even think about going upstairs, Edward. Alice will have your head,” Rosalie

I stopped in my tracks, bemused. I had not heard her approach. Her voice was cold, but I
sensed the affection in her thoughts. For all of her criticism and anger at what Bella was
choosing, she was happy for us.

Rosalie was gorgeous, even more so than usual. Her figure was sheathed in a silver,
floor-length gown. She was not wearing her wedding band, of course, but her wrists and neck
were adorned with flawless pink diamonds, set in the shape of roses; Carlisle and Esme’s
wedding gift when she and Emmett were first married. She carried herself with pride, conscious
of her stunning beauty. Her long golden hair was twisted and coiled into a classic coiffure that
bore an obvious resemblance to a royal crown. Subtle, I thought sardonically. Emmett was
going to be stunned senseless when he saw her.

“I wouldn’t think of it,” I responded to her threat with a grin and a shrug, choosing
instead to find Esme. The time would pass more quickly with something constructive to do, and
I knew my mother would have plenty to keep me busy.

I paused as I stepped outside into the backyard. Part of a video from a recent biology
class popped into my mind. Time-lapse photography. I chuckled as I thought about how this
scene would appear to a human. Esme and Carlisle were flitting from place to place erecting the
white canopy tent, hanging ribbons, streamers and flowers according to Alice’s detailed sketch.
The only thing that would indicate otherwise was the absence of changing light and flickering

I crossed to the table where her directions lay, scanned them quickly, and began twisting
the piles of white flowers into garlands for Esme to hang around the perimeter of the tent.

“Edward, put that down! You shouldn’t be decorating for your own wedding reception!”
Esme called out in shocked disapproval.

I laughed and shook my head, but I did not drop the garland. Ivy, white rose, freesia. . .
ivy, white rose, freesia. . . my movements were automatic, my fingers were a blur as they braided
the ribbon and stems flawlessly.

“Apparently Alice has already banned me from the house and you know I’ll go mad with
nothing to do.”

“Sweetheart, please.” Her hands rested gently on mine. I raised my eyes to see her
loving eyes pleading with me. “Why don’t you spend some time at your piano? I would love to
hear you play.”

“Mother, you know that is Rose’s territory today. I just really want to keep myself
occupied for the next two hours. Surely there is something you need help with?”

Carlisle appeared at my side and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Esme, if this
is what helps him order his thoughts, how can we argue? We are happy to have your help and
company, son.” He squeezed my shoulder once before returning to his work, laying down the
interlocking panels of the hardwood dance floor.

Esme embraced me, then. “I am grateful for the help. I just didn’t want you to feel
obligated to be out here if there was somewhere else you’d rather be.”

Through Rosalie’s eyes, I watched Emmett’s jaw drop to his chest when he entered the
house and saw her. Rosalie was very pleased with his reaction, preening under his adoring gaze.
Jasper was uncomfortable, assaulted by the force of their raw attraction. He was relieved when
Rosalie asked him to take her car to pick up Bella’s mother and Phil from their hotel.

“No, I think it’s best if I just stay away from trouble out here. . .”

Esme rested her hand softly against the side of my face and a sweet smile lit up her

“Stay if you wish. You know I cherish this time with you and I will miss you terribly. . .
but I am so overjoyed for you and Bella.” From the very beginning, when you first confessed
your love for Bella, I knew this day would come. And now that it’s here, I can’t express just how
happy it makes me to see you two together. No mother has ever been happier for her son, or
more satisfied that he has found the perfect woman. You deserve one another, and I never
believed that I would meet a woman who was worthy of loving you. Oh, Edward. I almost wish I
could cry.

My throat was tight as I drew her into a close hug. Her profession of love for Bella and
unconditional approval of our union was so heartfelt. I was just glad and humbled that seeking
my own happiness had brought my mother so much joy and satisfaction.

We broke apart and continued our separate tasks, but we both had smiles on our faces.
Carlisle and Esme traded a wordless look, and his lips were turned up in a small grin. They were

remembering their own wedding. I sighed as I saw the tranquil joy they shared in loving
thoughts and sweet memories. Jasper, on his way back out to the garage, felt it too, joining our
simple communion with his own feelings of joy, encouragement, and brotherly approval.

Emmett sauntered outside moments later and I heard Rosalie’s offer to style Bella’s hair.
The image of Bella’s profile in her mind was enough to still my hands for a moment. Alice sent
a pointed thought at me when I even considered going upstairs. I shook my head, refocusing my

The minutes flew by faster than I could have hoped.

* * *

Song – Pachelbel, “Canon in D”

We were putting the finishing touches on the outdoor reception area when I heard
Rosalie’s car turning off the highway. Moments later, another car followed. Bella’s mother
would be here in minutes and other guests would be trickling in for the next hour. I flitted up to
my room to change, overly conscious of Alice’s bathroom door shut tightly with my sisters and
Bella talking and preparing inside.

I took my time with my own preparations. The tuxedo I wore was new, but styled with
traditional lines and tailored to fit me perfectly. Alice had no part in the design or the purchase.
Today, how I looked and dressed was all for Bella. I stood in front of my mirror and took a deep
stabilizing breath. I wasn’t nervous. I did not feel any of the doubts or regrets that so frequently
plague the minds of men before they walk down the aisle. Instead, my body was buzzing with
excitement. It would take all of my focus and self-control to act human today, to speak and
move as a human does. All I wanted to do was rush to Bella, snatch her into my arms and take
her far away where I could be with her and only her, saturating myself in her essence.

Rosalie began playing softly as I tied my bow tie. I was proud of her. She rarely played
the piano, but I knew this was because it was difficult for her pride to take being second best next
to me. She didn’t begrudge me my talent, but it did make playing less enjoyable for her. That
she had volunteered to play today, without even being asked, was a priceless gift. As difficult as
today was for her, she was making a valiant effort to make it as wonderful for Bella and me as
her first wedding with Emmett was for her.

I recognized Carlisle’s step in the hallway several seconds before he rapped lightly on my

“Come in,” I called.

He peered around the door, grinned at my formal ensemble and then stepped in and shut
the door behind him. I raised an eyebrow when I registered why he was here. He was holding
out a shiny, black lacquered box. I already knew what was inside, and I was speechless.

I took the box gingerly in my hands and lifted the lid to see a pair of solid gold cufflinks.
I hadn’t seen them since Carlisle and Esme were married. The oval face was stamped with the
Cullen Family Crest: a Lion Passant, three shamrocks to pay tribute to his Irish roots, and a steel
gauntlet; a sign of strength and bravery.

“Edward, you are my first-born son. I know you are not in the conventional way, but in
every way that matters, you are. As different as I was after the change, there was still one thing
about me that was purely human. I wanted a son to pass on my name, to teach, to love, to watch
him grow. For more than two centuries, that instinctive need lay dormant within me. But then
you joined me in this life and chose to call me father. My name, this crest, everything I have and
everything I know. . . these are your birthright.”

Touched beyond words, I nodded silently as Carlisle removed my generic mother-of-

pearl cufflinks and replaced them with the heavier gold jewelry. Cullen was more than a name
that I adopted out of convenience. It was my history and my heritage. It meant I was part of a
family— a family that Bella would also be joining soon.

Carlisle trapped me in a bone-crushing embrace. His pride and pleasure on this, my

wedding day, was more emotion than I could absorb. Carlisle stepped back, his hands on my
shoulders and his eyes locked on mine.

You are a good man, Edward. Have faith in yourself and Bella. God has blessed you
with a supernatural love. Trust that the joy you will experience together will be greater than
anything you have ever imagined.

“Carlisle, I. . . thank you.” I murmured, humbled by his profession of faith and love.

And then Emmett burst through the door, his broad shoulders and muscular arms
straining and stretching the seams of his tuxedo as he moved.

“Eddie, looking good!” His eyes scanned me from top to bottom and back up again
before he met my sheepish gaze with a grin. “Real good. I can’t wait to see Bella’s reaction.” I
saw his mind flash to a whispered exchange with Jasper.

“Emmett, you didn’t. . .” I glared blackly at my brother.

“Edward, Emmett, what’s going on?” Carlisle broke in quickly.

“Emmett and Jasper are betting on whether Bella will trip while walking down the aisle.”
I was fuming. He thought this was funny? I almost expected this from Emmett, but Jasper? I
was livid.

“Edward, geez. Relax! We’re just—” Thinking better of his argument, Emmett beat a
hasty retreat, just calling over his shoulder, “They’re ready for you downstairs, bro.”

With an effort, I shook off my anger, allowing Carlisle and the steady melody of
Pachelbel’s Canon to calm me before I followed. At the bottom of the stairs, guests were milling
about and almost two-thirds of the seats were filled. I picked up on the scents and thoughts of
many acquaintances from school as well as other humans from town. Seth Clearwater, his
mother, Sue, and Billy Black sat in the back row. Sue looked like her skin was crawling and she
couldn’t stop sending darting glances over at the right side of the room.

In a row of chairs about half way down the aisle, the Denali coven, minus Irina, sat in
graceful poses. The only thing that allowed them to blend in with humans was the human
tendency to ignore the warning signs that their own eyes couldn’t possibly miss. Even so, the
seats around them remained empty, for now. Nobody was ready to place themselves next to so
much alien beauty. Tanya caught my eye with a provocative smile as I walked past, but I only
spared her a small welcoming nod. It was difficult not to hurt her feelings when she persisted in
pursuing me despite everything I had ever told her.

Many pairs of eyes followed my progress up the aisle, with Carlisle just one step behind
me. Jasper, Emmett and Esme followed soon after, taking their places in the front row. Phil
escorted Renee down the aisle. She smiled at me with tears in her eyes. Her thoughts were full
of tender memories of Bella’s childhood and hope for her happiness as a married woman.
Despite Bella’s misgivings, Renee had no reservations about our early marriage. Her view of
our relationship was unique; accepting our love and need for one another as an essential part of
both of us. Having seen us together, she was incapable of seeing us apart. Somehow, the
simplicity of her viewpoint was both profound and comforting.

The few guests who were still standing followed our cue and took their seats. Mr. Weber
leaned in to speak to me, his hand a hot brand on my shoulder, even through the layers of fabric.
He wanted to confirm a few minor changes to the vows. Just as he stepped back into position,
Rosalie executed a complex, but flawless, flourish. I caught her eye and mouthed the words,
‘thank you’. Her lips broke into a rare and beautiful smile.

Standing beneath the arch, I thought of my earlier vision. My gaze swept over the heads
of the gathering and locked on the staircase, waiting for the first glimpse of my bride.

Alice stepped lightly down the stairs, her feet landing precisely on the beat of the music.
Even so, her body moved with such sinuous grace that she seemed to float, rather than walk. Her
short, black hair was styled in curls around her face, softening her angular features and making
her look even younger. She was dressed in a silver gown, like Rosalie, but in a different style.
The fabric appeared to pour over her figure like a moonlit waterfall.

I heard Jasper’s instantaneous intake of breath a fraction of a second before a pulse of

love and adoration swept over me. My eyes darted in his direction and he locked down his gift
in alarm.

“Smooth, Jazz. Now everyone in the room is in love with Alice,” I whispered out of the
corner of my mouth.

“If they are, it’s only because she’s that perfect,” he replied smugly.

While I have your attention, congratulations! Alice’s musical voice echoed in my mind.
Then her eyes were only on Jasper, and the beatific smile that lit up her face dazzled everyone in
the room.

I shook my head minutely. I was in awe, once again, that I had found a love as great as
Jasper’s love for Alice. Greater, even, impossible as that seemed.

Song – Wagner, “The Wedding March”

The thoughts of everyone in the room took on a feeling of expectation for Bella’s
entrance. Rosalie ran through a fanfare that grew in volume and slowed slightly in anticipation
of her appearance.

Charlie’s polished black shoe appeared moments before a delicate foot clad in vintage
satin heels descended to rest next to his. A hushed whisper raced through the crowd as they rose
to their feet in unison. Staring straight down the aisle, my view was unobstructed as the vision of
all visions was revealed to me.

I drank in the sight of her, raising my eyes slowly from the hem of her satin gown
swirling around her ankles to the delicate bouquet she clasped in her left hand, and finally to her
face, framed by tendrils of her dark, luminous hair. Her hair was a masterpiece of brown silky
coils that dipped in and out of an intricate braid to form a lustrous coronet. Two sapphire-
encrusted combs sparkled beneath the braids. A veil of antique lace flowed freely down her back
and curled around her shoulders with each step.

Her face glowed with the blush of a rose. Her skin was as smooth as porcelain. Her eyes
were downcast, framed by thick, dark lashes. Her lips drew my gaze, looking fuller and darker
than before. I was mesmerized. Alice’s ministrations had only intensified her beauty.

In that moment, I consciously opened myself to the thoughts of those around me. I saw
Bella from dozens of perspectives, sometimes with shadowy human vision, and other times with
the crystalline clarity of vampiric sight. But almost every mind was, like mine, frozen by the
breathtaking beauty before us.

Charlie clutched Bella’s hand on his arm as they reached the last step. With her feet on
level ground, Bella finally raised her eyes. She was momentarily overwhelmed by the
magnificence of the room and I remembered my first impressions of the bowery display.
However, it only took a moment for her eyes to find mine. When they did, they shone brighter
than before, lit from within by an ardor that matched my own. I couldn’t contain my joy. My
face broke into a wide grin. The force of our love shimmered between us as each step brought
her closer to me.

Finally, she stood before me and I inhaled deeply, loving the interplay of her scent with
the profusion of flowers. Alice had orchestrated everything perfectly. Every sight, sound and

smell was a magnification of Bella’s own purity, sweetness and beauty. When Charlie placed
her hand in mine and stepped away, it took all of my strength to turn toward the minister. I could
have lost myself in her eyes forever.

Every word spoken throughout the ceremony increased the energy coursing through me.
I watched Bella’s face, her eyes wide and her lips parted, vibrating subtly with each passing
breath. When the minister reached the vows, he spoke with animated warmth, his rich voice
rising and falling in a pattern that made the weight of each word settle deeply into your mind.

“Isabella, do you take Edward to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you promise to
love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse,
forsaking all others, keeping yourself only unto him, for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” she replied softly, her voice barely carrying beyond those closest to us.

Hearing those words whispered from her lips was the most deeply spiritual moment of
my life. My universe narrowed to include only us, and yet in that instant, I felt that the universe
had expanded beyond comprehension. I had never felt more right. I did not care that I was a
vampire or that she was human. I now realized that I had been waiting for decades for her to be
born and enter my life at the exact second that she had. Nothing could stem the tide of victorious
exhilaration that coursed through me.

When it was my turn, my voice rang clear and triumphant. “I do.”

I do.

Those two words. So simple. So powerful. If my body had been capable of it, I would
have been crying with her.

I do, always and forever.

Mr. Weber spoke the final words of the marriage rite, “I now pronounce you husband and
wife. You may kiss the bride.”

I anticipated that kiss as much as our first kiss, but for very different reasons. I gave
myself entirely to Bella as she lay sleeping in her narrow bed on a rainy winter day almost two
years ago, but I hadn’t even dared to consider marriage then. I was too terrified of losing control
and hurting her. But as the days and weeks passed, as her attachment to me became undeniably
obvious, my determination to stay with her every day of her existence occupied my thoughts day
and night. And then, she had agreed to marry me, agreed to spend the rest of her life. . . the rest
of eternity. . . with me. She had said yes. To me.

And here she stood, before our families and our friends, my wife in name and in truth.

I framed her face with my hands, taking in her trembling lips and tear-filled eyes. She
had never been more beautiful to me. Isabella Marie Cullen. Mrs. Edward Cullen. My love, my

I bent down slowly to kiss her, but she surprised me when she threw her arms around my
neck enthusiastically. For the first time ever, I did not feel the burn of her scent or the fire of her
blood scalding my lips. I only felt the pure sensation of her body in my arms and her eager lips
pressing against mine. I fell gratefully into the ocean of her love, only vaguely aware of the
flashing cameras and cheering guests.

Several moments passed before the thoughts of our audience beat their way into my
consciousness. Bella’s break from her normal bashful, reserved demeanor did not go unnoticed.

Mike Newton was seething. Jessica Stanley was shifting uncomfortably in her seat as
jealousy and admiration warred within her mind. Angela Weber was crying and so moved that
her father had been the one we asked to marry us. Seth, someone I admired and loved like a
brother, could barely contain his joy for us. Tanya. . . well, Tanya was not doing a very good job
of concealing her thoughts or her jealousy. Our families looked on with pride and love.

Emmett’s amusement broke through the tumult, Dang, bro. You are in for it! Wow. I
didn’t know she had it in her.

Amused thoughts were quickly translating into giggles and chuckles as Bella clung to me.
With the gentlest pressure, I cupped her cheeks as I pulled away from our kiss. Tears were
flowing freely down her face. She showed no signs of caring or being embarrassed about being
on display. I saw none of her normal discomfort in front of crowds. Her eyes and her thoughts
were locked on me as mine were on her. My lips turned up in a smirk, reacting to some of the
thoughts of our audience, but nothing could detract from the sheer joy within me.

Clapping, cheering, and a couple of whoops and hollers, from Emmett and Tyler
Crowley, rose around us. When she showed no signs of moving, I turned Bella to face the
crowd, but her eyes remained glued to mine. Renee was the first one to reach us and break
through Bella’s trance. I forced myself to accept the well-wishes and embraces from dozens of
guests, but the majority of the attention was showered on Bella. We were shuffled through the
crowd, with Bella clinging tenaciously to my hand the entire time.

Ch. 4 Gesture
Song – Frank Sinatra, “I’ve Got You Under My Skin”

Esme and Alice, the consummate hostesses, were gradually herding the crowd outside.
The sun had just dipped below the trees and the mystical beauty of the twilight was settling
around us. The setting we had labored over this afternoon was transformed into a scene from A
Mid-Summer Night’s Dream, with twinkling lights setting the flowers aglow.

Several trestle tables stood off to one side, overflowing with steaming food in chafing
dishes and fruit and cheese piled on silver platters. Some of the guests were already filling
plates, but a continuous line of guests came to us with hugs, kisses and warm handshakes.
Hearing their thoughts as they embraced Bella, seeing how absolutely she had won the hearts of
so many people. . . it was incredible to witness. Even Jessica, who had abandoned their
friendship in the months that I was absent, was genuinely happy for us and admired Bella’s
beauty and gracious attitude.

The familiar, hair-curling scent of werewolf filled my nostrils and I grinned in relief.
Seth’s mother hadn’t dragged him away.

“Congrats, guys,” Seth said with his normal cheerful tone.

Sue hung close to his side, not meeting my eyes and casting wary glances at Tanya’s
family. She was barely accepting of our presence and the new vampires were setting her nerves
on edge. With her hair clipped into a short, harsh cut, she looked very much like Leah, although
her eyes did not carry the same degree of bitter pain. On Seth’s other side, Billy was more
relaxed with his hands resting easily in his lap. He was happier than I had seen him for many
weeks and his black eyes sparkled with warmth and good humor.

“It’s good to see things work out for you, man. I’m happy for you,” Seth grinned as he
caught me in a scorching hug. Sue shuddered and her thoughts screamed against the unnatural
friendship we shared.

“Thank you, Seth. That means a lot to me.” I turned my head to include Sue and Billy,
“Thank you, as well. For letting Seth come. For supporting Bella today.”

“You’re welcome,” Billy replied in his gravelly voice. His thoughts remained focused on
the gathering around us, but the brief image of a russet wolf and a flash of fatherly affection told
me where his thoughts really were.

Jacob. . .

I hid my disappointment about his absence. Bella still did not know about my special
invitation, and this was one secret I could not tell her. If she knew I had invited Jacob and he

still hadn’t come. . . she would be heartbroken. Seth waved goodbye and wheeled Billy to the
banquet tables with Sue clinging closely to his side.

Angela and Ben were next. Seeing the love and respect they had for each other, I felt
proud about the small part I had played in jump-starting their relationship. Ben had long since
forgotten the offhand remarks I had made to encourage him to pursue her, but I had not. In this,
I felt I had repaid Angela in a small way for all of her sweetness and tireless support of Bella.
She deserved happiness and with Ben she seemed to have it.

Mr. and Mrs. Weber were next, brimming with pride and affection. I was surprised to be
as strongly in their thoughts as Bella. Very few humans were so transparent in their goodness.
With their influence, I didn’t need Alice’s vision to see a future filled with love and happiness
for Angela and Ben.

I had to carefully modulate my expression when Tanya appeared before me. She eyed
Bella critically, skeptical of my attachment to a human. When she hugged me it was just a little
too close, just a little too prolonged to be appropriate.

“Ah, Edward. I’ve missed you.” Her voice was like warm silk, low and full of deeper
meaning. Her thoughts, possessive and tinged with jealousy, made it clear that she saw Bella as
a fleeting obstacle to her goals. I put some distance between us, resolved to draw the line firmly
and clearly, but also striving to act as a gentleman should.

“It’s been too long, Tanya. You look well.”

“So do you.” Her eyes flicked over my chest and shoulders before she met my gaze
again with slightly hooded eyes.

Kate, Carmen and Eleazar were staring openly at Bella, their curiosity plain in their
thoughts and on their faces. Bella stiffened uncomfortably by my side under their scrutiny. I
squared my shoulders against their doubt. For all the decades that we had been friends, they had
never understood my solitude or my withdrawn attitude. They were puzzled by the
transformation in me, and desperately trying to see how a fragile, seemingly helpless human had
caused such a powerful change. They could not comprehend, because they did not know Bella.

“Let me introduce you to my wife.” As that word sprang from my lips, I suddenly felt
weightless. They all laughed in response to my voice bursting with pride, not fully
understanding yet, but accepting. For Bella’s sake, knowing her insecurity about my relationship
with Tanya, I took the introduction one step further and personally introduced my chosen one,
my soul mate, to her self-proclaimed rival. “Tanya, this is my Bella.” Tanya took her hand in
greeting, but her thoughts had still not completely let go of her ‘claim’ on me.

“Welcome to the family, Bella. We consider ourselves Carlisle’s extended family, and I
am sorry about the, er, recent incident when we did not behave as such. We should have met you
sooner. Can you forgive us?” This admission on their first meeting did set my mind at ease.

Although her thoughts declared the truth of her feelings toward me, Tanya was making an effort
to accept Bella and our marriage.

“Of course. It’s so nice to meet you.” Bella spoke breathlessly, obviously overwhelmed
by the presence of four new vampires.

“The Cullens are all evened up in numbers now. Perhaps it will be our turn next, eh
Kate?” Tanya joked with her sister.

“Keep the dream alive.” Kate rolled her eyes in response. She had never been as man
hungry as Tanya. Taking Bella’s hand gently in her own, she greeted her with a smile,
“Welcome, Bella.”

Carmen stepped forward and placed her hand over Kate’s. “I’m Carmen, this is Eleazar.
We’re all so very pleased to finally meet you.”

“M-me, too,” Bella stuttered.

Tanya glanced over her shoulder taking in the shocked expressions on the faces of
Charlie’s deputy, Mark, and his wife. Their thoughts were a whirl of fascination and instinctive
fear. Tanya decided to move on, but she was amused by the petrified stare on Mark’s face.

“We’ll get to know each other later. We’ll have eons of time for that!” Tanya drew the
others away, laughing.

The line moved more quickly now and we were soon free to fill a plate for Bella. I took
more pleasure than I expected to waiting on her, bringing her more to drink and holding her hand
as she picked at her food. In between bites, people were constantly joining us for polite
conversation or endless streams of compliments on her hair, her jewelry, her dress or the
decorations. Bella blushed profusely under the shower of attention, occasionally deferring the
credit to Alice, Renee and Esme.

The entire time, I could not bear to leave her side for more than a moment, and then only
if it was for her pleasure or comfort. Whenever I returned to her, she greeted me with a kiss.
Activity was slowing as the buffet tables were gradually emptied of their burden.

Carlisle was the first to stand with a raised glass, clearing his throat to begin the toasts.
My parents and the Denalis mimed drinking, surreptitiously emptying their champagne into the
grass a little at a time. The champagne, sparkling wine in our case, flowed freely, and the
blessings and advice poured forth from every corner.

Alice stepped in at the first real pause, calling us up to cut the massive cake. It was four
tiers high and decorated with intricate icing and curls of white chocolate. I knew this was the
only part of the wedding planning that Bella had really been vocal about, but even she was
stunned by the monstrous confection. Bella cringed away from the knife Alice handed her.

It’s fine, don’t worry. I promise! Alice grinned at her reticence.

“She says it’s fine, Bella,” I whispered in her ear.

She smiled weakly at me as I wrapped my hand around hers and we sliced into the
bottom layer. Cameras flashed and cheers rang out as I slid a healthy slice onto a waiting plate.
Bella blushed fiercely when I scooped up a small clump of cake and icing and placed it between
her waiting lips.

I set my jaw when it was my turn, hoping my smile did not look artificial. I could see
myself though the eyes of my brothers and sisters as they waited expectantly for me to balk.

Emmett was chanting in my head like a fraternity boy, Eat it, Eat it, Eat it!

Rosalie grimaced in disgust and turned away as Bella raised a small corner of the cake to
my mouth.

Her eyes widened in shock as I carefully took the cake from her fingers with my lips and
swallowed it down in one quick movement. I grimaced as the slimy chunk slid down my throat
coating my esophagus with globs of icing.

Alice stepped in then, grabbed the knife, and deftly cut up most of the cake, handing out
plates and forks to the long line that formed behind her. I rolled my eyes when I saw Jasper slip
Emmett a wad of cash. Oh well, it served him right for betting against me.

We had very little respite before Alice was pulling Bella from my side and calling all the
unmarried ladies out to an open space beside the tent. She even coaxed an unwilling Rosalie,
Tanya and Kate out to join them. The three vampires drifted to the back of the crowd. But they
laughed with the others when Bella threw her bouquet over her shoulder with uncanny accuracy,
striking an astonished Angela in the center of her chest. The guys gathered around Ben, clapping
him on the shoulder. Angela’s smile was radiant.

Alice stopped Bella when she tried to follow the other girls as they returned to their seats.
Jasper set a chair next to her and I realized Emmett was by my side, dragging me out to join her.
When I realized the role I was about to play, I grinned. I may not have consumed any alcohol,
but the stimulant in my veins was dangerously potent, all the same. Bella shot a mortified glance
toward her father who looked on with chagrin. I watched her try to shimmy the garter further
down her leg, but she stopped moving as I stalked over to stand before her. My brothers and
sisters stood near the edge of the crowd, laughing and giggling at the sound of Bella’s racing
heart and crimson cheeks.

I dropped down to one knee in the grass and looked up at her through half-lidded eyes.
Slowly, I reached down and lifted her satin-clad foot. I slipped her shoe off amid screams from
the ladies and raucous cheers from the men. I ran my hand slowly around her foot and up her
ankle. With my other hand, I shoved her skirt up to her knee, revealing one shapely calf and a

pure white garter of silk and lace adorned with seed pearls. The onlookers gasped as I lowered
my lips to her skin and took the fragile fabric between my teeth.

Don’t you dare rip that, Edward Cullen! Alice’s thoughts scolded me.

Bella’s heart was beating rapidly and her flesh trembled against my lips as I gently
dragged the band down her leg and over her foot. With a wink for Bella, I shot the garter
directly into the astonished face of Mike Newton.

What!?!? Oh. . . His eyes darted over to Jessica and back to the feminine lace in his
startled grasp. Jasper relieved him of his burden with a hearty chuckle before stuffing Alice’s
garter into his jacket pocket.

Song – Etta James, “At Last”

The music was starting again. I watched Bella slip her dainty foot back into her shoe and
I offered her a hand. I felt like a king as I escorted her to the dance floor. In the center of the
open space, with the sparkling lights all around us, Bella looked like an angel. All she was
missing was a pair of iridescent wings to complete the picture. Bella spun and swayed in my
arms, following my lead with grace and delicacy. She was a much better dancer than she ever
gave herself credit for.

“Enjoying the party, Mrs. Cullen?” Saying those words out loud was surreal, but so

“That will take a while to get used to.” Bella laughed

“We have a while,” I reminded her, and leaned down to claim her lips. Cameras flashed
incessantly, creating the illusion of being inside a mirrored ball. We were alone with each other,
floating with the music.

As the song drew to a close, I stepped back, finally aware of the thoughts that encircled
us. The music changed and Charlie appeared next to me, cutting in to take his final dance with
his daughter, his only child. Of all the people in attendance, Charlie’s thoughts carried the
deepest grief and longing. He had watched his daughter grow from a distance; with school
pictures, mailed artwork, and too-short visits that were always spaced too far apart. In mere
moments, his baby girl had blossomed into a radiant young woman, and now he had given her
away. I was uncomfortably conscious of the fact that tonight could be the last time he saw her
face. His grief was so profound on this, her wedding day. I dreaded the day when he would
attend her ‘funeral’ and say goodbye to her for all eternity. It would shatter him.

Subdued by my reflections, I accompanied Esme onto the dance floor, allowing the music
to dictate my steps as I reflected on my decisions. Esme sensed my melancholy mood and
danced gracefully with me, silent in word and thought.

As the song faded away, I took Esme’s hand and we rejoined Carlisle. No sooner had
Charlie released Bella’s hands, shuffling uncomfortably in his tuxedo, when a friend of Charlie’s
claimed her for the next dance. I watched for several moments, content to drink in her graceful
beauty from a distance. With a kiss on my cheek, Esme took Carlisle’s hand and they joined the
revelers, dancing with inhuman grace.

The glob of cake in my stomach was starting to distract me. It was thick and glutinous
and nauseating. With a backward glance at Bella, I returned to the house and fled to the
bathroom. Shutting and locking the door, I bent over the toilet, shuddering as I prepared myself
for the unpleasantness that was to come. Vampires do not have a gag reflex, and the process of
expelling solid food is repulsive and uncomfortable. Leaning forward over the bowl, I tensed
and forced my stomach to contract and push the cake up. Inch by arduous inch, I coerced it back
up my throat. I felt its slow progress marked by a trail of oily residue. Finally I choked and spat
the revolting morsel into the toilet, flushing instantly.

But my ordeal was not over. I turned on the sink, cupped my hands, and scooped handful
after handful of water into my mouth, forcing myself to swallow the metallic tasting fluid. My
stomach felt close to bursting and my body was shivering with the discomfort of the water
sloshing around inside me. I bent over the toilet again, expelling all of the water from my mouth
again in a massive, retching geyser. As I choked out the last drops, I gasped in relief. The water
had rinsed away the foul material.

I almost groaned out loud when I heard the shuffle of human footsteps outside the door.
Phil knocked on the door hesitantly.

“Everything okay in there?” His solicitous thoughts were well intended but rattled my

“I’m fine, I’ll be out in a moment,” I called back.

I glared at my reflection in the mirror. My brief struggle had taken its toll on my
appearance and I took a minute to straighten my shirt and fix my bow tie. I inhaled deeply, held
it for ten seconds, and then released it in a rush. It was time to reclaim my bride.

I stepped out of the bathroom and was startled by Phil’s immediate assumptions when he
recognized me.

“Hey, kid. Don’t worry about a thing. We all have nerves on our wedding day! Of
course, most people get sick before the ceremony, but I admire you for holding it together like
you did. A lot of my teammates toss their cookies before a big game. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Just take some deep breaths and you’ll be fine.” He patted me on the shoulder reassuringly.

I gave him a weak smile, unable to formulate a reply that wouldn’t make things more
difficult, and I fled the house as rapidly as I dared.

My first reaction when I caught sight of Bella on the dance floor with Mike Newton was
one of amusement. . . until I picked his thoughts from among the tumult in my head. Then I was

“Excuse me, Mike, somebody was looking for you inside.” I took advantage of his
startled pause to whirl Bella away from his despicable embrace. Bella was surprised when I
smoothly edged Mike out of the way.

“Still not that fond of Mike, eh?”

“Not when I have to listen to his thoughts. He’s lucky I didn’t kick him out. Or worse.”

“Yeah, right.” She blushed at my implication, but her wry tone belied her complete
ignorance of her spectacular appearance.

“Have you had a chance to look at yourself?” I asked suspiciously.

“Um. No, I guess not. Why?” Just like I thought.

“Then I suppose you don’t realize how utterly, heartbreakingly beautiful you are tonight.
I’m not surprised Mike’s having improper thoughts about a married woman. I am disappointed
that Alice didn’t make sure you were forced to look in a mirror.”

“You are very biased, you know.”

“Biased, am I?” I questioned as I turned our bodies to face the mirror-like glass windows
of the house. I pointed to the couple beneath the glow of the canopy. Bella floated with the
grace of her namesake, clothed in pristine white, delicate as a lily blooming amid the morning

Her eyes widened in disbelief. Her face was frozen in shocked realization as she finally
drew the connection between herself and the angelic figure in the reflection. I was enjoying her
revelation too much. My preoccupation is the only thing that made me pause when a familiar
mental voice called my name.

“Oh!” Jacob is here. Right now! I anticipated Bella’s reaction and my face broke into a

“What is it?”

“A surprise wedding gift.” I dragged out the surprise, enjoying the knowledge that I had
succeeded in contributing even more to the perfection of this night.

“Huh?” She was bewildered. She had no way of expecting him here, but her delight was
going to be so sweet to behold. Her confusion now was icing on the cake.

Hmmm. Bad analogy.

Song – Chris e Burgh, “Lady in Red”

I drew her back into my arms, leading her in a gradual dance away from the lights and
noise. In the darkness, beneath the sheltering branches of one of the ancient cedars, Jacob Black
watched and waited. He, too, was stunned by her image tonight.

I quickly found his figure, lurking in the dark shadows. His frame was thinner, depleted
by the weeks of hard running and a wolf’s diet. There were obviously no Doritos in the depths
of the Rocky Mountain’s overgrown forests.

“Thank you. This is very. . . kind of you,” I spoke into the shadows.

I saw his thoughts as he took in the sight of her, flushed and radiant with joy and
excitement. His heart was straining with the agony and the irony. He had wanted her to be
happy, and here she stood before him. . . bursting with happiness. But it was not with him. And
the pain of his bruised and bleeding heart was clear in every fractured dream that flew through
his mind.

He came for her, to bring her peace and joy. He came as her best friend. He came
because he loved her. And it was destroying him to be so close to us. To me.

“Kind is my middle name. Can I cut in?” He tempered his sarcasm with a gentle tone,
but his voice was husky with the strain.

Bella’s hand flew to her throat and she sagged against me in shock.

“Jacob! Jacob!”

“Hey there, Bells.” She took three stumbling steps forward and I gripped her elbow
gently to make sure she didn’t fall. Jacob pulled her into a tight embrace, resting his face against
her hair as she buried her face in his chest.

Thank you for inviting me. I’m just glad I chose to come.

Jacob’s thoughts were still jumbled, but he was warmed by Bella’s instant acceptance of
his arrival. Confident that I had been right to invite him, and relieved that he had appeared, I left
to give them some time alone. To reminisce. To say goodbye.

“Rosalie won’t forgive me if she doesn’t get her official turn on the dance floor,” I
explained as I stepped away. Bella hardly noticed me turning to leave and I felt a sudden,
unwelcome stab of jealousy. I stubbornly pushed it away.

“Oh, Jacob. Thank you.” Bella was crying already. She always seemed to have tears for
Jacob. But these were tears of joy and relief, I reminded myself.

“Stop blubbering, Bella. You’ll ruin your dress. It’s just me.”

“Just? Oh, Jake! Everything is perfect now.”

Yes, I guess everything is, I smiled to myself, scanning the crowd for my sister. As much
as I was able, I pushed their hushed conversation and Jacob’s emotional thoughts to the back of
my mind. I wanted Bella to have complete privacy to say her goodbyes to her best friend, the
only friend who had been there for her when I had not. For that, and for coming tonight, I was
forever indebted to Jacob Black.

Alice had already warned Rosalie that I was looking for her. Her talent was very
convenient. . . most of the time. Rosalie stood near the dance floor with her hand held out,
waiting. I took her proffered hand, guiding her to the least crowded corner. The first notes of
“Lady in Red” filled the night air and I couldn’t suppress my smile. If there was any song ever
written to honor Rosalie, this would be it.

While she was clothed in silver tonight, her stunning features and regal bearing drew the
eyes of every man who saw her. As usual, thoughts ranged from stunned confusion to blatant
lust. But the strongest of them all came from Emmett, hovering near the back of the crowd,
anxious for this song to end so he could have her by his side again. I sympathized, but this dance
was important to me. The days leading up to today had been difficult for Rosalie. Everyone was
in a flurry over the wedding preparations. The topic dominated all conversations and the house
was exploding with decorations, lists, sketches and samples. The profusion of flowers that
arrived over the last 48 hours had forced us to vacate furniture from two rooms and bring in
portable air conditioners to keep them fresh.

To put it simply, Rosalie had not had a moment of comfort or silence for days. And yet,
she had played the role of a devoted sister, preparing Bella for this monumental occasion. She
had graced the ceremony with a piano performance so polished and moving that many of the
guests had been unable to stop talking about it.

We fell automatically into a smooth dance with Rosalie leading as often as I did. Much
like our relationship, our dancing displayed our strong personalities, our opinionated natures, and
our constant struggle for superiority. But tonight there was no edge to our playful competition.
Tonight I was enjoying my sister’s company and happy to show my extreme gratitude for
everything she had done. Everything she had been to me over the decades.

“I know I said it earlier, but thank you,” I began.

“Edward, you don’t need to thank me. I didn’t do any more than anyone else.”

“Ahhh, but you don’t understand. Nobody else could have played today like you did.
Nobody else could have captured the essence of our love and turned it into music the way you
did. Your renditions of Pachelbel’s Canon and Wagner’s Wedding Chorus were the most
original, the most romantic I have ever heard.”

Rosalie rolled her eyes and turned away, attempting to brush off my compliments like
idle flattery. But her thoughts betrayed her true insecurity and the rush of gratitude she felt with
my appreciation. We did not speak again for the duration of the dance, but Rosalie’s steps were
lighter, her smile softer. We were seeing eye-to-eye for the first time in many years. It felt

Emmett barely waited for the song to end before cutting in. I was not offended and,
laughing, I wove through the crowd until I found Seth. He was standing by the buffet table,
picking over the remains of the feast and filling what I knew was his fifth plate. He greeted me
with a sheepish shrug and dug in. Memories of my recent foray into ingesting human food made
my insides churn until I turned away for a moment. He eyed my strained expression
sympathetically and finished his portion quickly.

We sat at an empty table, watching the guests enjoying themselves and made small talk
about the Pack. It was always fascinating for me to hear about Quil’s unique relationship with
little Claire. Rather than being shocked or disgusted by the implications, I was in awe of the
purity and uncompromising nature of his love for Claire. For a human, even one with the
supernatural shape-shifting abilities, to develop a love so deep and all-encompassing was
fascinating. The only bond that I knew to be stronger was that of a mated vampire, and even
then it often lacked the pure selflessness of the imprint bond.

We were both laughing over the latest evidence of Quil’s complete subservience to the
diminutive imp when I was struck by such a rush of images laced with confusion, fear, hatred
and despair that I almost bent double with the pain.

The familiar mental voice, gurgling with bitter disgust, made the source immediately
apparent. Struggling to maintain the human façade, I rose and moved urgently toward the spot
where I had left Bella. Seth didn’t ask a single question, he just fell into step behind me,
somehow knowing my destination and the general cause of my abrupt departure. Bella’s words
and Jacob’s thoughts were pounding into my head with painful clarity.

Across the clearing I could see them, standing close together, mostly hidden within the
shadows of the encroaching woods. Bella’s tiny figure was completely dwarfed by Jacob’s
towering frame. Jacob’s eyes bulged wide with a strange kind of bewildered horror. His mind
was replaying Bella’s most recent words, struggling with his confusion and denial. “I’m not
putting anything off. And yes I can have a real honeymoon! I can do anything I want! Butt

A real honeymoon? Then that means. . . They are going to. . . Oh, God, no!

Images of Bella and me in intimate positions flashed through his head. But in every one,
Bella was being crushed by my monstrous strength. Bella’s wide eyes, blank and empty, stared
back at me. The pictures, thrust into my mind against my will filled me with revulsion and self-

“What? What did you say?” he choked out. His shock and disgust were quickly giving
way to rising fury.

“About what. . .? Jake? What’s wrong?” Bella was puzzled and oblivious to her danger.
Already, I felt the air around Jacob shimmering. He was straining to maintain control, but
rapidly losing the battle.

I cursed the crowd around me that forced me to move so slowly. Ten pairs of eyes
followed me, my family and friends confused by my sudden departure. Jasper keyed in on the
powerful rage emanating from their direction. Emmett and Jasper moved to the edge of the
crowd, even walked several paces toward the shadows, pretending to be deep in conversation,
waiting for my signal to step in.

“What do you mean? Have a real honeymoon? While you’re still human? Are you
kidding? That’s a sick joke, Bella!”

“I said butt out, Jake. This is so not your business. I shouldn’t have. . . we shouldn’t
even be talking about this. It’s private—“

Jacob’s hands were wrapped around Bella’s upper arms. I saw her face contort in pain.
At that moment, all disgust I held for myself disappeared. It was replaced by a cold fury.

“Ow, Jake! Let go!”

He was hurting her! How dare he? I would tear his throat out!

“Bella! Have you lost your mind? You can’t be that stupid! Tell me you’re joking!”
Jake was trembling, shaking her in his anger. Her head whipped back and forth and I no longer
cared if anyone saw me. I was going to tear the mutt’s body to pieces and nothing, nobody, was
going to stop me!

My thoughts were crowded with alarmed voices. Two wolves, Sam and Quil, were
converging on the same spot. The deep tenor of Sam Uley’s thoughts resonated in my head.

Edward, let us handle this.

I wanted to curse him for interfering. This confrontation had been brewing for over a
year. I should have ended it months ago. All of my efforts to protect Bella’s feelings when the
real danger was physical suddenly seemed silly and weak. I was a fool.

“Jake—stop!” Bella cried. He showed no sign of hearing her.

Sam and Quil emerged from the forest, tense and ready to spring on Jacob or me. With
Bella in the center of the conflict, I had to restrain myself. If she was hurt in any way. . .

“Take your hands off her!” I hissed, wanting to remove them myself. His arms, too, if

Sam snarled threateningly. I held my ground.

“Jake, bro, back away. You’re losing it,” Seth urged. His voice was low and calm, but
forceful. Jacob still did not move. His face was frozen in horror and his eyes were transfixed by
his inner vision.

“You’ll hurt her. Let her go.”

Seth was whispering intensely now, trying to break through to Jacob’s consciousness. I
could not just stand there with Bella in pain. Her face was strained as Jacob’s vise-like grip shut
off all blood flow to her tortured arms.

“Now!” I snarled.

Jacob flinched and dropped his arms, no longer frozen but still stunned. Before anybody
else could react, I picked Bella up and flew back several paces, placing myself between her and
the rabid dog. Sam and Quil were in front of him and Seth had his arms locked about his torso.
He was struggling with Jacob, trying desperately to pull him back into the woods.

“C’mon, Jake. Let’s go.”

Jacob was shaking harder now, his murderous gaze fixed on me. Bella was clinging to
me, trying to peer around my body as her former best friend threatened my life.

“I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you myself! I’ll do it now!” His voice was a raspy whisper, but it
carried all the strength of a roar.

He was imagining himself shredding my body, tearing me with his teeth, burning the
scraps of flesh. He was beyond hatred, beyond fury. He was so consumed by passionate
loathing that he no longer cared for his own life. The only thing preventing him from changing
and lunging at me was his fear that he would kill Seth in the process. Sam growled ferociously,
forbidding me to attack, urging Jacob to retreat.

I was done with these games. This boy had challenged me before and I had calmly
stepped aside. I had respected him and been grateful to him for befriending Bella. For her sake I
had never allowed myself to harm him, even when he crossed every line of decency and
decorum. But he presumed too much. To lay his hands on my wife, to even attempt to detain
her. . . it was not to be tolerated.

“Seth, get out of the way,” I ordered. I almost wanted him to attack. If Bella could only
see what a monster he could be, how little self-control he truly had, how little regard he had for
her happiness or safety when it did not agree with his sensibilities!

If Bella had chosen him, I would have stepped aside. I would have been a torn, broken
shell, but I would have done it for her.

But she hadn’t chosen him. She had chosen me. She had said yes to me. And nobody
had the right to take that away from her. Least of all this miserable, selfish child.

“Don’t do it, Jake. Walk away. C’mon.” Seth continued to pull on Jacob, heaving
against his weight to drag him to safety. Safety from me, safety from himself. Sam added his
bulk to the battle, forcing Jacob to retreat with his massive head pressed against his chest.

Quil remained between us, watching their retreat, hating to see his friend reduced to this
agony and the indignity of being dragged away and disgraced before the woman he loved. Bella
was shaking with shock and fear.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered to Quil. Her voice trembled and I was afraid she was about to

“It’s all right now, Bella,” I reassured her.

Quil turned to me. His eyes were filled with loathing.

It is not all right. Ever since your kind returned, it has been anything but all right. If it
weren’t for Sam, I would have let him kill you.

His admission was not a threat, but a statement of fact. He would have little remorse if
every member of my family were destroyed. He would have tried to avenge his friend’s pain if it
weren’t for the orders of his Alpha.

I accepted his thoughts with a cold nod. Despite his anger, I held no enmity for him. To
me he was still a boy, devoted to his tribe, his pack, and his imprint. He accepted my dismissal
with a huff and disappeared into the woods.

“All right,” I murmured to myself. It was all right now, wasn’t it? Turning back to Bella,
I spoke louder. “Let’s get back.”

“But Jake—,” She was still stunned by everything that had transpired.

“Sam has him in hand. He’s gone,” I reassured her. I could no longer even hear their

“Edward, I’m so sorry. I was stupid—” Her face collapsed into grief and guilt as the full
impact of the conflict settled on her.

“You did nothing wrong—” I tried to stop her self blame, but she was persistent.

“I have such a big mouth! Why would I. . . I shouldn’t have let him get to me like that.
What was I thinking?”

Bro, what happened? Is everything okay? Emmett asked from a distance while Jasper
tested the calmer mood. I nodded curtly in response.

“Don’t worry.” I stroked her face gently, searching for any signs of residual pain.

With a bitter taste in my mouth, I turned my thoughts to the human throng, carefully
searching for any indication that there had been witnesses to the scuffle. All was clear, although
several people seemed curious as to our whereabouts.

“We need to get back to the reception before somebody notices our absence,” I cautioned.

“Give me two seconds,” Bella pleaded pitifully. Her eyes were wild and frantic shifting
from me, to the spot where Jacob had disappeared, and back. She tilted her head back, willing
away the tears. I saw her face take on a steely resolve as she locked away her own chaotic
thoughts and smoothed her hands down her skirt. “My dress?”

“You look fine. Not a hair out of place.” And, surprisingly, she did look fine. My
admiration for her strength jumped even higher. She took two more deep breaths, squared her
shoulders and murmured, “Okay. Let’s go.”

Song – Incubus, “Love Hurts”

Wrapping her in a protective embrace, I led her back to the light, back to the happy
celebration. The passage from dark to light was symbolic; moving from danger to safety. I felt
my mood lighten with each step. We stepped back onto the dance floor under the watchful eyes
of ten vampires. Tanya’s gaze was critical and very curious. She had picked up the stench of
more werewolves, listened to their snaps and snarls, and begun to second guess her previous
apology. When my eyes caught hers, she lowered her gaze demurely and her thoughts became
unreadable, as if a fog had swept across her mind.

While I was feeling relief, Bella was still stiff in my arms. Her brow was drawn down
and her lips were pressed together. She was unusually pale.

“Are you—“

“I’m fine.” Her voice was firm, but she was anything but fine. I knew immediately that
she was heaping the blame for everything that had transpired on her own narrow shoulders. “I
can’t believe I did that. What’s wrong with me?” she continued.

“Nothing is wrong with you.”

Physically she seemed to be okay. But emotionally? My good-will gesture had backfired
more horrifically than I could have imagined. Had I really considered destroying her friend right
in front of her? On our wedding day?

Now that the immediate danger was gone, my rage was being replaced with self-disgust.
I had no more control than Jacob, a seventeen-year-old boy. And his fears, his accusations. . .
were they really so misplaced? Weren’t those the very same visions that haunted me every day
and night?

Those mental images forced me to pull away every time I wanted to lean closer.
Demanded that I stop the kiss or the caress before my brittle self-control could be tested too far.
I lived each moment with Bella on a knife’s edge, with fear and desire pulling me desperately to
one side, then the other.

And I was not the only one suffering. Bella did not realize that I heard the strain in her
voice and felt the tension in her shoulders whenever I pulled away. She did not know how my
heart ached when she lowered her eyes to conceal her constant disappointment.

Now that our honeymoon loomed before me, I was questioning whether I had been too
cautious. Her blood was no longer a temptation to me, although her scent still scorched my
throat like a firebrand. However, my physical need for her was barely controlled and had not
abated one bit. I had hoped to be somewhat desensitized. But, if anything, it was stronger and
more forceful than ever!

I was wrong to have promised to try. Learning to control my diabolical thirst around
humans had taken years, decades of self-control and stringent focus. How could I have hoped to
subdue my base physical urges in just a few short months? How could I hope to fulfill my
promise without losing control when I had never seen her body or touched her intimately?

I knew from the things I saw and heard in the minds of countless people that I was
unprepared for the sensations of smell, sight, touch and sound that I was sure to experience. And
the taste. . . the taste of her tears and her saliva were a constant torment to my throat. . . a
tortuous taste that I could not resist. But to taste her sweat, to smell her arousal, to touch her
bare skin. . . Would she forgive me if I told her I couldn’t do it?

But I promised. . . I said we would try.


“It’s over. Let’s not think of it again tonight.” I was startled from my reverie by her firm
tone. I felt her eyes searching my face. “Edward?” I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead
against hers with a silent groan.

“Jacob is right. What am I thinking?”

“He is not. Jacob is way too prejudiced to see anything clearly.”

“I should let him kill me for even thinking of being with you like that,” I muttered under
my breath.

“Stop it!” she commanded authoritatively. Her hot hands were firmly holding my face
and eventually I forced myself to open my eyes. The power and conviction in her eyes was
shocking. “You and me. That’s the only thing that matters. The only thing you’re allowed to
think about right now. Do you hear me?”

“Yes,” I sighed. I could not say no to her. I tried, but it was impossible to shape the

“Forget Jacob came. For me. Promise that you’ll let this go.”

I stared into her eyes, looking for any sign of weakness or hesitation. But she gazed,
unflinching, back into mine. She was my commander, the sovereign of my soul. I would do my
best to please her. I would make her happy. I had no choice.

“I promise.”

“Thank you. Edward, I’m not afraid.”

“I am,” I confessed.

“Don’t be. By the way, I love you.” She smiled her angelic smile and my black
emotions began to melt away.

“That’s why we’re here.” I ventured a small smile in return.

“You’re monopolizing the bride. Let me dance with my little sister. This could be my
last chance to make her blush.” Emmett cut in, loud, obnoxious, and grinning wickedly.

Alice and Jasper want to talk to you.

I reluctantly relinquished her hand to my brother, smiling a little as he whirled her around
at a dizzying speed.

Jasper and Alice stood back from the crowd. Jasper’s face was set and tense. The
distilled hatred and anger that Jacob felt for me had set his nerves on edge. He stood close to
Alice, protectively shadowing her every move. With a terse jerk of his head, he gestured to a
dark figure, black and thick with shaggy fur, which hovered several paces into the trees.


I approached the alpha wolf cautiously, trying to sense his thoughts and mood, but they
were tightly controlled. Standing an arm’s length from his gigantic form, I was struck again with

wonder for the shape shifters. Their bodies, though enormous, were tightly packed bundles of
muscle and sinew. His fangs glistened razor-sharp in the twinkling light. Fangs that, with the
rest of his body, became a carefully contrived, highly efficient, killing machine.

Sam’s eyes were level with mine, calculating and cold. Images flickered through his
mind, interlaced with the central essence of his existence; to protect his land and his people.
Every sense told him that I was the enemy. But he subjugated his instincts to his higher reason,
forcing himself, and his pack, to give us space and honor the generations-old treaty.

I wish to thank you for lifting the treaty boundaries so that Seth could attend the
ceremony. He was honored to be your guest tonight. But the ceremony is over now. We will not
cross the boundary line again.

“Thank you. I understand. We were grateful for his presence.”

I felt there was more. Sam would not have appeared so tightly controlled if this was the
entirety of his message. Finally, I heard the words flowing freely from his thoughts.

Jacob has been subdued, barely. I almost lost two members of my pack tonight. While I
cannot place the blame for this incident on you and your family, your presence is the very power
beneath the turmoil. Tonight was just a hint of what will come if things end badly. I am here to
warn you.

His gaze intensified and his thoughts were clipped jabs in my mind.

The treaty was almost broken tonight. If you or any member of your family harms a
human being in any way, we will have no choice but to act. We are, and always will be,
watching you.

My jaw was set. I did not trust myself to speak. Instead, I dipped my head in
understanding, turned on my heel and made my way back to my siblings. I repeated the
conversation for them as Jasper stared menacingly over my shoulder into the woods.

Four pairs of eyes, and four heavy heartbeats thudded in the night. Seth was not present
and I hoped he was with Jacob. The four wolves that watched us from the shadows waited for
several more minutes before Sam gave the command to return to their territory. They would not
return again unless invited. Judging by the stiff postures and raging thoughts of my family, that
was not likely to happen soon.

From the outskirts of the human congregation, I watched Bella twirling around the dance
floor with a long succession of partners. Friends of her father, the pediatrician from the hospital,
classmates from school; they were all awed by her demure beauty and graceful steps. She was
finally relaxed, showing every evidence of enjoying herself.

Let’s not think of it again tonight. . . I promised.

Her gentle blushes and sweetly curving smile were like balm, cooling my anger and
soothing my nerves. The current song drifted to a close and I stepped to her side quickly, cutting
off two prospective partners.

My healing was complete when she melted into my arms, welcoming me with her radiant
smile. She rested her head against my chest, the first signs of fatigue curving her shoulders and
slowing her steps.

“I could get used to this.”

“Don’t tell me you’ve gotten over your dancing issues?” I teased.

“Dancing isn’t so bad—with you. But I was thinking more of this, of never having to let
you go.” Her arms tightened around me, infusing me with her luxurious heat.

“Never,” I agreed.

Words that imparted a sense of eternity, trapped in this body, stagnant in a monotonous
life, had always driven me to despair. How wonderful they sounded now, with such a perfect
partner to share that eternity with.

I leaned down to kiss her, capturing her waiting lips with the force of my love and
devotion. Our mouths moved against each other slowly, her tender flesh heating mine. Her
heart rate picked up and I followed its pace, moving my hand gradually up her back, running
over the dozens of pearl buttons that lined her backbone.

With my hand between her shoulder blades, I pressed her body against mine until her
heat molded around me like a liquid flame. Her head was tilted back and turned slightly to the
left. The pulsing blood in her throat sent waves of delicious warmth against my chest and neck.
My other hand was tracing her hipbone, feeling the tension in her muscles as she stood slightly
higher on her toes to meet my hungry kisses with her own.

“Bella! It’s time!” Alice’s chirping voice was accompanied by a pointed thought from
her mind, showing me the faces of dozens of onlookers. As if I cared. As if I was going to allow
one more interruption to take me away from the only place I longed to be, buried in Bella’s

I willed my sister away, trying to recapture the magic from a moment before. Bella’s
heart was sprinting and her body was encased by a fine sheen of sweat. The fire was
unbelievable, not just in my throat, but throughout my entire body. Her hands on my neck pulled
me continuously closer.

Alice refused to be put off so easily.

“Do you want to miss your plane? I’m sure you’ll have a lovely honeymoon camped out
at the airport waiting for another flight.” Anything that required me moving from this spot was
not an option.

“Go away, Alice.” I murmured, praying that she would just disappear. Bella’s lips met
mine more eagerly than before. I could only imagine what thoughts were going through her
mind. Mine had only one focus.

Exasperated, Alice changed her tactics, bullying Bella now. “Bella, do you want to wear
that dress on the airplane?” Bella didn’t react at all, as if she hadn’t even heard Alice.

Shifting her attention back to me, Alice growled, “I’ll tell her where you’re taking her,
Edward. So help me, I will.”

That woke me up. She wouldn’t dare. . . But as I read her mind, I saw that she would.
In fact, she was willing to say or do almost anything to make sure the last scene of her fairy-tale
wedding was played perfectly, with every person in their place.

“You’re awfully small to be so hugely irritating.”

“I didn’t pick out the perfect going-away dress to have it wasted,” she snapped back.
“Come with me, Bella.” She claimed one of Bella’s hands and began to drag her away, but Bella
did not submit immediately. Bella stood on her tip-toes to kiss me one more time before Alice
jerked her arm impatiently, but still so carefully, and hauled her away to the amusement of
several onlookers.

That last kiss, the brush of her tender lips, sent such a jolt of fire through my stomach that
I was frozen to the ground for the duration of the song. I was awakened from my stupor by the
sound of Rosalie, clearing her throat theatrically while Emmett slung his arm across my

“You have the deer-in-the-headlights look. You have no idea what’s about to hit you!”
Emmett snickered.

Rosalie smacked him in the back of the head with a loud crack. I saw her intention
before she acted and ducked forward to avoid Emmett’s recoil.

“I’m sorry. What was that? Something was about to hit someone?” I watched him rub
his head with an innocent expression plastered on my face.

Emmett’s eyes went from shocked betrayal to indignation.

Just you wait. . .

Stifling a laugh, I broke away from the pair and entered the house. Jasper brushed past
me, jingling my car keys with a wink. The crowd had mellowed considerably with the good

food and hours of dancing. They were trickling back into the house in pairs and trios, speaking
in quiet tones. Unaware of the catastrophe that had been narrowly averted earlier, the feeling of
warmth and well being settled over the crowd like a layer of down. I keyed in on Bella’s voice,
full of unshed tears and the weight of her goodbyes.

“I love you, mom. I’m so glad you have Phil. Take care of each other.”

“I love you, too, Bella, honey.” Her arm was wrapped around Bella as they descended
the stairs.

“Goodbye, Mom. I love you.”

Bella’s eyes found me and she placed her hand in my outstretched one. For the second
time tonight, I was watching an angel descend to my level. I mouthed a quiet thank you to Alice,
who watched our reunion with a satisfied grin. She had earned every ounce of self-
congratulations she was showering on herself.

Bella’s figure was wrapped in finely woven, dark blue cotton. Two panels crossed in the
front to form a modest V-neck, gathering into folds at her tiny waist. The skirt flared and swirled
around her knees as she moved, barely caressing her calves. Alice had dressed her in sensible
shoes, for a change, with just enough heel to tighten her calf muscles in the most becoming
manner. The three-quarter sleeves of her dress left her delicate wrists bare, a fragrant pulse point
that always attracted me with its tantalizing smell and satin-soft skin. Her hair had been released
from the braids and pins. Instead, it hung in heavy waves around her shoulders and down her
back. Her scent washed over me, more potent than ever.

Bella’s eyes scanned the crowd and it was easy to surmise who she was searching for.

“Dad?” she asked, her voice still strained with unshed tears.

“Over here.” I guided her through the throng, grateful that people pulled back to let us
through. I followed an invisible path to the tangled web of grief that was Charlie’s mind. We
found him leaning against the back wall, slightly turned away from the crowd, his eyes rimmed
with red as he anticipated saying goodbye to his baby girl.

“Oh, Dad!” Bella cried, wrapping an arm around his waist.

“There, now. You don’t want to miss your plane.” Charlie patted her back awkwardly,
wanting to cry like her, but holding onto his composure.

“I love you forever, Dad. Don’t forget that.”

“You, too, Bells. Always have, always will.” Charlie did not think or speak of love
easily. His voice was rough but so full of truth that I ached for him.

Charlie kissed her wet cheek at the same time that she pressed her lips against his. His
mind registered brief pleasure at the daughterly sign of affection. They were both so similar; self
conscious and restrained, shy and reticent. Now he regretted not hugging and kissing her more.
He had lost so much time to their separation that letting go now was like tearing out a piece of
his soul. I knew how he felt. She was difficult to say goodbye to, even under the best

“Call me.”

“Soon,” she promised, her eyes tightening. This was goodbye. Forever. She hid the
depth of her anguish so well.

I hated that I was taking her away from this. Her father and her mother loved her so
completely. They needed her. Sure, Renee had Phil now. But Charlie had nobody. He was
alone in this world, cast adrift at an early age, remaining stoic but lonely as the years dragged on.
And I was walking out the door with his only comfort. Alice had once said that Bella was all he
had. Losing her would kill him. I prayed that was not the case.

“Go on, then. Don’t want to be late,” he spoke gruffly, gently turning her to face me

I thanked him with a smile, dipping my head in an informal bow of gratitude and respect.
Looking into his heartbroken gaze, I felt the full weight of his trust and approval. It took him a
long time be able to offer me that, but Bella’s obvious devotion eventually swayed his opinion of
me. I was both honored and guilt-stricken. If he knew what I was, what I planned to do to his
daughter, he would never. . .

Hiding my true emotions, I drew Bella against my side and we exited the house, rushing
down the aisle formed by our cheering guests.

“Are you ready?” I asked her quietly as we burst back out into the cooling night air.

“I am,” she replied simply, answering so many questions at once.

Forgetting my guilt and hesitation, I pulled her against me for another kiss. This time,
thanking her for blessing me with her love and her vow of eternity.

We rushed to the car amid a shower of rice. One individual was pelting me in the back
with supernatural strength and accuracy. I didn’t resent Emmett’s revenge. Rose hit harder,

Shielding Bella from the worst of the storm, I opened the door for her and waited until
she was in before crossing to the driver’s side. Jasper had left the keys in the ignition and our
passports, boarding passes and money in both currencies were in an envelope in the center
console. Perfect.

Bella rolled down her window, leaning out and waving to our families and friends. She
called out “I love you!” as we sped away. She craned her head around, watching them until the
happy picture was completely hidden from view. I squeezed her hand reassuringly.

“I love you,” I said simply.

“That’s why we’re here,” she repeated my own words back to me. Grinning widely, I
leaned over to kiss her hair.

Moments later, I heard the noise of pursuit.

A large body crashed through the forest off to the left, keeping pace with us as I flung the
Volvo through the winding turns. I kept my face impassive, watching the lights streak by us in
vivid white streams. His thoughts were pulsing in my mind, primal and overpowering. Gone
were the vivid images from earlier. He had given himself over completely to the instincts of the
wolf. All that remained in his mind were the raw feelings of torment and soul-shattering agony.

Turning onto the highway, I punched the accelerator. The pistons opened up with a
throaty growl, unleashing the engine’s full force in a sudden leap forward.

The stillness of the night air was shattered by a piercing howl, but it faded swiftly into the
distance. Bella didn’t even flinch. I prayed she didn’t hear the farewell cry of her abandoned
friend. Soon after, the only trace of Jacob Black that remained was the throbbing knot of guilt
and regret in my stomach.

Ch. 5 Isle Esme
Song – Jim Brickman, “Looking Back”

I caressed Bella’s hand gently with my thumb as we walked the last 50 feet down the
Sea-Tac Airport concourse.

A harried mother stood off to the side, scolding her young son for losing a shoe.

Oh Lord, please help me make it through this flight. If one more thing goes wrong I just
don’t know. . .

Behind me, the squeak, squeak, squeak of a broken caster drew attention to another one
of the many voices humming through my mind. . .

“She can’t resist packing ‘just one more thing’, can she? This suitcase is going to burst!
There’s no way they’ll let us keep it as a carry-on. . . and I’ll spend the entire flight listening to
her whining about her sister instead of finishing that book.”

I felt a little sympathy for the disgruntled man. Not every man was blessed with an angel
in his life.

Stopping at our gate, I turned to Bella, marveling again at the beautiful creature who was
now my wife. As I gazed into her curious eyes, I felt like my silent heart would burst with pure,
unadulterated joy.

“Houston?” Bella asked with her eyebrows raised. Her curiosity was roiling beneath the
surface of her usually calm gaze.

“Just a stop along the way,” I assured her with a gentle smile. I tried to contain my
excitement as I imagined her response to our honeymoon retreat. I had planned it all in
meticulous detail, and I hoped, dared to dream, that she would love it. I tried not to think beyond
her reaction to the location; quickly squashing my nervous doubts as we swiftly boarded the

Bella sighed. A tiny smile played across her lips as she settled gratefully into her plush
leather seat.

I glanced down the length of the plane. The cabin was barely one third full, and only five
other passengers shared the first-class section at the front of the cabin. In less than one breath, I
assessed those closest to us. My survival instincts were subconscious, quickly reading their
surface thoughts, looking for negative reactions or threatening intentions. Reassured, I turned
my attention back to the frail human girl. . . no, woman. . . at my side.

For decades I had struggled to come to terms with my unnatural existence. I questioned
my purpose and the justification for a species that seemed to be cursed. . . Hideous, monstrous,
parasitic creatures that we were.

Vampires. Part of me had always recoiled from the word.

But, no longer.

Glancing down again, I watched the steady rise and fall of Bella’s chest. Her even
breathing, slow, gentle heartbeat, the faint rosy flush of her cheeks. . . they mesmerized me.

To think, when I had first caught her scent less than two years ago, I had hated her.
Hungered for her blood. Planned her demise over and over in horrifying detail. I had thought
her a demon sent to destroy me and the lives of my family.

Instead, she was my purest gift. She was my salvation.

I absently noted the flight attendants readying the cabin for departure, but I could not take
my eyes from her angelic face. Bella wrapped a thick navy blue blanket around her shoulders
and smiled up at me, her full lips curving delicately.

“I love you.” she whispered.

“I love you, too, Mrs. Cullen.” Her heart quickened slightly and I grinned at her sudden

She giggled quietly, resting her head against my chest. I inhaled deeply. The warm scent
of her hair seared my throat, but I ignored it. My hand reveled in the silkiness of her hair,
stroking gently across her shoulders and down her spine. Gradually, her breathing slowed, her
body relaxing in my embrace. The hours slipped peacefully away as I watched my Bella sleep.

The plane touched down smoothly in Houston, not even disturbing her dreamless
slumber. I was loath to wake her, but we still had a long distance to travel. I shook her gently
and waited as her body reacted and her eyelids fluttered open. Wordlessly she rose and followed
me. Her complete confidence was a gift that I did not take lightly. I treasured it, alongside the
countless other signs of her affection.

I could see that Bella was struggling to keep her eyes open. She stumbled against me
several times as we disembarked and I gripped her elbow softly to steady her. Her eyes darted
up to mine gratefully.

I suppressed a small laugh as I scanned the concourse. It was early morning in Houston,
and the airport was bustling with activity. The thoughts of hundreds of travelers swirled around
me and I automatically tuned out the din.

Ah. There it is. Glancing down at Bella again, I could see she barely registered her
surroundings. She blindly trusted me to lead her safely through the tumultuous crowds, only
showing a spark of energy when we reached our gate.

“Rio De Janeiro?” She sounded a little nervous and I had to remind myself that Bella had
only traveled outside of the United States once, when she had flown to Italy at the risk of her
own life to save me.

Just that fleeting thought sent my inner vision soaring back to the vampire-ruled city of
Volterra. I was reliving my reckless flight toward death and oblivion; a flight that was filled
with pain and misery, but that ended unexpectedly with Bella’s precipitous return into my life.

The memory flashed through my mind instantly. Despite its brevity, the experience was
intense. I momentarily considered all the decades that I had walked this earth, the cultures I had
experienced, governments rising and falling amid war and social turmoil. Surely, I had seen it
all. And yet, I would witness this world through new eyes now. With Bella at my side, this
world, this universe, was completely reborn. I wondered at the change in me, for Bella had
altered me absolutely and permanently.

Bella was still waiting for my response. She did not even seem to notice the slight
hesitation in my reply, “Another stop,” I reassured her with a serene smile.

She nodded once, but the slight crease between her eyebrows reappeared as she puzzled
over our destination. Once on board, I managed to get Bella to drink two cups of water, aware of
how dry aviation air would be for her, but she drifted quickly back to sleep before the breakfast
cart arrived. With her cradled in my arms, I was able to forget the horrors of the past and just
treasure the knowledge that I was complete, at last.

* * *

Song – Staind, “Believe”

The dip in the tone of the engines and a subtle change in pitch and air pressure signaled
the beginning of our descent into Rio de Janeiro. The last light of day clung to the western sky.
I would be so relieved when we finally reached our island oasis and I could shed the need for
concealment during the sunlit hours. I had adjusted to the restrictions of this clandestine life
decades ago. However, it rankled to be confined to the shadows when I wanted nothing more
than to walk fearlessly and openly next to my love, uninhibited by the secrecy that defined my

Soon, I told myself. Very soon.

Bella stiffened next to me. Her heartbeat quickened as she awoke. The increasing
pressure must have permeated her unconscious mind, alerting her to our imminent arrival. She
smiled cautiously at me. Her small hand found mine and clasped it possessively. I suppressed a
grin. Yes, I’m still here.

I retracted the window shade and looked out over the twinkling lights of Rio de Janeiro.
We were on the final approach to Galeao International Airport, soaring over the Baia de
Guanabara; the sea-like bay that is home to Rio’s active port and one of the busiest airports in the
world. Before us, the Rio Niteroi Bridge spanned the bay, glowing like a fiery snake with the
headlights of a thousand cars.

Watching the approach was thrilling. The water beneath us was black as ink and the
brilliant lights of the sprawling metropolis lit up the humid air for hundreds of feet above the
city, creating the illusion that we were sinking into the ground. When we finally touched down,
it was abrupt. The pilot engaged the thrust reversers to slow the aircraft more quickly, and I felt
Bella lurch forward in her seat. I held her reassuringly as she shook her head to stave off the
lethargy that weighed down her limbs.

When we disembarked, Bella clung to my side, obviously overwhelmed by the bustling

airport. I reclaimed our luggage, flagging down a porter to follow us out to the curb with
everything. I could have carried it all without effort, but avoiding undo attention was second
nature. I signaled for a taxi, tipped the porter and helped Bella into the rear seat when the car
pulled to a stop before us.

I gave the driver instructions in swift, unaccented Portuguese. His mind registered brief
surprise at my fluency, but he nodded without a word and pulled away from the curb. I watched
Bella as she gazed curiously out the window at the teeming streets. Rio at night was something
else. Maybe we would spend some time here as well. She leant closer into my body and I
inhaled her enticing aroma.

Then again, maybe not. I wanted to spend every second alone in her arms.

Perhaps the intensity of my focus was transmitting something to Bella’s subconscious,

because she tensed ever so slightly as a brilliant blush rose to her cheeks. So frustrating! I hated
not knowing her mind.

The sharp, briny smell of the ocean distracted me from these thoughts and we were soon
stopping at a crowded marina. Very few people were near the docks after sunset, just a few
fishermen readying their boats for the next day. Bella stood by as I unloaded our suitcases and
paid the cab driver. With a quick glance to make sure she was following I led the way along the
docks to my boat.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noted Bella’s skeptical glance. If she didn’t know what a
BMW M3 was, she definitely wouldn’t appreciate the distinction of the Porsche Fearless F28.
This was the Ferrari of speedboats. The watercraft was ultra light, with a shell constructed of
Kevlar fiberglass for strength, and one of the fastest yachts ever built. A 525 horsepower Viper
motor was capable of propelling the 28-foot craft to speeds in excess of 80 knots. There were
only a handful of these boats in existence, and my fully loaded model cost $350,000. Bella
would definitely not want to know that.

The white boat screamed luxury with its fluid lines and sumptuous interior, but the
downside was that we barely had room for our two suitcases. It was an indulgence, without
question, but it also served a very useful purpose. Most sea-faring vessels were heavy and
awkward to pilot. This, however, was sleek. Its low prow and powerful inboard motor made
other yachts look like slugs in the water. I vaulted into the boat to stow our bags before assisting

I could feel her eyes following my every move as I primed and started the motor, deftly
released the moorings and idled out of the boat slip. I kept the power low until we were well
clear of the harbor. I turned the prow south, ghosting between two dark peninsulas; the towering
Morro Cara de Cao (Sugarloaf Mountain) to the West, and the Morro do Pico to the East.

As we left those sheltered waters, the inky black expanse of the Atlantic Ocean stretched
out before us, beckoning to me. I suppressed a wicked grin as I punched the throttle, launching
us into the night. Although obviously startled by my brazen action, Bella seemed content to
maintain the comfortable silence of the last hour. From a slight crawl, we were soon skimming
across the open ocean with the lights of Rio de Janeiro fading behind us.

With nothing but water for miles around, I set our course due east, occasionally stealing a
glance at Bella. I saw her hands, tightly gripping the seat and I couldn’t hide my devilish smile.
So, she didn’t like this any better than my driving, I guessed. We were cruising on a course
parallel to the coastline for more than 90 minutes before we finally passed Arraial do Cabo, the
last cape before we truly left the mainland behind us.

Rolling waves built around us, splashing sea spray in our faces. It was completely dark
now, with only the stars and the moon to watch our passage. There was something mystical
about this experience. A sort of timelessness settled over us, surrounded by the vastness of the
ocean. I glanced down at the GPS read-out to verify that we were on the correct course based on
the nautical charts I had memorized. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bella lean toward me
slightly. Finally! Her curiosity was winning. I grinned.

“Are we going much farther?” she asked. Childishly, I imagined a smaller Bella asking a
similar question of her parents, “Are we there yet?”

“About another half hour,” I assured her.

Where did she think we were going? Hmm. I was sure she hadn’t guessed the truth.
Alice definitely hadn’t told her, she was too afraid of my temper. This was a secret I had
guarded from everyone except Alice and Esme. My father and brothers didn’t understand why I
wouldn’t tell, and Rosalie didn’t care to know. I only told Alice because her assistance was
necessary for Bella to have all the right clothes packed.

Now, that was another issue altogether. There had been a mischievous undertone to her
thoughts when Alice had told me Bella was packed and ready to go. I wonder. . .

Song – Metallica, “Nothing Else Matters”

Several minutes passed with only the purr of the engine and the splashing of the waves to
disrupt the tranquil night. Gradually, the outline of a teardrop-shaped island rose out of the sea
before us. A bathymetric map of the ocean floor would show a scattered string of volcanic
mountains stretching east from Brazil to the rocky and desolate Ilha Trindade, 740 miles away.
Very few of these peaks crested the ocean’s surface, but this was one of them. I adjusted my
course minutely, but waited to tell Bella until I was sure her human eyes would be able to find it.

“Bella, look there,” I pointed.

She squinted into the night, obviously straining to pick out something from the moonlit
waters. I saw comprehension dawn on her face, and a sweet smile adorned her lips.

“Where are we?” she murmured, sounding awed. I adjusted our heading to bring us
around the northern tip of the island.

I smiled at her expression. “This is Isle Esme.” I said with pride.

It seemed my plan was being received exceptionally well. Pulling back on the throttle, I
cut the engine and let the natural resistance of the water slow us down. I expertly flicked the
mooring lines around the cleats on the short wooden dock and secured the boat.

I inhaled deeply, the fragrant breeze coupled with the absolute stillness of the night was
comforting, inviting.

“Isle Esme?” Bella’s voice hesitantly broke through the sultry air.

“A gift from Carlisle—Esme offered to let us borrow it.” I was warmed by the memory
of my mother’s thoughtful generosity. She loved me, adored Bella, and was beside herself with
joy for us both.

I wondered at the fleeting frown that marred Bella’s otherwise perfect face. What did
that mean? Hmm. Another puzzle.

I placed our suitcases on the dock before turning back to her. Suddenly, I felt shy. It was
as if everything up to this point had been blurry and out of focus. Now I could see with blinding
clarity—every sense was on fire as I considered where this night was leading us. I reached for
Bella, swinging her slight body into my arms then leaping lightly to the dock.

Breathlessly she asked, “Aren’t you supposed to wait for the threshold?”

Silly girl. This is the threshold of our entire life. Our future begins now!

“I’m nothing if not thorough.” I teased.

Effortlessly, I cradled Bella against my shoulder with my left arm and seized both pieces
of luggage with my right. The scent of two humans clung to the sandy path, probably 12 hours
old. The glow of lights through the trees reassured me that everything had been made ready as
requested. I held myself to a moderate human pace, trying to gauge my feelings and Bella’s at
the same time. Repeatedly, I looked down, wanting to search her sparkling eyes for answers, but
she stayed staring fixedly ahead. Her heart seemed to be beating twice as hard as normal,
pounding against her ribcage. As we stepped through the lush tropical foliage, the house came
into view.

It was a single-level bungalow with two wide windows framing the double doors and the
shallow covered porch. Majestic palm trees fanned the sky, swaying sensually in the gentle
breeze. At the sight of the house, Bella’s heart seemed to skip a beat and her body tensed.

Fear? Anticipation? I couldn’t tell.

I was dying to ask, to say anything at all, but I pressed my lips firmly together.
Concentrating on unraveling Bella’s cryptic body language served as a distraction from my own
tumultuous thoughts. The low wooden steps creaked underfoot and I set the suitcases down. I
opened both doors, letting them swing wide.

I looked down again. Silently, I willed Bella to meet my gaze. Her eyes, shining with
love and trust, gazed back at me. Warmth flowed through my veins and I stepped across the

I had never been here before, but Esme’s thoughts had shown me what to expect. White
oak floors, plush, cream-colored carpet, white walls and pale furniture created a clean, fresh

While I could see my surroundings clearly, I knew Bella couldn’t. But I could not set her
down yet. I didn’t want to let go of the warmth that she brought to my body and soul. Instead, I
carried her through the house. Her arms were clasped securely around my neck as I flicked on
each light. With some trepidation, I approached the last room.

I stopped. I fumbled for the light switch, distracted by the intimidating presence of the
king-sized bed that filled the room. As I set Bella carefully on her feet, a tidal wave of emotions
crashed over me. I could see her face, as white as mine, reflected in the full-length windows that
made up the rear wall of the room.

Outside, palms rustled and breakers glistened in the moonlight. The beach was literally
right outside, like a romantic backdrop to this lover’s stage. She still had not moved. Her back
was straight, rigid. Could it be that she was more nervous, more terrified than me?

This was her idea! This was what she wanted!

Who am I kidding? This is what I want, too. More than blood, I need this. I thirsted for
her body. Startled by the force of my desire I beat a hasty retreat.

“I’ll. . . go get the luggage.”

I didn’t return immediately, I needed to calm down.

Control!! I yelled at myself. I wrapped mental bands of iron around my pulsing need,
forcing it into submission with every ounce of my strength. Tonight was for Bella. I had made a
vow to her, and there she stood as my wife. She had kept her part of the bargain. I would keep

But I couldn’t lose control. Not with her so small and fragile. I had waited for over 100
years to experience this last rite of passage into manhood. Surely I could contain my base urges
for a few short weeks? At least long enough for me to change Bella, and then. . .

I inhaled the humid air once, twice. I had made my decision. I was resolved that I would
give Bella what she wanted so badly tonight, this last human experience. But I would have to
wait to take my pleasure.

I can wait. I will wait.

The sound of Bella’s hesitant steps in the far room brought me back to the moment. She
paused again.

In a few quick steps, I was at the door to our marital suite. I placed my suitcase on the
floor, and hers on the dresser. She didn’t even register my presence. My heart ached as I
watched her stroking the white mosquito netting with her delicate fingers. Her hair hung in
damp, heavy strands from a tangled knot at the nape of her neck. A single drop of perspiration
trickled down her neck and I stepped quickly to her side, wiping it away with a caress.

“It’s a little hot here,” I apologized. “I thought. . . that would be best.” I remembered the
thick afghan that had always inhibited our embraces. Was I wrong? Was this too much?

“Thorough,” she murmured a single word under her breath. I chuckled in response, but
the suspense was killing me.

“I tried to think of everything that would make this. . . easier,” I confessed. Easier?
Love was not supposed to be this hard!

She swallowed audibly, the tension in her throat made me quiver with contrasting waves
of desire and frustration. I had to break this emotional stalemate. A sudden inspiration offered a
potential release for both of us.

“I was wondering if. . .,” I began slowly, trying to read her reaction, “. . .first. . . maybe
you’d like to take a midnight swim with me?” Did I imagine the instant relief in the set of her

I took a deep breath, more confident in my idea. “The water will be warm. This is the
kind of beach you approve of.” I smiled as I thought of the frigid waters of the northern Pacific.
No. She definitely wouldn’t like that. Cold and wet. That biology lesson seemed like a lifetime

“Sounds nice.” Her voice broke, whether from nerves or something else.

“I’m sure you’d like a human minute or two. . . It was a long journey.” I offered her
privacy and a chance to collect herself. She nodded a little stiffly. Unable to resist teasing her, I
brushed my lips against her neck.

“Don’t take too long, Mrs. Cullen,” I said with a small laugh. I really hoped she would
follow me quickly. Anticipation sparked inside me. I kissed her shoulder lightly—a temporary

“I’ll wait for you in the water.” I shed my shirt before I had even escaped the heat of the
room, exiting through the French doors that led directly to the moonlit beach.

I heard Bella’s stumbling steps as she retrieved her toiletries from the suitcase I had set
out on the low white dresser. Four long strides brought me to the water’s edge. I stepped out of
my slacks and boxer shorts, leaving them draped over a small twisted palm. I dove effortlessly
into the swirling waters, feeling the freedom and weightlessness of floating in the gentle surf. I
exhaled and sank to the bottom.

Moonlight shone through the water, illuminating eddies and sea foam that patterned the
surface. No creatures swam close to me. Their instincts sent them fleeing for cover at the
presence of such a highly evolved predator. Bella obviously did not possess those same
instincts. I would have sighed if my lungs were not completely devoid of air.

Sounds enveloped me. This was a whole other world beneath the water. Grains of sand
ground against one another, constantly shifting in the viscous environment. The surf rumbled
and crashed above me. Far off, several hearts beat in time to one another, interspersed with
sporadic splashes and a sharp sound like air being expelled from bellows.

Dolphins? Bella would love to see them! But they were rapidly pulling away, perhaps
alerted to my presence in their territory.

With a push off the bottom, I rose to the surface. I stood with my back to the island. My
hands rested on the surface of the water, feeling the ebb and flow of the waves. Such power in
something so subtle, I mused.

I tilted my head back, regarding the moon with a pensive gaze. It was easy to be quiet
here. Despite the constant sounds of the wind and ocean, it was strangely silent. No voices or
thoughts crowded my head. No droning cacophony interrupted my consciousness. Bella and I
were the only people for miles, and I was, for once, completely alone in my mind.

Now that I was above the waves, I could hear the throbbing of Bella’s heartbeat. That
sound was, in many ways, the center of my universe. My stomach clenched uncomfortably as I
thought how those beats were numbered. I reminded myself, this is what she wants! I found
myself counting those beats. It was odd how they would not stay steady. Sometimes they raced
as if Bella were sprinting. I imagined the amount of adrenaline that must be coursing through
her veins.

Fight or flight? Is this how she feels about making love with me? I am a threat? My
former feeling of tranquility was fading in the face of insecurity and concern. The minutes
stepped by at a pedantic pace. Of course I was a threat. I was a selfish monster for dangling her
life on the fragile thread of my self-control.

She must have been in the shower earlier, because now there was a new clarity to the
sounds carrying down to me from the house. There. Her heart was racing again and I cursed the
impotence I felt while hidden from her thoughts.

Maybe she would not be joining me after all. Maybe she finally understood the gravity
and danger of what we were trying to do. Part of me was relieved and thankful for this
possibility. But deep inside, a dormant beast began to unwind, stretching and growing,
encouraging other thoughts.

Lust and desire vs. adoration and love. The conflict was excruciating.

Song – Celine Dion, “The Power of Love”

Somewhere behind me, soft footsteps approached. I heard the hiss of heavy fabric
slipping over bare skin. I kept my eyes glued to the moon. Every muscle in my body screamed
for me to turn and watch her approach. Those thick bands of iron I had forcefully welded into
place held. . . barely.

I breathed a prayer for strength as her scent washed over me. A warm hand rested over
mine. I was no longer alone.

“Beautiful.” Her voice was soft and musical as she looked up at the moon.

“It’s all right,” My voice was husky. I turned to face her. Heat from her body radiated,
even through the water. I envied the ocean, enveloping her figure with gentle caresses. I stared
deep into her eyes, searching for whatever had caused her heart to race so frantically before. I
intertwined our fingers as I examined her face. There was a serene confidence about her that I
had never seen before.

Bella had always been more than a girl to me. She was mature, responsible, selfless, and
many other things. But now, as I stood before her, I recognized something startling. She was a
woman. Something had transformed that timid creature I had first met into the sensual goddess
who stood before me now.

Had my love played a part? I liked to think so.

I drank in the sight of her. The curve of her brow. . . Those thoughtful eyes that seemed
to guard so many secrets and such inner strength. . . Her silky smooth skin that colored so
quickly at the slightest surprise or embarrassment.. . .

And those lips. I could stare at her mouth for hours while she slept. Waiting. Just
waiting for her to breathe my name. Those lips had whispered my name and banished the
darkness from my endless night. That mouth had cried my name, pulsing with love and need on
that desolate day in Volterra. She had saved my life and given me hope for a future, even after
this existence.

And now? Those lips soothed me, reassured me, and promised me a life illuminated by
the brightest star in the universe.

No, the moon was not beautiful. Beautiful had a new definition.

Bella was looking at me expectantly, puzzling over my pensive expression. I continued

my thought out loud. “But, I wouldn’t use the word beautiful. Not with you standing here in

Her crooked smile reflected my own. She raised her other hand and placed it over my
frozen heart. No, not frozen. It may not be beating, but it felt as warm as the midday sun. I
tensed at the heat coursing through my veins. My breathing was rougher as she moved closer to

“I promised we would try,” I whispered, fearing the strength of my desire. It fought to be

free of its iron bonds. “If. . . “ and I hesitated, unable to say it, at first. “If I do something
wrong. . . if I hurt you. . .” Oh, how my soul recoiled at the thought! “You must tell me at
once.” I finished in a rush, choking on the hideous words.

She nodded. Her eyes were serious as she closed the space between us with one small
step. She leaned her head against my chest, her hand still warming the skin over my trembling

“Don’t be afraid, we belong together.” The truth of those words rang out as clear as
crystal, reverberating through my mind and spirit, casting brilliant rainbows of light across my
previously dark existence.

I embraced her then, enfolding her in my arms. “Forever.” I agreed. Gently, I drew her
deeper into the ocean. Bella’s eyes were glued to my face. The moonlight reflected from the
water, giving her fair skin a brilliant glow. This creature before me was so much more than
beautiful. She was angelic in her perfection. Words flowed from my lips unbidden.

"Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,

Who is already sick and pale with grief,

That thou her maid art far more fair than she."

Bella gasped a little at the intensity of my words. “Romeo and Juliet. . .” she breathed. I
nodded once as I leaned down to press a fervent kiss to her forehead. Her whispered response
sent a tremor through my being.

“My bounty is as boundless as the sea,

My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.”

Her eyes were glassy with unshed tears, shining with the purest love that had ever been
born. No mere mortal could stand before that gaze and not melt from the blaze that it built

The waves rose and fell with a gentle cadence. The water was at my chest now, and I
lifted Bella up so her head rested on my shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me, nestling

When she raised her lips to mine the whole world disappeared. The air around us
shimmered with an ethereal energy. This love we shared was completely unique and
unprecedented in its form and magnitude. This love that had been tested and tried by countless
challenges, by mortal and immortal forces. . . it was pure and timeless.

Here we stood. Together. One.

What began as a warm embrace was now simmering with vibrant electricity. I was too
aware of her soft curves molding themselves against the hard planes of my body. There was a
hunger in her kisses now. An urgency than took my breath away. Where she led, I followed
willingly. When it became too much, I lifted her higher so that I could bury my face in her neck,
feeling her hair sweep around me in a heavy curtain. I stood with my legs braced against the
force of the tide. Bella’s legs circled my waist and her hands were tangled in my hair.

“Edward!” she squealed as I stroked her throat with my tongue, tracing complicated
designs on her flaming hot skin.

“Oh, alright. I’ll stop, if you say please.” I eyed her radiant countenance with a roguish
grin. The desire within me, held back for so many months, made me dizzy with excitement and

“Okay, fine! Don’t stop. But maybe we should get out of the water before you drown
me by accident! Unlike you, I actually have to breathe.” Her laugh was like the sweetest

I raised my eyebrows and she blushed fiercely, lowering her eyes from my smoldering
gaze. I chuckled at her reaction and strode confidently out of the water. Bella attempted to

escape my hold as we passed her towel and my clothes, fluttering in the breeze. I shook my head
with a grin, and tightened my grip on her. Her breath quickened, and with it her heartbeat.

Her face took on a look of alarm as I stepped through the French doors, but bypassed the
bed altogether. “Where. . .?” she questioned me with wide eyes.

“Don’t you want to rinse off? We’re a little bit salty, don’t you think?” I nuzzled the soft
recess beneath her ear and was gratified by her answering giggle.

“I’ve never had a shower with a man before.” She spoke with an aloofness that I knew
was an attempt to hide her trepidation.

“I should hope not!” I responded with a scowl. But I couldn’t help laughing, too.

In the bathroom, the walls were painted the color of fresh cream, with a dark brown stripe
at waist level. The shower stall was spacious and lined with natural limestone. A wide mirror
hung above double sinks, sunk directly into the granite countertop and adorned with stainless
steel hardware. The subtle colors and organic feel were soothing.

I averted my eyes from the mirror, unsure if I was ready to look upon her nude figure so
openly. I knew what that image would do to my self-control. I loosened my hold. Bella slid her
legs down mine, searching for the floor.

Stunned by the pleasure of her skin touching mine, I almost lost my balance. I gripped
her shoulders, as if to steady her. In reality, I was trying to steady myself. I gritted my teeth,
visualizing thick iron bands, riveted into place.

Okay. I can do this. Another breath.

I reached over to start the shower, not meeting her curious gaze. When the water was
warm, we both stepped in. If I thought the rain amplified Bella’s scent, then this was 100-times
stronger. The intensity of her presence in that close, humid space was like drinking molten
metal. And I reveled in the pain. With my eyes closed and my hands at her narrow waist, I
sucked in her essence with every excruciating breath. I pressed a firm kiss against her forehead.

My eyes darted open in surprise when her soapy hands stroked my chest. Oh. . . that felt
unbelievable! Bella grinned up at me and I grabbed the soap to return the favor.

I traced lines of bubbles on her translucent skin, admiring the patterns before they
dissolved, sliding down her legs before pooling at her feet. How could something as simple and
mundane as a shower be so sensual?

Our bodies were clean. The briny smell of saltwater no longer lingered, replaced by the
light fragrance of freesia and roses. Our kisses and caresses escalated beyond anything we had
ever shared in the past. My skin, warmed by the heat of the shower, felt so hot; for once
matching hers.

I let go of my fear and committed myself to making tonight magical for her. Bella
always accused me of being ‘good at everything’. Well, now was my chance to prove her right.

I pressed my lips to her throat, tracing a line across her collar bone and then down to the
point where her heart pounded furiously within her chest. The blood rushing through her veins
roared in my ears. The course sound of air sweeping in and out of her lungs made my own
breathing accelerate.

Her flavor. . . so sweet, so enticing. Almost without a thought, I flicked my tongue out to
taste her.

Her breathing stopped and her heart seemed to jump.

Her skin was so smooth. I allowed my fingertips, one of the most sensitive parts of my
body, to feel her. . . to savor every millimeter of skin that they traveled over. I brought my right
hand up her thigh, over her hips and then rested it at the base of her spine. Bella was pulling me
closer, holding me tighter. Her hand ran up over my shoulder and cupped the back of my neck
as I moved my nose and lips softly up to nuzzle the hollow behind her ear.

The need within me burned as hot as a furnace. I hesitated for the barest fraction of a
second. My mind was racing. How could I continue without losing control?

I retreated slightly then, holding my breath to give myself the chance to regain my
equilibrium. But even this respite was not enough when Bella arched against me and her soft
flesh pressed against my hungry lips. Trying to ignore the fearful, cautious side of my nature, I
continued to kiss and caress her body.

I brought my right hand around her waist and up her side, pausing at each rib. This body.
. . so fragile. This delicate cage of brittle bone and soft flesh held my most precious possession.
Her racing heart thudded beneath my lips, causing the whole of her chest to tremble and shake.
With each beat of her heart, her ribs pressed against my fingers. I marveled again at my ability
to feel, hear, taste, smell, see. . . experience every part of her.

And I wanted more. Always more.

Song – Il Divo, “Notte di Luce”

I was stunned by the twisting feeling that provoked in my stomach, as if my insides were
liquid instead of stone. It was not unpleasant, just strange and new. My throat ached more
painfully than it ever had for blood. Bella was moving, instinctively encouraging my advances.

Her eyes were wide—I felt like I would drown in those twin pools of desire! I held her
body to mine, turned the shower off, and carried her, still wrapped around me, back to the
bedroom. My breath was coming in shorter gasps as I lay her body across the bed.

Surprisingly, my self-consciousness returned in a rush. If I could have blushed, my face
would have been redder than hers. As it was, I dipped my head shyly. Being so close to her,
knowing the intimacy that we were about to share, it was almost too much. I swallowed once,
the venom was pooling in my mouth now.

One of the iron bands strained and fractured.

Water trickled in rivulets from our bodies, soaking the white satin sheets. Bella lay there
with her mouth slightly open. Her sweet breath rippled over me with every rise and fall of her
trembling chest. I knelt before my goddess in humble supplication. Her shy smile was more
than an invitation. It was permission to join with her now and for eternity, as her husband, and
only her husband, ever could.

My eyes were locked, as if in a trance, on hers. I shivered. My body had cooled since we
left the shower, and now the contrast between my cold flesh and her warmth was unnerving. We
both tensed in anticipation.

Would I hurt her a lot? Could I do this? Intentionally cause her pain? I gulped down
the stress and fear that threatened to swallow me.

I don’t know what Bella saw on my face, but her smile gained confidence and she held
me closer. At first I resisted. I was still unsure of my self control. But my own desires betrayed
me and we were united, at last.

Being with her was like being wrapped in the essence of every physical pleasure. I
closed my eyes, savoring the sensation that was both pleasurable and agonizing in its strength.

I paused. Her face was frozen in bliss, but pain still lingered in the corners of her eyes. I
don’t know how long we held that pose, our bodies finally joined in a ritual as old as time.

“Love me?” she whispered, but the words were more of a command than a question. I
would obey any order, grant any request, from her.

We danced.

I felt like a master composer. Her body was my instrument, her rapidly beating heart
drove the rhythm of our music, her uneven breathing played like a harmony to my own deeper
gasps. She was my muse as we wrote this symphony of love.

Gentle heat, like a summer sunrise, began to gather deep within me. My confidence
grew. My hesitation and fears were gradually falling away. Each dark shadow was illuminated
and then washed away by the light that grew within me.

“Edward?” Her voice was small and bewildered. But I saw no sign of pain in her eyes.

“Yes?” I queried, drinking in every sight, sound, and touch.

“I love you. . . so much!” Her voice was louder, but breathless, as if she was having
trouble catching air. There was an anxious, searching look on her face. She bit down on her lip
in that expression of distress that I treasured so much.

I could hardly comprehend the feeling of absolute joy I experienced, bringing her
pleasure, sharing this with her. Why had I ever been afraid? How could I have considered
backing away from this? Even my choice to restrain my own satisfaction for her sake brought
only peace and happiness to my heart.

I smiled at her now. I let my pure adoration shine in my eyes and voice.

From the depths of my soul I spoke, “I’m here, Bella. I love you, too.”

Song – Sergei Rachmaninov “Isle of the Dead”

With a strength and suddenness that shocked me, Bella grasped me with all her strength.
Her fingernails scraped down the length of my back before digging against my flesh.

Gasping in surprise I collapse onto my forearms. Our bodies were pressed against one
another, like a pillar of fiery ice. I alternately froze and burned as every restraint I had built
shattered. The beast inside me unfurled itself, scorching me with a new fire, like a phoenix

I fought back, trying desperately to restrain its power. The fire within me erupted like a
volcano. I kissed her, more forcefully than I intended. Her mouth opened under mine. The taste
of her saliva mingled with another flavor, sweeter than nectar, more addictive than heroin. My
mind cried out in alarm. She must have bitten her lip harder than I realized!

That tiny taste was the death blow to my already tenuous control. A growl rose from
deep within my throat.

“Aaahhhhh!” I couldn’t stop!

The venom in my veins boiled, light burst behind my eyes, like a meteor blasting through
the atmosphere. White-hot fire seared every cell in my body with a pleasure so intense it was
torture. I felt shattered but renewed, drowning in the light! I grasped onto Bella, my salvation,
my lifeline in this endless explosion of sound and color.

Bella threw her head back, her throat stretched just inches from my face.

Her blood was pounding through her veins, so close.

Too close!

Venom spilled from my mouth as I struggled to return from the abyss. Another wave,
stronger than the first, hit me like a tsunami.

And I was lost.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl. . . My mouth descended to her throat, teeth bared, razor
sharp and dripping venom. I could still taste her essence. Like a shark with blood in the water,
the frenzy had taken hold of me. My lips encased her pulsating jugular. . . and, in that instant, I
saw what I was about to do.

Noooooooooooo! My soul screamed!

With a power not my own, I turned my face away from the blinding temptation. I buried
my face in the silk encased pillows, biting down ferociously. The demon inside me, for that is
what it was, cursed me with its rage.

I shuddered in shock, relief, despair, victory. . . I couldn’t decide. My teeth clenched

spasmodically and I clutched Bella’s body to me.

* * *

Time eventually returned to its normal pace.

Conscious thought followed soon after.

Slowly, I loosened my hold on her. Bella’s body was beginning to relax, also. I drew
back slightly, staring deep into her eyes. I saw no pain. No disgust or accusations. The only
emotions that greeted my searching eyes were amazement and wonder. And adoration.

“I love you, Bella.” I murmured, preventing any need for a reply with a soft, lingering

“Mmmm.” Her response was muffled. Her eyes closed with a contented sigh. I smiled,
brushed her damp hair back from her face.

Victory. Salvation. The taste was sweeter than ambrosia.

I brushed something soft and white from her face, confused at first. A downy feather.

Reality hit me like a battering ram to the stomach. I had almost. . .

“Oh, God!” I groaned in pain and horror as I saw just how close I had come to
destroying her. Destroying us.

I buried my face in her soft bosom, whispering apologies, begging forgiveness, chastising

Her heart spoke to me then, calling me back from the depths of my self-hate. Solid,
warm, reassuring. The steady beat soothed me.

She had trusted me. Her faith had saved us both. Perhaps she had been right? Perhaps I
was incapable of hurting her, even in the face of instincts and temptations more powerful than
the elements. I allowed myself to calm down. I regulated my breathing, counting seconds, then
minutes. Tranquility settled like a blanket around me.

Finally, my internal struggles were laid to rest, and I permitted myself a small smile.
Jasper and Emmett had been wrong. There was nothing. . . no sensation on earth that could
compare with the absolute rapture I held felt tonight. Our lovemaking was beyond nirvana.

Kneeling over her, I drank in the sight of her adorable face, so peaceful in sleep. Her
face glowed in the moonlight, radiant, serene, fulfilled. Her full lips parted with a sigh and my
stone heart lurched in my chest.

Ah, my Bella. I brushed my fingers delicately over her porcelain skin. A tree must have
been blocking the moonlight, casting shadows across her delicate cheekbone and throat.

Outside, the palms rustled in the wind. . .

But the shadows did not move. . .

Cold dread snaked through my stomach.

A hiss of air escaped my clenched teeth as I reassessed the aftermath of our frantic
lovemaking with new eyes. Beneath the feathers, fresh bruises were blossoming across my
love’s once perfect flesh. My throat constricted in a horrified gasp.

I felt numb, dead inside. My hand moved on its own, as if belonging to a stranger. My
fingers fit perfectly over one set of brilliant marks on her upper arm.

I was nauseated. I wanted to vomit.

The demon inside mocked me. All joy and pleasure were forgotten as I collapsed onto
the bed next to her sleeping form. I clenched my eyes shut, pressing my fingers deep into my
flesh as if I could gouge the image of her desecrated body from my mind.

Not even God could grant me that mercy. If He even existed. What God would allow a
creature like me to walk this earth free to commit such evil?

My thoughts spun into an ever descending spiral of despair.

Hours passed.

Despair is its own kind of conceit. It is impossible to consider the damnation of your soul
without aching for the pain that this would cause to the people who have willingly linked their
souls to yours. Effectively, you make yourself the center of the universe, with those who love
you trapped – like celestial satellites locked into erratic orbits around a broken star. How do you
sever those ties without sinning further? Causing more pain?

Would the death of that star free them to find new paths? Or, would they forever be
locked in that orbit, a sick parody of order in the universe?

Carlisle. My father. He had struggled with loneliness and despair, himself. His
unnatural battle with the twisted morality of our existence had left him alone, a solitary figure in
a bleak expanse of time. He carved out his own place in heaven with a persistence and
determination that I was too weak to emulate. How long did he hesitate before succumbing to
the temptation of a mother’s pleas, making me his companion in immortality?

Esme. The most loving mother a man could ever know. Younger in years, but older and
wiser in so many ways. Her heart was pure. . . selfless. She had given me her heart, broken
from the loss of her infant son, and I had willingly filled that void. Would I break it again?

Emmett. So full of passion for life, even this half-life that we led. He played the role of
an older brother, teasing and bullying. However, I would always look at him as the distraught
boy, mangled and barely alive who had looked into Rosalie’s eyes like a dying man catching his
first glimpse of an angel’s face.

Rosalie. I had hurt her by my rejection. Only minutes old, she had been confused and
terrified. In my anger and pride, I had thoughtlessly dismissed her. I could never fully forgive
myself. A true gentleman would never have acted in that way. The decades-old guilt still
gnawed at my insides.

Jasper. I had seen his past. The struggles he endured as his conscience grew and
transformed his life. Before he acknowledged it, it was a festering wound. I couldn’t compare
my present conflict with the battle that he had fought for decades, could I? But Alice had healed
that wound. . .

Oh, Alice! My dearest sister, my closest confidant. Before I met Bella, Alice had been
the brightest star in my endless night. Her vivacious spirit always lifted me from my dark
moods. What was she seeing now? What path would my tormented mind choose? And what
would that choice mean for everyone and everything that I held dear?

Bella. . .

I could not continue. Words could not describe the hopelessness I felt. I had caused her
pain from the moment I first laid eyes on her. And now? Our lives were inextricably
intertwined. Any tug on the thread of my existence affected her.

I could not leave. The aftermath of my last attempt was a bitter image in my mind’s eye.

I could not stay. The bruises that marred her flesh were testament to the inevitable results
of that decision.

And yet. . . stay I would. I knew this to be the truth. I would stay until she asked me to
leave. I had promised her that much. I may be a monster. I may even be evil incarnate. But I
would cling to my word, it was the closest thing to honor that I had left.

I was startled from my reverie by Bella shifting in her sleep. Was she awake? How
badly did I hurt her? I was impatient to know, but terrified to learn the extent of her injuries.

I reached out and stroked the back of her hand. I was distressed when my frigid skin
contacted hers. She felt feverish with heat. With the greatest trepidation, I gathered her into my
arms, holding her gently. My heart lurched. In my stone arms, she was as fragile as blown glass.
Her sweat-streaked face lay against my chest.

Somehow, this didn’t feel real. I was afraid of the moment when she would wake up,
look into my eyes, and see the monster that lurked within. I imagined her sweet features twisted
into a mask of fear and revulsion. I groaned softly. My emotional trauma was translating into
true physical pain.

But wasn’t that just? I pressed my face to the dark locks of her perspiration-dampened
hair and inhaled deeply. The familiar fire paled in comparison to the wrenching agony that
possessed my damnable soul, but I embraced it as a small penance for my sins.

I lay there, jaw clenched for an interminable period of time. The grey light of morning
crept into the room. The new dawn finally arrived, casting brilliant light against every surface.
The air around me hummed with the dazzling energy of the tropical sun. I observed this
distantly, unable to feel the warmth.

The sun was high in the sky before Bella stirred again. The change in her breathing was
subtle. My ears registered the faintest quickening of her heart.

This was it. I waited for the pain to strike her. I waited. . .

I trailed my fingers delicately from the base of her skull to the small of her back.
Knowing that she was awake, that the pivotal moment of truth was upon me, I tensed in
preparation for the inevitable.

Her arms tightened around my neck.

I forced my breathing to remain steady. If I showed any sign of my pain, she would
downplay her injuries to spare me.

Oh, my love! When will you stop sacrificing yourself for this monster?

My cry was silent, but potent in its torment. My fingers returned in their path up her
spine, then wandered aimlessly across the taught skin of her back. I relished these final moments
of closeness. This could be the last time I would hold her in my arms.

She laughed softly. ??????

Puzzled, I asked, “What’s funny?”

What, indeed? Was this the precursor to hysterical weeping? Was there something,
some clue or sign that I was missing? Her stomach growled and she laughed again. The musical
sound shimmered off of the gauzy mosquito netting.

“You just can’t escape being human for very long.”

Hmmm. I have. For over 80 years. I was still confused.

What was she trying to tell me? Was this some sarcastic way of reprimanding me for
allowing myself to pretend humanity? My bewilderment only grew as she lifted her head and
stared at my immobile face. I kept my eyes locked on the canopy above us, unable to turn and
face her. Petrified and ashamed, I waited.

I felt the shock go through her body. The sudden movement sent shivers through my
core. Her breath caught in her throat. “Edward, what is it? What’s wrong?”

Oh, Bella! You were never this cruel!! Why are you feigning ignorance? Do you want
me to confess my sins out loud?

I could not stop the bitter words from escaping. “You have to ask?”

She did not respond with words. Instead, she brought her graceful fingers to my face,
stroking my forehead where lines of strain betrayed my deep-seated anxiety. I cursed my
inability to hear her thoughts. Finally, I could endure the silence no longer.

“What are you thinking?” I whispered the words, dreading the answer, but needing to

“You’re upset. I don’t understand. Did I . . .?” her voice trailed off.

Was I imagining her confusion? I longed to look into those warm brown eyes, the
clearest window to her mind. But I couldn’t bear to, afraid that all warmth would be absent,
replaced by something distant and alien.

My eyes tightened with the strain of forcing more words out. “How badly are you hurt,
Bella? The truth—don’t try to downplay it.”

Did I really want the truth? Could I bear that knowledge? Yes. I decided. I had to.

“Hurt?” She repeated the word as a question.

Why? Would you prefer a different word? Injured, bruised, wounded, damaged. . .
should I go on? I clenched my teeth to trap the harsh words. She did not deserve my anger.

Timidly, at first, she stretched her arms and legs. I was staggered by the realization that I
was starting to become aroused by her closeness. Her long pale legs were moving, smooth and
naked against mine. Humiliation and self-disgust wrenched my gut.

I sensed the anger growing inside her. But, her next words were not what I had been
preparing for.

“Why would you jump to that conclusion? I’ve never been better than I am now.”

I should have known! I sealed my eyes shut to contain the sudden rage inside me. Of
course she would hide her anger. I was infuriated by her stubborn goodness.

“Stop that!” I hissed.

“Stop what?” She pretended innocence.

“Stop acting like I’m not a monster for having agreed to this.” My voice was black with

“Edward!” I flinched at her shocked whisper. Even now, her voice speaking my name
struck me to the center of my soul.

“Look at yourself, Bella. Then tell me I’m not a monster,” I ordered.

Bella had never been a good liar. I would force her to face the truth head on. Then we
would see.

John 8:23 - And the truth shall set you free.

Strange that now, in this moment, my mind should wander to quotes from the Bible. I
considered that for a moment. I had cornered Bella. I had imprisoned her in a future of endless
night. Perhaps this was for the best. When she saw the evidence of my grotesque nature tattooed
across her naked body, she would run for freedom.

Her single gasp broke through the silence. The knife in my stomach twisted viciously.

“Why am I covered with feathers?” She was confused.

I exhaled impatiently. The hours of torment were wearing me down. “I bit a pillow. Or
two. That’s not what I’m talking about.”

“You. . . bit a pillow? Why?” I really did not want to elaborate. In my present frame of
mind, I wasn’t sure if I could stand to relive that moment when I had almost. . . No! I couldn’t
think of that!

“Look, Bella!” The growl in my voice was unmistakable. I gingerly took her hand,
mindful that I needed to regain control immediately. I stretched her arm out so she could see
what I saw. The ivory skin of her arm was mottled with dark purple and angry red bruises. The
nausea returned. “Look at that,” I hissed.

Understanding was clear on her face now. Finally. But the knowledge didn’t bring me
any relief. My pain only intensified as she continued her tentative examination. My eyes
followed every movement. I had to drive the truth home. She had proven her ability to deny the
pain. But she couldn’t deny this.

Desperately trying to control the shaking, I reached out with my right hand. I fought the
compulsion to flee the room in disgraced humiliation. Slowly, so that she could not miss the
gravity, the danger I had exposed her to, I placed my fingers delicately over the handprints on
her arm.

“Oh.” She breathed in recognition. Nothing more. No screaming, no tears.

“I’m . . . so sorry, Bella.” I whispered. “I knew better than this. I should not have—” I
couldn’t stop the gurgle of self-hatred that pooled in the back of my throat. I was painfully
aware of the inadequacy of my apology, even before I said it. But what else could I say? “I am
more sorry than I can tell you.”

Her face was blank. No thoughts or emotions. I threw my arm across my eyes to block
out the image of her vacant stare. Several moments passed before she moved. I felt a soft touch
on my arm, but I could not move. I was reliving that moment last night when, in motions
mimicking my most recent action, I had fitted my hands to the bruises on her skin and
succumbed to this torrential misery. A frail human hand wrapped around my wrist, exerting a
pitiful amount of pressure.


I remained as rigid as a statue.


What do you want me to say? What can I do? I cannot look into your eyes without
seeing the pain. I can’t look at your body without reliving this agony!

“I’m not sorry.” She spoke forcefully, discarding my apology. “I’m. . . I can’t even tell
you. I’m so happy. That doesn’t cover it. Don’t be angry. I’m really f—“

I could stand this no longer. Her peaceful acceptance of the evidence of my massacre . . .
No! I couldn’t let her finish!

“Do not say the word fine.” My voice sounded as icy as my soul felt. “If you value my
sanity, DO NOT say the word fine.”

“But I am,” she persisted in a hushed tone. She was intimidated by the violent edge in
my voice.

“Bella, don’t.” I knew my plea was in vain.

“No. You don’t, Edward.” At any other time, I would have been amused by the scolding.

I couldn’t help myself. I pulled my arm away from my eyes to search her face for the
meaning of her words and actions. Her fathomless brown eyes met my golden gaze without

“Don’t ruin this. I. Am. Happy.” She emphasized each word.

Had I been wrong all this time? Did she really not feel the pain? Was the joy she felt at
our union so great that it overshadowed the injuries that my lack of control had inflicted?

“I’ve already ruined this,” I whispered, hesitant to let go. Forgiving myself went contrary
to my fierce desire to protect her.

“Cut it out!” she snapped.

I ground my teeth as the conflict within me raged on.

“Ugh!” She groaned. “Why can’t you just read my mind already? It’s so inconvenient
being a mental mute!”

Huh? But, she’s always said. . . “That’s a new one. You love that I can’t read your

“Not today.”

If I could, what would I hear?

“Why?” I stared into her eyes, waiting for the veil to lift and reveal her cryptic thoughts.

Frustrated beyond words, she threw her hands up in the air then brought them down onto
my chest with a sharp smack. “Because all of this angst would be completely unnecessary if you
could see how I feel right now! Or five minutes ago, anyway. I was perfectly happy,” she
ranted, “totally and completely blissed out. Now—well, I’m sort of pissed off, actually.”

This wasn’t the reaction I expected, but I welcomed even the hint of her wrath.

“You should be angry at me.”

“Well, I am. Does that make you feel better?” she retorted.

I sighed. “No. I don’t think anything could make me feel better now.” Or ever. I
continued to myself.

“That! That right there is why I’m angry. You are killing my buzz, Edward!”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. She obviously didn’t understand.

Her tone softened, the edge of annoyance fading as she continued, “We knew this was
going to be tricky. I thought that was assumed. And then—well, it was a lot easier than I
thought it would be. And this is really nothing,” she brushed the painful looking bruises with a
graceful sweep of her fingers. “I think for a first time, not knowing what to expect, we did
amazing. With a little practice—“

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Tricky? Is that what she called it? She thought it
was easy when I miraculously managed to divert my killing instinct to tear her throat out and
drain her blood?

The way she casually accepted the possibility of her death and my destruction. . . I was

“Assumed?” I spat the word out. “Did you expect this, Bella? Were you anticipating that
I would hurt you? Do you consider the experiment a success because you can walk away from
it?” Here I used a clinical term, unable to refer to our frantic coupling with tender words or
amorous sentiments. “No broken bones—that equals a victory?” I was chilled by this
revelation. How little regard she had for her safety. . . or my sanity.

She sat silently through my tirade, waiting for me to finish. My breathing was labored.
My chest felt compressed, too tight. However, confronted by her calm countenance, I could not
maintain the rage. My breathing eventually slowed and I awaited her response.

“I didn’t know what to expect—but I definitely did not expect how. . . how. . . just
wonderful and perfect it was.” Her cheeks blushed a brilliant scarlet, and she dropped her eyes
from my penetrating gaze. Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I mean, I don’t know how it was
for you, but it was like that for me.”

With her eyes hidden, I was closed off from her thoughts. It was disquieting. Her
response only confused me further. I brought her chin up with one finger so that I could examine
her eyes again. What I saw there did nothing to calm me.

“Is that what you’re worried about?” It was difficult to speak through my clenched teeth.
“That I didn’t enjoy myself?” Just saying those words amplified my disgust for my animalistic
behavior of the night before.
She cast her eyes down again, “I know it’s not the same. You’re not human. I just was
trying to explain that, for a human, well, I can’t imagine that life gets any better than that.” She
stumbled through the last few words.

I was mesmerized by her blush. Had I been reading her incorrectly? I mulled over the
last several minutes, starting from when she had first awoken. Her shyness, her quiet responses;
I thought she was trying to protect my feelings, to insulate me from the damage I had wrought on
her fragile figure.

I had seen her silently play the martyr so many times that I had just assumed. . .

But if what she said now was true, I had assumed wrong. Was it possible that she had
felt the same explosive fire and tempestuous release that had sent me soaring into heaven last
night? Could she love me now, even more than before?

“It seems that I have more to apologize for.” I dragged those words out with difficulty.
“I didn’t dream that you would construe the way I feel about what I did to you to mean that last
night wasn’t. . . well, the best night of my existence.” Flashes of heat and desire pulsed through
me with this confession. “But I don’t want to think of it that way, not when you were. . .”

She didn’t allow me to finish. “Really? The best ever?” Her wondering smile tugged at
my heart and made me want to cradle her in my arms.

I took her face between my hands, then. My touch on her lovely skin was like gossamer
as I allowed my mind to drift back to a conversation from months ago. “I spoke to Carlisle after
you and I made our bargain, hoping he could help me. Of course he warned me that this would
be very dangerous for you. He had faith in me, though—faith I didn’t deserve.”

She drew a breath to speak, but I silenced her with a light touch on her lips. I wasn’t
finished. ”I also asked him what I should expect. I didn’t know what it would be for me. . . what
with my being a vampire.” How I detest that word! I felt a tired smile twist up my lower lip.
“Carlisle told me it was a very powerful thing, like nothing else. He told me physical love was
not something I should treat lightly. With our rarely changing temperaments, strong emotions
can alter us in permanent ways. But he said I did not need to worry about that part—you had
already altered me so completely.”

My lips broke into a genuine grin. It was true. I was no longer the cynical, dejected
creature I had been before she lit up my world.

“I spoke to my brothers, too. They told me it was a very great pleasure. Second only to
drinking human blood.” And here I paused. “But I’ve tasted your blood, and there could be no

blood more potent than that. . . I don’t think they were wrong, really. Just that it was different
for us. Something more.”

“It was more,” she agreed fervently. “It was everything.”

I couldn’t disagree with her declaration. It was everything. But. . . “That doesn’t change
the fact that it was wrong. Even if it were possible that you really did feel that way.”

“What does that mean?” she bit back sharply. “Do you think I’m making this up?
Why?” Hurt and distress were plain on her face. A sharp crease formed between her eyes,
which were suddenly glassy with unshed tears.

“To ease my guilt,” I concluded plainly. “I can’t ignore the evidence, Bella. Or your
history of trying to let me off the hook when I make mistakes.” Images were flashing through
my head. All the things I had said or done that had hurt her, endangered her, caused her pain.
They stalked me now, specters of guilt and remorse.

She grabbed my chin then. Her face was only three inches from mine and her clear,
sweet breath assaulted me with every adamant word she spoke. “You listen to me, Edward
Cullen. I am not pretending anything for your sake, okay? I didn’t even know there was a
reason to make you feel better until you started being all miserable. I’ve never been so happy in
all my life—I wasn’t this happy when you decided you loved me more than you wanted to kill
me. . .” My mind flashed to that Saturday in our meadow and the poignant taste of our
blossoming love.

“Or the first morning I woke up and you were there waiting for me. . .” I saw her sleeping
face, heard her murmuring my name, knowing that I would be forever transformed just by loving

“Not when I heard your voice in the ballet studio. . .” the memory of her body, broken
and bleeding, made me flinch in remembered agony.

“Or when you said ‘I do’ and I realized that, somehow, I get to keep you forever.” I had
felt the same wonder and joy.

“Those are the happiest memories I have, and this is better than any of those. So just deal
with it.” Her glaring eyes challenged me to contradict her.

I didn’t know where to start or how to respond. I gently stroked the tiny frown line
between her eyebrows. “I’m making you unhappy now. I don’t want to do that.”

“Then don’t you be unhappy. That’s the only thing that’s wrong here.” How did she
speak with such self-assurance and conviction? I thought back to her words when she joined me
in the ocean. Was that only yesterday? I felt like I had lived through a lifetime of suffering in
just one night.

“Don’t be afraid. We belong together,” she had stated. How I wished I could believe

I took a deep breath and nodded. I would never mention any of this again. I would be a
cheerful, loving companion. I would give her the most beautiful memories of our honeymoon
paradise. . . Memories so bright that they would shine, even when remembered through her
heightened vampire senses after I changed her. This darkest of days would fade and disappear.

“You’re right. The past is the past and I can’t do anything to change it. There’s no sense
in letting my mood sour this time for you. I’ll do whatever I can to make you happy now.”

I met her suspicious look with a simple smile. My negative feelings were locked away
tightly from view. I would not subject her to my pain again.

“Whatever makes me happy?” Her voice was coy, almost seductively smooth. I stifled a
grimace of discomfort.

Her stomach growled in that same instant and I snapped at the excuse to escape our bed.
“You’re hungry.”

I swiftly rose and pulled on a pair of loose khaki pants. Tiny white feathers swirled
around me, drifting across the floor and sticking in my hair. Bella sat up in bed and shook some
feathers from her hair and body. I averted my eyes, uncomfortable with my thoughts. I didn’t
want to notice the way the light hit the curve of her hips, or see the shadow cast by her full
breasts. I didn’t want to think of the burning of her scent in my throat as I planted kisses on her
shoulders, her stomach, the soft. . . Ugh. This hurts.

“So, why exactly did you decide to ruin Esme’s pillows?” she asked with innocent
curiosity. I stared out the window to the glistening waves. How much did she miss last night? I
ran my hand through my hair, a nervous habit, dislodging more feathers in the process.

My mood was instantly darker as I muttered, “I don’t know if I decided to do anything

last night. We’re just lucky it was the pillows and not you.” I had said too much. Was I going
to break my promise already? Control. Deep breath.

I shook away the despair and smiled at her with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. I
don’t know if she even heard my comment then, because I was distracted by her climbing
gingerly off the large bed. She reached high above her head, stretching. The bright sunlight
illuminated every bruise, shadow and blemish. It was even worse than I had realized. I gasped
in shock and had to turn away to regain control. My hands clenched into fists so tight I would
have crushed a steel bar to fine powder.

“Do I look that hideous?” Her tone was light and playful.

I took in a swift breath at her use of the word. Hideous. I’m a hideous monster. Behind
me, her light steps carried her to the bathroom. I was frozen, sure that she would see things
differently now. I swallowed, gulped really, anticipating her cries or screams of horror.

Moments passed and then her groan of despair cut into me like a razor blade. I was there
behind her in an instant. She was staring at her reflection with a look of dismay. I had no idea
what to say or do to comfort her.

“I’ll never get this out of my hair!” she pointed to the feathers that were plastered into her
unruly hair.

“You would be worried about your hair,” I muttered darkly. But I stepped to her side and
concentrated on pulling the white fluff from amid the tangles.

“How did you keep from laughing at this? I look ridiculous.” How could I respond to

“This isn’t going to work,” she sighed. “It’s all dried in. I’m going to have to wash it
out.” She twisted around to face me. Her warm arms wrapped enticingly around my waist. “Do
you want to help me?”

Yes! My body screamed. I thought of our shower last night. . . her body glowing with
desire and slick with soapy bubbles. Oh God, I can’t do this! I would have growled, but I
crushed that urge, too.

“I’d better find some food for you.” I retreated from her embrace as fast as I could
without hurting her.

Physically that is. Her dejected sigh followed me with barbed stings of regret.

* * *

The melodic spray of the shower carried to me from the bathroom as I assessed the
contents of the refrigerator. Hmmm. I counted backwards in my head. It was more than 20
hours since Bella’s last meal. She should be fainting from hunger! I resolved to be better about
providing for her basic needs. I couldn’t allow my distractions. . . now there was an awfully
innocuous word for what I was feeling!. . .to jeopardize her health. Even though it was
afternoon, I decided breakfast food was most appropriate and set to work preparing a bacon and
cheese omelet.

Emmett had ribbed me pretty hard for watching episode after episode of cooking shows
on the Food Network. Rosalie was especially nauseated by the raw ingredients and smells of my
first experiments in the kitchen. However, without anybody to test the concoctions, my success
was purely academic and here-to-fore unproven.

I threw myself into the project, satisfied that I had a productive outlet for my energy.
Anything to keep my mind from drifting to join Bella in the shower. . . Oh, no. There I go again.
With a shaky breath, I carefully set about reconstructing the shattered restraints that I had
prematurely abandoned in the height of our passion.

I will not give in. I will not waver. These words became my mantra.

A whisper of doubt crept up my spine. If Bella wanted to make love again. . . I gulped
down the cravings that make my mouth water. How would I turn her down without hurting her

She had a one track mind when it came to physical intimacy. Even before our
engagement she had challenged my self-control in ways I wouldn’t have thought possible. Now
that I knew the sweet abandon of possessing her body, how could I return to those chaste kisses
and simple caresses?

I had a skillet on the stove with butter melting when I heard Bella exit the shower and
walk to the dresser. She took her time unpacking her clothes and accessories. I could not
differentiate between scents with the sizzling butter right beneath my nose. However, the tell-
tale whisper of satin and silk created a tickling sensation in my lower stomach.

Lecherous fool! I chastised myself.

This was not going to work! But it had to. If we could only stay busy and away from the
house as much as possible, I could find the strength. I heard the subtle sound of soft fabric
stretching and sliding over still damp skin. I only had moments before I would have to face her.

I slid the fully cooked omelet deftly onto a waiting plate. It looked like a huge portion
for her petite body, but again, she had not eaten anything for over a day. I turned to greet her
with a smile.

“Here,” I said, depositing the plate with silverware on the small tiled table.

Bella eagerly crossed the room and slid into one of the waiting chairs. She wore a
simple, white cotton dress. Her wet hair was as dark as ebony. Snow White, I thought to myself.
Beautiful, pure, innocent. . . but I didn’t think I really fit the description of the prince. I had a
better record of creating danger and threatening her life than rescuing her.

I turned away from my morbid thoughts, entertained by the ravenous way she was
inhaling her food. I took a seat across from her. “I’m not feeding you enough,” I said by way of

She swallowed hastily. “I was asleep. This is really good, by the way. Impressive for
someone who doesn’t eat.”

“Food Network,” I replied with a grin. I guess my experiments had paid off. Although, I
was pretty sure near-starvation was tipping my approval ratings a little bit.

“Where did the eggs come from?”

“I asked the cleaning crew to stock the kitchen. A first for this place,” I stated wryly.
“I’ll have to ask them to deal with the feathers. . .“ my voice faded. This was not where I wanted
my thoughts or words to lead. Bella watched me silently as I stared into space, searching for a

She finished her food quickly. I was vaguely impressed that there was nothing left over.
“Thank you,” she said simply. She leaned towards me for a kiss, and I kissed her back without
thinking. The taste of her sweet lips instantly resurrected the burning need in my loins. I
stiffened and leaned back in my chair.

Her teeth were clenched tightly together when she spoke. “You aren’t going to touch me
again while we’re here, are you?”

I had no answer for the bitter accusation that underscored her question. What could I say
without hurting her? A simple “No” sounded cold. I wasn’t rejecting her. I just needed to buy
some time. A few weeks at most. The first night would surely be the worst.

She looked at me expectantly, I still had not responded to her question. With a wistful
smile, I raised my hand to stroke her cheek from the corner of her eye down to her stubborn chin.
She leaned gently against the palm of my hand.

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

Of course I know. But what do you want me to say?

I sighed in defeat. “I know. And you’re right.” Speaking my resolve out loud added
strength and conviction to my decision. Surely she would hear that and understand it was
because of my unequivocal love that I had to say no. “I will not make love with you until you’ve
been changed. I will never hurt you again.”

Her eyes challenged my certainty with their transparent disappointment. She wouldn’t
give up without a fight. But I wasn’t afraid to play dirty. I just needed to keep her busy. And

The dolphins. Yes, we would definitely look for the dolphins. Snorkeling, exploring the
island, swimming. . . heck, we could even build sand castles if it would keep her occupied and
out of danger.

The trembling of her lower lip almost did me in.

Okay. Time to go. Now!

Ch. 6 Distractions
“Bella, why don’t you grab a swimsuit? There’s something I saw yesterday that I’ve
been dying to show you!” I knew my enthusiasm sounded forced. Bella regarded me with
suspicion, but retreated to the bedroom without a word.

Several minutes passed. I stepped out onto the shady porch and scanned the horizon,
hoping to see the tell-tale splashes and grey twisting bodies that would indicate the dolphins
were close. Hmm. Perhaps on the other side of the island? The reef was more developed there
and presumably offered better hunting for the aquatic mammals.

I set off around to the leeward side of the island at a fast pace. From a low bluff, I was
able to see for miles, until the curvature of the earth swallowed the ocean. Sure enough, sunlight
glinted off a stunning aerobatic display. Silver bodies leaped and dove in a choreographed
performance that took my breath away. Bella would absolutely love this! I returned to the
bungalow in a flash.

I heard the whisper of bare feet as Bella padded across the house to join me. The strong
smell of coconut-scented sun block almost completely obscured Bella’s naturally floral scent. I
wrinkled my nose in distaste.

On second thought, this should make things a bit easier for me.

Bella stepped out onto the porch.

Never mind. I take that back.

It was definitely a struggle to maintain my placid expression. Alice had packed a

designer bikini that looked like it was made just for Bella. Rich, chocolate brown fabric was
gathered in a layered twist to form a stylish top. The bottoms were matching fabric and sat low
on her hips.

I had always admired Bella’s figure, but this. . . This was stunning and sexy and
unbelievably adorable. I had become accustomed to Bella’s normal, conservative dressing.
Alice always cringed at Bella’s wardrobe, but I had never really cared. Seeing her dressed like
this made me alternately dazed and proud to the point of conceit. The most desirable woman in
the world had chosen me! The dark bruises that mottled her skin kept me sober. But I was able
to offer her a genuine smile as I took her hand and led her down to the beach.

“So what is this big surprise?’ Bella cast a sidelong glance at me. She looked
uncomfortable in the skimpy beach wear, but somehow that just made her more attractive.

“I know you don’t like surprises. Just trust me. This is going to be an exception to the
rule,” I grinned at her.

It took more than 10 minutes to walk to the bluff where I had sighted the dolphins, a
distance that had taken seconds when I ran. Bella picked her way carefully along the sandy trail.
Occasional roots and vines somehow gripped her ankles and tripped up her feet. I found myself
wondering how our relationship would change when Bella was a vampire.

How much of her attraction to me was based on my superior strength and agility? If I
wasn’t superhuman to her, would she still look at me with those wide-eyed glances that I adored?
She would be stronger than me for the first several months, possibly a whole year. I was the
fastest of my family, but she would definitely rival my speed as a newborn. I tried to shrug this
latest insecurity off, but the seed of doubt had already put down its first roots.

Don’t be stupid. Bella wants you! She is sacrificing her entire life, her future with her
family, everything that she has ever known, just to spend eternity with you.

But what if I’m not enough? Eternity is a long time.

Bella was less than 19 years old to my 108 years. I had seen and done things she could
never dream of. When I met Bella, I knew she was the one. A century of searching told me that.

But what if it wasn’t the same to her? The human mind and body are simple and weak
compared to a vampire’s. I knew she would be the same Bella, just as I was the same Edward.
However, something fundamental would change between us and I wasn’t sure if that change
would bring us closer. . . or pull us apart.

Bella gasped and stumbled. Reflexively I had her by the waist before she could hit the

“Ow, ow, ow! I stubbed my toe!” She leaned against me, rubbing her offended foot
vigorously. “Edward, you have no idea how jealous I am sometimes. You can walk through
anything barefoot without ever wincing! Ugh! Sometimes I hate being just a clumsy human.”

I laughed despite myself. “Would you like me to carry you? It’s just a bit further.” My
voice sounded a little off, despite my humor.

Bella looked into my eyes, trying to read them, although I’m not sure what she expected
to see. I took her hesitation as consent and swept her into my arms. “Edward!” She shrieked in

“Humor me.” I was already running and Bella held tightly to my neck as the tropical
landscape whipped past us. Before she had taken three breaths, I reached the top of the bluff and
set her down, facing the open ocean.

The sun was beginning its descent and the water shimmered in the afternoon light. Bella
was standing still. Her face glowed in the warm sunlight and her hair was streaked with red and
auburn highlights. A light breeze was blowing towards us. Bella’s eyes feasted on the
panoramic view, but mine were fixed on her childlike expression of enchantment.

“Oh! Did you see that?” she pointed excitedly. I heard the accompanying splash and a
high-pitched chirping. “Oh, Edward, they’re dolphins! They’re so beautiful!”

I held Bella’s hand as we clambered down the sandy bank. When we reached the bottom,
Bella squished her toes into the sand with delight. I mimicked her, analyzing the feel of the fine
white grains slipping like crushed diamonds between my toes. It was a strangely stimulating

Bella looked down at my feet then grinned. I couldn’t help myself; I laughed out loud.

“Come on, I want to get closer!” Her excitement was contagious and we were soon
diving into the shallow water. We were only 10 yards out when the dolphins started retreating
into deeper water. “Oh, no! Where are they going? Do you think we scared them?”

I was shocked by the mental feeling of unease and defensiveness. I looked at Bella, and
she returned my stare with a questioning look. We were treading water with no human beings
for dozens of miles in any direction.

There it was again! A vague sensation, like focused emotions without words. The
feeling faded and became cautiously curious. At that moment, I heard the trilling sound of the
dolphins communicating with one another. They had ceased their retreat, and were leaping and
cavorting back and forth less than 100 yards off shore.

Carlisle is going to be beside himself when I tell him this!

I responded to Bella’s earlier question. “No, you didn’t scare them. I did.” She raised
her eyebrows, waiting for me to continue. “They sensed my presence and must instinctively see
me as a predatory threat. But they are curious. If I get out of the water, they may come closer

“Really? Do you think they would come this far?”

“We can always see.” Something akin to adrenaline was stimulating my sense of
excitement and adventure. Bella’s eyes were bright and her breathing was fast, but strong, even
with the exertion of treading water for so long. “Will you be okay if I wait on the beach?” I was
a little concerned to be far from her side, but I knew I could swim the distance in seconds.

I had heard of dolphins and their friendly attitude towards humans, but the humming of
emotions and wordless thoughts in the back of my mind placed them much closer to humans than
I would have guessed. When Bella nodded her assent, I stroked swiftly back to the sandy strip
and stood just out of the water, watching Bella closely.

It took several minutes, but then I felt a shift in the pod’s intentions. The sleek bodies
cruised just beneath the waves, traveling swiftly towards Bella. I was nervous, now. The feeling
I picked up was simply curiosity, but these were animals, not people. Strong animals who were

known, on occasion, to fight and beat sharks in open attacks. I shivered at the thought and stood,
tensed and ready to spring into the water at the first sign of danger.

I identified four different heartbeats now. The closest dolphin paused now, floating
vertically in the water, with its head standing clear of the waves. Beady eyes peered at us.
Intelligent. Considering.

The others hung back, circling and occasionally coming up for air. Bella reached out one
hand, still paddling and treading water steadily. Not for the first time, I admired her bravery and
courage. I knew that the leader was assessing me. Suspicion and curiosity wavered back and
forth, before curiosity won.

The leader closed the last five yards slowly and paused before Bella’s outstretched hand.
She didn’t even flinch. The bottle-shaped nose bumped gently against her hand. Her bell-like
laugh rippled across the water as she caressed the silver skinned creature. The other three joined
the first and one leaped into the air, spinning once, before slicing effortlessly back into the water.

I was mesmerized by the sight of Bella, so at ease in this environment. How was it that
she could have such an affinity for animals and mythical creatures, but such a difficult time
relating to her own species?

Bella swam for almost an hour, with the dolphins cavorting jubilantly around her. They
had never had friends not of their own kind, and humans in boats did not usually come to this
area. They were as amused by Bella as she was by them. I could tell when Bella began to tire,
although I was nowhere close to being tired of watching her. She was having so much fun!

“Bella! Did you want to come in now? We can always come back tomorrow.”

“And the next day?” she called back. Her voice was tinged with exhaustion, but still so
light and carefree.

“Of course, if you wish!” I chuckled as I swam back out to her. She was grateful for my
assistance, probably only now registering the fatigue in her muscles. The dolphins fled to deeper
waters as soon as I was knee deep in the ocean. However, the threatened feeling was more like
wary speculation this time.

Bella draped her arms around my neck and allowed me to tow her safely into the
shallows. Back on her feet, she clasped my hand in hers and we found a place in the sand to sit
and absorb the orange rays of the setting sun. Bella leaned her head on my shoulder, but kept my
hand in hers.

“What are you thinking?” I asked.

“Just that I think this must be a magical place.” She smiled warmly up at me. The
setting sun cast a rosy glow across her features.

“I have to agree with you, love.”

Bella tilted her face up to mine, her lips slightly apart. I lowered my mouth to hers,
entranced by the tender gesture of trust and affection. Bella twisted slightly to face me and her
free hand cupped the base of my skull, pulling my mouth more firmly against hers. Her sweet
taste and the velvet caress of her tongue on my lips sent my thoughts flying away, far away.

There was only her and me. No house, no beach, no ocean. Just us, floating through the
ether, wrapped in a cocoon of warmest silk.

Bella inhaled sharply through her nose. I moved my kisses to her jaw, then throat,
allowing her to draw in several lungs full of air. Her heartbeat pounded out a furious rhythm. I
grabbed her shoulders pulling her deeper into my embrace.

She flinched in my hands. I stiffened and pushed her away, suddenly aware that my
stone-hard fingers were digging into the tender, day-old bruises. I flinched as if it were my own
flesh that had been tortured.

“Edward, don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t pull away from me like that.” Her voice was thick with emotion. Disappointment
and, something more?

“I just don’t want you to miss your first tropical sunset.” I smiled sweetly at her and
nodded towards the orange orb that was hanging pendulously over the western horizon. The
ocean was on fire, streaks of red and amber reflected the cloudless sky.

Bella glared at me, at first. She didn’t want to let this go. But the brilliancy of the setting
sun overpowered her need to corner me with her agenda.

Bella was smiling again, leaning against my body in a languid way that I knew indicated
sleep would not be far off. We sat silently as the sun melted into the ocean. The island was
coming alive with evening sounds. Mosquitoes droned, and birds called out to one another. We
would explore the island tomorrow. Right now, I needed to get Bella back to the house, fed, and
into bed.

Song – Chopin, “Op. 27, No. 1”

Bella allowed me to carry her home without argument.

Dinner was a quick and simple affair. Scrambled eggs, a slice of ham and toast with
fresh butter. I felt a little guilty about the anticlimactic end to our day, but Bella seemed
famished and obviously wouldn’t have waited for me to prepare something more complicated.
Tomorrow I would surprise her with a more sophisticated menu.

My khakis were stiff from two swims in the ocean and drying while we sat in the sun on
the sandy beach. Bella had a slight sunburn on her nose and shoulders. Her shoulders were
rolled forward as she valiantly tried to beat back the exhaustion that was weighing her down.

“Why don’t we get you to bed, hmm?” I murmured when she had cleaned her plate of
every last crumb.

She nodded weakly.

Bella leaned against me as I escorted her to the large bathroom. Her feet stumbled a bit,
but she seemed to be revitalized at the prospect of a shower.

I didn’t join her in the shower. I honestly didn’t know how I would have fared with last
night’s memories still so vivid and powerful. Instead, I sat on the floor, a cool construction of
dark slate laid in a diamond pattern, and we talked in quiet tones about some of the other
attractions of the island.

After today’s adventure, Bella was eager to explore more, and I thrilled at her joyful
anticipation. Bella turned off the shower and I held out a large, fluffy beige towel for her to
wrap herself in. She blushed, dipping her head shyly as I took her place and started the water. I
self-consciously shed my filthy slacks and swiftly rinsed away the salt and sand.

Bella was watching me as I grabbed the other towel and wrapped it around my waist. I
didn’t like the way she was assessing me. Well, actually, I did like it. Way too much. I cleared
my throat uncomfortably and was rewarded by her scarlet blush.

“Um, so I’ll see you in a minute?”

I nodded in reply as I squeezed past her and heard the bathroom door shut softly behind
me. I ran my hands through my hair, dragging my fingers against my scalp. This was going to
be difficult.

I went to our bedroom to grab some clothes and was met with a downy layer of feathers.
I exhaled forcefully and gathered the contents of my suitcase. There was another bedroom.

“Bella?” I knocked softly on the bathroom door.

“Yes?” she replied, surprised. Her voice sounded odd and I registered that I had
interrupted her brushing her teeth.

“I thought we should sleep in the other room until the cleaning crew can take care of this.
I’ll bring your suitcase over after you’re done, okay?”

“Okay,” she agreed.

I stood at the tall window, lost in thought. I heard Bella exit the bathroom and rummage
around looking for clothes. I doubted Alice would have approved of Bella’s normal bedtime
attire. Old sweats and a ratty T-shirt. A wistful smile turned up the corners of my mouth. The
night of our first kiss was one of my happiest memories. She had looked so beautiful!

The bedroom door opened behind me, interrupting my reverie.

I turned, somewhat hesitantly. Bella was radiant in a long, cream-colored silk nightgown.
It was simply cut, with spaghetti thin straps of braided silk cord. A long slit ran from her ankle
to the middle of her right thigh. My eyes traveled up, caressing her womanly curves, which were
neither hidden, nor completely revealed by the smooth fabric. Her hair was still damp, but it was
combed straight, lying in long ebony strands over her sun-kissed shoulders and down her back.

The vision before me was so elegant and stunning that I forgot to breathe.

Bella ducked her head, glancing up at me from beneath her thick lashes. Normally, when
she looked at me that way, it was accompanied by a rosy blush. I was confused when her face
remained cool. She took five measured steps towards me, stopping at the side of the bed, with a
small smile hovering about her lips.

“Are you coming to bed?” she asked quietly. I cleared my throat; a very human response.

“Um, yeah.” I was very conscious that I was just wearing a pair of linen trousers,
cinched loosely at the waist with a drawstring. Why hadn’t I thought to at least grab a shirt?

Bella climbed into bed, showing only the slightest hesitation from muscles, which were
obviously bruised and fatigued. She would be sore tomorrow. Under normal circumstances, I
would have offered her a light massage to rub away the aches. I didn’t dare do that now.

I will not give in. I will not waver.

My mantra had been so convincing in the bright light of the kitchen. Now, with
moonlight illuminating Bella’s face and figure, I was not so sure. She lay down in the exact
center of the bed, and held her hand out to me, inviting me to join her.

My feet were moving of their own accord, and I settled down next to her. I left six inches
of space between us. No man’s land. But Bella discarded the one-sided treaty and closed that

Her face was tilted up to mine. Her eyes were half closed, and her lips vibrated gently
with pent up desire. Afraid to breathe, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and drew her
head down to rest on my chest.

Bella sighed. She was disappointed that I had not kissed her. I pressed my lips to the top
of her head and ran my hand soothingly down her back. “You’re exhausted, my love. Try to get
some sleep. Let your body recover.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my body.” Her fingers were tracing paths of flame across
my abdomen. She outlined each individual muscle of my stomach, gradually working her way
downwards. I swallowed, tense and uncomfortable. The molten flames were building inside my

I will not give in. I will not waver.

Was it not enough that I had to stifle my longing, curb my urges? The return to celibacy
was more painful than every temptation I had ever faced. I belligerently repeated my mantra
until the fire cooled. It was not gone, only smoldering quietly. But it was manageable, for now.

Bella’s fingers paused at my waistband. I had not acknowledged her caresses in any way.
Not denying her right to touch me, nor encouraging her to continue. What was she thinking
about? Was she nervous about her forward behavior? Bella was no more schooled in the art of
seduction than I was.

Even so, she seemed to naturally know exactly what would drive me wild with desire.

I was glad she paused. Some sign of nervousness or restraint was good. Her cheek felt
suddenly hotter, pressed against my chest. Her fingers twitched, but then began a path back
toward my chest. Her hand came to rest, then, warming my heart. It was this very pose that had
melted my resistance last night in the ocean. I tightened my embrace minutely.

Bella’s breathing slowed now, and her heartbeat settled into the steady rhythm of sleep.

I breathed a brief ‘thank you’ and settled in to wait out one of the longest nights of my
interminable existence.

I lay, staring blankly at the wall for hours. A small part of my consciousness counted the
slow ticking of the wall clock. It taunted me with its slow pace. In the life of an immortal, one
night was equivalent to a short breath. In my case, one night dragged on. . . and on. . . and on.

I glared at the offending timepiece. It was mounted on the wall opposite me. Finely
wrought steel was cut into intricate palm leaves and wound around the circumference of the
clock face in a tropical motif. This bedroom was smaller than the other, of course, but in many
ways more suited to me. It was darker, more masculine.

Teak paneling gave it a warm appeal, and the furniture was all handcrafted from hard
woods. Koa wood, I guessed from the golden glow and heavy scent. The bed was smaller, also,
and made up with luxurious blue silk. Like the other room, one wall was completely constructed
of tall windows, with French doors leading out to the beach.

Esme’s imaginative design and delicate touch were evident in the choice of colors and
materials. Palm branches swayed outside, dancing in the silvery light of the moon. This was a

lover’s retreat, offering a peaceful interlude for companions to enjoy each other and share one
another’s company.

It was difficult to feel peaceful with Bella’s warm body draped with such tantalizing
abandon over mine. In an attempt to keep my imagination under wraps, I recited the
Constitution of the United States to myself. Then I translated it into every major language I
knew. Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese. . . half
way through the Japanese recitation, I noticed a perceptible lightening outside. A glance at the
detested clock confirmed that it was almost 6 o’clock. The sun would rise soon. The seconds
ticked slowly on. . .

* * *

Bella inhaled slowly and rolled onto her back. Her eyes were still closed as she raised
her arms above her head and stretched languidly. She exhaled and turned her head to peer at me.
“Hey,” she said sheepishly.

“Good morning, love,” I replied, just relieved that this night was over.

Bella snuggled into my side again, seeking respite from the oppressive heat. Even in the
early morning, the air was heavy with humidity and very warm. How ironic. Last spring I had
been so jealous of Jacob Black and his ability to keep her warm while camping in the mountains.
I felt a lot better about that now. Hmm.

“So, what’s for breakfast, Chef Cullen?”

“What would you say to waffles with strawberries and whipped cream?” I thought it was
a very appropriate breakfast for a honeymoon. Romantic, sweet and refreshing. Or at least
that’s how the host had described it on that cooking show.

“Mmmm, that sounds delicious. Wait, strawberries in August?” Bella seemed

momentarily baffled.

“We’re in the Southern Hemisphere, this is almost springtime,” I explained.

She sat up suddenly. “You mean it gets hotter than this?”

I couldn’t help laughing. “You used to live in Phoenix. Doesn’t it reach over 100
degrees in the summer there?”

“Well, yes. But it isn’t so humid that you need two showers a day.” Her retort made me
laugh again. She looked so offended.

“You just can’t be satisfied, can you?” I teased. “Too cold and rainy in Forks, too hot
and sunny in the tropics. What am I going to do with you?”

I drew her back into my embrace. “I don’t mind Forks. The rain’s not so bad.” Her
voice was muffled against my shoulder.

“That’s a good thing, since we are a little conspicuous if we try to live in sunnier
regions.” Bella nodded her head, but whatever she was about to say was cut off by a growl from
her impatient stomach. She colored with embarrassment and sat back up. “That’s my cue,
right?” I asked with a grin.

“Let me just take a human minute, okay? Oh. . . and Edward?”

“Yes, love?”

“Those eggs you made last night tasted wonderful. Could I have some of those, too?”

“Anything for you, Bella.” I kissed her perfect nose and chuckled as her hopeful
expression turned into a satisfied grin.

She practically leaped out of the bed and walked swiftly to the bathroom. Only the flash
of her thigh through the long slit of her gown sent a momentary jolt of uncomfortable desire
through me. However, I took too much joy in her exuberant attitude to allow my dark mood to

What a night! I sighed and padded into the kitchen to prepare her breakfast, slipping into
a charcoal grey T-shirt as I walked.

I avoided listening to Bella as she lingered in the shower. I needed to formulate a

strategy. We had planned to stay on the island for two weeks before returning to Forks and
preparing for our ‘move’ to Dartmouth. So, I had 12 days, and twelve nights, I reminded myself
with a groan. To wait. To keep Bella busy and distracted. I did not relish the thought of more
nights like last night. I decided to pick out some activities to keep myself busy while Bella slept.

It wasn’t that I was bored. Rather, I was so awake, and every sense was so highly tuned
to Bella’s presence, that every second was an agonizing temptation to gaze at her, stroke her
porcelain skin, kiss her, bury my face in her hair and inhale the fiery bouquet of her scent.

I had the waffle batter mixed and resting on the counter ‘to allow the elastin to develop’,
or something like that. I cracked several eggs into a small mixing bowl. I marveled for a second
at my body’s ability to handle something as fragile as an egg and brush it against the side of the
metal bowl with just the right amount of force to crack it open. If I increased the pressure by the
smallest fraction, the shell and the yolk inside would have been shattered. Obliterated.

It was a chilling thought. Bella’s body was barely stronger than this egg. Her bones
broke so easily. Hadn’t she fractured a knuckle just punching Jacob’s jaw? Human force broke
her. I would crush her. My teeth were clenched in agony as I saw her body in my perfect
memory. She was stretching in the morning light, completely covered in bruises. Only my

continuous exposure to human weakness had given my muscles the subconscious control to
avoid killing her. Neither of us could afford for me to lose control like that again!

While my brain spun in circles, my hands were busy. I added a small amount of water,
and in mere seconds whipped the eggs to a frothy blend of yellow slime. My stomach recoiled.
With a shake of my head, I ignored my natural revulsion and set a frying pan on the stove to

I was glad Bella had a huge appetite and was enjoying my cooking. I had to trust the
chefs on TV and the details of sight and smell I had picked up from watching Bella prepare
meals for herself and Charlie. In my opinion, this looked just as appetizing as the meal worms
our biology instructor fed to his pet iguana.

I finished assembling Bella’s breakfast and was just spooning whipped cream onto the
mound of sliced strawberries when she came out of the bedroom. She was dressed in a pair of
khaki shorts and a rose hued tank top. Like many of the clothes Alice picked out, the cuts were
simple but flattering.

Hmmm. Strawberries and cream. Part of my mind smirked at the analogy. She looked
good enough to eat. I raised an eyebrow and smiled as she crossed the room and wrapped her
arms around me.

“Wow! Is that all for me?”

My mind flashed back to the bowls of batter and raw eggs. No. Too gross. “You don’t
have to eat it all. I wanted the presentation to be right. Half of a Belgian waffle just doesn’t
have the same impact.”

“Food Network, again?”

“Of course,” I replied with a shrug and a grin.

She chuckled and eased into the chair I pulled out for her. Yes, her muscles were
definitely sore. That would explain the extra long shower.

“So what does my tour guide have planned for today?” Bella’s voice was amused.

She dug in to her breakfast as if she hadn’t eaten an impossibly huge dinner the night
before. “Mmmm. Wow, this is unbelievable! Why do you have to be so good at everything?”

Why did she sound annoyed?

“Does it bother you so much that I love you and want to take care of you?” I asked. After
my insecure thoughts yesterday, I was really curious to know how she felt about the perceived
imbalance in our relationship. Never mind that I didn’t feel worthy of her! So considerate and
selfless and brave.

“No. I really love that about you. It makes me feel safe and secure,” she paused in
between bites, looking pensively at her plate. “It’s just that I don’t always understand what it is
that I do for you. You can buy whatever you want. You are impervious to most physical threats.
I guess it just seems like I’m always taking, and you’re always giving.”

Oh, this argument, again. . . Bella’s brooding eyes were hidden behind lowered lashes.
Tenderly, I lifted her chin so that she could see the truth of my words on my face. “Bella, you
are my life, my love, my entire future. You have resurrected my humanity, something I thought
was lost more than 80 years ago. You have inspired me, loved me, and made me happier than
any man, mortal or immortal, has a right to hope for. What gift could be greater than your body
and soul? I will treasure that gift for all eternity. That is why I can never bear to hurt you

Bella was breathless, perhaps shocked by the force behind my declaration. Before I
could over-think it, I brushed my lips tenderly against her lips, her nose, and her eyes as they
fluttered closed at my touch. I noticed that her knuckles were turning white as she clenched her
fork in her hand. I pulled back to let her regain her composure. She dipped her head to take a
hasty bite, and kept her eyes downcast as she chewed and swallowed.

“I guess you do love me.” Her posture indicated that her thoughts went much further.
Her unspoken words drove a wedge of guilt into my side as I remembered her wistful sighs,
lying in my arms last night. Soon, my love, I thought. Soon.

“You are so absurd,” I chuckled. “Now finish your breakfast. I want to see if we can
find those birds that were making such a racket last night. They sound like a species that I saw
last time I was in South America, but I can’t be sure. Don’t worry, it will be fun!” I assured her
when I noticed her skeptical look. “Oh, and you should wear some sturdy shoes, we may not be
staying on the paths.” She groaned at this revelation and I burst into loud laughter. The
atmosphere in the room had lightened considerably.

Bella finished her food swiftly then, and we left the house in a hurry like two eager young
adventurers. Carefree and in love.

Song – Israel Kamakawiwo’Ole, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”

Isle Esme was shaped like a tear drop, less than 2 miles long and much narrower in
width. The northernmost part tapered to a point, with the house perched in a position where you
could see the ocean from three sides. The bottom third of the island rose into a rocky peak,
which crested about 150 feet above sea level. A thick jungle formed a canopy over the slopes,
thinning at the higher elevations, but forming an abrupt wall of green shadows by the beach. A
thin strip of sand rimmed the southern part of the island, periodically interrupted by rocky tide

This was our destination as we walked hand-in-hand along the eastern coastline. Bella
stopped occasionally to examine a particularly colorful shell, or a well-formed rock. I had no

desire to push our leisurely pace. A peaceful harmony existed between us; words were

With Bella’s eyes on her feet, I took responsibility for steering our course around the
occasional piece of driftwood or exposed coral shelf. The sun was still low in the sky and our
shadows stretched off to the right, rippling across the uneven sand. I found myself humming
brief snatches of a melody. It was enchanting and powerful, but incomplete. I knew what I
would be focusing on tonight.

In the shallow water, large shadows were gliding, occasionally disappearing into the
deeper spaces between the reef. Then I saw a reptilian head rise above the water for a couple
seconds. Turtles? They must be. I was impressed by their size. The largest was probably three
feet across at the widest point of its mottled green shell.

“Bella, look,” I pointed to the place where I last saw one surface. “Sea turtles.”

“Turtles? Where?” She was instantly intrigued, her aimless shell hunt momentarily
abandoned. Her face reflected the same childish wonder that she had exhibited yesterday.

I wished she could see through my eyes. The sun reflected off the rippling ocean as if
angels had recklessly scattered armfuls of diamonds across the open water. Deep tones of
aquamarine were interrupted by darker places—shadows of reefs that were entire ecosystems of
their own. Coral, thousands of fish, eels, sharks. I could feel the ocean brimming with life and

Another turtle surfaced for air and Bella gasped. Through her eyes, they would seem to
be simply green. I could pick out the individual swirls of olive, mustard yellow and black. I
could identify the color of its eyes, amber like mine when fresh from the hunt. Each individual
crease of its fleshy neck was like a bold line.

If this was the joy I derived from Bella’s human experiences, how much more satisfying
would it be to watch the whole world unfurl before her through the brilliancy of acute vampire

It was mid-morning when we ducked into the shadowed confines of the jungle. Although
we were sheltered from direct sunlight here, the air was oppressive and humid. Only five yards
into the dense foliage, the breeze was nonexistent and I was overwhelmed by the myriad of
smells. The heavy fragrance of a flower I didn’t recognize was wafting over the musty smell of
composting vegetation, damp earth, and the faintest trace of methane that indicated an active
termite colony close by. Bella slipped on the thick leaves, and grabbed onto my arm for support.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded. “Yeah, I just wasn’t watching where I was stepping. This is so. . . I don’t
know how to say it. . . it’s breathtaking!”

That was the word I was looking for! I was drinking in her face, softly illuminated by
fractured shafts of sunlight. The air glowed green from the light shining through the leafy
canopy more than 50 feet above our heads.

A raucous call broke through the sultry air. “Are those the birds we’re looking for?”
Bella asked.

“The very same. I think they may be parrots. Hmm. This way,” I led the way slowly,
following the sounds of cackling and rustling wings. Bella gingerly clasped my hand for
stability as we clambered over the crowded mossy logs and cluttered piles of branches and

Finding the parrots was a fun excursion. When we caught sight of the first one, Bella
was delighted. Snowy white plumage gave the bird a spirit-like appearance in the dim interior.
This image was destroyed when it broke into an undignified rant, trying to chase us away.

“Shhh. We won’t hurt you.” Bella was talking to the thing. I shook my head. But then I
snapped back in shock when the bird mimicked her last two words, “hurt you”. She was
practically jumping up and down.

“Did you hear that? He talks! I didn’t know parrots talked without being trained!”

Yeah, neither did I. I shot the bird a bemused glare. First the dolphins, now the parrots.
Granted, there were no thoughts coming from the birds. Their brains were not highly developed
at all. However, it was a little disconcerting to hear human words from a very inhuman mouth.

The morning passed quickly. I caught glimpses of several other birds, multihued feathers
flashed among the branches, but only the first paid us any attention.

With Bella badgering me to join in, I tried a few different lines, but the creature
obviously preferred Bella. I didn’t blame it; she was so warm and friendly, and I was. . . cold
and dangerous. I shrugged the thought away, content to let the gibberish continue.

Bella wasn’t bored at all, but before long she was famished and thirsty. With a silly little
wave to the latest addition to our menagerie, Bella and I quit the wooded area in favor of the
west-facing beach.

The sun beat down on us. We walked quickly now, I was eager to get Bella in the shade
so she wouldn’t get dehydrated or overheated.

I cursed to myself when I realized we had chosen the long route back. The beach curved
sharply to the right. We had to walk the uneven rocky perimeter of a beautiful little bay. The
rocky inlet dug into the west side of the island forming a sheltered cove. The reef was partially
exposed and rainbow colored schools of fish darted around in the shallows.

“Have you ever been snorkeling?” I asked Bella.

“Um, I did once when I was younger. I’m not very good at it, but I’ll try not to swallow
my mouthpiece.”

“You swallowed the mouthpiece?” I was alarmed.

“Well, I didn’t really swallow it. It detached while I was swimming and it got lodged
behind my teeth. The lifeguard had to pry my jaw open and yank it out,” she admitted with a
familiar blush of embarrassment.

“Only you,” I sighed.

“Yeah, I know.” She replied with a sardonic laugh.

It was noon by the time we were back at the house. Bella guzzled two large glasses of
water while I assembled a quick lunch for her. A sandwich, a glass of orange juice, and salad.

I had requested that the cleaning crew stock ingredients that would enable Bella to have a
varied diet here. But no fish. I didn’t see any reason to subject myself to the odor of cooking
fish. Charlie wasn’t here. And, even though they ate it frequently at home, I knew fish was his
favorite, not hers. More evidence of her selflessness, of course. I smiled to myself.

Bella barely paused to breathe when I set the plate in front of her. She immediately bit
into the sandwich with a satisfied moan. With her eyes half closed and her face reflecting her
bliss, I was having trouble keeping my thoughts on the present.

I stood up more quickly than normal. I never could maintain the human facade around
Bella. Here, while we were alone, I often darted to my destination at normal speeds. What
purpose did it serve to restrain myself?

I stood at the sink, focusing my attention on the domestic chore of washing dishes. I had
done this dozens of times with Bella, and the motions were automatic. I was trying not to fixate
on Bella’s body, radiating warmth even in the tropical heat. The sounds of her eating, breathing,
and, of course, the ever-present rhythm of her heart. It saturated my consciousness and my mind
floated. . . The rhythm accelerated and I glanced curiously at her from the corner of my eye.
Was she alright?

Bella’s plate was empty and she held her glass in her right hand. Condensation was
gathering on the glass, collecting in drops that trickled one by one down the side to splash on the
table. The water fragmented into tiny droplets with a tinkling sound. Bella’s face was red and
her eyes seemed unfocused. No, they were too focused. Locked on my. . . The plate in my hand

I gripped the edges of the counter with both hands measuring and exerting enough
pressure to steady myself without fracturing the counter, or denting the stainless steel sink. My
vision swam. I gathered the pieces of crushed flatware.

Where was that snorkeling equipment?

I left the kitchen at vampire speed, unable to meet her startled gaze.

* * *

Bella in the snorkeling gear was. . . cute.

She was wearing a black bikini today. The form-hugging suit enhanced her shapely
breasts and was joined in the front with a thick silver ring. Matching rings adorned both her hips
on the high-cut bottoms. The black fabric bore a startling contrast to her milky skin. I steadied
my rebellious stomach as I forced myself to assess her bruises. The smaller ones were actually
fading. However, the deep purplish hue remained in horrific blotches on much of her skin.

I looked down at my toes, digging in the sand, copying Bella’s actions from the day
before. I ground the fine sand to powder with the pressure of my feet. Bella stood a few paces
away, adjusting the fit of her mask and the position of her snorkel.

“I’ll be ready in a minute.” Bella was struggling with the strap on her right fin. With an
exhalation of air she stood up. “There.”

She met my eyes expectantly, then traveled over my brilliant white chest, stomach, down
my legs and back up again. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to explain the odd look on her
face. I was more conscious than ever of my skin reflecting the sun’s rays around me like a
thousand microscopic prisms.

“Did you know, I’ve never seen you in shorts before?” I waited for the punch line. “You
have nice legs.”

I was afraid she was going to say something else. The tension burst out of me with an
uncontrolled laugh. Was she serious?

“I’m serious! What’s so funny?”

“You are, Bella. Come on, let’s go scare some fish.” She scowled in return.

Bella walked towards the waters edge with an exaggerated clown-like gait. I smothered
another laugh. She was trying so hard not to trip over the long fins. I didn’t want to distract her.

Once in the water, her graceful swimming made me feel guilty about my earlier
amusement. Like yesterday, with the dolphins, Bella seemed almost at home in this
environment. Surrounded by the swirling currents, her body took on an ethereal quality. Her
hair billowed like an auburn cloud, each silky strand separately reflecting the light that shone
through the surface.

I swam with her—not needing to breathe was more than convenient here. We followed a
school of bright yellow fish that darted and swam between rocky outcroppings. Dozens of
varieties of coral created a fantastic display of natural art, delicate and colorful. Bella was beside
herself, discovering something new to marvel over with every dive.

We swam for hours, only taking a break for Bella to drink some water and re-apply the
coconut-scented sun block. Finally exhausted, Bella pulled off her gear, one piece at a time, and
tossed it onto the beach. We lay in the shallows, side by side, gazing up at the cloudless sky.

Gentle waves washed up to our shoulders and retreated back into the ocean. Above us,
the azure mantle was uninterrupted in its purity. I could barely make out the telltale glint of red
reflecting from Mars, invisible to Bella’s human eyes. In my mind, I was visualizing astrological
charts and trying to remember which constellation Mars would appear in tonight.

Unfortunately, Bella’s closeness was driving me to distraction. My thoughts were

jumbled by her scent and the heat of her figure, so close to mine. I listened to the patterns of
water that swirled about her body.

If I focused, I could touch her that softly. I could be as silky as the water caressing her
skin, smoothing away tension and worry, easing her sore muscles. I squeezed my eyes shut and
clenched my teeth. My hands were balled into iron fists. The need to reach out and touch her
energized every cell in my body until my entire being was humming with the urgency.

Here on this sunlit beach, alone on our solitary island, we had more privacy than we
would ever have after returning to Forks. Why didn’t I want to trust myself? She said she
wasn’t hurt very badly. I should respect her enough to trust her judgment, shouldn’t I? If this
was what we both wanted, then why was I lying here, tied in knots, resisting my desires with
every ounce of strength I possessed?

I knew what to expect now, I wouldn’t lose control. I could love her like she deserved,
like she wanted me to. My stubbornness was just that. Stubbornness. If we made love, I would
be like the water. . . subtle. . . serene. . . gentle. . .

Crash! An unexpected wave broke over us.

I was so preoccupied with the temptations of my baser appetites that I had neither felt nor
heard the distinct changes in the ocean. If I had, I would have sensed the larger set of waves that
were now rolling through our previously tranquil lagoon.

Bella coughed and spluttered, scrambling to get to her feet before the next wave could hit
us. My first concern was her safety. However, when I realized she was fine, I couldn’t help but
chastise myself. I had let my thoughts run away from me.

Water. Gentle. Great analogy. Hah! Bella misinterpreted my scowl, but I wasn’t about
to explain the truth. Let her think I just didn’t like sand up my nose. That was safer. If I
encouraged her at all. . .

“Are you okay?” Bella had sand in her hair and down her back. But here she was,
asking if I was okay.

“Yes. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. I should have realized that was coming
and warned you.” I felt even worse now in the face of her thoughtful concern.

“Edward, you can’t possibly protect me from every threat or hazard. It’s not like you can
control the ocean!” She was consoling me? What for? Of course, I can’t control the ocean.

But inside, what I was really saying was—Of course I can’t control myself. If we
became intimate again, I could hurt her again without even realizing it. Somehow I knew that
Bella would be just as forgiving then as she was now. I wouldn’t put her in that position. There
shouldn’t be anything for her to forgive me for!

“Let’s get home,” I spoke gruffly. Bella hung back a bit, giving me space. She must
have sensed my mood. I did not watch the setting sun. I barely registered the darkening sky.

Bella washed up while I prepared her dinner. I was surprised that the simple motions of
cooking the meal were therapeutic and my bad humor faded quickly. Bella was dressing in the
blue room while I arranged the food on her plate. This was a special meal that I had planned
weeks ago. Almond crusted chicken breast, braised asparagus spears and an aromatic rice pilaf.

When Bella rejoined me, she was already dressed for bed. Her gown tonight was ivory
satin embroidered with tiny roses along the hem. The straps were wide at the shoulders but
tapered before they met the sweetheart neckline. The skirt ended at her knees, but flared slightly
and twirled enticingly around her thighs when she walked.

I set her food on the table with a glass of Coke, her favorite. She sniffed the air
appreciatively. However, instead of darting straight to her seat and devouring the food like she
had the past several meals, she came to me and leaned her head on my chest.

I yielded to the moment, thrilling at the feel of her supple body stroking me like a liquid
flame wherever our skin met. My arms wrapped around her, holding her close. The buzzing
energy from the rocky cove was back now, and increased tenfold.

Bella seemed to feel the intensity of the desire emanating from my body and she gave me
no mercy. Her lips bestowed feather-light kisses across my chest and shoulders, up my neck,
along my jaw. My teeth were clenched tight enough to crush iron.

Delicate fingers followed those kisses, stroking and teasing until I drew in an uneasy
breath. It hissed between my teeth. Our bare calves were intertwined and I braced myself
against the desire to fall to the floor with her in my arms, discarding every carefully constructed

“Bella,” I groaned. “You need to stop.” Another gasping breath tore down my throat
with the heat of a wildfire.

“No, I don’t, Edward. You are my husband and I am your wife. We belong together,
exactly like this!”

Her leg was rubbing against mine, past my knee, up my outer thigh. Her soft skin sent
intense heat melting straight through the material of my shorts. My resolve wavered. The beast
rose from its hiding place within me and took control. It only took a split second to complete her
motion for her. With my hand under her knee, and my other arm pressing her whole body
against mine I spun around and set her up on the counter. Bella’s other leg wrapped around me
and I was locked in.

Our lips met for the first time in more than 12 hours. The passion that had been building
on both sides burst like a dam, unleashing a cataclysmic flood. Bella’s fingers dragged through
my hair, pulling my face down to her neck. She threw her head back as my lips and tongue
followed the contours of her jaw and throat. Her back arched and I could feel every muscle she
possessed straining to meld our bodies together.

Her touches last night had simmered with desire. Her forceful manner now was like
boiling magma, threatening to explode forth and engulf everything in its path.

I was living this moment on two parallel paths. My memory was retracing the first night,
feeding the present with a powerful compulsion to abandon all defenses. I brought my lips back
to Bella’s, hungering for more.

I don’t know how or why, but the noble part of my soul, if soul is what you would call it,
chose that moment to intervene. The present disappeared and before me I saw a vivid memory.
Bella, standing and stretching before me—the beauty of her body overshadowed by injuries
wrought by a violent beast.

“I have to go,” I choked out the words, my face a mask of guilt and self-disgust. I broke
free from her embrace and stumbled back two steps. She stretched one hand out toward me,
gripping the countertop with her other one.

“Edward, please. . .” she begged.

A strangled moan rose from my core. I shook my head in denial. Denial of what I had
done. Denial of what I was about to do.

I spun on my heel and, faster than she could blink, I was out the door.

Song – Nana Mouskouri, “Deep and Silent Sea”

I heard one despairing sob escape her throat, but I was already hurtling down the beach
toward the rocky peak. I never slowed, weaving effortlessly through the close-growing trees and

hanging vines of the jungle. My running morphed into a leaping climb as I scaled the last 50 feet
to the top of the diminutive mountain. The surface was broken and sharp, crumbling under the
force of wind and time. Millennia of torrential rains, blistering sun, and violent winter storms
had fragmented the porous rock.

Now, I felt more pieces disintegrate with every step. I glared at the night sky, hating it
for its passive beauty. With a roar of pain, I drove my fist into the ground, burying my arm up to
the elbow. I was panting hoarsely, my body mimicking a human panic attack quite accurately. I
pulled my clenched fist out of the ground, fixating on the way the powdered fragments of
igneous rock poured down the muscled contours of my forearm. I alternately flexed and spread
my fingers, examining the unmarked skin of my knuckles.

Cold. White. Alien in the milky moonlight.

I crouched there, shaking violently. My throat burned mercilessly. I could not shut out
her scent. It clung to my skin, my hair, my clothes. I could not purge her startled face from my
sight. Shock and betrayal were the predominant emotions.

I had allowed her to get too close, again. By doing so, I had hurt her! A few brief
moments of gratification were purchased. But at what price? Would my selfishness never end?

My throat convulsed with tearless sobs and I rolled onto my back. Fear, guilt and shame
swirled in a malignant knot in my stomach. I could almost see the cankerous threads of sickly
green and black that infected me, staining all of my thoughts with their diseased touch.

The demon was so strong, searching for the smallest hint of weakness. Whenever lust
colored my thoughts, it growled and advanced. My lust for Bella seemed to tower over, even
drown out, my love at times. And, at those times, I was terrified for her. And disgusted with

But didn’t lust and love sometimes walk hand in hand? Surely, the looks Bella cast my
way were smoldering with more than love. She had made no secret of her desire to make love
with me, even months before we were married.

Loving Bella, wanting to be with Bella, was a weakness? How had I come to this? Was
I truly fighting a demon or was this simply a manifestation of fears born from decades of

My fear of losing Bella had been magnified 100 times since the day when I had truly
believed she was dead. Remembering again the anguish on her face, I realized it was becoming
a greater threat to her than any physical danger.

I felt like a coward.

Bella was eating dinner alone. Probably crying herself to sleep in our sad excuse for a
marital bed. And I was afraid to go to her. I was too terrified of the ‘demon’ inside me to offer
her the smallest comfort.

A hug, a gentle kiss? I sighed.

I lay in silence for over an hour. My eyes were shut, but I could feel the silvery light of
the moon on my skin. I could sense the oh-so-subtle tug of its gravity as it pulled the ocean’s
waters toward high tide. Gradually, the gentle night air smoothed the anguished lines on my

My revelation came softly, almost stealthily into my mind. She needed me, as I needed

I will make this up to her.

I felt stronger and freer. I knew that my love for Bella was greater than any selfish
temptation. I would not slip up again.

It was like shackles had fallen from my wrists as I disowned the monster within me. He
would never hold sway over my thoughts or actions again. My desire for Bella was still great,
but it felt purer for having been distilled in the crucible of her pain and my fear. I looked up to
the brilliant moon.

I still heard the soft echo of Bella’s melodic voice, “Beautiful.”

Beautiful, her face. Beautiful, our love. Beautiful. . . our future.

With a satisfied smile, I leapt from the peak, casting my body hundreds of feet forward
with one powerful leap. As I plummeted down, my eyes picked out each ripple of the water,
every shadowed coral outcropping. My body sliced into the water, making the smallest splash,
barely disrupting the shimmering surface.

As I dove into the water I felt washed clean. Reborn.

I swam swiftly back to the north. It was getting late and my Bella should not have to
sleep alone.

A vibrant melody was building in my head. The harmony joined, and then mellow
arpeggios grew in strength until the entire complexity of a new composition was playing through
my mind.

It was the story of our love and passion. And it was far from over.

I did not pause in my headlong rush until I was standing at the foot of the bed, looking
down on her sleeping form. Bella’s face was relaxed in slumber, but the lines near her eyes told
me she had indeed cried herself to sleep.

My throat ached with remorse. Hadn’t I promised to never leave her again? Hadn’t I
sworn that she would never be alone? But I had broken my word. I had betrayed her trust. My
honor was not enough to overcome my weaknesses.

Or was it? Could I be strong enough for her?

I would certainly expend every last ounce of my energy trying.

I was still wet from my swim, so I quickly showered and dressed in a pair of grey cotton
pajama pants and a white T-shirt. I towel dried my hair and climbed onto the bed next to Bella.
She was sleeping on top of the sheets and I carefully lay down against her side. With tender
kisses, I erased her tears. Her lips were parted in the barest hint of a smile. A tremor of relief
and joy reverberated through my heart.

I embraced my body’s need for her. I savored the steady warmth that filled my lower
stomach with a strange sense of anticipation. With fear evicted, I was able to enjoy the intense
medley of feelings and emotions that combined to form the throbbing inside of me. Knowing
that I would wait, for weeks if necessary, put a painful pressure on that need. But even the pain
was different now. This was not anguished longing. There was no despair or self-loathing.
Instead, this was the pain of a hunger unrelieved, a thirst unquenched. The anticipation of
satisfying the need was its own intoxicating draught. I was drunk on love.

I did not want to spend a moment away from Bella’s side. She hadn’t breathed a word in
her sleep for days, however I could never stop myself from listening and hoping. The voice of
an angel, murmuring my name. It was a silly desire, but I had spent so many nights waiting for
that sound, and reveling in the joy it brought me each time. I could not quit the habit now, just
because Bella was too exhausted to dream.

When the sensations within me became too strong for comfort, I got up in search of a
distraction. Esme had a collection of books and DVDs in the TV room. I grabbed a book at
random and returned to bed. The volume was thick and dog-eared. The binding was creased and
worn. Obviously one of Esme’s favorites. Gone With the Wind. I had seen the movie decades
ago, and I relaxed into a pillow to explore the Civil War-torn southern states and the whirlwind
life of a southern belle.

I was half way through the spellbinding novel when Bella began to wake up. Propped up
on my elbow, I looked at her face, waiting for that miraculous moment when her eyes opened
and found me. It was a moment I anticipated with pleasure every night since that first night that
she asked me to stay with her.

I was confused by the anger and pain when they did open. Of course. Bella knew
nothing of my epiphany. She had every right to be angry with me.

“Good morning, love,” I breathed. My greeting was met with silence, as if she didn’t
trust her voice. I lowered my eyes, thinking of the best way to word my apology. “Bella. . . I
need to apologize. The way I behaved last night was. . . inexcusable. I told you before that I
would not make love with you until you’ve been changed. I swore I would do everything in my
power to make you happy, and not hurt you. And then I did the opposite. I toyed with your
emotions. I should never have allowed things to progress like they did last night.” I was
ashamed when I remembered how I had led her on.

When I looked back into her eyes, there was no improvement. If anything, she looked
angrier. Her eyes flashed at me and her lips were set in a grim line.

“So where did you go last night?” she demanded.

I rolled onto my back, cast a sidelong glance at her annoyed countenance and decided to
tell as much of the truth as I could. “I was afraid. Afraid that I would hurt you again. That
night, when we. . . made love. . . I lost control. Something inside of me took over. It was too
powerful for me to fight, like I was possessed. I FELT possessed. I hated myself afterwards
when I saw what I had done to you. . . how I’d hurt you.”

I paused to take a shaky breath. I had promised not to show Bella my pain. But this was
necessary for her to understand how last night had changed me.

“You cannot know the depth of my desire to be with you, in every way. That night. . .
what I felt. . . was the most intense pleasure. It was more than I could have ever imagined.
These last two days have been torture for me, because I wanted you, but I feared for you. Last
night, I cast off that fear. There is no demon inside of me now. I will remain in control and I am
not afraid.”

“So, you’ve changed your mind?” The tentative hope in her voice alerted me to the fact
that she had misinterpreted my words.

“No.” I corrected her hastily. “You are too fragile, I could still hurt you. Perhaps even
worse than before. I was just trying to explain that I am no longer going to run from you. I am
no longer afraid.”

“What?” Bella sat up and faced me. Her anger was back and more focused than before.
“Why even bother apologizing if you have no intention of changing the very thing that caused
the problem?” Her bitter words opened a new wound in my heart.

“Bella, please. You know why it has to be this way! It won’t be long. Once I change
you, we will never have to worry about this again!”

Bella’s eyes narrowed into a fierce scowl. Her lower lip was pushed out into an adorable
pout. Her anger caused two bright spots of color to appear on her cheeks, so much more vivid

than her gentle blushes. I was more attracted to her than ever! But she had other thoughts. She
eyed the book in my hand.

“Gone With the Wind?” I nodded, caught off guard by the change in subject. “Do you
know the story?” she continued.

I shook my head slowly, still confused. “I’ve seen the movie, though.”

“Well, then you know,” she continued, her eyes were boring into mine. “Rhett loved
Scarlett unconditionally for years. He waited for her, placing her wishes and needs before his
own. All the time, she was hurting him with her stubborn selfishness. By the time she woke up
and realized it, their relationship was already broken and they had nothing! Enjoy your book.”

Bella flounced out of the room. Seconds later, the bathroom door shut with a loud thud.

I sat there astonished by her vehemence. Bella rarely raised her voice in anger. The
threat in her words was obvious, but did she really think a bond like ours could be destroyed over
something as trivial as physical love? Our love spanned the distance between two species, fusing
reality and mythology in a timeless, ageless, unconditional union.

Again, I had misjudged the depth of her feelings. I could only hope that she would let go
of her anger and hurt. That she would consider and understand the words I spoke earlier.

With a defeated sigh, I returned the offending novel to its place on the bookshelf and
wandered into the kitchen. Even if she hated me, she would still need to eat. I prepared
scrambled eggs again, taking a vindictive satisfaction in breaking the eggs one at a time.

When she entered the kitchen half an hour later, Bella didn’t meet my eyes and refused to
speak with me. Her foul temper persisted until I suggested revisiting the dolphins. This cheered
her up a bit and we spent the next several days in various forms of recreation.

I still caught Bella watching me when she thought I wasn’t looking. The desire in her
eyes was overshadowed by a hopelessness that wrenched my heart. Several times she invited me
to join her in the TV room to watch a romantic movie, but I knew better than to encourage her, or
myself, with hours intertwined on the couch. We needed to avoid any more incidents like the
one in the kitchen. I would smoothly change the subject to something more. . . outdoorsy. She
invariably gave in, and we ranged across the island, swam or snorkeled for hours. We even built
sand castles during low tide one day.

I thought she was having fun. Her face was often wreathed in smiles and her voice was
animated as we talked about the things we’d seen and experienced in the last week. However, I
could not get past the regret I felt for the vague sadness that pinched the corners of her eyes. Or
the tense crease between her eyebrows when she was lost in thought. With the long hours of
strenuous exercise every day, Bella was eating more than ever and sleeping so deeply, she barely
moved or made a sound.

One evening, she even fell asleep at the table while I was in the shower. When I found
her there, slumped over her half-finished dinner, I gathered her up from her chair and carried her
back to our bed. Seeing the dark circles under her eyes, feeling the exhaustion that weighed
down her limbs, I felt guilty and miserable about what I was doing. But did I really have any
other option?

No, I didn’t.

Nights were hardest for me. Since that first evening, Bella’s outfits had gotten
progressively less. . . um. . . modest. Last night, she had come out of the bathroom brushing her
hair. I concealed my reaction by burying my face in the book I was reading. Not a romance this
time. This was the history of diamond mining, one of Carlisle’s books. Fascinating in a dry,
non-sexual kind of way.

I had to read to keep my mind occupied. Every time I found myself admiring the
reflection of the moonlight on her thigh, or the swell of her breasts as her chest rose and fell in
her sleep, I had to remind myself to contain the heat. I don’t know when I started counting down
the days. But with each dawn I breathed a sigh of relief and crossed out another day on my
mental calendar. The last century didn’t hold a candle to the perpetual waiting I faced now.

I reclined on the silk draped bed, finishing the last chapter of my book. It discussed, in
detail, the progression in mining equipment over the last millennium and how sophisticated
mining technologies were affecting the global diamond market.

In the back of my mind, I was mulling over the best way to explain the feathers in the
other room to the cleaning crew, which was due in tomorrow morning. They were also
restocking the refrigerator—we were getting dangerously low on eggs. I guessed the protein and
cholesterol were good for Bella with her increased activity level. But, even so. . .

Bella’s heartbeat, a part of me was always intimately aware of its proximity and pace,
grew louder as she left the bathroom and walked down the short hall.

She stepped into the room and no amount of self-control could stop the instantaneous fire
that blasted through my starving body. Yes. The urge had progressed so far beyond hunger that
every cell in my body felt starved for her.

Bella was a vision in a black negligee. Her hair fell in dark waves around her narrow
shoulders. The lingerie she wore had a lace top that was both flattering and revealing. Lace as
delicate as spider silk fell in a transparent curtain that only tempted my eyes to linger on her
curves, focusing through the veil to drink in her tiny waist, the smooth curve of her hips. I
wrestled my rebellious body into submission and smoothed my features into a calm welcoming

She spun in a graceful pirouette before me.

“What do you think?” her voice was like melting chocolate, heavy and sweet with
promises of sensory delight.

My eyes captured every line and curve, each reflection and shadow. Days of constant
activity had given Bella’s body a firmness and grace in movement that she had never had before.
Toned muscles in her taut stomach and luscious legs flexed and rippled as she turned. Even with
layers of sun block, her skin had picked up a faint golden tone, glowing with a radiant heat that
made my chest ache with longing.

I wanted nothing more than to stroke every inch of her flawless skin. I cleared my throat.
. . tried to clear my mind.

“You look beautiful. You always do.” My voice sounded so much more contained than I
felt. My skin felt tight, too constricting. I was wound like a spring and it would only take one
nudge to make me burst out of control.

“Thanks,” she replied.

Her voice was off. It sounded as if she was disappointed in my reaction, but completely
unsurprised by that disappointment. She climbed into bed next to me, offering no resistance as I
pulled her against my chest. I didn’t know how to have her next to me right now. However, this
was routine.

And to act otherwise? She would suspect something was bothering me. I was so close to
the edge that I did not know if I could touch and smell her without giving in. Her skin was an
open flame, scorching me with its heat.

“I’ll make you a deal,” her voice was sluggish with sleep but her eyes watched mine

“I will not make any deals with you.” That was exactly how we ended up here in this
stalemate. She had wanted to compromise. She would marry me if I made love to her as a

Oh! The memory of that first night tore through my mind, singeing everything in its path
until I felt like my entire skull was in flames. Flames of passionate desire. . .

“You haven’t even heard what I’m offering.” No. But I can guess what you want in

“It doesn’t matter.” I will not give in. I will not waver. My chant was losing its
effectiveness through days of constant overuse.

“Dang it. And I really wanted. . . Oh, well.”

You. Did. Not. Just. Say. That. My mind screamed.

She knew very well how much I craved the opportunity to give her something, anything.
It was a privilege she bestowed on others, but not on me, her husband. And now? She wanted
something and it felt too cruel to deny her without hearing what it was, even if I knew that it was
an impossible request.

“All right. What is it you want?” My soul groaned, knowing what answer I would be
forced to give.

“Well I was thinking. . . I know the whole Dartmouth thing was just supposed to be a
cover story, but honestly, one semester of college probably wouldn’t kill me. Charlie would get
a thrill out of the Dartmouth stories, I bet. Sure, it might be embarrassing if I can’t keep up with
all the brainiacs. Still. . . eighteen, nineteen. It’s really not such a big difference. It’s not like
I’m going to get crow’s feet in the next year.” She shrugged her shoulders as she repeated my
own words back to me. Words I had argued to convince her of the folly of discarding her
humanity so quickly.

I was in shock. This was the furthest thing from my thoughts. Dartmouth? But then that
meant. . .

“You would wait. You would stay human.” My voice was void of all emotion or

Once, those words would have brought me relief and joy. This was what I wanted,
wasn’t it? For Bella to live a normal human life, as she would have before my unnatural
existence threw her world into chaos. She shifted the tiniest amount in my arms and my body
reacted, as any man’s would.

I restrained that reaction with a rush of sudden anger. I had been counting the days,
living every moment in an agony of barely controlled desire. And now? Days would become
months. Or years.

Where were my selfless thoughts now? I was furious.

“Why are you doing this to me? Isn’t it hard enough without all of this?” I brushed my
hand across the lace that was gathered on her hips, indicating the seductive ensemble. I almost
tore it from her body in my frustration.

I will not give in. I will not waver.

No. Nothing had changed. She didn’t really want to go to college. She was just trying a
new tactic since her other attempts at seduction had failed.

“It doesn’t matter. I won’t make any deals with you.”

“I want to go to college,” she pressed.

“No, you don’t,” I retorted. Or at least, if you do, it’s because you don’t think I’m strong
enough to resist your advances. As if I would risk hurting you again to take my pleasure? I have
waited for decades, a few years is nothing!

I wasn’t entirely convinced, but it was the truth. I just had to force my eager body to
acknowledge it.

“And there is nothing that is worth risking your life again. That’s worth hurting you,” I
finished out loud.

“But I do want to go. Well, it’s not college as much as it’s that I want—I want to be
human a little while longer.”

Another example of the changeable nature of humans. Bella had executed an abrupt
about face. Now that she was agreeing with my arguments, would I have the strength to support
her while still keeping my word? The pit of my belly throbbed in response. I squeezed my eyes
closed and exhaled through my nose, willing her scent to leave me so that I could think more

“You are making me insane, Bella. Haven’t we had this argument a million times, you
always begging to be a vampire without delay?” And me, always urging you to wait. Until now,
that is.

“Yes, but. . . well, I have a reason to be human that I didn’t have before.”

“What’s that?” Did I really have to ask? The non-existent nightgown was
communicating her feelings pretty effectively.

“Guess.” Bella pulled herself up to kiss me. I wanted to drown in the sensation of her
lips, soft and pliable against mine. They tempted me with their smooth wetness. I pulled her
away gently, unable to stand the temptation of her delectable kisses.

I cradled her against my chest. She wanted me to say it out loud? You want to have sex.
As a human. Risking your life for the gratification of the flesh.

“You are so human, Bella. Ruled by your hormones.”

“That’s the whole point, Edward. I like this part of being human.” She stared me in the
eyes, trying to convey how important this was to her. The obvious lethargy that shadowed her
expressions and movements gave me hope that I would be able to end this argument swiftly.

“I don’t want to give it up yet. I don’t want to wait through years of being a blood-crazed
newborn for some part of this to come back to me.” The yawn that had been building finally
won. I smiled as she struggled to suppress it and failed.

“You’re tired. Sleep, love.” I began humming the lullaby that I composed for her,
almost two years ago. It never failed to soothe her.

“I wonder why I’m so tired. That couldn’t be part of your scheme or anything.” Her
lower lip pushed forward in a petulant frown. I chuckled. I wasn’t going to deny it. I continued
the lullaby, urging her to relax and sleep.

“For as tired as I’ve been, you’d think I’d sleep better.” Really? I’d never seen her sleep
so deeply for so long!

“You’ve been sleeping like the dead, Bella. You haven’t said a word in your sleep since
we got here. If it weren’t for your snoring, I’d worry you were slipping into a coma,” I teased.

“I haven’t been tossing? That’s weird. Usually I’m all over the bed when I’m having
nightmares. And shouting.”

This alarmed me. I hated to see Bella in any kind of pain. The menace of her own
imagination was not something I could fight. There was no enemy for me to confront. I felt

“You’ve been having nightmares?”

“Vivid ones. They make me so tired.” She yawned again, as if to emphasize this point.
“I can’t believe I haven’t been babbling about them all night.”

“What are they about?”

“Different things—but the same, you know, because of the colors.”

“Colors?” Human dreams were normally darker and out of focus. Similar to human
memories when compared to a vampire’s.

“It’s all so bright and real. Usually, when I’m dreaming, I know that I am. With these, I
don’t know I’m asleep. It makes them scarier.”

I wanted to reassure her. There was no longer anything to be frightened of. Although,
with the dangers she had faced over the last two years, I was not surprised that some fears were
resurfacing now. She had always handled the stress too well. Perhaps the suppressed emotions
were finally trying to free themselves. She should face them head-on. I would battle the
specters of the past for her, with her.

“What is frightening you?”

“Mostly. . .” she hesitated. Her shoulders shook minutely.

“Mostly?” My protective nature was impatient to know what it was she faced, alone in
her human dreams.

“The Volturi.” Her voice was a whisper. The carefully restrained horror on her face told
me more than anything else. I had not seen her this. . . distressed. . . since we fought Victoria.
The threat of their return and their insistence that she be changed soon was disturbing her sleep

“They aren’t going to bother us any more. You’ll be immortal soon, and they’ll have no
reason.” I hugged her tighter. I wanted her to see that with me by her side, she had no need to
fear anything! “What can I do to help?”

“They’re just dreams, Edward.” She was so noble. Trying to be strong so as not to hurt
me with her pain. My heart swelled with love for my brave, stubborn girl.

Fine. If she wouldn’t speak with me about her dreams, at least I could help keep them at

“Do you want me to sing to you? I’ll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away.”

“They’re not all bad.” She was trying to reassure me. “Some are nice. So. . . colorful.
Underwater, with the fish and the coral. It all seems like it’s really happening—I don’t know
that I’m dreaming. Maybe this island is the problem. It’s really bright here.”

I didn’t realize that Bella was unhappy here. She would never want to offend me by
asking to cut our stay short. “Do you want to go home?”

“No. No, not yet. Can’t we stay a while longer?” I tried not to think about how little she
would be wearing a week from now. With the current trend. . . I wrapped my thoughts back in
on themselves.

“We can stay as long as you want, Bella.” I promised. Although I was going to need a
new talisman to keep my ‘dreams’ at bay. My mantra was worn out completely.

“When does the semester start? I wasn’t paying attention before.” I sighed. She relaxed
in my embrace as I began her lullaby anew.

I had seen a book on the shelf earlier, about the development of anti-venoms using the
venom of snakes. I forced my mind down a different path of meditation. With this book in his
collection, was Carlisle researching the possibility of a cure for vampirism? An anti-venom for
the undead? It was a stimulating topic for my mind to explore and I did so wholeheartedly.
Anything to keep my mind from the feel of the angel lying in my arms.

The night advanced slowly. I had exhausted my attempts at diverting my thoughts, and
now I was struggling to smother the persistent flames of desire that were flickering within me. I

applied consistent pressure to the powerful urges, but I could feel myself losing ground. A
glance at the clock showed me I was still hours away from a reprieve from this torture.

Bella stiffened in my arms with a gasp. “Bella? Are you all right, sweetheart?” I
tightened my arms around her, willing away the nightmare that had woken her.

“Oh!” Tears were coursing down her face. Her gasp was laden with anguish so intense I
wanted to cry with her.

“Bella! What’s wrong?” I tried to wipe away the tears, but more sprang forth. What had
she seen that would cause this reaction? My imagination was running away from me. The
Volturi attacking, fighting our family, kidnapping Bella. . . I choked down my own panic.

“It was only a dream,” she spoke in a strangled voice. Her sob belied the truth. Her face
was etched with grief and loss.

“It’s okay, love, you’re fine. I’m here. Did you have another nightmare? It wasn’t real,
it wasn’t real.” I rocked her in my arms, like a parent comforting a child. She felt so fragile in
my arms. I couldn’t fully control my emotions. It went against the grain to be so passive when
something was hurting her. I wanted to fight it!

“Not a nightmare. It was a good dream.” She shook her head, rubbing the tears away.
Her voice broke with some unnamed emotion.

“Then why are you crying?” I stopped rocking her, bewildered. Without seeing inside
her mind, I relied on voice, body language, facial expressions. How did her reaction point to
anything but a terrible nightmare?

“Because I woke up!” she cried out. Her arms were tight around my neck as she shook
with bone-wracking sobs. Her tears scalded my neck and chest. A good dream? She wasn’t
scared or hurt? Then why the intense pain? Why did she look so lost and despairing?

“Everything’s all right, Bella. Take deep breaths.” I altered my voice to be smooth and
comforting. I stemmed my own anxiety, waiting for her to calm down.

“It was so real. I wanted it to be real.” She wailed, sounding for all the world like a
person who had lost their love in a tragic accident.

“Tell me about it. Maybe that will help.” At least then I wouldn’t be in the dark. At
least then I could understand!

“We were on the beach. . .” her voice trailed off. Her eyes were red as her tear-stained
face searched mine. The pain receded, but was replaced with a look of indecision.

“And?” I needed her to continue, to explain her confusing behavior.

“Oh, Edward. . .” Another tear rolled down her face. The desolation in her voice cut me
like a thousand knives.

“Tell me, Bella.” I was feeling desperate and helpless and confused.

She shook her head, as if fighting a decision inside her mind. Then, her arms were
around my neck again. Her lips pressed against mine with a feverish need that matched my own.
Our irrepressible passion for one another clashed like cymbals inside my mind. My body was
ready to be with her, right now.

All of my arguments were slipping away, and I clung to the image of her battered body.
It had saved me before. My entire being recoiled from the pain I was sure to cause her.

I grasped her shoulders, struggling with her need and my own, but anxious not to hurt her
in any way.

“No, Bella.” I had never seen her so frantic, so out of control. As I watched, her face
fell. New tears, heavier than before, streamed down her face and she sobbed in defeat.

“I’m s-s-s-orry.” So fragile, so lost, so. . . My heart constricted.

I pulled her against my chest, moaning in my own torment. “I can’t, Bella, I can’t!”

“Please,” her voice was muffled against my chest. I fought back against the guilt and
longing that were dragging me under.

“Please, Edward?” The voice of an angel, beseeching me. Her trembling body awoke in
me every tender thought I had ever held for her. The pleading words, so like the first time she
had begged me to make love with her. The night she had agreed to marry me. I had never been
so happy or felt so complete.

And now? Could I deny her the one thing she had ever asked for? The only gift she had
ever wanted from me?

I had conquered the demon within me, but I could not fight my desire and hers. My
surrender had been inevitable from the moment I saw her tears. I could not refuse my Bella.

And I knew I didn’t want to.

Song – Sarah Brightman & Jose Cura, “Just Show Me How to Love You”

With a helpless groan, I brought Bella’s tremulous lips back to mine, kissing her with the
force of my bottomless longing. Her mouth was like a succulent rose, with petals of velvet and
an enticing aroma.

Bella shifted in my embrace, stretching her full length against me, intertwining our legs
with aggressive abandon. I grasped her face with both my hands, drawing up her chin so that I
could taste the sweetness of her neck. Her blood pulsed beneath my lips and tongue, enveloping
me with the heady scent.

Memories of our first disastrous union flashed through my head.

I could not think of that now. Not with her fingers clutching at my shirt, and her negligee
riding up over her hips.

Unlike before, when Bella had remained somewhat passive and receptive to my
attentions, she was returning my strokes and caresses with touches of her own. Her hands were
under my shirt, rubbing over my back and around my shoulders.

A glowing light seemed to hum around us, illuminating the bed in the otherwise dark
room. I tore my shirt off and threw in into the shadows.

Bella’s eyes shone at me and her face was dazzling. I marveled again at her lustrous hair,
flowing like a dark cloud around her face. Wide brown eyes gazed expectantly out of her heart-
shaped face.

“Is this really what you want?” I murmured between kisses.

“Oh, Edward! I’ve been so desperate all week, afraid that we would never. . . that I
would never feel. . .” Tears sprang into her eyes again.

With a mortified sigh I kissed them away. I whispered reassurance, professed my love
and passion for her. I swore that I would never abandon her like that again. She nodded to
acknowledge my words, but she was still choking on the tears. With a strangled sound, her lips
locked onto mine with a newfound power.

When we first gave ourselves to one another, there had been a hesitation born of fear and
nervousness. Tonight, we delayed the inevitable because our passion burned too brightly.

Our days of abstinence had intensified our needs. We both lived out every imagined
touch and motion from the preceding days, ranging across one another’s bodies with hands and
mouths. Gasping and returning a particularly stimulating touch. Her confidence astounded me
as she stroked and kissed my chest and stomach with cool self-assurance.

I didn’t think there could be anything sexier than the way Bella had received me before.
But now? Her attitude, her womanly seduction, was driving me insane. My senses were boiling,
over loaded, over stimulated, overwhelmed with the crushing force of my desires.

The passion in me was taking over. The need to lose control warred with my
determination to restrain myself from any action that would harm Bella. I tried to pull away,

afraid of the potential disaster that loomed before me, but Bella pursued me until I was backed
against the headboard, trapped.

I felt the flood overtake me and I fought against the urge to react. My fingers burrowed
into the mattress as I wrestled with the power coursing through me.

In a desperate gesture, I reached up and dug my fingers deep into the headboard. I
focused on the molten core of my being and channeled the exploding passion out of my stomach,
along my rigid arm, and into the wood of the bed frame. My fingers tore through the wood,
showering us with chunks and splinters.

Several minutes later, my breathing was still hoarse with spent emotion as I gathered her
in my arms. This was more, so much more than my highest hopes could have foretold. Bella.
Warm and safe and satisfied. She melted into my embrace as we drifted on the exhilarating
paths of our passion for each other.

* * *

This was one night when the minutes did not torture me. I just held Bella in my arms and
breathed. Breathed in the smell of her strawberry scented hair. Inhaled the fiery scent of her
blood. Reveled in the sweet aftermath of love completed. The euphoric high did not fade. If
anything, it continued to grow as Bella lay sleeping with her head resting on my shoulder.

Tonight had been so. . . so perfect! Bella had awoken in tears, but after what we shared,
she slept peacefully with a seraphic smile upon her lips. I would willingly forego every other
activity or diversion for the rest of eternity, just to make her smile.

For the first time ever, I was frustrated by Bella’s human needs. I had no requirements
for sleep, food, water, or even air. Between vampires, the pleasure of your partner could be,
quite literally, your only focus for days at a time, without interruption. I groaned and tried to
redirect my thoughts.

I would have to keep a stranglehold on my body. As long as Bella was a frail human, I
would never fully release control. Knowing Bella, I did not doubt that there would be a ‘next
time.’ She had been unyieldingly persistent all week. With my recent lapse of control, she was
definitely not going to give up on future entanglements. The promise of that forthcoming
moment left a smile glued to my lips, long after the light of dawn brightened the eastern sky.

It was late morning before I sensed Bella returning to consciousness.

I was lying with my hands clasped behind my head. As I stared at the ceiling, I felt the
subtle change in her heartbeat and a tiny hitch in her otherwise steady breathing. Minutes
passed. . . What was she thinking? In the light of day, did she feel differently about things now?

She had never explained her dream, or the emotional breakdown that followed. I was
still baffled by the collapse of her normally calm demeanor. What had she dreamed about that
elicited such a dramatic reaction?

Bella’s eyes opened partway. She examined my expression from beneath the veil of her
lashes, then propped herself up her elbows to fix me with a pensive stare.

“How much trouble am I in?” Her voice was small and timid.

I immediately felt guilty that she was expecting reprisals from me, her husband. She was
afraid of my anger. I had been such a tyrant! Insisting that I knew better. That my fears should
rule our relationship. The audacity and pure folly of my actions over the last week burned deep
in my stomach. With Bella feeling so anxious, a humorous response was the most likely way to
put her at ease swiftly. And, incidentally, stem the rising tide of guilt within me.

“Heaps.” My tone was cold, but my eyes flicked over to meet hers. I smirked to let her
know I was only joking. She breathed a small sigh of relief.

“I am sorry. I didn’t mean. . . Well, I don’t know exactly what that was last night.” She
was shaking her head slowly from side to side. Shadows of bewilderment and pain flickered
across her features.

“You never did tell me what your dream was about.” I hoped to draw Bella out in
conversation. I was determined to solve this particular riddle. Her answering blush was more
descriptive than her words.

“I guess I never did—but I sort of showed you what it was about.”

She fantasized about me? About us, together? I blinked.

“Oh. Interesting.” This was a shocking revelation for me.

Less than two years ago, Bella had confessed to never having felt physical or emotional
attraction to another person. I had been so. . . relieved to learn of her virginity. The purity of her
mind and soul were further magnified by the innocence of her body. Rather than being disturbed
that I had been the catalyst for such a transformation, I was deeply satisfied. Some primal
instinct within me, held over from my few short years as a human, thrilled at the knowledge that
Bella was mine, and only mine, in every way that mattered.

“It was a very good dream,” she murmured. I was still lost in thought. A very good
dream, indeed. “Am I forgiven?” The humble tone brought me back to the present.

“I’m thinking about it.” And many other things. She said that we were on the beach. . .
Perhaps I could help make this dream a reality?

Bella began to sit up, but swayed violently and flopped back against the pillows. “Whoa.
. . head rush.”

I wrapped my arms around her, immediately concerned, but trying not to stifle her if she
needed air.

“You slept for a long time. Twelve hours.” It seemed like a reasonable explanation for
the brief bout of dizziness. I was sure she was hungry or even dehydrated.

“Twelve?” She was bewildered.

She had expended more than the usual amount of. . . energy. . . last night. I watched as
she furtively assessed her body and glanced rapidly around the bedroom. She stretched her arms
and legs, gingerly at first, but then with more enthusiasm.

“Is the inventory complete?” Did she really think I couldn’t figure out what she was
doing? One didn’t need to read minds to understand her sheepish behavior.

“The pillows all appear to have survived.” She nodded twice. The barest hint of a blush
tinged her cheeks a warm rose.

I couldn’t resist. I loved to tease her, always waiting to see if she would respond with a
darker blush, a swift retort or even biting sarcasm. Bella’s quick wit was one of her most
fascinating traits. It illustrated her intelligence and strength of character, even when mortified
with embarrassment.

“Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for your, er, nightgown.” I nodded in the direction
of our feet, where several pitiful scraps of lace were all that remained of Bella’s sexy lingerie.

“That’s too bad, I liked that one.” How could I disagree?

“I did, too.” If Alice had foreseen last night (And I wasn’t sure that she had not. The
little manipulator!) she couldn’t have made a more. . . Hmmm. . . ‘appropriate’ was definitely
the wrong word, but I was at a loss for words right now. I was remembering the sight of Bella
stepping into our bedroom again. I shifted uncomfortably and concentrated on Bella’s words.

“Were there any other casualties?” Her voice hesitated before the word ‘casualties’. I
immediately thought of the pillows. And the headboard.

“I’ll have to buy Esme a new bed frame,” I confessed unwillingly.

She followed my gaze as I looked over my shoulder at the mangled headboard. My

fingers had crushed and clawed through three inches of solid koa wood.

“Hmm. You’d think I would have heard that.” There was a small crease between her
eyebrows as she took in the destroyed furniture.

“You seem to be extraordinarily unobservant when your attention in otherwise involved.”
Ahhh, yes. There was that brilliant blush. The warmth of her blood radiated from her crimson

“I was a bit absorbed,” she muttered.

“I’m really going to miss that,” I sighed, brushing her face gently with my fingertips.
Electricity ran through my fingers, down my arm, and exploded in my core. I was lost in her
eyes, searching for nothing, just content to drink in their warmth.

“How are you feeling?” she asked suspiciously. I laughed at her funny expression.

“What?” She demanded an explanation for my high spirits.

“You look so guilty—like you’ve committed a crime.” In reality, she looked more like
the cat who had gotten into the larder and was confronted by the cook with cream still coating
her whiskers.

“I feel guilty.”

“So you seduced your all-too-willing husband. That’s not a capital offense.” Her cheeks
were aflame with embarrassment now.

“The word seduced implies a certain amount of premeditation.” She was starting to
sound defensive. Perhaps I had pushed a little too hard?

“Maybe that was the wrong word,” I admitted. Her face was regaining its normal color
as she looked at me. The hesitation in her tone returned.

“You’re not angry?”

“I’m not angry.” I smiled contritely.

I regretted the words and actions that had made her fear my wrath. I would have said
more. So much more. But how could I describe what I was feeling? The tremendous high that I
floated on was not something I could describe with mere words.

“Why not?”

“Well. . . I didn’t hurt you, for one thing. It was easier this time, to control myself, to
channel the excesses. Maybe because I had a better idea of what to expect.” My eyes darted to
the ruined headboard and back to her face. A new emotion was transforming her features into a
beatific expression. Relief? Hope?

“I told you that it was all about practice.”

Yes, you told me so. Being wrong was very. . .satisfying. If only being wrong were
always this incredible! I rolled my eyes as she gloated. Her stomach growled, ruining the
moment for her. I chuckled at her sheepish look.

“Breakfast time for the human?” I queried innocently.

“Please.” She hopped out of bed too quickly and stumbled as her feet met the floor. I
was out of bed in an instant and caught her before she could fall, ensuring she was truly steady
on her feet before relinquishing control.

“Are you all right?”

“If I don’t have a better sense of equilibrium in my next life, I’m demanding a refund.”

No, no refunds. However, I knew she was in for a pleasant surprise. How thrilling it was
going to be to run, hunt, and fly through the trees with her at my side!

Bella slipped into a kimono-like silk robe, walked quickly to the kitchen and grabbed the
frying pan. I snatched up the closest clothes, a pair of brown cotton pants and a creamy button
down shirt. I didn’t bother with the buttons, enjoying the feel of the hot, humid air washing over
my skin.

I watched as she cooked her own food for the first time since our arrival. As deftly as I
handled myself in the kitchen, it was only an illusion. I enjoyed cooking for Bella, but cooking
itself held no pleasure for me.

Bella moved with purposeful self-assurance as she prepared meals. I didn’t think I could
ever use the word ‘silly’ to describe her again. There were too many subtle changes in her since
we arrived on Isle Esme. I was growing increasingly attracted to confident Bella.

I was surprised when she impatiently slid her eggs onto a plate and grabbed a fork after
only a couple minutes.

“Since when do you eat eggs sunny-side up?”

“Since now.” She was already scooping a forkful of food to her mouth.

“Do you know how many eggs you’ve gone through in the last week?” I pulled the trash
bin out from under the sink to show her. It was full of empty cartons.

“Weird. This place is messing with my appetite. But I like it here. We’ll probably have
to leave soon, though, won’t we, to make it to Dartmouth in time? Wow, I guess we need to find
a place to live and stuff, too.” She was rambling, but stopped long enough to take another
steaming bite.

She was thinking about our conversation last night. Obviously she was interpreting our
spontaneous lovemaking as my agreement to her proposed ‘deal’. As much as I loved the idea of
her remaining human, (my earlier hesitation had been washed away last night) I could not allow
her to go to Dartmouth under the assumption that she owed me anything. The thought of such a
bargain tainted my blissful memories with guilt and shame.

She was not indebted to me. Not like that.

I sat down next to her and spoke with a conciliatory tone. “You can give up the college
pretense now—you’ve gotten what you wanted. And we didn’t agree to a deal, so there are no
strings attached.”

She snorted, a very unladylike sound, but cute for all of its crass derision. “It wasn’t a
pretense, Edward. I don’t spend my free time plotting like some people do. What can we do to
wear Bella out today?”

I chuckled without shame at her poor imitation of my voice, plotting and scheming.

“I really do want a little more time being human. I have not had enough.” She leaned
towards me and her voice lowered to a seductive purr as she ran her fingers across my bare chest.
The smoldering fire within me burst into fresh flames and I eyed her skeptically.

“For this?” I caught her hand as it crept down my stomach. The fire was growing to the
point of discomfort. If she persisted I knew it would not be easy to distract her, and the cleaning
crew was due very soon. I rolled my eyes at her and quipped sarcastically, “Sex was the key all
along? Why didn’t I think of that? I could have saved myself a lot of arguments.”

“Yeah, probably,” she agreed with a laugh.

“You are so human.” My jibe was more affectionate than mocking.

“I know.” Hmm. Smug. Not a normal Bella reaction. She was sure about this—staying
human, going to college. My spirit was soaring as the next several months played out before me
like one of Alice’s visions. I felt my lips turn up in anticipation.

“We’re going to Dartmouth? Really?” My voice rang with excitement.

“I’ll probably fail out in one semester,” she cautioned me.

I smirked in response to her suddenly downcast expression. Not very likely!

“I’ll tutor you. You’re going to love college.” My smile grew into an enthusiastic grin.

“Do you think we can find an apartment this late?”

Oh. Time for a confession.

“Well, we sort of already have a house there. You know, just in case.” I hadn’t been
able to bring myself to leave Bella to go house hunting, but Alice and Jasper had made the trip
and found a beautiful, secluded, Victorian-style house.

I was sure that Bella would be overwhelmed, at first. But the brick façade, elegant white
columns and private, partially wooded lot would capture her heart just as surely as it had mine.

When Alice had ‘shown’ me each of the homes, I knew right away that it was perfect.
Alice had bounced and clapped her hands. “Oh, I knew it! Can I please, please, please handle
the renovation and interior design? Oh, Edward! It’s going to be so perfect!”

I had cautioned her that it would most likely never be used. However, she stubbornly
insisted that we needed to be prepared for every eventuality, since her visions were known to
change when new decisions were made.

How had she known that this would be one of those cases? On subsequent trips, Alice
coordinated and supervised a complete basement-to-rafters remodel. There was even an antique
grand piano, waiting for me to try out my latest composition.

“You bought a house?” Bella was still uncomfortable with my family’s attitude about

“Real estate is a good investment.” I downplayed the expense involved. What she didn’t
know. . .

She raised an eyebrow, but didn’t pursue the subject any further. “So, we’re ready then.”
When had she decided to take my eccentricities so lightly? Of course, she did not respond so
favorably to all of my expenditures. . .

“I’ll have to see if we can keep your ‘before’ car for a little longer. . .” I watched for her

“Yes, heaven forbid I not be protected from tanks.”

I grinned at her scornful tone. So somebody had told her—I knew she hadn’t been
reading automotive magazines. That was a stretch, even for Bella’s newfound flexibility of
character. So the Guardian, as distasteful as she pretended it to be, was something she
understood. Excessive on my part, perhaps, but she had evidently resigned herself to my
attempts at protection.

“How much longer can we stay?”

“We’re fine on time. A few more weeks, if you want. And then we can visit Charlie
before we go to New Hampshire. We could spend Christmas with Renee. . .” I was seeing a

future that I had not dared to imagine, before now. Bella did not have to abandon her human
ties. She did not have to burn bridges or experience the loss of her loved ones quite yet.

I heard a distant hum, but it was growing louder every second. A motorboat was
approaching the island.

“A few weeks.” Bella pondered that for a moment. “So I was thinking—you know what
I was saying about practice before?” The suggestive tone was back, making my body tense up
all over again.

“Can you hold on to that thought? I hear a boat. The cleaning crew must be here. Let
me explain the mess in the white room to Gustavo, and then we can go out. There’s a place in
the jungle on the south. . .” With the cleaning crew here, maybe I could take Bella to that rocky
peak. The view looking down on the crystal clear ocean would be breathtaking during the
daytime. Bella would love to see a bird’s-eye view of the reefs, which she had snorkeled over
and around.

“I don’t want to go out. I am not hiking all over the island today. I want to stay here and
watch a movie.” How could I deny her when she pushed out her lower lip in a pout and scowled
at me like that? I refrained from laughing, sure that that would just make her angry.

“All right, whatever you’d like. Why don’t you pick one out while I get the door?” Two
human heartbeats were quite close, and there was the soft whispering sound of feet shuffling
along the sandy path. One tread was heavier than the other.

I was automatically translating Portuguese to English as I picked up on the first human

thoughts I had heard in a week.

Newlyweds. I wish I could have given my wife something so incredible for our
honeymoon. Young love. . . so hopeful and beautiful. . . The wistful thoughts of romance were at
odds with the gruff tone of his mental voice.

I really hope this doesn’t take long. . . With Rosa sick and the baby crawling all over, I
don’t know how I’m going to keep up! But the wages. . . yes, they are good. These rich
Americans! I wish I could resent their frivolous lifestyles, but we need the money. We need it so

Stress and worry colored the woman’s thoughts, but her resolute attitude indicated a life
of hard work and determination. She did not shy away from challenges, this one.

As two sets of feet sounded on the wooden steps, I could see images of her loved ones
flashing through her mind. Her maternal instincts were stronger than most, making her the
champion, protector, and nurturer of a veritable gaggle of children, grandchildren and younger

“I didn’t hear a knock,” Bella pointed out. I cocked my head toward the front of the
house and was rewarded by a faint tapping at the door. I turned on my heel with a grin, while
she shook her head and wandered over to the shelves that held Carlisle and Esme’s DVD

I opened the door with a slight bow and words of welcome, spoken in clear Portuguese. I
was glad for the recessed porch. My skin only glowed subtly in the reflected light. Bella’s idea
of a movie was the perfect excuse to stay inside. I could not risk being exposed by the sun.

The man, Gustavo, had a stocky build. Deep lines crisscrossed his weathered face, dark
from his heritage and decades of laboring under the brilliant tropical sun. He smiled and
responded to my welcome with a heavy, gravelly voice.

The other person, a slight woman who could have been anywhere from 45-60 years old,
was observing me suspiciously. Her eyes narrowed and I saw myself through her mind. My
bronze hair was tousled and uncombed. My eyes were dark amber, rimmed with a thick black
ring. My skin, so white compared to theirs, gleamed dully even in the shade. She saw me as
beautiful. . . but terrifying. Multiple images flashed through her mind. Primitive drawings of
stunning but horrific creatures. Fangs sinking into the tender throat of a young Indian woman.

Libishomen. . . the word hissed through her mind.

My mind echoed hers with the European derivative. Incubus.

This was not the first time that somebody had seen one of us and questioned their eyes.
Many observed enough for true suspicions to form. Kaure was obviously part of a culture that
still held onto the old stories. She was part Ticuna Indian.

Like the Quileute Indians of the Olympic Peninsula, the Ticuna tribe must have had some
encounter with a vampire far back in their history. Legends were passed down through the
generations, a perpetual warning to remind them of the evil that inhabited even their primitive

My face was a mask of pleasant welcome, but I knew I would be monitoring every
thought that flitted through her active mind.

Already, she had recovered her bearing, mentally chastising herself for her impolite
reaction. She did not entirely believe in the stories, but the doubt was strong in her. She
instinctively knew that I was something. . . other.

Gustavo and Kaure followed me into the house and I quickly rattled off the list of things
that would need to be attended to. Gustavo replied that they had the items from my grocery list
in the icebox in the boat and would be bringing them up to the house after they had finished
cleaning. We were walking through the house as I pointed out the tasks for each room.

Then, we entered the main room. Bella, her hair tumbling over her silk-clad shoulders,
turned to greet us. Her face was tinged with pink, and my chest swelled with masculine pride at
her stunning beauty.

I introduced my beloved bride. Gustavo smiled at her, remembering his own wife as a
young lady. Love, almost worshipful in its strength, made the memory glow.

Kaure, on the other hand, recoiled in shock. The image of a fragile figure, broken and
drained of blood in the arms of a white-skinned monster, was planted boldly in her mind.
Several other nightmarish pictures raced through her mind; dark and forbidding, with a sinister

I saw Bella’s eyes lock on her frightened face and I motioned for the two Brazilians to
follow me. I knew from experience that a reaction like hers was best treated with casual
disregard. Reason and logic would quickly bury the suspicions. Human beings were too afraid
of death to really want to believe in creatures like me. It was easier on the mind to brush the
evidence away like annoying insects. The truth was too horrific.

I breezed past the blue bedroom, past the bathroom, and stopped in the larger bedroom. I
did not look at Kaure, whose eyes were downcast as her thoughts whirred. Instead, I addressed
Gustavo directly, forming an apologetic but sketchy explanation for the feathery mess.

He grinned at me with a knowing look and a shrug. I was mortified by the admiration in
his thoughts. In that instant, he reminded me of Emmett.

With a slight inclination of my head, I left them to their work and rejoined Bella by the
television. I wrapped her in my arms, feeling starved from being away from her side for even
those few short minutes.

“What’s with her?” Bella’s urgent tone betrayed her concern for the small woman.

I shrugged. “Kaure’s part Ticuna Indian. She was raised to be more superstitious—or
you could call it more aware—than those who live in the modern world. She suspects what I am,
or close enough. They have their own legends here. The Libishomen—a blood-drinking demon
who preys exclusively on beautiful women.” I ran my eyes suggestively over her face and body.

“She looks terrified.” She was not mollified by my cavalier attitude.

“She is—but mostly she’s worried about you.”

“Me?” The pitch of her voice rose dramatically.

“She’s afraid of why I have you here, all alone.” My laughter had a dark edge to it. The
image of the vampire with his broken victim was fresh in my mind.

Alice had once had a vision. . . I brushed off the remembered pain and dragged my
attention back to the present. “Oh well, why don’t you choose something for us to watch?
That’s an acceptably human thing to do.”

“Yes, I’m sure a movie will convince her that you’re human.” She laughed as she rose
up on her toes to wrap her arms around my neck.

I leaned down to meet her kiss, but then lifted her in my arms. I forgot the presence of
our guests, drinking in her sweet kisses. The tortuous burning in my throat and lungs was
nothing compared to the aching fire in my stomach.

“Movie, schmovie,” Bella muttered as I released her lips. My mouth traveled over her
jaw, down her throat, tasting and savoring her exquisite flavor. Bella’s fingers were twisting
through my tangled hair and I pressed her body closer to mine as I nuzzled her neck.

A sharp gasp hit my ears at the same moment that terrified visions of a demonic assault
raced through Kaure’s mind.

I put Bella down suddenly, whirling to meet the startled gaze of the petrified woman.
Kaure stood with feathers in her hair and a bag clutched to her chest. Her eyes darted back and
forth between my face and Bella’s, noting her dismayed expression and pink-tinged cheeks.

Several of her earlier thoughts lingered, particularly the image of an Indian girl,
unnaturally swollen with pregnancy, screaming out in terror and pain. The picture had the feel of
an old, childhood nightmare, not a true memory, but it was still very disturbing. No vampire,
even the legendary incubus, had ever fathered children. If they did, it would have surely been a
monster more horrible than its sadistic father. I could only imagine the hideous hybrid that
would result from mixing vampire and human DNA.

“I’m so sorry,” she murmured when she regained control of her senses. Her thoughts
were a whirlwind. It seemed that the sounder judgment of today’s modern world was gradually
winning, helped along by her humiliation.

I used my most non-threatening voice as I smiled at her. “Not at all, we should be more
respectful of your feelings. I’m afraid we are still a little lovestruck.”

I feigned embarrassment. Let her think I was just self-conscious about being caught
being intimate with my wife. She accepted my apologetic explanation with downcast eyes and
continued swiftly from the house.

“She was thinking what I think she was thinking, wasn’t she?” Bella muttered, both
annoyed and suspicious of the woman’s reaction.

“Yes,” I smirked. Despite the stress of the situation, Bella’s tangled sentence was so

“Here, put this on and we can pretend to watch it.” Bella thrust a DVD at me. It was an
old musical, one I vaguely remembered from the early ‘40’s. She was too intimidated by the
expensive entertainment equipment to even attempt to operate it.

“Very honeymoonish.” I nodded.

I opened the case, inserted the disc and pressed play. As I reclined on the sofa and Bella
lay against me, I almost decided that the house didn’t really need to be cleaned. They could
leave the groceries in the kitchen and go. I was sure Bella and I could handle anything that was

My hair, my clothes, everything around me was saturated with her luscious scent. I made
a conscious effort to pay attention to the film, but it was just a black and white blur on the large
screen. The cheery soundtrack and vivacious voices were muted by the sound of Bella’s blood
rushing through her veins, setting my nerves alight.

“Will we move back into the white room now?” Her voice broke through my reverie.

I imagined her tiny figure, waiting for me on that big expanse of white silk. Her long
brown hair, sun-kissed skin, and the rosy flush of her cheeks were the only colors in the sea of
white. She was dressed in the same simple creamy gown with the braided silk straps that I had
agonized over for hours during our second night here. Her mouth opened to release a sigh of
anticipation as I approached the enormous bed. A lover’s stage. . .

She was waiting for my response.

“I don’t know. . . I’ve already mangled the headboard in the other room beyond repair—
maybe if we limit the destruction to one area of the house, Esme might invite us back someday.”

“So there will be more destruction?” Her mouth stretched into a wide grin of satisfaction.

I laughed at her greedy expression. “I think it might be safer if it’s premeditated, rather
than if I wait for you to assault me again.”

“It would only be a matter of time.” She responded with an off-handed tone, but her
racing heart was drumming a staccato beat against my arm.

“Is there something the matter with your heart?” This was not a healthy heart rate. Even
for a human as young as Bella. My amusement was tinged with true concern.

“Nope. Healthy as a horse. Did you want to go survey the demolition zone now?”

From destruction to complete demolition. Oh, how her imagination traveled.

Of course. . .

“Maybe it would be more polite to wait until we’re alone. You may not notice me tearing
the furniture apart, but it would probably scare them.”

I was listening to Gustavo, humming under his breath as he dusted and wiped down the
furniture. Kaure was in the bathroom, scrubbing the tile vigorously. She was determined to
focus on the task at hand.

“Right. Drat.” Bitter disappointment.

Patience, my Bella. Your eagerness cannot be as great as mine. The minutes crept by
slowly. I shifted my legs, trying to avoid jostling Bella. Her breathing was regular and her
eyelids drooped. Gustavo’s heavy steps approached and I sat up to speak with him.

“We are all finished, sir. Will you be requiring our services again next week?” Bella
was startled by his gruff voice, and I cradled her in my arms, calmly stroking her smooth hair.

“Yes, yes. We will be staying for a while longer. I will notify you of our exact departure
date, but meanwhile, we would appreciate your services again next week.” Gustavo nodded
agreement to my request and Kaure followed him silently to the door.

“They’re finished.” I told Bella. She immediately perked up.

“So that would mean that we’re alone now?” Her eyes were bright and her succulent lips
curved into an expectant smile.

My stomach lurched in response. So tempting. . . but it had been hours since Bella’s
meager breakfast. I subjugated my desires to her needs. “How about lunch first?”

Her teeth dragged across her lower lip, leaving twin trails of redness. I wanted to lean in
and caress her lips with my own, trace them with my tongue. Soon, I reminded myself. Bella’s
hesitation was a clear indication that she was famished, but considering neglecting one hunger to
feed another. With a smile, I grasped her hand and led her to the kitchen.

* * *

“This is getting out of hand.” Bella glared at her now empty plate.

Despite the last week, I was still impressed by the quantity of food that disappeared into
her tiny frame. Of course, she had more muscle mass than before. But the increasing curve of
her hips and gently swelling breasts were caused by more than just extra outdoor activity. I
drank in her curves, loving the play of shadows and light across her silk robe. But perhaps,
being a woman, she was self-conscious of these changes in her body.

“Do you want to swim with the dolphins this afternoon—burn off the calories?” I
suggested mildly.

“Maybe later. I had another idea for burning calories.”

Really? Is it the same as mine?

“And what was that?” I asked innocently. I wanted to hear how she would propose her

“Well, there’s an awful lot of headboard left—“

That did it. I had no more desire to swim than she did. I swept her into my arms and
silenced her with my eager lips, dropping all pretenses of humanity as I flew to the bedroom.

And the destruction began anew. . .

Our relationship was transforming before my eyes; evolving into something more
beautiful, more perfect and more complete than anything I could have imagined. It was as if all
of the fear, pain, guilt and loss I had experienced since our first fateful meeting was purified and
transformed into the most delightful reward that life had to offer. I absolutely surrendered to

We collapsed onto the bed. I was carefully calculating every touch, every movement, so
that any time our bodies collided it was with the gentlest force.

Bella’s voice was soft with emotion as she wrapped her arms around me. “I can’t believe
we survived waiting this long!”

I buried my face in her hair to muffle my laughter. This was right. This was the way our
love was supposed to be!

“Let’s not test our fortitude like that ever again, agreed?”

Her lips and tongue ran slowly around the perimeter of my ear in reply, effectively
ending the conversation.

I shivered in response but dragged myself away reluctantly. I removed my shirt, and
stepped out of my pants before rejoining her on the bed. Bella’s eyes wandered over my figure,
returning to my face, and then traveling down my arm and back again. She was drinking in the
sight of my body in the muted sunlight.

I was neither shy, nor nervous. Again, this felt right. I untied her robe and marveled as it
slipped away from her body, like a sculptor’s masterpiece being revealed before an expectant
audience. I drank in her physical beauty with open mouth and wide eyes. Bella’s body in
daylight was more exquisite, more luminous than before. I found myself copying her unhurried
looks, content at first to just admire her in the glow of the evening sun.

While there was an eagerness to our lovemaking, we took our time.

I learned a new language that day. Speaking with words or thoughts was natural and
familiar. However, this newborn communication made every nerve ending jolt with the
messages I was receiving and sending. There was no learning curve, no need to study. It was as
if a new pattern of speech was silently implanted into my brain and I was suddenly and fluently
translating every feeling I had into a wordless exchange of movements and caresses.

We danced together, our bodies shifting and intertwining in a graceful display of our

I committed this experience to memory with perfect detail. Every expression on her face
and the sound of her voice, husky with physical and emotional pleasure.

Song – U2, “Magnificent”

Sometime later, I was still breathing with conscious effort. Bella lay against me
languidly. Her immediate need was satisfied, but I was drowning under an ocean of desire, yet
again. The light of day was fading quickly now. There was no lengthy twilight here in the
tropics. With a small groan, Bella rolled onto her back. Her arms were over her head and her
back arched, catlike, as she flexed and stretched every muscle from the tips of her fingers, to her
toes. She caught my gaze, heavy with the raw intensity of my longing. Her cheeks turned a
brilliant pink and she giggled.

“I wouldn’t have believed it before, but I think this has been harder for you than it has
been for me! You look like a starving man who was just handed a double-stacked cheeseburger
and told he had to wait for everyone else to get their food before he could eat.”

“A fitting analogy, if the truth must be told. Well, fortunately, you’re the only other
person I will ever have to wait for. . . By the way, what are we waiting for?” I was afraid I
would scare her with the force of my desire, so I kept my tone light and playful. I honestly
didn’t think she was convinced.

She eyed me skeptically for a moment before replying. “Truthfully? I think I need a
human minute or two. And a shower, if that’s okay with you.”

She was deferring to me? My selfish nature almost took control, but I helped her to her
feet and pushed her gently towards the bathroom. I flopped back onto the bed as she scampered
down the hall.

I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut. How could a need, satisfied so completely, return
with even more strength in such a short time? I was too greedy, too demanding. Her human
hormones, potent as they were, were no match for this new feature of my composition. As a
human, I had needed water, food and shelter to survive. As a vampire, this had been simplified
to the basic requirement of blood to nourish me.

Before I met Bella. . .

And now? Well, now my need to share my love and passion with Bella rivaled. . . no. . .
dwarfed any more basic need. The near-constant fire in my throat was merely a side bar to
distract me from this greater necessity. And I had teased Bella for her behavior. I sighed and let
my mind wander back to the vivid memories I hoarded like the priceless treasures that they were.

“Edward?” Her clear voice beckoned me. “Did you want to join me?”

Without a thought, I was standing before her in a fraction of a heartbeat. Her startled
look changed to one of sardonic amusement.

Bella shook her head and stepped into the shower muttering, “And you tease me about
my hormones. . .”

I chuckled in response, having thought the exact same thing only moments ago.

My body felt alternately scalded and frostbitten standing so close to her in the shower.
My perfect memory played a recording of our first night on the island. More powerful than déjà
vu, I was literally reliving every thought and action in my mind. I pushed those memories away
violently, unable to stand the double assault of my thoughts and her presence in that tight

I stood back slightly, allowing Bella to complete her ablutions. Squeezing past one
another, we traded places. I clenched my teeth as her hip rubbed against my thigh. Quickly,
while I could still think, I finished my shower and then drew Bella back against my chest. I ran
my fingertips over her delicate cheekbone, down her jaw and under her chin. She sighed

With the gentlest pressure, I kneaded her shoulder muscles with my fingers. I marveled
at the way her tender flesh offered so little resistance. So fragile, so soft. I was mesmerized by
my ability to touch her and bring her pleasure without pain. The hot water and my ministrations
combined to smooth away the tension in her neck and shoulders and she melted into my

She tilted her head back with a sigh, resting it against my chest. Her wet hair straggled
down my stomach, washed into seaweed-like strands by the warm water that poured between us.
I ran my hands down her arms, placed my hands on her hips, and turned her to face me. Her
eyes sparkled as she lifted her lips to mine. Judging by the sound of her racing heart, the wait
was over.

We almost didn’t make it out of the shower.

* * *

The next several days were a blur. It wasn’t that I did not see, hear, or feel clearly. If
anything, my senses were heightened to a fever pitch. The fact was that I could not see the

world around me because I was incapable of dragging my eyes or my thoughts away from the
goddess before me.

We had no routine, no schedule. We got out of bed when Bella awoke and fell back into
it frequently to dampen the fire of our mutual need whenever it grew too painful. We broke
apart long enough to address Bella’s human requirements or, occasionally, venture out to gambol
around our island retreat like children on the first day of spring. These excursions were not
really a break from lovemaking. Rather, we were approaching our newfound intimacy like a
wine connoisseur who must cleanse his palate between each vintage to better appreciate the
subtle tones and flavors that make each wine unique. And every union was utterly, absolutely

Several days passed, during which I lived and moved as if rays of light shone down on
me from heaven. My mind sang with the sweetest joy. My heart, though not beating, throbbed
within my chest. There was no more perfect love, no greater happiness, than that which we
shared. Everything about her was magnificent.

* * *
Song – Patti Austen, “The Island”

Part of my mind pondered this happiness while the rest of my attention was focused on
Bella, swimming alongside me. We were not in the sheltered cove where we had snorkeled
before. Today I was surprising Bella.

The last time we had walked around the southern tip of the island, I had been confused by
the sound of air and water rushing through the rocks themselves. Further examination had
revealed the presence of a network of caves, but I could not find the entrance. Low tide brought
the clues I needed and I was able to locate the approximate point of entry for the water that
rushed in and out of the rocks, occasionally sending salty spray up through gaps in the ground.

A short exploration that night, while Bella slept, had led me to the underwater entrance. I
followed the rushing water through a tunnel opening in the reef. I judged that is was an old lava
tube by its almost geometrically-perfect cylindrical shape. Small, tree-like coral clung to the
walls and floor. A two-foot long eel raced for the relative shelter of a crack in the rock as I
swam by. After 20 feet, the tunnel opened out to a pool and I kicked to the surface.

As my head broke the surface, I noted several things simultaneously. The inside of the
cave felt almost like being inside a conch shell. The sounds of the wind and waves were
amplified and ricocheted off every surface. A small amount of light filtered through clefts in the
ceiling of the cave, but the predominant light source was a thick layer of cool, greenish algae that
clung to the wet walls. It glowed with an eerie, phosphorescent light. Minute particles in the
water cast a greenish tinge on everything below.

The effect was mysterious and lonely, but hauntingly beautiful. At that moment, I
decided I wanted to share my discovery with Bella.

This had all occurred before that transformational night when our relationship had soared
to new levels of intimacy and trust. Without the trust I gained in myself and our love, I don’t
know if I could have followed through with my wish.

Now, six days later, we were facing each other, treading water above the entrance to the
lava tube. I hadn’t told Bella the details about my discovery and I was suddenly nervous. To
access the caves we would be underwater for almost 30 seconds, even with me propelling us
through the water at inhuman speeds. I knew Bella could hold her breath that long and longer.
The rational part of my brain dismissed my concerns, but Bella’s fragile body and susceptibility
to accidents was undermining my confidence.

“You’re going to need to trust me, Bella.” She glared in response to the implication that
she didn’t, but I held up a hand to stall her response and continued. “I’ll need you to hold onto
my shoulders and try to keep your legs and feet straight behind us. We’ll be underwater for
about half a minute, so take some deep breaths before we go under to fully oxygenate your
blood. Okay?”

Bella nodded and began inhaling and exhaling deeply, filling her lungs completely before
forcing the air out in a rush. Her explicit trust and confidence in me never failed to amaze me.
She didn’t hesitate, so neither did I. I raised an eyebrow and waited while she took a final
breath. When she nodded, I turned my back to her, ensured her hands had a firm grip on my
shoulders, and I dove beneath the surface.

My calculations were perfect. We were directly over the dark, cave-like opening in the
rocks. Three strong strokes brought us down to the entrance. Bella’s grip was still strong so I
swam into the tunnel without a pause. I was ticking the seconds off in my head, listening to the
sound of her heart and feeling the thudding pulse against my back. We were almost through the
tube before her heart rate began to increase, reacting to the strain of her diminishing oxygen
supply. Three seconds later we surfaced in the cave and Bella calmly exhaled before dragging in
fresh air. Her unruffled composure impressed me. I should have known. I shook the water from
my hair and grinned at her.

Her eyes fixed on my face for only a second before she was looking around with open-
mouthed astonishment. I swam to the edge of the pool and climbed out onto the rocky ledge.
Years of waves had eroded the rock and deposited a thick layer of sand on the shelf. I pulled
Bella up after me and she stood, turning slowly, taking it all in.

When I managed to drag my eyes from her face, I found myself frozen in shock. I had
only seen the cave at night, but the sight before me now was stunning. Salt crystals encrusted the
walls of the cave, shimmering in the thin beams of light that permeated small cracks in the
ceiling. Millions of diamonds might have produced a similar effect.

Even more enchanting was the pool itself. A thick shaft of light spread out from the
tunnel, illuminating coral growths, colorful sea anemones and spiky sea urchins. The pool fairly
glowed with turquoise light. The water rose and fell with a pulse of its own, making the aquatic
scene advance and retreat in a mesmerizing fashion.

Bella giggled and I glanced at her questioningly.

“I thought this was a surprise for me, but you seem more shocked than I am.”

“Well, you were prepared for a surprise. I’ve been here before, so I wasn’t. But my last
visit was at night. This. . . this is just magical.”

Bella stood before me and raised her lips to mine. “It is magical. Thank you.”

“So this is a good surprise, then?”

“The best!” she responded with a laugh.

We sat down in the sand, content to share the beauty of the moment in silence. I found
myself humming the melody to the song I had composed the previous week. Bella looked at me
with a tiny smile gracing her lips.

“Edward, that is so beautiful. What is it from?”

“I don’t know,” I lied. “It’s just a tune that popped into my head.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything so perfect. It’s like the song is speaking to my
soul, calling up emotions and memories that I didn’t even know I had. . .”

So the power of our song spoke to her as it spoke to me. I raised her hand to my lips and
placed a slow kiss on the tip of each of her fingers. Our eyes never parted, sharing the secrets of
our souls in pure communion. Passion and lust seemed to pale in comparison to the power of our
devotion to each other. When I kissed her, the fire of my thirst hardly disrupted my pleasure at
her touch.

We made love, there in the sand. No words were spoken. The only sounds were the
wind and water echoing through the cave. The experience was as gentle as the filtered sunlight
that surrounded us. We lay together for hours, enchanted by the hypnotic beauty of the cave.

It was dark when we left the cave. We walked along the moonlit beach hand in hand,
entranced by what we had just shared.

* * *

A few days later, the sun rose brilliant and clear, as usual. However, on the horizon,
clouds were piling up, driven thousands of feet into the atmosphere by boiling convective
activity. The air was thick with humidity and oppressive with its weight. After breakfast, I was
sure Bella would want to cool off in the ocean. Perhaps she would wear the blue bikini today. I
had seen it in her open drawer and couldn’t help imagining how the brilliant color would look
setting off the gold-kissed creaminess of her skin.

One hour later, I was standing on the beach idly counting the waves that washed up on
the shore. I admired the eternal persistence of the ocean. It made me feel young. It made me
feel mortal. It made me feel more like Bella.

The sound of her heart and the brush of her footsteps in the sand alerted me to her
approach. I turned and grinned as I scanned her figure from head to toe. . . and back up again.

I was right. She had worn the blue bikini. It was everything I had imagined and more.
With my eyesight, I was able to tell immediately that this was not some mass-produced piece of
swimwear. Alice had probably found a custom designer and commissioned the garment
specifically for Bella. Every row of the tightly knotted fabric was perfectly even. Only the
tiniest space remained between each strand, revealing tantalizing glimpses of the pure pale skin
beneath. Her breasts tempted me with their fullness, and the crocheted bottoms were tied in
bows on each side and clung to her figure, accenting the curve of her belly and hips. Her
voracious appetite was enhancing her already delicious figure in all the right ways.

Under the brilliant midday sun, Bella and I swam and laughed, splashing water into the
air to admire the rainbows in the mist. Sunlight reflected from my skin and lit up each droplet
like a miniature flame. I admired the play of light across Bella’s skin.

Bella sent a volley of water towards my face and dove for the shoreline, giggling and
gasping as she waded through the shallows. I snapped out of my daydream and vaulted out of
the water to stop her.

She isn’t going to get away that easily.

If I allowed myself to stop and consider our actions, I was sure I would see our antics as
childish. But I was thriving on this innocent banter. The silliness and spontaneity were

With one bound I was at her side, arms around her, tackling her to the ground. She
collapsed in a fit of laughter, with my playful growl drowning her out. I dragged her back and
hovered over her, trapping her in the cage of my arms and legs. Her eyes danced with merriment
and mischief.

I knew immediately the rules of the game had changed. The hunter had become the prey.

What perverse part of my nature decided at that moment to torture me?

It was a pleasurable pain, though, as I focused on resisting her tempting caresses and
delicate kisses. Her warm hands stroked my arms, chest and tense abdomen. Her luscious lips
pressed against my throat, leaving a trail of fiery explosions in their wake. But her hands never
traveled further than my waist.

My desire was like clay in the hands of a sculptor. She molded and manipulated it into a
wild creature. It growled and snapped its teeth, prowling within the confines of its enclosure,
searching for an escape. I glowered down at her, stubbornly trying to prove that I was the
stronger, more restrained party.

I sucked in a breath of air as her fingers traced the band of my shorts. Her undiluted
scent was like the intense fire of blacksmith’s forge. The air in my lungs smoldered and light
burst painfully behind my eyes. The agony in my blazing throat was growing exponentially.

It was more than two weeks since the last time I had fed. Sixteen days that had brought
me from the lowest depths of self-hatred to the most perfect happiness and exhilarating joy

Could I really bear to leave, even for a minute?

If I left to hunt now, I knew I may not have to leave again for the rest of our stay. I could
hunt again when we returned to Forks. I did not want to miss a single moment. Even the
thought of being away from the steady heartbeat that ruled my existence felt like my own heart
was being torn from my chest.

I momentarily considered the idea of hunting the dolphins. It would be a different sort of
challenge, tracking and taking down prey in the ocean. However, as unappetizing as fish
smelled, I was sure any mammal on a strictly fish diet would taste appalling. Of course, I had
considered penguins as a food source once, although only hypothetically.

No. Apart from Bella’s obvious attachment to the dolphin pod, there was something
more about them. Their cognizance and human-like emotions made me feel that it would be
crossing a line to even consider them as prey.

Fine, then. My decision was made. But, I resolved that I would not miss a single waking
moment. Bella would not even need to know I was leaving. I didn’t want to interrupt her bliss,
even if I had to endure the bitter pain of separation alone.

Bella was becoming more forceful as my lack of reaction goaded her on, alternately
licking and biting my right ear lobe. I was shocked by how sensual that part of my anatomy was.
I never would have imagined that it could destroy my control so absolutely.

“Bella, you know you aren’t going to win. . .” My voice was husky, despite my efforts to
sound natural and unstrained. She raised her eyebrows, obviously doubting my statement.

The drumming of her heartbeat blocked out every other sound. I could only smell her
scent. I could only taste her skin. My own skin was ablaze from the flames that spread like a
brushfire from every point of contact between us.

With a final shudder, I forfeited the contest. My resolve collapsed around me and I
buried myself in her embrace. I drank in the molten flames and covered her mouth with my own.

Some time later, I gazed down at her. The evening light made her skin glow. Her eyes
were closed, her chest rose and fell in deep but irregular breaths. I carefully gathered her languid
form into my arms. With a soft moan, she nestled into my embrace and fell asleep.

“I will love you forever. You are my life,” I whispered into her hair. It did not even
matter that she could not hear me.

Settling into a cross-legged position, I cradled Bella’s sleeping form against my chest. I
watched the sun dip lower in the sky, finally melting into the ocean before carrying her back to
the house to bathe her and tuck her into bed. She scarcely stirred from her deep slumber.

As I let the mosquito netting fall around her prone figure I realized, I was not the same
man that I had been when we arrived on this island. I was changed. Bella had changed me. And
I was content to never look back again.

Ch. 7. Unexpected
Song – Andrea Bocelli, “Con Te Partiro”

In the darkness, I stood over her sleeping figure, unable to step away, yet knowing I had
to. I needed to leave and hunt. The thirst was and always had been an undeniable force.

This is for her safety, I told myself. I needed to remain in control at all times, and the
distraction of my tortured throat was a risk that must be subdued.

The waxing crescent moon cast very little light, but Bella’s visage was alight with a glow
from within. Her skin radiated vibrant warmth, making the air around her shimmer with an
amber-hued light. I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs with the scalding scent of her. Willing her
very essence to permeate me; body, mind and soul.

This woman, this fragile human, had given me hope in my land of night. She was my
midnight sun, the light of my existence. Only since she had rescued me from my suicide attempt
with the Volturi had I begun to have hope. I did not understand, yet I could no longer deny. If a
creature as good and pure as Bella could love a monster like me. . . then maybe I could be
worthy of that love. I would spend every second of every day trying. And if I truly had a soul, I
would dedicate its salvation to her. For she, the greatest blessing in my life, had saved me.

My love and anxiety twisted into an uncomfortable knot in my stomach as I penned a

short note. As soundly as she had been sleeping of late, it was unlikely she would ever read
those words. However, I could not leave her alone without an explanation should she awaken
before my return.

My lips twisted into a small, satisfied smile as I read her name before setting the note
down next to her. . . Mrs. Cullen. I would never tire of hearing and seeing her new name.

Mrs. Cullen,
I’m hoping you won’t wake and notice my absence,
but, if you should, I’ll be back very soon.
I’ve just gone to the mainland to hunt.
Go back to sleep and I’ll be here when you wake again.
I love you.
With my body aching and my throat constricted, I pressed one final kiss to her forehead
and fled from the room.

The pain and anxiety grew ten-fold before I had even set foot on the boat’s deck. A
cursory check was all I needed to assure myself that it was refueled, thanks to Gustavo, and
ready for service.

I pushed the throttle to the stop, exalting in the wild thrill of skimming over the rough
ocean waves. Maintaining control required my entire focus as the small craft was launched into
the air by a large, ramp-like swell. I was truly testing my reflexes and control, something I never
did while in Bella’s company. The tension in my arms and the feel of the yacht’s engine
growling with power helped to ease the physical pain of separation.

At close to 90 knots, the trip back to the mainland was significantly faster than before,
and I was drifting into a boat slip in Rio de Janeiro within two hours. Dark as it was, nobody
witnessed my inhuman speed as I flitted to the fuel station, filled a portable tank, and darted back
to the boat to re-fuel it for my return trip. As an afterthought, I stowed an extra fuel container in
the boat thinking that Bella might want to make a trip into Rio to sample the nightlife before the
cleaning crew’s next visit.

I glanced around the deserted marina once more before running silently westward. The
Corcovado loomed over the city, crowned by the statue of Christ the Redeemer. While the rocky
mountain was dark and ominous, the statue was lit from below by dozens of spotlights. Wispy
clouds shrouded the base of the statue. It seem to float in space.

It was after midnight and the streets were almost empty. I stuck to the shadows, darting
forward when the way was clear. Occasionally I glanced upward to the brilliant monument,
wondering at the faith of the millions who traveled here every year to pay homage to their
Savior. It was a discomfiting thought; the idea of a Man so powerful He could influence the
minds of millions, even 2,000 years after His life. Not even the oldest vampire I knew had been
around so long. And not even Aro could claim a fraction of this Man’s charisma and worldwide

Carlisle, while not aligned with any one particular faith system, held the Christian creed
in high regard, and his faith in a supreme, benevolent being was stoic and unshakable. I wished
for a fraction of his faith—some sort of consolation in this twilight existence.

I willfully dragged my thoughts away from missing Bella and my spiritual musings.
Several minutes later, I was free from the oppressive thoughts, sounds, and scents of thousands
of human beings. I left the murmuring minds behind as I ran swiftly through the trees of the
Tijuca Forest, an Atlantic rainforest reserve immediately adjacent to the city. Before Bella, I
never would have dreamed of hunting in such close proximity to humans, but the control I had
been forced to learn in her presence made the scent of other humans only a passing, if slightly
painful, temptation.

Emmett and Jasper would expect a detailed account of the game and hunting experience
here and I didn’t plan to disappoint them. I passed over many trails thick with the sweet scent of
humans, but I had only penetrated a few hundred yards into the dense growth before a musky

scent caught my attention. It was similar to that of mountain lions, but sweeter and heavier; a
pleasant surprise.

I cast off surface thoughts and allowed my senses to draw in the sounds and smells of the
forest. Millions of mosquitoes and other flying insects created an insistent buzz. Three light-
sounding hearts beat toward the north, accompanied by the sound and scent of fresh-flowing
water—a stream. The rhythm was familiar, probably a small variety of deer.

I continued to focus. A breeze from the northwest brought a stronger dose of the earlier
scent and I raced, ghostlike in that direction. Subtle, at first, a steady throbbing permeated my
consciousness. As I drew closer, I took to the trees. The branches grew at angles from the
trunks, unlike the flexible, horizontal branches of the evergreens in Washington. They did not
offer the same springy propulsion as I jumped from tree to tree, but dangling vines provided
plenty of entertainment. I had a mental image of Emmett, dressed like Tarzan, swinging wildly
through the canopy. I chuckled silently to myself, but quickly refocused as I drew close to my

I first spotted the great cat draped languidly over a branch, yawning widely. It had
neither heard me nor caught my scent. I paused to admire its feline grace and ink-black pelt. A
panther, gorgeous and lethal. The panther stretched out one foreleg, spreading its massive paw
with talon-like claws bared.

If I were not in such a hurry, I would have taken my time with the hunt, but I longed to
return to Isle Esme. With a fluid pounce, I landed on the cat’s branch and sunk my teeth into the
sinewy neck before it could do more than flinch. Warm blood washed down my throat, cooling
the burning fire and making all of my senses soar with the rush of energy. My sense of smell
had not lied. This was the most pleasant meal I had tasted in years, infinitely more palatable than
the deer and elk we subsisted on much of the time.

All too soon, the body was drained of blood and I released the empty carcass. The thirst
returned almost immediately, so I reluctantly turned toward the first heartbeats I had sensed,
determined to sate my thirst completely before returning to the island. I wrinkled my nose in
disgust as I neared the smaller herbivores, but I steadied my resolve and finished my hunt
quickly and cleanly.

The return trip to Isle Esme was much slower. Strong winds tore across the ocean
surface, molding the water into angry waves that frothed and broke around the low prow of my
boat. My impatience grew and grew as the sun rose before me. I forced the throttle forward
once, only to be met by an angry creaking in the prow, so I brought it back again with a growl.

The winds decreased rapidly as the atmosphere heated up and the air was warm and
heavy with humidity by the time I docked and secured the boat. As soon as I killed the engine,
the warm reassurance of Bella’s heartbeat mended the ache in my spirit. I glanced up at the sky,
furious that nature had conspired to keep me from Bella for longer than I expected. Two
agonizing hours longer.

The sun shone, brilliant and uncaring, already climbing toward its zenith.

I ran my hand through my hair, detangling the snarls from my windy passage, as I
quickly negotiated the sandy path to the house. I was greeted by the hours-old scent of cooking
oil and lively music playing on the TV, which was frozen on the menu of the movie from the
previous day. All of the windows were open, but the air was still uncomfortably warm.

I was dismayed when I saw Bella, her face and hair damp with sweat, where she lay on
the sofa. Tenderly, I gathered her in my arms, caressing her forehead with one cool hand.

“I’m sorry. So much for thoroughness. I didn’t think about how hot you would be with
me gone. I’ll have an air conditioner installed before I leave again.”

Bella barely registered my presence before she was struggling from my embrace.
Her face was panicked and I released her in shock.

“Excuse me!” she gasped. Her face was drained of all color.


She ran from me without another word, her hand clamped firmly over her mouth. I was
one step behind her. I felt so helpless watching her retching violently into the toilet. All I could
do was hold her hair and wait for the fit to pass. Her eyes overflowed with tears and she gasped
for breath between heaves.

I couldn’t contain my worry and pressed for her to speak. “Bella? What’s wrong?”

“Damn rancid chicken,” she moaned after several more shuddering breaths.

“Are you all right?” I was skeptical. I had smelled the fried chicken upon my arrival, but
as unpleasant as the smell was to me, it had not smelled rancid.

“Fine. It’s just food poisoning. You don’t need to see this. Go away,” she panted

Whether she was trying to spare me the unpleasantness or she was suffering from some
superficial human emotion like embarrassment, I was not about to leave her alone in her present

“Not likely, Bella.”

“Go away,” she moaned again.

She pushed weakly against me as she flushed the toilet and stumbled to the sink to rinse
her mouth. I could hardly believe the transformation that had taken place in my brief absence.
Yesterday, Bella had fairly glowed, but now her skin was sweaty, pale and mottled with pink

patches on her cheeks. I had seen her ill with colds, injured and in a hospital bed, but I had never
seen her look so ill. Even her hair had lost some of its luster.

I carried her gently to our bedroom, setting her down as carefully as I could. She leaned
into my embrace as I held her gingerly.

“Food poisoning?” While not a practicing physician, I was instinctively skeptical of her
hasty self-diagnosis.

“Yeah,” Bella croaked. Even her voice had lost its musical timbre. “I made some
chicken last night. It tasted off, so I threw it out. But I ate a few bites first.”

“How do you feel now?” I held my hand to her forehead, narrowing my eyes as I
estimated her temperature. Almost 100 degrees, I was sure. I assessed her symptoms,
considering heat stress as the most likely culprit.

Guilt, a feeling I had missed those last several days, wormed its way back into my
stomach again.

“Pretty normal. A little hungry, actually.”

I appraised her silently, noting her improved color and even breathing. Considering the
possibility of heat stress, I insisted that she remain in bed and sip a large glass of cold water.
When she seemed to handle that and her temperature dropped to a more acceptable level, I fried
three eggs over-medium. I watched every movement she made, looking for any sign of sickness,
but she seemed to be in good health again, just fatigued from her ordeal.

We retired to the couch and I turned on CNN. Bella’s sudden sickness had made
me uncomfortably aware of our isolation and her vulnerability so far from real medical aid.
Watching the pre-recorded headlines was reassuring, in a way. It brought the world closer again.
Bella was so calm and relaxed lying across my lap. I stroked her hair absently, considering how
I would handle a medical emergency if she were truly injured. I wasn’t getting any closer to a
comfortable solution when Bella stirred.

She twisted her body to kiss me and I leaned down with a small smile, always
eager to feel her lips on mine. We were still inches apart when she lurched out of my lap and
sprinted for the kitchen sink. Again, I held her hair, but the nagging sense that something was
very wrong pursued me. Her temperature was not elevated now, so I had to rule out heat stress.
My book knowledge offered me no help here.

“Maybe we should go back to Rio, see a doctor.” Someone who can do something more
than watch you helplessly.

She shook her head vehemently, as she walked carefully to the bathroom.

“I’ll be fine right after I brush my teeth,” she assured me.

I sat back down on the couch, not watching the screen, just focusing on the sounds of
Bella brushing her teeth then digging through her suitcase in the bedroom. Then silence. . .

Several moments passed before I decided to check on her. My gentle knock startled her
and she dropped something.

“Are you well? Did you get sick again?” I waited anxiously for her to reassure me

“Yes and no.”

Her strangled reply did little to settle my anxiety.

“Bella? Can I please come in?”

“O. . . kay?” she responded hesitantly.

Her voice sounded lost, bewildered. I opened the door slowly and stepped around to face
her. Panic quickly overran the guilt I had been feeling. Her eyes were staring blankly, her face
pale and cold, her body frozen in a sitting-position next to her suitcase. I sat next to her, feeling
her forehead, although I could already tell her temperature was normal. Her pulse was weak and
she exhibited many of the signs of shock. I started to consider an infection or internal bleeding
of some sort, but my heightened senses could only pick up a faint fluttering and warmth in her
abdomen. I cursed myself for not having the will and self-control to practice medicine alongside
Carlisle. In the face of a real problem, I was utterly worthless.

“What’s wrong?” I questioned, hoping she could give me more detailed symptoms to
help me.

“How many days has it been since the wedding?” she whispered, finally.

Her question seemed completely random and I responded without thinking, “Seventeen.
Bella, what is it?”

Her lips moved silently, counting, and she held up a finger to halt my half-formed protest.
Several seconds later, she paused, her brow furrowed in concentration, and then she began
counting again.

“Bella! I’m losing my mind over here,” I hissed frantically. My breathing was strained
and my head pounded with the knowledge that something was terribly wrong, and I was
completely helpless to act against it.

Bella’s frame shook slightly, her throat convulsed, and she reached shakily for an object
in her suitcase. When she held it up, a small blue box of tampons, I was completely baffled.

“What? Are you trying to pass this illness off as PMS?”

“No,” she choked on the words. “No, Edward. I’m trying to tell you that my period is
five days late.” My face, my whole body was frozen as my mind processed the implications of
this fact. “I don’t think I have food poisoning,” she finished shakily.

. . . five days late. . .

Could she be. . . pregnant? Was that even possible? No vampire had ever impregnated
his mate. But how many vampires actually mated with a human?

Libishomen. . .

The name hissed through my thoughts. Along with the cursed word, flickers of Kaure’s
memories and fears darted in and out of my head.

The pregnant girl in the jungle. . .

Screaming. . .

Pain. . .

No. It can’t be true. It can’t. . . Or can it?

My mind was severed from my body by this horrifying conclusion. I floated in a

vacuum, suspended from all sensation.

I was blind. Unable to hear, feel, taste or smell. A small analytical part of my mind
registered shock. Any sensory input at this point and my mind would fracture from the strain.

There was no time.

Time is the measurement of change. Its passage is something we measure and track, but
never truly control. Even time had deserted me.

There was no change. No end to the numbing darkness that overpowered me.

I was caught in a maelstrom, with no hope of breaking free.

Surrounded by blackness.

All sensation deserted me. Even my memories flitted away. They were incompatible
with existence in this swirling vortex of panic-inducing night.

Alone and terrified, I drifted. . .

Something. Ringing. Ringing.

The sound came from a great distance, echoing hollowly in the anesthetized passages of
my splintered psyche.

Ringing. A voice. Sweet and musical, but muffled in the darkness. I focused all of my
strength on that sound.

There was something important. Something I loved was. . . in trouble.

No. Someone.

Bella. . . Isabella. . . my Bella, my love.

With her name came a fear so intense, so complete that I choked on it. I was alone in the
darkness with a vision of a face so beautiful it would make angels weep. And that face was
crumbling in shock and pain. And I could not go to her.

I had no body, only my mind. Stranded in an icy wasteland of terror. . .

“Weird. This is going to sound crazy—look, I know it’s way too early for any of this.
Maybe I am crazy. But I’m having bizarre dreams and eating all the time and crying and
throwing up and. . . and. . . I swear something moved inside me just now.”

Those words forced my mind back into my frozen body with a painful snap. I had to find
the answer. Alice. . . Carlisle. . . Names, faces, memories came rushing back.

A baby.

No, not a baby. Not human.

A monster. An aberration. Anathema.

Carlisle. I need to speak to Carlisle. My hand shot out, reaching for my cell phone.

“Um, I think Edward wants to talk to you,” Bella mumbled.

“Put him on.” I could hear the buzzing reply, distorted and delayed by the satellite

“Is it possible?” My mouth felt alien. I had trouble forming words, as if my lips had not
made a sound in centuries. Is it possible? Could the legends be more than stories? What kind of
monster is it? What kind of monster am I?

“It must be. Her symptoms, the timing. What else could it be?” Carlisle was
stammering, an uncharacteristic sound. His voice rarely wavered or hesitated with doubt. But,

now? “I never thought it was a risk. I never thought to warn you. Edward, I am so sorry.” He
ended in a whisper. Self-blame and guilt were thick in his troubled voice.

“And Bella?” What would this mean for her? I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her
against my side. Her warmth was an anchor, protection against the chilling darkness that still
swirled in the recesses of my mind.

“We don’t have a choice. We need to get it out. At the rate it’s growing. . . Edward, you
need to come straight home. Can you leave today?” He was trying to modulate the tone of his
voice, but remorse and fear tinged every word.

“Yes. Yes, I will.”

My thumb automatically found the ‘call end’ button. I was dialing again instantly,
determined not to lose a single second.

“What did Carlisle say?” Bella asked impatiently.

“He thinks you’re pregnant.”

My voice sounded dead and cold, even to me. Like the voice of a corpse echoing up
from an open grave. Bella’s heart jumped as my words confirmed her fears. Mixed in with the
natural sounds of her body, I heard again that insidious flutter. The heart of a parasite, growing
stronger by the second.

I pressed the phone against my ear, listening to the monotonous ringing, wishing
someone would answer, but knowing I would have to navigate an automated system to find a
real person to assist me.

“Who are you calling now?” she wanted to know.

“The airport. We’re going home.”

The fantasy world we had been living in for the past nine days was shattered. All
my dreams of an ideal life in New England, going to college, being like a normal, happy,
newlywed couple. . . They were all obliterated with the revelation that I was not sterile after all.

Hadn’t I wished out loud that Bella and I could have the potential to be parents? How
could I wish for such a thing? Of course, I had imagined myself human, fathering a human child
with Bella’s fair skin, soulful brown eyes, and mahogany locks. That had been my dream, my
desire. But not this. Never this!

I rarely had the need to utilize the full vampiric capabilities of my multi-faceted mind, but
now I found them rigorously tested.

A portion of my mind locked onto the sound of Bella’s heart, possessively counting every
beat. How precious that sound was now that her body was in danger!

Another part analyzed every movement, every sound her body made. I was intimately
aware of the rushing of blood through her veins, the air sweeping in and out of her lungs, even
the subtle whisper of her hair brushing against her shoulders and back when she moved. I locked
in on the slight fluttering sound that was almost completely hidden beneath the louder whooshing
of blood through her system.

The monster’s heart was beating strongly. A hissing breath escaped my lips. I hated it.
Hated it more completely than I had ever hated another living creature. It threatened Bella’s life
by its very existence. And by hating it, I had no choice but to hate myself, its creator.

By their fruits you shall know them. Evil begets evil. . .

While these thoughts were streaming through my mind, I was waiting impatiently for the
phone to connect. I had dialed the airport concierge. I had neither the time, nor the patience to
deal with a travel agent. I did not care about the cost, the type of aircraft, or even the airlines
used. I only wanted the fastest route home.

Sooner than I expected, I was connected with a woman who claimed to want to help me
find and book my flight. I had only blurted out the beginning of my request and she was already
trying to convince me to accept a promotional travel package. I dampened the growl that
threatened to escape my throat. Over the next 73 minutes, I kept up a constant stream of
conversation in Portuguese, finally making some progress with our flight arrangements.

While my mind careened through dozens of different thoughts, my body was making
quick work of repacking our suitcases. Bella stood hesitantly off to the side, watching my
frenzied actions with awe and a touch of fear. I threw an outfit on the bed and was grateful that
she immediately began to dress herself, without my prompting. While my flurry of activity and
the tense conversation with the concierge continued, Bella made her way to the kitchen and
stood, staring pensively out the window.

I heard the crackle of a plastic packages and dull crunching sounds as she ate
some sort of snack. Her voice murmured softly, but my incoherent mind made little sense of her

Every last scrap of clothing was packed and our travel arrangements were confirmed and
paid for. Direct flights were rare, and the airline had displaced two other travelers to make room
for us. I didn’t even pause to question the cost. I would have paid anything to get us home
immediately. I snapped my phone shut, silenced the ringer and approached Bella cautiously.

“Bella?” I addressed her warily, afraid to startle her. The sight of her, standing in silence
with tears coursing down her face was enough for me to want to take my own life.

“Bella! Are you in pain?” I crossed to her side, cupping her stricken face gently with my

“No, no—“

Her eyes looked so lost. I pulled her close to me, needing to feel her safe in my arms,
even if I knew it was only an illusion. I murmured soothing words of encouragement. “Don’t be
afraid. We’ll be home in sixteen hours. You’ll be fine. Carlisle will be ready when we get
there. We’ll take care of this, and you’ll be fine, you’ll be fine.”

“Take care of this? What do you mean?”

Her voice was so full of pain and bewilderment—I could barely bring myself to look into
her eyes. But I gathered my strength and pretended to be brave for her. Leaning back, I looked
directly into her eyes, willing her to be strong and unafraid.

“We’re going to get that thing out before it can hurt any part of you. Don’t be scared. I
won’t let it hurt you.”

“That thing?” she gasped.

I knew the full impact of this nightmare had not fully sunk in. I was formulating a
reassuring response when I was shocked by a gruff voice speaking directly in my mind. More
eggs, more eggs. . . what odd diets these Americans have. . .

“Dammit!” I cursed. How had I not heard the sound of a boat arriving? “I forgot
Gustavo was due today. I’ll get rid of him and be right back.”

I left Bella alone in the kitchen and sped toward the front door. All I needed to do was
postpone their visit until tomorrow and change my request from cleaning and restocking to a
thorough cleaning and securing the property for future use. Two heartbeats and two sets of
footsteps on the stairs had me cursing under my breath as I opened the front door.

It was then that I registered a softer but highly suspicious mental voice. I hissed softly.
Kaure had not completely dismissed her fears after all. I opened the door with a carefully
impassive expression.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t think to call you sooner. My wife and I have had an unexpected
change of plans and will be returning to America today. I would appreciate it if you could return
tomorrow to clean and secure the property.”

Gustavo’s mind registered shock and surprise but no suspicion. Kaure’s thoughts
immediately caught my attention and I suppressed a growl. She was far too close to the truth.
Before she even spoke, my eyes were drawn to the steaming dish she held before her. Fish,
onions and some local herbs.

“But, sir. I made a special dinner for you! You and your lovely bride must be tired of
cooking every day. Allow me to share one of my grandmother’s favorite recipes. It is my gift to

I was impressed again by her ability to squash her own fears and bravely challenge me
when I knew she suspected my true nature. She was surreptitiously trying to peek past my
figure, searching for any sign of Bella. In her mind, she was imagining Bella’s body, lifeless and
bleeding streams of scarlet onto the white silk sheets in the first bedroom.

Gustavo was apathetic, waiting patiently for his partner to complete her self-imposed
errand. Kaure met my gaze, barely flinching as my amber eyes bore into her deep brown ones.
She shrank back slightly, but then squared her shoulders and took a step toward me.

“At least let me put it in the kitchen for you. You will be thanking me later!”

I doubt that. I gritted my teeth but stepped back and turned on my heel.

“This way, then,” I growled. I led her to the kitchen.

Bella stood in the exact spot where I had left her, but her cheeks were damp with fresh
tears. My anger and self-hatred grew unchecked. I wiped the moisture tenderly from her cheeks
and whispered in her ear, “She’s insisting on leaving the food she brought—she made us dinner.
It’s an excuse—she wants to make sure I haven’t killed you yet.”

Yet. My own words foreshadowed my greatest fear, chilling me more than an arctic

Kaure’s thoughts were racing as she turned the corner. It was starting to sink into her
mind that if I was what she suspected, nothing could stop me from killing her and Gustavo if I
chose to. I could sink their boat and make it all look like an accident at sea. Nobody would ever
know or suspect the truth.

The relief she felt when she saw Bella was short lived. Her eyes darted back and forth
between us. In her mind, I saw that she noticed Bella’s pallid skin and tear-filled eyes. Now she
was concerned on a more natural level for Bella’s health. As with her previous visit, a rational
explanation for my antagonistic attitude began to surface and she started to regret provoking me
to anger.

“She is unwell, she should not be traveling,” she muttered under her breath in Portuguese
as she set the covered dish on the counter.

“I think I can decide what is best for my wife’s health. You have delivered your gift.
Thank you. You may leave now.” My tone was clipped, angrier than I intended. The strain of
this delay was too much. I could not afford to lose another minute.

Kaure’s shoulders stiffened but she accepted my rebuke silently and turned to leave. Her
movement stirred the air sending the pungent smell of fish and onions at us. Bella tensed and
gagged, her body heaving violently and she spun to release the contents of her stomach into the

Helplessly, I held her hair back from her face and whispered words of comfort in her ear.
I felt so hypocritical; the cause of her pain and sickness encouraging her to be strong.
Impatiently, not even considering my audience, I snatched the offending dish from the counter
and thrust it into the refrigerator. The dish was scalding hot and the flesh of my hands protested.
I should have grasped it by the handles, but I was beyond caring.

Bella was still bent over the sink, gasping and shaking. Her knuckles were whitened
from her death-grip on the edge of the counter. Her face was hot and clammy with sweat so I ran
my cool fingers across her skin to bring her some relief. She sagged into my supporting
embrace. Her hands shook as she rinsed her mouth, spitting weakly into the sink. I turned her
around, wrapping my arms protectively around her. She rested her head against my shoulder,
breathing slowly and deliberately.

I thought I knew pain. I thought I had experienced the most nerve-shattering agony at
Jane’s sadistic hands. I thought hearing that Bella had thrown herself from a cliff in grief was
the most tortuous experience I could ever have. However, my mind and body had grown in their
capacity for joy, love and pleasure during our time on this island. I was quickly realizing that the
sword cut both ways. I had never felt such pleasure, but I had also never felt so much pain.

But what chilled me the most was the knowledge that my torture had only just begun.

Bella clutched her swelling stomach, the center of our agony. Kaure’s gasp forced my
mind to focus on her perception of the drama unfolding before her. She had seen my inhuman
speed. Her eyes, wide with shock and terror, were fixed on Bella’s hands, clasped over the bulge
beneath her shirt.

Images flitted through her mind rapidly, but three stood out from the rest accompanied by
the violence of her mental shrieking. The crude drawing of the vampire holding his victim’s
body. . . a circle of Indian children gathered around a wizened elder, their faces frozen in
horrified fascination. . .and a child’s nightmare, a reaction to the ancient’s stories. In the
nightmare, a young Indian woman clutched her bruised, distended belly and fell to the ground,
crying out in agony as sharp rips and tears echoed through the jungle clearing. . .

I could not stem the force of her thoughts and I gasped weakly. The images in her mind
drove the air from my lungs. Instinct took over and I stepped in front of Bella, as if I could
protect her from the images and the fate they implied. My movement spurred Kaure to action
and she advanced on me, screaming her accusations shrilly. Her fist was raised as if she
intended to strike me down with the force of her anger.

I felt my spirit being crushed beneath the weight of her words. Everything she said was
true. I was a monster, a demon, a murderer. My self-loathing was unparalleled, but the feel of

Bella, clutching my arm, forced me to think of her. I needed to know how much of Kaure’s
words and memories were based in fact, and how much were embellished legends.

There was so little air in my lungs. My chest did not want to expand to accept more. My
voice was low as I pleaded with her. Her knowledge could possibly offer some help for the
dilemma that Carlisle and I faced. I spoke to her in the language of her mother’s people, the
Ticuna Indians.

“The legends you speak of, the Libishomen, the women. . . I need to know. . . are they

The guttural, primitive language halted her tirade and her face and mind froze in awe. No
sooner had she registered my fluent grasp for her native tongue, then she spat out a long stream
of words in the same language.

“The legends, yes they are real. The Libishomen is a demon. He drinks the blood of his
victims, taking their life force into his unholy body to feed his powers. Once, long ago, he
preyed upon my people and we do not forget. Our daughters are cautioned from a young age to
be wary of his pale skin, perfect face and beautiful voice. Skin and face and voice like yours.
Are you? Are you like him?”

I had never revealed my identity to a human before Bella. Our survival depended on
secrecy, but there were no secrets here. Kaure’s suspicious mind and bravery had forced the
truth to be known. Helpless and hopeless, I nodded assent.

She recoiled and crossed herself, warding off the taint of my evil presence with the
symbol of salvation. How far my hopes had fallen. . . Salvation was a bitter thought. My earlier
aspirations to redemption were a mockery of the truth. I was nothing more than a demon.

But Bella, my beautiful angel, should have no part in my damnation. I reached out to
Kaure, desperate to know what would happen to Bella. The image of the Indian girl, crying out
alone in the jungle replayed over and over in my mind.

“Please! My wife. . . what will happen to her?” I held my hand against Bella’s cheek.
She was watching my actions with confusion, her eyes flitting back and forth between my face
and Bella’s.

“Your wife? But you have made her with child! You do not love her. Your kind does
not know love. You are a murderer!”

“I love her. More than my life. She is my life. Please, I beg you! Please. . . tell me what
your legends say. What will happen to my wife?”

Doubt was strong on her face and in her mind. She studied Bella’s confused expression
and evaluated my pain-twisted features. She noted my protective stance and the way Bella clung
to my arm, leaning toward me with no trace of fear or revulsion evident in her posture.

Compassion for Bella drew her forward involuntarily, overcoming her fear of me. Using
both hands, Kaure mimed a rapidly expanding stomach. The mental picture that accompanied it
sickened me. In her mind, the doomed girl of her childhood nightmare lay helpless while her
stomach erupted violently.

Bella flinched at her gesture and my stomach lurched sickeningly. I was as still as stone
watching Kaure take several deliberate steps toward me.

“How long ago did she conceive?”

“Sixteen days. . . we think. When we first arrived.”

“And how has she been feeling?”

“Hungry. Tired. She has been gaining weight rapidly these past several days, but I
didn’t know what I was seeing. I didn’t know this could happen. She says. . . she said she felt it
move.” She flinched with this revelation.

“You know our language. Do you know our legends?”

“I knew of the Libishomen stories. I suspected that whoever he was, he was. . . like me.
But I did not know of the woman. . . the one he. . . the. . .” I couldn’t finish.

“Did you know what your seed would do to her?”

My seed. My jaw seemed to be carved from ice.

With great effort I responded with a single word. “No.”

Kaure looked at me with pity. Her instincts rebelled against believing or trusting me.
However, she recognized my true fear for Bella and regarded us sadly. Her face was devoid of

“In your legends, did the woman live?” I knew the answer, but I felt compelled to ask.

Kaure paused before slowly shaking her head. Even knowing what her response would
be, the answer tore at my insides. It took everything within my power to form my next words.
Bella looked up at me while I spoke and the tension in her body made it clear she saw my pain
and despair.

“Then Bella. . .”

Kaure took the final steps to bring her right before us. She sighed, laying one of her
small, work-worn hands over Bella’s, and breathed a single word, “Morte.”

With her head and shoulders bent beneath the weight of her grief and pity, Kaure turned
and left us.

I was thankful for one thing, that Gustavo had returned to the boat long before our
argument. There was only one witness to my damnation, and I was confident in her silence.
This was no consolation, but it was one less thing to drag my thoughts away from Bella.

She was still and silent in my arms, waiting for me to move or speak. Even the sound of
a motor sputtering to life and carrying the boat away was unable to rouse me from my horrified
stupor. That final word, morte, hung in the air, evil and oppressive.

Kaure’s story is only a legend, I told myself. But the facts and similarities were
irrefutable. I could only hope that Carlisle and I were in time. We needed to go, to take action
without delay. What must Bella be thinking now? How much did she understand?

Bella turned away from me. My hand darted out to grasp her shoulder before she could
take a second step. The thought of losing sight of her made me distraught.

“Where are you going?” I whispered.

“To brush my teeth again.” Her matter-of-fact response did not appease me. There was a
rigid set to her shoulders and tension around her eyes that made me wonder. Bella was very
perceptive. I had felt her reactions to much of the conversation, and ‘morte’ was not difficult to

Desperate to put her at ease, I blurted out, “Don’t worry about what she said. It’s nothing
but legends, old lies for the sake of entertainment.”

“I didn’t understand anything.”

Bella’s words rang with truth, but she did not meet my anxious gaze. Her ability to lie
had improved over the years. . . but she could not fool me. I knew her too well. Unwilling to
start an argument or contradict her in any way, I did the only thing I could do.

“I packed your toothbrush. I’ll get it for you.” I walked to the bedroom and dug through
her suitcase to get to her toiletries.

“Are we leaving soon?” Bella called after me. I detected the faintest note of tension in
her voice. She should have been hysterical. She should have been cursing me, tearing her hair,
crying uncontrollably. That is what I wanted to do. . .

“As soon as you’re done,” I replied softly. I was lost in thought, trying to find a way, any
way, to get us home sooner. I would hijack a plane and fly it myself if I thought it would help. I
paced silently, waiting for her to return her toothbrush to me.

As soon as she placed the damp toothbrush back into my hand, I leaped into action.

“I’ll get the bags into the boat.” As I spoke, I gathered our suitcases. Bella’s hesitant
voice halted me.


I turned back, confused by the tone of her voice. “Yes?”

“Could you. . . pack some of the food? You know, in case I get hungry again.”

My fierce determination, my impatience, my self-hatred, all seemed selfish in the face of

her simple request. I loved this woman. Anything I could do to offer her comfort instead of
increasing her pain and distress, I would do. Gladly.

“Of course. Don’t worry about anything. We’ll get to Carlisle in just a few hours, really.
This will be over soon,” I reassured her.

She nodded bravely.

As I fled the room, I heard her begin to talk to herself again. My eyes and throat burned
with my impotent fury. She was so brave. I wished I could be as strong as her. But even
wishing that, I knew I never could be.

I stowed the suitcases behind the seats in the boat and then reached for my phone to call
Carlisle. I knew Alice would see us coming, but I needed to speak to him one more time for
strength and reassurance. My father always knew what to say to encourage me through any

My phone was not in my pocket and I was certain I had not packed it in the suitcases. Or
had I? With a growl I pulled my suitcase back onto the dock, flung it open and searched through
the hastily folded clothes. I had almost decided to search Bella’s suitcase also when I
remembered seeing it on the countertop as I raced from the house.

I made short work of repacking my suitcase and returned to the house to pack some food
for Bella. My call would just have to wait.

* * *

Song – David Gray, “Nightblindness”

The small dock was part of an idyllic setting. Crystal clear tropical waters swirled around
the supporting piers in eddies of turquoise and green. The boat rocked gently on tiny swells,
occasionally bumping against the padded siding. This entire scene bore such a sharp contrast to
the dry ache of despair in my throat.

How ironic. This was not my paradise.

Honeymoon? No! This was a perversion of nature, and Bella was paying the price for
my selfishness. Nothing was worth this pain. Jacob was right. I should never have come back.
Everything about me was a danger to her. I was not her guardian. I was her curse!

I leaped into to boat, my body shaking with the intensity of my self-hatred. Swiftly, I
loosened the moorings before approaching Bella. Cautiously, I lifted her by the waist, settling
her on the boat’s shifting deck.

Did she flinch from my touch? Her eyes never met mine. Silky waves of dark brown
hair hid her face from me and she silently took her seat, lost in her own thoughts. I stiffened my
shoulders against the crushing guilt.

There was no thrill as the wind of our passage whipped my hair into a bronze tangle. I
felt no exhilaration from the throbbing roar of the engine or the sound of the propeller tearing
through the water.

I was fleeing from a nightmare too terrible to face. I was running, but it pursued me.
There was no escape. I glanced across at Bella, huddled silently in her seat. The monster inside
of her, growing in strength, determined to tear her life from her. An aberration that would
destroy her as it pursued a twisted existence.

It must be stopped. I could not let that thing take her from me!

Behind us, storm clouds gathered in the east. A squall line advanced, wiping all memory
of the tropical sun from the suffering skies.

The entire trip on the boat, in the cab weaving through the bustling streets of Rio de
Janeiro, and the arduous flights back to Seattle, she didn’t make a sound. She would only nod or
shake her head minutely to answer my few direct questions. Not once did her eyes glance my
way. It was as if an impenetrable wall stood between us.

She must hate me. How could she not blame me for doing this to her? But I knew she
would never say it out loud. Bella was too sweet and selfless to ever admit to me how much I
had hurt her—was still hurting her. Her reticence was a harsher judgment than any cruel words
or accusing glances. I endured the trip back to Seattle in tortured silence.

It wouldn’t be long, now. Carlisle would know what to do. I clung to that slim hope, but
no amount of mental reassurance could squash the dread growing inside me. Little did I know
that even my faint hopes were soon to be crushed.

We landed at Sea-Tac airport and waited silently while the rest of the passengers
disembarked. My nerves were raw, my senses frayed. The interminable hours of self-castigation
were persistently eroding my hold on sanity. I kept my hand at Bella’s elbow as we exited the

gate into the nearly deserted concourse. A small part of my brain absently noted that ours was
the only active gate. My eyes assessed my family gathered in a somber semi-circle.

Carlisle’s eyes locked on mine.

She’s going to be okay, son. We’ll make sure of that.

I nodded minutely, acknowledging his thought. My gaze swept the rest of their faces.

Jasper was tensed in concentration, moderating their emotions to neutralize the confusion
and panic that roiled around them. I ignored his attempt to include me in that protective blanket,
although I was grateful for Bella’s sake.

Alice’s arm was intertwined with his. Her face was a mask of frightened confusion. Her
pixie-like features were pinched with stress as she struggled to make sense of the flickering
future. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess. Blurry images of Bella flitted like specters through
her head, nothing concrete.

Esme’s flitted back and forth between Bella and me. She ached for us. All of her
instincts were to protect me, her son, and Bella. But those instincts were in complete opposition
to her desire for a child, her grandchild, safely in her arms. She was so torn that I could not bear
to look into her tormented gaze.

Emmett’s signature smirk was missing, replaced with a grimace, as if anticipating great

Rosalie stepped forward from the others, her arms outstretched in welcome.


Bella suddenly came to life, breaking free from my startled grasp. My confusion lasted
only a fraction of a heartbeat. Bella was already enfolded in Rosalie’s protective embrace. My
sister met my gaze, triumphantly defiant. Deep brown and golden waves intermingled to form a
single, impenetrable curtain, concealing Bella’s face from view. Rosalie no longer attempted to
block me from her thoughts as she caressed Bella’s hair.

In Rosalie’s mind, I saw her own imagined vision of the future. She stood in the living
room of our house, tenderly holding a fragile, human-looking child. Bella’s broken body lay
lifeless in the background. Comprehension burst across my psyche like an asteroid exploding
into flames.

No! I gasped in soundless horror.

I fell to my knees, defeated. My soul descended into hell.

The End


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