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Every year my elementary school would throw a ceremony to recognize and award the

students for their behavior throughout the year. I received the Christian Service Award, but at
the time I didn't understand why I received it and what a huge impact it would have on my life.

During the summer after eighth grade I was helping my mom clean out our basement
when I came across an old picture of myself with an award. I asked my mom to explain where I
was and what I was holding. She explained I was in my school's auditorium, and that I had just
received the teacher’s Christian Service Award for the kind treatment I showed others. She then
handed me the award which read “This is Drake and he is in the upper 1% when it comes to
caring for others.” After that I felt a sense of self pride, but then I thought about the expectations
they had for me, and I knew I couldn't let them down.

So, I looked to my Dad who is making a difference serving our country as a Navy nurse
and followed his example by signing up for JROTC. While in the program, I gained a feel for the
military along with the friendship and camaraderie that comes with it. I talked to my Dad about
continuing down a military path and he loved the idea, but said, “you first need to find a career
and purpose in the military, something that you will love to do.”

I thought about it for a couple days and realized I could become a nurse, someone who
helps others every day, like father like son. But this was just a dream I had; I needed to figure
out how to get involved in the medical field.

Once the time came to choose my elective classes in high school, that dream had to
become a reality. I noticed practical nursing was an option and thought to myself is this really
what you want to do. Then I thought of that award and realized helping people is all I want to do.

The following day I signed up for the class. Since then, I have acquired my Certified
Nurse Assistant certification, along with the knowledge and skills required to become a valuable
nurse, and I have loved every minute of my journey.

Remembering back to that day in elementary school, I wasn't aware of the impact
receiving the Christian Service Award would have on my life. Nearly twelve years later, it has
inspired me to pursue my dreams. I can say with every confidence and great excitement that I
would love to attend your University and that doing so would take me one step further in my
journey to making those dreams come true and to validating that small things like an elementary
school award can have a huge impact on someone's life.

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