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Mata Pelajaran : Mulok (Conversation)

Kelas : X TKJ, MM, dan RPL

Guru Bidang Studi : Sri Untari

Multiple Choice
"Choose the best answer!''

1. A = Where can you buy milk and sugar?

B = I can buy milk and sugar at the .....
a. Book Store
b. Bakery
c. Butcher
d. Green Grocery
e. Grocery Store

2. A = How can he get the medicine he wants?

B = He can get it at the ...
a. Cafetaria
b. Green Grocery
c. Butcher
d. Bookstore
e. Drug Store

3. A = What was dina doing when tou visited him?

B = She was buying apples at the .... when you visited him
a. Bookstove
b. Retailer
c. Shopkeeper
d. Drugstore
e. Green Grocery

4. A = where can i buy the fresh - meat?

B = You can buy it at the
a. Tailor
b. Hardware Shop
c. Parking Lot
d. Shoe Maker
e. Butcher's Shop

5. A = Can you buy television in a shoe-stove?

B = Of cource not, I can buy It at the ....
a. Green Grocery
b. Butcher's
c. Drugstore
d. D Book Store
e. Electronic Goods Stove

6. A = Are Yuli and Ana working in that departnant Store?

B = Yes, they are working in that stove as ....
a. Typists
b. Gardeners
c. Farmers
d. Soldiers
e. Shopkeepers

7. A = Can I help you to close the window?

B = Please .....
a. I can
b. Don't do it
c. I don't
d. Thank you
e. Sure you can't.

8. A = I cannot get the flight ticket at the airport

B = Get it in ....
a. An art shop
b. A restaurant
c. A bus stop
d. A travel agent
e. Railway station

9. A = Can you ... Same tickets for us? I am so busy

B = Don't worry, I'll get it.
a. Keep
b. Take
c. Make
d. Reverse
e. Have

10. A = Can I ..... some cookies for you?

B = Yes, Please Mom I like it
a. Read
b. Play
c. Write
d. Bake
e. Cook

11. A = shall I take the magazine Please?

B = .... thank you
a. Don't worry
b. I don't know
c. Nothing at all
d. Yes, please
e. I don't like

12. A = Did you eat much

B = Yes, I ate .... in generous portion. I am sleppy
a. Expensive food
b. Bad meal
c. Rice-drink
d. Sweet apples
e. Delicious meal
13. A = What is the waiter doing
B = She is showing .... now, what would you to eat?
a. The guest
b. The price list
c. The menu
d. The meal
e. The drink

14. A = I am Anton, Can I talk to Mrs. Lucy?

B = Yes, Sir ... Please
a. Don't worry
b. Good morning
c. Wait a moment
d. Alright
e. Hello

15. A = How do you go to school?

B = I .... To school by bus
a. Arrive
b. Come
c. Usually go
d. Never go
e. Always leave

16. A = Did you .... your new lessons with her?

B = No, I didn't. I can do it myself.
a. Keep
b. Give
c. Discuss
d. Read
e. Tell

17. A = How can I reach Bali from Jakarta?

B = You can go ...
a. taxi
b. By bike
c. By plane
d. By train
e. E on foot

18. A = Have you ever known ....?

B = Yes, It is a famous beach at the South Part of Jogjakarta
a. Kaliurang
b. Borobudur
c. Prambanan
d. Parangtritis
e. Maliobaro-Street

19. A = What is Bali also named?

B = It is named
a. The top of mountain
b. Popular island
c. The island of Paradise
d. God island
e. Ordinary island

*Questions for number 20-24 Is based on the following introduction !

**Hello, good morning. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Fatya Kartika. My
nickname is Fatya. I am 15 years old. I am a student. I am from Medan.

Questions :

20. The girl is...

a. Drawing
b. Introducing
c. Reading
d. Listening
e. Studying
21. The girl 's name is....
a. Fatya
b. Fatya Kartika
c. Kartika
d. Tika
e. Kartika Fatya

22. The girl's nickname is....

a. Kartika
b. Tya
c. Tika
d. Fatya
e. Student

23. Fatya Is ..... Years old

a. Fiveteen
b. Seventeen
c. Sixteen
d. Fifteen
e. Fifty

24. Fatya is from ....

a. Medan
b. Jakarta
c. Bogor
d. Padang
e. Bandung

25. A = Thank you, Ratih

B = ............
a. You're Welcome d. You Wellcome
b. You're Wellcome e. Thank You, Too
c. You Welcome

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