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20.4.1. Introduction
A recorder
records electrical and non-electrical
show how
quantities as a function of time. The record
may one variable varies with
respect to another, or how the
varies with time. input signal
The record serves the
following objectives
() It preserves the details of measurement at a particular time.
(ii) It provides at a glance the overall picture of the performance of unit.
(i1) It provides immediate reflection on the action taken by the operator.
20.4.2. Types of Recorders
In aninstrumentation system, one of the important considerations is the method by
which the data required is recorded. The recording method should be consistent with the
type of system. If we are dealing with a wholly analog system, then analog recordine
techniques should be used. While, on the other hand, if the system has a digital outp
digital recording devices are employed.
Two types of recorders are:
1. Analog recorders :
() Graphic recorders
(a) Strip chart recorders
A "graphic recorder" may be defined
Galvanometer type as an instrument, which draws a
Null type graph that relates two or more
Potentiometric recorders variables to time or to each other. A
Bridge recorders "graph" is an analog representation
LVDT recorders of discrete information.
(b) Circular chart recorders
) X-Y recorders
() Oscillographic recorders.
ii) Magnetic tape recorders.
2. Digital recorders.
The above recorders discussed
are briefly below
20.4.3. Strip Chart Recorders
Fig. 20.16 shows the basic constructional features of a strip chart recorder.

Indication scale

Stylus drive-
system Stylus

To control circuit Chart

Chart speed

to be recorded

Paper drive
Fig. 20.16. Strip chat recorder.
A strip chart consists of the
A long wall ofgraph paper moving vertically.
system for
driving the paper at some selected
A stylus for
marking paper on the moving speed.
pointer attached to the stylus, which graph paper (Most recorders u e a
showing instantaneous value of the (pointer) moves over a calibrated scale tnu
A stylus quantity being measured).
driving system which moves the
stylus in nearby exact replica or ana
Display Devices and Recorders 1099
of the quantity being measured (A spring wound mechanism may be used Du
in most of the recorders a
synchronous motor is used for driving the
Marking mechanisms. Ihe most commonly used mechanisms employed for mark6
on paper
Marking with ink filled stylus.
Marking with heated stylus.
(if) Chopper bar.
stylus marking.
(o) Electrostatic stylus.
(ui) Optical marking ot
Tracing systems. For producing graphic representations, the following two types
are used:
tracing systems
() Curvilinear system.
() Rectilinear system. Galvanometer type strip chart recorders
This type of recorder operates on the "deflection principle".
which produces a
The detlection is produced by a galvanometer, (d'Arsonval)
current is proportional
current passing through its coil. This
torque on account of a
to the quantity being measured. (See Fig. 20.17)
few mA to several mA or from a few
These recorders can work on ranges for a

mV to several maV.
galvanometer type
recorder is comparatively inexpensive instrument,
The moving a sensitivity of 0.4 mV/mm
bandwidth of 0 to 10 Hz. It has
having a n a r r o w deflection of 40 mV is obtained. Linear
a full scale
from chart of 100 mm width
m e a s u r e m e n t of smaller voltages.
amplifiers are used for fast variations in either current
useful for recording
This type of recorder is not
or voltage or power. Pen Rollers

LLL Pointer

Ink reservoir

Magnet Coil and


777t7T recorder
G a l v a n o m e t e r
Some recorders contain a timing mechanism that prints a series of small dots
along the edge of the paper chart, as the paper moves through the recorder. This
time marker produces one mnark per second. These types of recorders are mostly
used as optical recorders, and contain a light source provided by either an ultra
violet or tungsten lamp. A small mirror is connected to the galvanometer movement
and this light beam is focussed on the mirror. The beamn reflected from the mirror is
focussed into a spot on a light sensitive paper. As the current passes through the coil the
mirror deflects. The movement of the light beam is affected by the deflection of the small
mirror, and the spot on the paper also varies for the same reason, thus tracing the
waveform on the paper. Nuil type strip chart recorders
The main disadvantage of a galvanometer type recorder is that it has a low input impedance
and a limited sensitivity. This disadvantage can be overcome by using an amplifier between
the input terminals and the display or indicating instruments. This amplifier provides a
high input impedance and improved sensitivity at the cost of low accuracy. For improving
the accuracy of the instrument the input signal is compared with a reference voltage using
a potentiometer circuit.
These recorders operate on the principle of "self balancing" or "null conditions".
When the input signal given by the sensor or transducer is applied to the measuring
unit of the recorder the balanced condition of the instrument gets disturbed. This
unbalanced signal produces error signal. This operates on some device which converts
this error signal to some action so that the balanced condition of the instrument is achieved.
Now, this action is nothing but the magnitude of the error signal which is directhly proportiona
to the change in input signal.
The null type strip chart recorders are of the following types
1. Poterntiometer recorders.
2. Bridge recorders.
3. LVDT recorders.
20.4.5. X-Y Recorders
AX-Y recorder is an instrunment which gives a graphic record of the relationship between
tuv vuriables.
This system has a pen which can be positioned along the two axes with the writing
paper remaining stationary. There are two amplifier units, one amplifier actuates the pen
in the Y-direction as the input signal is applied, while the second amplifier actuates the
pen in X-direction. The movements of the pen in X-and Y-directions are automatically
controlled by means of a motor, pulleys and a linear potentiometer. Obviously, trace of
the marking pen will be due to the combined effects of two signals applied simultaneously.
In these recorders, an e.m.f is plotted as a function of another e.m.f. There are many variations
of X-Y recorders. With the help of these recorders and appropriate tranducers a physical
quantity may be plotted against another physical quantity
Fig. 20.22 shows a block diagram of a typical analog X-Y recorder
A signal enters in each of the two channels.
The signals are attenuated to the inherent full scale range of the recorder (often
0.5 mV). The signal then passes to a balance circuit where it is compared with an
internal reference voltage.
- The error signal (i.e. the difference between the input signal voltage and the
reference voltage) is fed to a " chopper" which converts D.C. signal to an A.C.
The signal is then amplified in order to actuate a servomotor which is used to
balance the system and hold it in balance as the value of the quantity being
recorded changes.
The action described above takes place in both the axes simultaneously. Thus we get
a record of one variable with respect of another.

Y-input Attenuator
circuit OM
i(Pen drive



Balance OM
(Arm drive
x-input circuit

Fig. 20.22. xY recorder.

be recorded.
Advantages between two physical quantities
instantaneous relationship can be
1. The nonelectrical quantities
electrical or
between either
2. The relationship
recorded. are available.
zero offset adjustments
types of recorders, is made a r e as
3. In modern of X-Y recorders
in which use

Applications. A few
curves and vibrations amplitude against
stress-strain c u r v e s , hysteris
1. Plotting of
swept frequency. LC. engines.
2. Pressure-volume diagrams for
Pressure-flow studies for lungs.
wind tunnel
tests. versus temperature and
4. Lift drag as
materials such
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of and computers.
. Electrical electronic
Plotting the output
characteristics of motor.
of power supplies.tubes, rectifiers and transistors
curves diodes,
Kegulation zener

of vacuum

8. lotting of characteristics

specifications of X-Y
Specificatio ations: Some

() Sensitivity o..... 10 V/mm.

... 1.5 m/s
(i) Slewing spee About 6 Hz
both the axes

ua) Frequency onse

x 180
io) Chart size 250 mm

(o) Accuracy 0.3 per cent.

Digital X-Y recorders (Plotters)
X-Y recorders due
These days digital X-Y recorders are replacing analog tu the
following reason1S
The digital X-Y recorders (due to development in digital electronics) provide

pertormance o v e r analog X-Y recorders.

Increased measurement capabilities of the recorder (due to advanced tehnijule's
because ot
The output of this recorder is far superior to that ot X-Y recorder
development in writing mechanism.
In these recorders, the stepper motor is used. Thev can record number ot inputs
Simultancously with ditterent colours.
By using proper sottw are and hardware utilities, the recorders can draw grids
and annotate charts.

(1) It is possible to have simultaneous storage ot number ot input sign.als.
(i1) The recorder can record or draw grids, anes.

(iu) The hardware and software provide better capabilities.

(i) The data can be plotted using multi-pen plotting system.
The comparison between strip chart recorder and analog X-Y recorders is gien

in table 20.4 below

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