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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 3, Issue 18 20 November 2020

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the eighteenth issue of Seeds)

my newsletter for Volume 3.  Prosperosa (Franchi Seeds)
Newsletter back issues
I hope you have all had a good week.
Facebook  Tonda Bianca (Franchi Seeds)
This week, I thought I’d write a bit
Instagram White
about the eggplant varieties I am
Twitter growing this year. We love eggplants Great for all-round use. I find that
as they’re so versatile and can be add- white eggplants are even more produc-
Linkedin ed to many different dishes. I am tive than purple ones
growing three main types—long,
Pinterest round and white. Eggplants need hot  White Delight (Asian Seeds)
weather in order to do well so I hope
we have a good summer.  White Star (Kings Seeds)
Contact me New varieties at Italian Seeds
Long varieties
 Feedback Great for curries and ethnic cooking
Be sure to check out Italian Seeds Pron-
 Newsletter input  Asian Bride (Kings Seeds) to’s website (see link below) for some
(tips, recipes, gar- great new varieties in the Franchi
den photos etc)  Dok (Kings Seeds) Seeds range that will hopefully be ar-
riving soon, including the following:
 To be added to my  Farmers Long Purple (Asian
mailing list Seeds)  Tomato Principe Borghese  Ho Chi Minh (Asian Seeds)  Tomato Costoluto Fiorentino
 Megadok (Asian Seeds)  Tomato Cuor di Bue of Liguria
 Pink (Asian Seeds)
Inside this issue:
 Fennel Romanesco
 Ping Tung Long (Kings Seeds)
 Parsley Gigante di Napoli (flat
 Pink Supreme (Asian Seeds)
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 leaf)
Anita’s Garden  Purple Comet (Kings Seeds) Useful links
 Purple Judy (Asian Seeds)  Italian Seeds Pronto
Top 5 gardening tasks 2
for the week  Tsakoniki (Kings Seeds)  Awapuni
 Violetta Lunga (Franchi Seeds)  Bulbs Direct
Herb of the week: fenu- 2
greek Round varieties Have a good weekend. Happy garden-
Great for Italian dishes ing.

How to grow celeriac 3  Florence Round Purple (Kings Kind regards,

Seeds) Anita Kundu
 Listada de Gandia (Kings
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 1 8

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Potatoes galore!

Swift potatoes from the garden Homegrown bananas

Our first poppy also flowered.

This was self-sown. I don’t know
the name of the variety.

More Liseta potatoes!

We also harvested the first bunch

of bananas from our tree. There
Liseta potatoes from the garden were close to 200 bananas from
just one flower, with 3 more to go.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

up. From now until April, I use
1. Sow beans and pots with these brightly col-
Yates Super Shield and Mavrick.
oured bedding plants. This year,
It’s now warm enough to sow I’m growing the varieties French 5. Spray garlic
beans direct to the ground. Vanilla, Durango Flame and Hon-
eycomb. We’re about a month away from
2. Sow corn
harvesting garlic on the longest
You can also sow corn direct to 4. Spray roses day, but don’t stop spraying your
where you want it to grow. garlic to ward off rust. If yours is
It’s time to start using summer
too far gone like mine and is in-
3. Plant marigolds sprays on your roses. Stop using
fected with rust, you might not
Liquid Copper or you might burn
bother spraying anymore. I have
Add cheer to borders, garden beds the leaves as the weather warms
yet to find an effective solution.

Herb of the week: Fenugreek

We started growing fenugreek a Fenugreek can be sown into the
number of years ago after a lady garden, containers and grown as
from the Waikato visited us and microgreens (see right). I like to
brought us a couple of punnets soak seeds overnight prior to sow-
from a local nursery. We were ing them to aid germination. Fen-
amazed by how easily they grew. ugreek doesn’t usually have prob-
lems with pests and diseases. It
Fenugreek is also know as methi can be harvested as you need it,
and is used in Indian cuisine. It is but bear in mind that it does go to
best grown from spring to autumn, seed as temperatures increase so it
as it dislikes cold temperatures. might pay to harvest it before this.
Fenugreek as microgreens
V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 1 8 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

How to grow celeriac

We only discovered celeriac a cou- condensation off the lids. Nutrition
ple of years ago when I popped in a
3. When the seedlings are Celeriac contains protein, fibre,
punnet I bought from Palmers in
large enough to be pricked vitamins and minerals. Celeriac
September. It must have been
out (usually this occurs boosts bone and heart health. It
beginner’s luck because, like grow-
when they develop a few can also reduce the risk of diabe-
ing kumara, the first year I grew it
leaves), carefully transplant tes.
was the only year that I was suc-
cessful. Since then, I have always them into 6-cell punnets.
Ideas for using celeriac
struggled as it bolted to seed in 4. You’ll want to plant your
spring. Then I started doing some Celeriac pairs well with chicken,
celeriac outside towards the
research and read that it’s better fish and pork. It also goes well
end of spring once tempera-
to plant celeriac in early summer with apple in salads and can be
tures have stabilized, other-
because the varying temperatures used to make slaw (a personal fa-
wise you run the risk of
in spring can cause it to bolt to vourite).
them bolting prematurely
seed. This year I decided to try like mine did.
raising it from seed, so I sowed the Here are some ideas for using ce-
variety Mars from Egmont Seeds leriac:
5. As a root crop, celeriac does
on my heat pad in mid-August. best in full sun so bear this  Roasted and baked
About six weeks later, I carefully in mind when choosing a
transplanted the seedlings into 6- site.  Slaw
cell punnets and kept them in my
greenhouse, before eventually 6. I like to enrich the soil with  Soup
moving them outdoors when the some compost beforehand
weather became warmer. I plant- but caution against adding  Gratin and bakes
ed them in the garden earlier this too much fertiliser, or the
plants may form a lot of  Chips/fries
leafy growth at the expense
 Mash and puree
Tips for growing celeriac of root.
 Hash browns and rosti
 If you’re growing celeriac 7. As celeriac can grow as big
from seed, it’s best to raise as a baseball, it needs a bit  Pies and
seedlings in punnets and of room. tarts
transplant them into the Space seed- “Celeriac boosts bone and
ground later on. If you’re lings at least heart health. It can also  Risotto
new to gardening or don’t 15 cm apart. reduce the risk of
want to raise plants from diabetes””  Salads
seed yourself, you can pur- 6. Get into the
chase celeriac seedlings habit of liq-  Pancakes
from Awapuni. uid feeding your celeriac
weekly with a water soluble  Pasta
 To raise celeriac from seed, plant food or seaweed tonic
 Casseroles
simply scatter seeds in a if you’re gardening organi-
punnet filled with seed rais- cally  Shepherd’s pie
ing mix (not garden soil)
and cover lightly. As it 7. Water your celeriac regular-  Remoulade
takes awhile to grow celeri- ly. Depending on where you
ac from seed, it’s best to do live, you may be on watering  Burgers
this at the beginning of restrictions, so this may
mean using a watering can  Tacos
spring and use a heat pad to
aid germination. if you’re at Level 1
(Auckland at present).  Curries
 Make sure you keep the  Bread
seedlings moist while they 8. Celeriac takes awhile to ma-
ture so be patient! It can
are germinating. I like to Have a great weekend
take as long as six or seven
spray mine twice a day, once
months if you started from Happy gardening!
in the morning and once in
seed. Harvest celeriac in
the late afternoon or even-
ing. I also wipe the autumn.

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