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The sky is blue because...

colour blue scatters in the sky
more than other colours. The
sky would have been purple
but our eyes can't see the
colour purple in the sky that

The Atmosphere

The atmosphere is made of gas molecules, nitrogen (78%),

oxygen (21%), argon (1%) and sometimes water (0 to 7%).
There can be more water in the atmosphere near the ocean, or
after it rains.

The atmosphere gradually thins out into space. The

atmosphere is the thickest near the earth.
There are 5 principal layers in the atmosphere, the first layer
is the troposphere that is where the weather is made, then
comes stratosphere which is where planes fly. The ozone layer
is inside the stratosphere, next is the mesosphere that is
where rocks burn so that they do not hit the earth, the second
last layer is the thermosphere which is really thin, space ships
fly in this layer, the last layer before space is the exosphere.

There is lots of other things in the atmosphere including salt,

that comes from the ocean, dust that comes from volcanoes
and pollution.

Here is a graph of the 5 layers of our Atmosphere:


A wavelength is a distance between two points in the same


The colours in wavelengths are:

1. Violet 400 nanometers

2. Indigo 445 nm
3. Blue 475 nm
4. Green 510 nm
5. Yellow 570 nm
6. Orange 590 nm
7. Red 650 nm

Wavelength are in the sky and the smallest the wavelength is,
is the colour that scatters the most, and what we can see.

Microwaves have wavelengths too, their wavelength is 0.001

m. Television waves are 0.5 m, and radio waves are 100 m,
radar waves are0.01 m, X-ray waves are 0.000 000 000 01 m,
then infrared waves are 0.000 00 1 m and gamma waves are
0.000 000 000 000 1 m.
Light is made of electromagnetic waves. Different gases make different

White light is all the colours of the rainbow.

Auroras are made of blue, green and red. There is lots of red mostly at
the top of auroras, in the middle there is usually greenish white and a
bit of blue/pink to finish it.

Different colours work better in different parts of the sky. Red works
best in high and moderate altitudes, red also appears in oxygen ,
green is found in moderate altitudes, and blue is also found in
moderate altitudes and appears in nitrogen. Blue is also a colour that is
really common and scatters the most but purple scatters even more
that blue but our eyes can't see that colour in the sky.

Colours that we can't are infrared rays and ultraviolet rays. These
colours have too long of a wavelength to see.

The electromagnetic waves are waves that travel in the air.

There are different electromagnetic waves in thing that we use each day,
like radars, we use radars for the maritime and it is made of radio waves,
the radio, can be used for listening to music, and uses radio waves as well,
the television we can use it to watch the news and uses radio waves too. The
x-rays are used to take pictures of bones, x-rays transport more energy
than all the other rays.

There are also electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere. There are also
electromagnetic waves of light. Warm atoms are red light , warmer atoms
are orange, and really hot atoms are yellow. The hottest atoms are white
light. Atoms that are cold is light that is not visible and even colder is
infrared light.

(we use radar waves in planes)

The Sun didn't exist 15 billion years ago. It is 150
million km away from the earth and is a star.

The sun has 5 layers, the first layer in the inside is called the heart which has nuclear
reactions, then comes the photosphere which is 300 km thick and is the layer that gives
us light. the third layer is the chromosphere it's very thin and is visible during an
eclipse. Then there is a thin ring that scatters the light that comes from the
photosphere. And the last layer is sunspots, they have the lowest temperature, and the
sunspots explode every couple of days or up to a week. When the sunspots explode they
shoot out gas that can reach up to 500 0000 km of height.

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