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Covid-19 Response

Implement by World Vision

Observation: Covid-19 is now epidemic disease all over the world, around whole world 2.79Million people are
being confirmed Covid-19 positive, 196K death. Bangladesh is also being affected by this epidemic disease till
today 4689 confirmed Covid-19 positive cases and death 131.Bangladesh host around 1.2 million Refugee at
Cox’s bazar district. It’s most vulnerable & potential place right now for spreading Covid-19 epidemic in
Bangladesh because at camp context a lot of people stay at small place so it’s easier to spread this epidemic
disease person to person. so, as a Humanitarian organization World Vision are also engaged to increase
precaution & awareness at Camp level about Covid-19. From World Vision WaSH sector play a vital role about
Covid-19. Currently World vision WaSH sector response at Camp-7,8E,8W,15 for prevention and increase
hygiene practice to exemption from Covid-19.
1. Ensuring best practice hygiene and hand-washing on critical time.
2. Prevent social gathering and practice maintain safe distance from individual basis on Covid-19
precaution measure.
3. Aware and capacity building of community about Covid-19.
4. Increase Community engagement and ensure proper usage of distribution kit,
1. World Vision distribution regularly Hygiene kit, MHM kit, Hand-washing device for ensure best hygiene
practice at HH level. Also, for Covid-19 World Vision distribution Soap at block-wise HH level.
Block-wise soap distribution Provide key message to beneficiary about Covid-19 during
Soap distribution

Hand-washing device distribution for individual family to girl sharing feelings about Covid-19 during soap distribution
ensure best hygiene practice at HH and how World vision help community this critical time
While soap distributing at HH level we provide awareness session and precaution key message to
community for reduce potentiality spreading Covid-19 at camp level.

2. World Vision engaged with capacity building of Community leader, Model mother, Burmis LC teacher,
Children, wash committee, target beneficiary etc. for quicker spreading awareness & precaution key
message to community about Covid-19. Door to door HH visit session & awareness session (not more
than 5 persons with maintain 1m distance from individual) on Covid-19 by World vision Hygiene
promotion staff/volunteer for best understanding of Covid-19 by community.
community leader capacity building on Covid-19 Children’s capacity building on Covid-19 with laughter and play

Burmis LC teacher capacity building on Covid-19 Model mother sharing precaution key message about Covid-19

1. All beneficiary appreciates Covid-19 response from WaSH sector of World vision, they already practice
and maintain all precaution measure that provide by world vision.
2. group based beneficiary selection for capacity building is much good for spreading key message for
covid-19 and hygiene practice info to community.
Plan & Update:
1. further period if the situation gets worst then if World Vision staff is not accessible to camp already, we
prepared Volunteers, community leaders, Wash committee, Model mother, LC teacher they will take
door to door visit awareness session.
2. For further critical period make 2 volunteers as focal person for from each block for send us all picture
and report within proper time.

Reported By:
Md. Ibrahim
Hygiene officer

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