Mentor pp2 Report

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WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY Professional Practice Il U Secondary Program Report [ Preservice Teachers name | En Athur ] Sudent ib Tac5aa15 — | ‘Curriculumiteaching area ‘Music ‘Dates:12-10-2020 to 20-11-2020 30 days: Scho — N° of placement 202 ‘SUMMARY COMMENTS by the SUPERVISING TEACHER Ms Arthur has demonstrated over the last six weeks that she is a committed and passionate music educator. She has exceeded expectations in all relevant elements of the Australian Professional Standards of Teachers. OVERALL ASSESSMENT D unsatisfactory SATISFACTORY: The Preserve Teacherhas passed and me! the expected standard in most of the relevant elements as desorbed by the NSW instiute of Teachers for this stage oftheir prcessional learning. Where a Pe-serice Teacher’ wok is considered outstanding wel above average, his judgment should be reflected in he summary comments UNSATISFACTORY: The Pre service Teacher has fled his Pofessioral Exporence unt and has not demonstrated al of he relevant cements as desoved bythe NSW institute of Teachers. The Supersing Teacher, Professional Experience Cooeinalor and Principal ‘2 0 he opinion that the Pre-Service Teacher requires an addlion Professioral Experience t attempt io demonstrate sastactry ‘competence as a graduate teacher No Preservice Teacher should receive an Unsatisfactory ade without berg placed Al Risk and the Commitee of Advice beng convened. Tis grade may be recommended on ONE or moe of he folowing grounds: + Performance Defeiences ie ale to exit one indicated forthe parteularPrfessicnai Experience unit + Witharaning from Professional Expenence ~uniess a Withdrawal Without Penal is awarded, + Nor-Academic Meconduct, Supervising Teacher's Name [NINN ionature: | <= ate: 20.11.20. Pre-service Teacher's Signature ELC Date: 20/1/20 Pre-senice Teachers ato be assessed by he Supervising Teacher against he relevant Graduate Teacher Standards that xe applicable to Professional Experience Il as ether NO ~ Not demonstrated; D — Demonstrated; E — Exceeds expectations. Elaborate on the Pre- service Teacher’ professional practice inthe Comment secon. If Standards are not abl tobe demonstrated pease provide an explanation in re aporopite Comments section. standards are not relevant pease inst NA’

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