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Keyword: help with coursework

Title: 7 Definitive Habits Students Should Inculcate to Score Like a Topper

Over the last decade, the level of competition has increased beyond reproach. Students are

putting their heart and soul to win the rat race with flying colours. But is everyone successful?

The answer would be no. With additional help with coursework, they still struggle to reach

their goal.

Most students fail in a race like this because they don't have a proper plan. This article will

discuss a few study habits of toppers to help with your coursework and exam preparation. Read


1. Start with your preparation early:

The first key to success is by starting early. An early head-start will allow you the time to give

your 100% focus to your studies without any stress of meeting the deadline. Although we often

say that it's never too late to start, an early runner is always beneficial for your exam preparation.

2. Effective planning to tackle your task:

Most experts believe when you fail to plan your work, you fail to complete it. Plan your regular

studies so that you can gauge your progress. If a mental note of what you’ve to do isn’t good

enough, make a planner and keep all the means of deviation at bay.
3. Develop your time management skills:

You must, we repeat, you must have a clear picture of what you want to achieve and by when

you want to do it. Sit with your calendar, mark the number of days you've in hand, and divide

your subjects accordingly. Keep track of your regular activities so that you can curtail the

unproductive hours.

4. Be disciplined with your routine:

Before you start with your studies, you must train your mind to push its limit. No matter how

difficult or monotonous it feels, discipline yourself. Stick to your routine and attend your classes

regularly. Irregularities and absenteeism are two traits that toppers don't possess. Do away with

the temptation of bunking classes for a shopping spree with friends.

5. Focus on understanding than blindly memorising:

The habit of mugging concepts and answers won’t take you a long way. Instead of spending

hours trying to memorise the entire text, devote that time and energy to understand the material.

Remember, you won't get the same question every year. If you want to score like a topper, do

what a topper does – understand what you study.

6. Appear for mock exams:

Exam simulation is a crucial part of a topper’s preparation. Use past year question papers and try

to solve them within the set time. Mock test papers will help you prepare for the test and put you

into the practice of writing and completing the paper on time.

7. Don’t doubt your abilities:

Confidence is the key to success. Don’t let nervousness get the better of you and ruin your

academic performance. A little anxiety is a good thing – but you must know when to control it.

Have the confidence to tell yourself that you've got what it takes to crack an exam and score like

other toppers.

Remember, nobody is born a topper, but with constant hard work and self-improvement, every

student can become one. Be sincere with your studies and work hard and you will get golden


Summary: Most university students fail to maintain a healthy balance between their studies and

social life due to their procrastination habit, which results in low grades. Read on to learn how to

score high grades and stay ahead of your classmates.

Author bio: Jack Dawson is a senior academician and a guest lecturer at an elite college in the

UK. He is also associated with, where he helps students with their

coursework. Jack is also a passionate cook and loves to have cook-offs with his teenage twins,

Paula and Eliot.

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