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Quenie R. De la Cruz September 23, 2020

Entrepreneurial Management Prof. Sisa F. Formento
FM3 Blk 4

Activity 1.
Below are some of the few definitions of entrepreneurship. Place a check mark in front of
the definition that comes closest to your own meaning of entrepreneurship.
_____ 1. “An economic term describing the process of bearing the risk of buying at certain
prices and selling at uncertain prices.
___/__ 2. “The concept of bringing together the factors of production”
___/__ 3. “A process involving innovation: bringing market innovation, product innovation, factor
innovation, and even organizational innovation to the world of business”
___/__ 4. The action of organizing a business venture and assuming the risk for it.”
___/__ 5. “The assumption of risk and responsibility of designing and implementing a business
strategy or starting a business.”

Based on the readings above, write down your top 5 favorite reasons that you think
leads a person to start his own business. If you think you have a very good reason other than
what were given you may also write it.
Ran Reasons for becoming an entrepreneur
1. Contributing something larger than yourself.
2. The motivation and discipline to be hardest- working version of myself
3. The possibilities are endless
4. Is the ability to create something from nothing.
5. Because there is always something that I can do to improve.

Learning Activity:
Answer the following questions:
1. According to this article, what are some of the ways entrepreneurship promotes a
nation’s economic health?
Ans. Entrepreneurship helps to create jobs, create more opportunities for many
individuals, producing more products, innovate, and research develop that yearn for
more job and business opportunities in the economy. That countries with high in
entrepreneurial activity had a high growth rates rather than countries with lower
entrepreneurial rates.
2. What evidence does the writer of this article give to prove entrepreneurs make a positive
contribution to a nation’s economy?
Ans. Entrepreneurs creating wealth for many individuals seeking business
opportunities, also by the innovation and research and development that all of the
inventions of entrepreneurs can improve the economy because they can provide better
ways of doing tasks, and can also lead to new business.

3. The reading above does not have conclusion. Provide one by writing a paragraph of at
least 3-4 sentences.
Ans. Therefore it clearly stated that entrepreneurship had a big help in the
economic health, not only by providing more job and business opportunities but also in
terms of paying taxes. Because business entities are one of the major source of
economic wealth by means of paying their taxes. Entrepreneurship also creates product
that has essential to everyone.

Guide Questions
1. Should Danielle stop operating her restaurant?
Ans. For me I would not stop operating the restaurant, her business was in peak of
being success. Having the hard time in relationship with her husband together in
managing her business was normal, because there were just adjusting.
2. If you were Danielle, what additional information would you need before making a
Ans. If were Danielle, I will think thoroughly, my business is in a stable condition, its
boosting as time went by. Maybe pursuing her plan before her mother in-law died,
branching out restaurant in Romblon was good idea. It give her more time to be with
her husband and more opportunities for her new restaurant branch in Romblon.

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