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Lesson Plan in English VI

I. Objectives
At the end of lesson 85% of the students expected to:
a. Cognitive: Correct the misspelled spelling in the story
b. Affective: Appreciate and value the importance of spelling
c. Psychomotor: Participate in the spelling rely group activity
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Spelling
Materials: Cartolina, marker, and printed worksheets
Strategy: Spelling Bee and Spelling rely
III. Learning Resources

IV. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities
1. Preliminaries  Prayers - Prayers
 Greetings - Greetings
 Checking of attendance - Say present if the name is called

2. Energizer  The student will do the - The students will perform the
action song “There was a action song

3. Motivation  The teacher will instruct the - The student will spell the words
students to get a ¼ sheet of
paper to have spelling bee. in their ¼ sheet of paper.
Number the paper from 1-5.
 The spelling words are :
1. me e t i n g
2. simplest
3. ascending
4. d i s cu s s e d
5. c o n sci e n c e
4. Introducing of  Introduces the learning - The learners will read the
Learning objectives to the students objectives
5. Discussion  Defined spelling - Spelling is the ability to arrange
letters in the correct order to
make words that are
communally understood.
Spelling is considered one
aspect of literacy (reading,
writing and spelling).
- Good spelling facilitates
 Importance of spelling communication. By following the
same rules for spelling words,
we can all understand the text
we read
- Good spelling avoids confusion.
If you write with intent and
proper spelling, the receiver of
that text will understand it.
- We can’t rely on computers to
check our spelling.
- Poor spelling distracts the
reader and they lose focus. It’s
hard to read a text for
comprehension when it’s full of
spelling errors.
- When you have people read
something you’ve written and
that text is full of spelling errors,
it does not leave a good
impression. We should care
about the fundamental part good
spelling plays in our language.
- The students will listen to the
discussion and write down
 The teacher will ask the notes.
students why learning - The students answer may vary.
spelling is important.
 The teacher will ask how to
appreciate and value
6. Generalization  The class will be divided into - The students form a group, they
two groups, they will stand in will participate and perform the
line. They will be having a activity.
spelling relay where in the
teacher will give a word then
the first student in the line
will give the first letter then
the next student will give the
second letter and so on and
so forth until they finish the
given word correctly. Each
group will have different
word to spell, the score will
be the best of three.
V. Evaluation
Read the short story below. Find the twenty misspelled words and circle them.
Then, on the numbered lines, write the correct spelling for each circled word on


T he Mice once called a m et in g t o d ecide
on a pl an t o f ree t hemself es of t heir enimy,
t he Cat . At least t hey weshed t o f ind some
way of k nowing when she w as coming, so
t hey might hav e t ime t o run away. Indeed,
somet hing had t o be done, f or t hey liv ed in such ca nst ant fear of her
clawns t hat t hey hardly dared st e r f rom t heir dens by night or day.

Man y plans were discuc sed, but none of t hem was t hought good
enough. At last a v ery young Moo se got up and said:
"I hav e a plan t hat seems v ery si mple, but I k now it will be
sucs essf ul.

All we hav e t o do is t o hang a bell a bout t he Ca t 's nick . W hen we

hear t he bi ll renging we wil l k now imn ediat el y t hat our enemy is
coming. "

All t he Mice were much so rprised t hat t hey had not t hought of suc h
a plan bi f ore. But in t he midct of t he r ejeicing ov er t heir good f u rt une,
an old Mouse arose and said:

"I will say t hat t he plan of t he young Mouse is v ery good. But let me
ask one qo est ion: W ho will bell t he Cat ?"

It is one thing to say that something should be done, but quite a different matter to do it.

1. _______________ 11. _______________

2. _______________ 12. _______________
3. _______________ 13. _______________
4. _______________ 14. _______________
5. _______________ 15. _______________
6. _______________ 16. _______________
7. _______________ 17. _______________
8. _______________ 18. _______________
9. _______________ 19. _______________
10. _______________ 20. _______________

VI. Assignment
Using the answers from the story, find its meaning in a dictionary and then use it
in a sentence. Write your answer on 1 whole sheet of paper.

Prepared by: Namayca Vea V. Cataluña


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