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Soran University - Faculty of Engineering

1st Attempt
Civil Engineering Department ]ATTEMPT
Module Title: critical reading and writing Name of Student:

Module Leader:-Hakeem Hassan Zahim ihsan faysal

Date of Final Assessment:6/7/2020

Date and Time for Report Uploading: 6/7/2020 8;11Pm

Present Simple and Present Continue

8 July 2020

Second Semester – First Year

S EMESTER II FINAL Assessment [2019-2020]
1 - Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................3

2- Simple present tense ...............................................................................................................................4

2.1- The structure of present simple: - (Englishstudy, GrammarStructure of Simple Present Tense)............4

A)- POSITIVE FORMS (+) .................................................................................................................4

B)- NIGATIVE FORMS (-) (Riveros, Nov 2, 2014)............................................................................5

C)- QUESTION FORMS (?) ................................................................................................................5

D)- SHORT ANSWER FORMS (+ / –) WITH DO & DOES.................................................................5

E)- OPEN QUESTION.............................................................................................................................5

3- Present continue tense .............................................................................................................................6

3.1- The Structures of Present Continuous/Progressive Tense (Englishstudy, Structure of Present

Continuous Tense) ..................................................................................................................................7

A)- POSITIVE FORM (+): ..................................................................................................................7

B)- NEGATIVE FORM (-): ................................................................................................................7

C) QUESTION FORM (?): ..................................................................................................................7

D) SHORT ANSWER FORM (+ / –):..................................................................................................7

E)- WH- QUESTIONS PRESENT CONTINUOUS: - (YOURDICTIONARY) .....................................7

4- Discussion ..............................................................................................................................................8

1)- Paragraph ..........................................................................................................................................8

about the advantages of this present simple and present continue in English grammar and how does the use
of this types of present he lp you to be able to better communicate in English language. .............................8

2) personal latter .....................................................................................................................................9

5- Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 10

6; -References........................................................................................................................................... 10

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S EMESTER II FINAL Assessment [2019-2020]
1 - Introduction

In English we have a variety of times and tasks that are used to determine the time of the event, but sometimes

the time and work of the event needs to be accurately determined. In which the event occurs. Which may be

the time of the event, past or present, or the future. So it depends on the grammar to determine the type of event

and the time and place of the event. In linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules governing the

composition of clauses, phrases and words in a natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules

and this field includes phonology, morphology and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, semantics and

pragmatics. And People associate grammar with errors and correctness. But knowing about grammar also helps

us understand what makes sentences and paragraphs clear and interesting and precise. And "Grammar is

important because it is the language that makes it possible for us to talk about language. "Grammar is the

structural foundation of our ability to express ourselves. And Grammar has a variety of concepts, rules, and

ideas. One of those concepts is present tense, which Present tense is the form of language used to refer to an

event, transaction, or occurrence which is happening now (at the present time), or an object that currently

exists. Compare with past tense, which is the form of language used to refer to an event, transaction, or

occurrence that did happen or has happened, or an object that existed, at a point in time before now; or with

future tense, an event, transaction or occurrence that has not yet happened, is expected to happen in the future,

or might never happen. And present tense contains both the concept of Present Simple and Present continue.

Both of them are created with a set of rules, and regulations, used in the way of speech. Both play an important

role in determining the time and place of the event. There are also two important principles in grammar that

are widely used.

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S EMESTER II FINAL Assessment [2019-2020]
2- Simple present tense

The simple present tense is one of several forms of present tense in English. It is used to describe habits,

unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements. The

simple present tense is simple to form. Just use the base form of the

verb: (I take, you take, we take, they take) The 3rd person singular takes an -s at the end. (he takes, she takes)

The simple present tense is used: To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations,

emotions and wishes: I smoke (habit); I work in London (unchanging situation); London is a large city (general

truth) To give instructions or directions: You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left. To express fixed

arrangements, present or future: Your exam starts at 09.00 To express future time, after some conjunctions :

after, when, before, as soon as, until: He'll give it to you when you come next Saturday.

2.1- The structure of present simple: - (Englishstudy, GrammarStructure of Simple Present

1: - We form the present simple using the verb in the infinitive form (the root form of the verb)
[ subject + infinitive verb + complement ]
Ex: - I write report, you live in a house , Sara sleep every morning.

2)- in the 3rd singular person (he, she, it) we add [–S] at the end of the verb.
Ex: - she drinks coffee , Brwa reads the newspaper

3)- for verbs that end in O--CH--SH—SS--X--Z we add –ES

Ex: - azad does the homework, Alan washes the dashes

4)- for verbs that end in a consonant + Y we replace the Y with –IES (carry-carries),(worry-worries)
Ex: - zahim studies engineer. The bird flies very high

5)- for verbs that end in a vowel+Y we just add –S (Play-plays), (buy-buys)
Ex: - amanj enjoy reading very much, she buys flower to decorate the house.

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S EMESTER II FINAL Assessment [2019-2020]
B)- NIGATIVE FORMS (-) (Riveros, Nov 2, 2014)
We use the auxiliary verb Don’t or Doesn’t with all verbs, expect To Be and Modal verbs (can, will, etc.)
[Subject + don’t/doesn’t + inf. verb + complement]
Ex: - I don’t speak Chinese , akam doesn’t eat oranges


We use Do-Does to ask question in simple present [do/does + subject + inf. verb + complement]
Ex: - do you speak Chinese, does she drink water?


In direct questions that use Do and does it’s possible to give short answer
[YES / NO + Subject ( I, You, We, They )+ do / do not (don’t)]
Affirmative negative
Ex: - does she have a car? Yes, she does no, she doesn’t


[Wh word + do/does + subject + inf. verb+ complement]
Ex:- where do live, what do you do in your free time?

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S EMESTER II FINAL Assessment [2019-2020]
3- Present continue tense

The present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing

action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. The present continuous can

also be used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future (, 2020). Present

Continuous Infographic Present Uses 1: First, we use the present

continuous for things that are happening at the moment of

speaking. These things usually last for quite a short time and they

are not finished when we are talking about them. I'm working at the moment. Please call back as we are eating

dinner now. Julie is sleeping. 2: We can also use this tense for other kinds of temporary situations, even if the

action isn't happening at this moment. John's working in a bar until he finds a job in his field. (He might not

be working now.) I'm reading a really great book. She's staying with her friend for a week. Compare this with

the present simple, which is used for permanent situations that we feel will continue for a long time. I work in

a school. (I think this is a permanent situation.) I'm working in a school. (I think this is a temporary situation.)

3: We can use the present continuous for temporary or new habits (for normal habits that continue for a long

time, we use the present simple). We often use this with expressions like 'these days' or 'at the moment'. He's

eating a lot these days. She's swimming every morning (she didn't use to do this). You're smoking too much.

4: Another present continuous use is for habits that are not regular, but that happen very often. In this case we

usually use an adverb like 'always', 'forever' or 'constantly'. Often, we use the present continuous in this way

to talk about an annoying habit. You're forever losing your keys! She's constantly missing the train. Lucy's

always smiling! Future Uses 5: The next use is for definite future arrangements (with a future time word). In

this case we have already made a plan and we are pretty sure that the event will happen in the future. I'm meeti

ng my father tomorrow. We're going to the beach at the

weekend. I'm leaving at three. We can't use this tense (or any

other continuous tense) with stative verb.

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S EMESTER II FINAL Assessment [2019-2020]

3.1- The Structures of Present Continuous/Progressive Tense (Englishstudy, Structure of Present Continuous
To form the present continuous, we use the am / is / are form of the verb "to be" plus the infinitive of the verb
plus an -ing ending. The form is the same for each subject [Subject + BE (am / is / are) + Verb-ING]

Ex: - We are visiting the museum in the afternoon.,

ahmad is talking to his friend, Look! A car is coming


Subject + BE ( am / is / are ) + NOT + Verb-ING

To make the tense negative add "not" before the verb + -ing.

Ex: - You are not watching the movie. They are not reading today's newspaper.


BE (am / is / are) + Subject + Verb-ING + ? Present continuous tense can be used in questions as well

Ex: - Are they listening to the teacher? , Are you going?


YES / NO + Subject + BE / BE NOT Affirmative negative

Ex: - Is he working now? yes, he's working now. No, he is not working


Question + am/is/are + subject + inf. verb + -ing +?

Ex: - What’s the policeman saying? , Where is he going?

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S EMESTER II FINAL Assessment [2019-2020]
4- Discussion

1)- Paragraph

about the advantages of this present simple and present continue in English grammar and how does
the use of this types of present help you to be able to better communicate in English language.

……………………………..No matter where we are or what language we speak, sometimes we have trouble

communicating. Communication is a connection between people sharing information with each other. It’s

important in everyday life, at work and nearly any time you interact with other people. Communication issues

don’t always happen because of your English level. The truth is, you can know how to speak English without

knowing how to communicate in English. What’s the difference? Read on to find out—and learn how to fix

the most basic communication errors! Simple present tense is used to describe an action or event that is usual

or repetitive, happening now, for scheduled events in the near future or for facts or generalizations. I write

books. I am writing a book. My book is published tomorrow. My book is awesome. Present Continuous Present

continuous tense is used to describe something that is happening now. This includes longer actions that are in

progress. I am learning how to write a book. In conclusion, we came to that present simple and present

continues are incredibly important to communicate in daily English.

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S EMESTER II FINAL Assessment [2019-2020]

2) personal latter

shwarash. kawrgosk
Erbil .44001
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Dear, Mustafa

……………………How are you? And how is your health? How are you doing? I hope that your family is

healthy and happy. Do you continue your studies at school? And I'm sorry, for a few months, I haven't sent

you a letter. But I hope you are well. And I want to talk to you about a few important issues ،But I want to

know. Are you continuing your studies? Or you are working. Insha’Allah you have not dropped out of

school،you know I had a problem, choosing a college that was simple and easy or hard! Last year I was able

to get a high score in the final stages of high school. Therefore, I was hesitant and anxious throughout the

summer holidays. In the selection of the best college, which combines with my abilities .But I didn’t know if

I would choose a simple or heavy college .Because I wanted to keep going until the end, and I don’t give up.

So I decided to choose an engineering college. At the moment. I am a student of the College of Civil

Engineering. And Mr. Mustafa. I have a good feeling soon because I was able to find that college. Which is

compatible with the capabilities, And I have good friends at the College of Engineering who help me a lot with

lectures, assignment and jobs. And sometimes I do business. And I have special plans as to how I can handle

my lessons easily and simply. Because a lot of our lessons are difficult, they take more time to organize. So I

try to keep going until the end.

Finally thank you Mr. Mustafa for your help. You really played a big role in my development I hope one day

you can visit my college. See things up close and always, be in good health. And I hope you are well. Please

give me regard to your family, I look forward to hearing from you soon

Take care

Zahim ihsan

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S EMESTER II FINAL Assessment [2019-2020]
5- Conclusion

As a result, understanding both present simple and present continue (non-past) concepts helps us to deal with

the problems that we face directly and indirectly, In the way they talk and discussion, communication. And

understanding the grammar of simple and continuous grammar helps us in the way we speak. That is how the

words are expressed in an orderly manner to the person in front of us. And the rules and structures of the present

simple and continue. They play an important role in identifying individuals(singular) and groups(plural). That's

why Both in terms of grammar, and in terms of use, simple and present continue play an important role in

improving the way you speak and determining when a task occurs

6; -References ( 2020). present contioue.

Englishstudy. (n.d.). GrammarStructure of Simple Present Tense.

Englishstudy. (n.d.). Structure of Present Continuous Tense


Riveros, A. ( Nov 2, 2014). Simple present structure. Education.

YOURDICTIONARY. (n.d.). Present Continuous Tense

Free English Lesson: When to use the present continuous tense


What Is the Historical Present (Verb Tense) in English? 24, 2019

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