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At this point our team leaders were at loss as to what path we should go down

when it came to the type of action learning project we would focus on to ensure a

school change would be achieved. This is where we divided as a team, as some

members wanted to focus on creating protocols for community connections in

learning, with consideration of future learning disruptions such as the current

pandemic. Other team members wanted to focus on a student-centred pedagogy

such as PBL and how to create community connections through a classroom based

project. Our one mistake was trying to figure out a problem and solution without

selecting a school and seeing what action they would benefit from. I suggested to the

group that we focus on the school I was currently working at.

We had to work collaboratively to think of what we as first year teachers would

support when it came to involving community connections in the classroom. When

collecting data from the school, we found that they run a Stage 4 class solemnly

based on PBL. We all agreed to focus on creating community connections within a

PBL setting, and coming up with some sort of step by step script on how to connect

with and maintain community connection to enhance future focused learning.

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