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2020‐ シ

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を あ
破 る
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実用英語技能検定 ま
主催:公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会 せ
後援:文部科学省 ん
2020 年 5 月 31 日(日)実施

試験時間 筆
筆記試験(90分) 記

9分) 具
注意事項 な
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A1­ 1 5­ 1 0 5 9 A
Grade Pre-1
Start from the next page.

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) !2! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among
1 the four choices. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and mark your answer.

(1) John’s stomachache was quite mild at first, but soon the pain became so
( ) that his wife decided to drive him to the hospital.
1 deficient 2 acute 3 lame 4 juvenile

(2) ( ) among factory workers has grown since management refused to

consider their demand for a pay raise. It is thought that a strike will be organized
1 Innocence 2 Portrayal 3 Discontent 4 Prevalence

(3) The pianist ( ) elements of jazz and rock into her music. Some critics
believe she combines the two genres better than anyone else.
1 integrates 2 pledges 3 grumbles 4 snores

(4) Miranda apologized for being late and explained to the client that she had been
( ) in a meeting.
1 agitated 2 condemned 3 detained 4 deprived

(5) A: Why did you and Anne break up?

B: We just weren’t ( ). Our characters were completely different, and
we had hardly any interests in common.
1 permissible 2 compatible 3 allowable 4 expendable

(6) People say Jerry is a ( ) because he often talks about the importance of
going to church but rarely attends himself.
1 hypocrite 2 phenomenon 3 beggar 4 sequence

(7) The belief that world peace can be achieved is considered by many people to be
too ( ) as nations will always be in conflict over one issue or another.
1 punctual 2 evident 3 authentic 4 idealistic

(8) The young explorer’s trek through the jungle was very dangerous. Everybody
praised her ( ) in choosing to make such a journey.
1 suspension 2 insightfulness 3 deadlock 4 daring

(9) Jim waited to begin repairs on the fan until the movement of the blades
( ) completely. He knew they could cause injury even when they were
moving slowly.
1 transferred 2 ceased 3 conquered 4 accommodated
2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) !3! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

( 10 ) Blake was happy that his cousin Natalie was living with his family, but he
sometimes ( ) it when his parents were stricter with him than they were
with her.
1 resented 2 implied 3 alternated 4 dislocated

( 11 ) Although the novel was based on real historical events, most of the characters
in it were ( ).
1 aimless 2 cooperative 3 superstitious 4 fictitious

( 12 ) A: Any news about why our car won’t start, Vic?

B: The mechanic said the engine needs a complete ( ). I think we
should buy a new car rather than spend so much on fixing it.
1 overhaul 2 blueprint 3 probation 4 apparatus

( 13 ) Many ( ) have been complaining about the crowded conditions they

experience in state prisons. They say this situation is negatively affecting their
mental health.
1 orphans 2 comrades 3 victors 4 inmates

( 14 ) Despite seeming ( ) throughout her speech, Farrah was actually

incredibly nervous.
1 composed 2 ambitious 3 influential 4 analytical

( 15 ) The new employee ( ) everyone by complaining all the time and

talking loudly on his private phone during work hours. Eventually, he was fired.
1 enriched 2 laundered 3 irritated 4 chopped

( 16 ) After his shower, Yannis used a towel to wipe the ( ) off the bathroom
mirror so he could see his reflection.
1 equation 2 condensation 3 personnel 4 armor

( 17 ) Len often makes his classmates laugh by ( ) their teacher. He can

make his voice sound exactly like hers.
1 mimicking 2 encircling 3 blasting 4 undoing

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) !4! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

( 18 ) Following a lengthy conflict with neighboring nations, the country entered a

( ) period in which it enjoyed decades of peace and harmony.
1 rigid 2 tranquil 3 shameful 4 wholesale

( 19 ) After losing money for over five years, the bookstore finally went ( ).
It could no longer compete with the rising popularity of online stores.
1 bankrupt 2 shady 3 damp 4 clerical

( 20 ) Any complaints by employees can be made ( ) in order to protect their

1 gravely 2 suspiciously 3 anonymously 4 comparatively

( 21 ) Local people have ( ) the town council to put up a stoplight at a corner

where there are a lot of accidents. They collected over 900 signatures.
1 catered 2 disguised 3 headlined 4 petitioned

( 22 ) The marketing team ( ) some rough ideas until they had one that they
were happy with. Then, they called in the manager and presented it to her.
1 kicked around 2 dropped off
3 buckled up 4 piled on

( 23 ) A: I’m sorry I had to end our lesson early yesterday, Greg. Do you remember
where we ( )?
B: Yes, we were doing the questions on page 8 of the textbook.
1 geared up 2 left off 3 locked on 4 brought about

( 24 ) A: Here’s the report you asked me to write, Mr. Davis. Sorry it’s late.
B: Finally! I was beginning to think you might not finish it, but I’m glad you
eventually ( ).
1 let out 2 backed down
3 came through 4 dragged on

( 25 ) When Richard fell seriously ill, his friends all ( ) to help pay for his
healthcare costs. He was very grateful to them.
1 chipped in 2 slipped up 3 nodded off 4 crossed over

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) !5! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

Read each passage and choose the best word or phrase from
2 among the four choices for each blank. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the question and mark your answer.

Tear­Drinking Moths
Insects called moths are known to drink the tears of certain reptiles and
mammals. To do this, the moth inserts a long, tubelike mouthpart called a
proboscis, similar to a straw, into an animal’s eye. ( 26 ) the moth’s
behavior. The insects obtain much of their nourishment from plant nectar, and this
provides the energy needed for flight and reproduction. Tears, however, contain
salt, a crucial nutrient that is not present in nectar and is difficult for moths to
obtain otherwise.
Ecologist Leandro Moraes recently observed a species of moth drinking the
tears of a sleeping bird in the Amazon. Though rarely seen before, this was not
particularly surprising, because the tears of nearly every animal have salt in them.
However, the part of the Amazon where the behavior was spotted often becomes
flooded, and water takes in large amounts of salt from the soil. ( 27 ), it is
common for a moth to insert its proboscis directly into puddles of dirty water in
an act known as “mud­puddling.” What puzzled Moraes was the question of why
the moth would consume tears instead of just drinking salty water.
It turns out tears provide something else moths require: protein. In fact, the
fluid has been found to contain up to 200 times more protein than sweat does.
Moraes also suggests that changes in the seasonal availability of resources could
be leading the moth to consume tears. Depending on the time of year and
location, flooded ground dries up after the water flows away, taking the salt with
it. Consuming tears could be one way the moth ( 28 ).

( 26 ) 1 It is sometimes possible to change

2 There is a clear reason for
3 Both creatures benefit from
4 There is also a disadvantage to

( 27 ) 1 In exchange 2 Nevertheless
3 Even then 4 Because of this

( 28 ) 1 deals with this temporary loss 2 avoids harmful substances

3 is able to survive without protein 4 escapes from various dangers

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) !6! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

Bedless Hospitals
In the United States, there is a growing trend toward moving patient care
outside of the traditional hospital setting. An increasing number of hospitals are
therefore being designed without overnight­stay facilities. In­hospital care for
patients is often extremely costly. ( 29 ), patients staying in hospitals after
treatment or surgery are at greater risk of infection than patients who return home.
Dr. Akram Boutros, the CEO of a nonprofit healthcare provider in Cleveland,
Ohio, says this new trend allows people to “go home to a less­risky environment,
where they tend to get better faster.”
Originally, keeping patients in hospital beds overnight or longer was meant to
prevent diseases from spreading to the outside population. However, lifestyle
diseases, such as diabetes, have overtaken infectious diseases to become the most
significant threat to human health. Therefore, many healthcare professionals
believe hospital beds ( 30 ). In fact, for many modern­day health issues,
lengthy periods of bed rest can actually worsen patients’ condition.
Some critics, however, worry the shift toward “bedless” hospitals
( 31 ). Certainly, the new hospitals offer more overall convenience to
patients, who otherwise would have had to put their lives on hold while
recovering in a hospital. Nevertheless, Harold Miller of the Center for Healthcare
Quality and Payment Reform says that “the untold story is what’s happening to all
of those patients who do still need to be in the hospital.” He worries the new
facilities could take valuable resources away from people requiring more­complex
treatments. Despite this, it seems the bedless hospital is here to stay, as more
facilities are springing up steadily across the United States.

( 29 ) 1 In other words 2 What is more

3 Consequently 4 Otherwise

( 30 ) 1 will probably not disappear

2 need design improvements
3 are often unnecessary
4 were introduced for patients’ comfort

( 31 ) 1 is not a benefit for everyone 2 goes against most patients’ wishes

3 will add to doctors’ stress 4 could create confusion for patients
2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) !7! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Read each passage and choose the best answer from among the
3 four choices for each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the
number of the question and mark your answer.

Seagrasses, flowering plants that live in shallow coastal waters, are under threat
worldwide. Areas where these plants grow play an essential role as nurseries for young
fish and other sea creatures, providing not only a steady supply of nutrients but also
shelter from hungry predators. Seagrass beds are inhabited by a broad range of species,
making them important fishing grounds for both recreational and commercial operations.
They are declining rapidly, however, because of human activity mainly coastal
development, water pollution, and overfishing. Chemicals and things like soil finding their
way into rivers also contributes to the problem.
The Indonesian part of the Coral Triangle, a huge area with thousands of islands,
contains seagrass beds considered the most biologically diverse in the world. But research
has shown these have been significantly damaged since 2013. Leanne Cullen­Unsworth of
the United Kingdom’s Cardiff University calls this a “tragedy of the seagrass commons”
a reference to an economic problem in which people overuse a shared resource,
thinking only of their own short­term benefit and ultimately causing its destruction.
Seagrass beds in Indonesia, she says, are often overlooked by conservationists, so they
are poorly monitored. Their loss threatens the livelihood of millions of people in the
surrounding area as the fish these people rely on for food and income become scarce. It
could also reduce the populations of endangered species that live in seagrass beds, such
as sea horses.
Fortunately, efforts are being made in various countries to address the problem. A
local NGO in Sulawesi, Indonesia, has launched a tree­planting project alongside rivers in
order to block harmful soil and rocks from falling into them and eventually ending up in
seagrass beds. In Denmark, work has been done to improve coastal water quality by
reducing agricultural pollution from fertilizer, significantly improving the condition of
seagrass beds. Undoubtedly, however, additional measures to reverse seagrass destruction
are still necessary.

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) !8! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

( 32 ) According to the author of the passage, one benefit of seagrasses is that they
1 help push chemicals and soil that have been carried by rivers into the ocean
farther away from the coast.
2 contribute to the fishing industry by cleaning the water, thereby making it
safer to eat locally caught fish.
3 offer a protected, nutrient­rich environment where the young of many
marine species can grow.
4 grow more quickly than other plants, which makes them important for the
survival of most marine animals.

( 33 ) What does Leanne Cullen­Unsworth see as the main problem facing the
seagrass beds in Indonesia?
1 The loss of jobs in other industries is forcing local people to overfish the
seagrass beds so they can support their families.
2 The struggle to have the seagrass beds made into conservation areas has
done more harm than good.
3 Various people who use the seagrass beds selfishly are destroying them by
not considering their overall importance.
4 Their extremely isolated location has made it difficult for scientists to study

( 34 ) What is one solution that has been introduced to help restore seagrass beds?
1 Coastal seagrass beds are being moved closer to rivers that have lower
amounts of harmful waste.
2 Local organizations have begun projects to reduce land development along
coastal areas and riverbanks.
3 The use of an agricultural chemical that has beneficial effects on seagrass
growth has been introduced in certain areas.
4 Trees are being used to prevent soil and rocks from entering rivers and
damaging seagrass environments.

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) !9! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

Risk in Childhood Development

Every year on playgrounds in the United States, about 200,000 children suffer
injuries severe enough to require a hospital visit. Most are caused by falls from, or
forceful contact with, playground equipment. Organizations like Safe Kids Worldwide are
working to minimize the dangers children encounter in play spaces. At their urging, wood
and steel equipment is being replaced with plastic and rubber structures, and the ground
underneath it is covered with sand, shredded rubber, or other materials that cushion
impacts. Both the play environment and playtime have also become more structured and
supervised, with some places introducing laws barring children from playing in parks
On the other hand, some parents, teachers, and scientists view a certain amount of
risk in playgrounds and other spaces as being healthier for children’s long­term
development than sheltering them from injury is. Nga Nguyen, a biologist who studies
primates at California State University, Fullerton, asserts that risk in play environments
“is a vital part of our animal/primate heritage. It is through our engagement with risk . . .
that we learn how to use our bodies safely to interact with the physical and social
challenges in the environment.”
Proponents of a growing worldwide movement to introduce higher levels of risk
back into children’s playtime hope this change will counter the tendency toward
overprotecting children. They promote spaces like “adventure playgrounds,” which
encourage potentially hazardous activities such as building campfires or constructing
things with bricks. Some schools are even making workbenches, complete with hammers
and saws, available to children. Those who support such changes argue risk is necessary
for healthy childhood development, since it involves facing challenges, problem­solving,
decision­making, pushing limits, and building self­esteem and courage.
These factors are also behind the growing “free­range parenting” movement in the
United States, which supports giving children greater independence by encouraging them
to walk and ride public transportation alone, spend more time outside, and pursue their
own interests. The trend drew public attention some years ago when a family in the state
of Maryland was investigated for child neglect because the parents had allowed their kids,
then aged six and ten, to walk 1.6 kilometers home from a park by themselves. Though
the charges were ultimately dropped, the case brought awareness to laws restricting
children’s independence. Commenting on this situation, supporters of free­range parenting
say this way of raising children was common for most of the twentieth century, and is
still accepted in many cultures worldwide.

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 10 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

( 35 ) According to the author of the passage, what is one change that has resulted
from the work of groups like Safe Kids Worldwide?
1 New playgrounds that keep children safely on the ground have replaced
some traditional ones.
2 More care is being taken to construct playgrounds from environmentally
friendly materials.
3 Playgrounds are increasingly being moved indoors, where children can be
supervised more easily.
4 Hard playground surfaces are being replaced by others less likely to cause

( 36 ) Based on her statement in the passage, Nga Nguyen would most likely agree
1 playgrounds should be constructed with natural, rather than man­made,
materials to bring children closer to nature.
2 although protecting children may seem important, it can leave them unable
to handle threats they encounter in later life.
3 communities should direct their resources away from playgrounds and
toward teaching children specific physical skills.
4 basing human playgrounds on primate play areas is risky because children’s
bodies are more likely to be injured.

( 37 ) What would “free­range parenting” supporters likely say about the family in
1 It would have been a better choice to have the two children take public
transportation than to let them walk.
2 Laws relating to child safety should not have applied to this case since the
children were in a public park.
3 Child­raising traditions in the parents’ home country should have been
considered by the authorities.
4 There would have been nothing unusual about the parents’ decision if the
incident had taken place in the past.

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 11 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

North Sentinel Island

Uncontacted tribes are communities that live without significant influence from, or
interaction with, the outside world. The most isolated such tribe can be found on North
Sentinel Island, one of the Andaman Islands in the northeastern Indian Ocean. Since the
people’s own name for themselves is unknown, they are called the Sentinelese. The tribe
rejects contact with the outside world, responding to most attempted visits with hostility
they fire arrows at approaching boats, and have killed outsiders who set foot on their
Despite their isolation, some degree of contact with the Sentinelese has occurred in
the past. Centuries ago, slave traders would take Andaman Islanders to sell as slaves. The
British later claimed the islands as a colony, and Indians who had participated in
rebellions against British rule were imprisoned there. The British also kidnapped
Andaman Islanders including some from North Sentinel Island and forced them to
undergo weeks of “education” in British culture and systems before sending them back,
confused and often sick, to their tribe. More recently, combat in the Andaman Islands
during World War II may also have affected the Sentinelese. Such experiences have
almost certainly played a part in shaping their hostile attitude toward outsiders.
In 1967, the Indian government, which officially governs the area, began conducting
anthropologist­led expeditions to North Sentinel Island, offering gifts, such as coconuts, in
attempts to establish peaceful contact. These expeditions continued over the following
decades, but, for the most part, failed to achieve significant, sustained contact. Efforts
were stopped in 1996 after similar attempts to establish contact with the Jarawa tribe, a
group on a nearby island, resulted in many Jarawa dying of infectious diseases, such as
measles. India now follows an “eyes­on and hands­off ” policy with regard to the
Sentinelese, and it has introduced legislation forbidding boats from coming within about 9
kilometers of the island’s shores to protect the tribe from such a fate.
Some scholars disagree with India’s policy, however, believing technological
advances offer significant benefits for uncontacted groups. US anthropologists Robert S.
Walker and Kim R. Hill assert that well­organized, controlled contact, which would
include medical treatment and food, would be better than leaving such groups vulnerable
to accidental and dangerous interactions with outsiders. Walker and Hill believe that since
such harmful interactions are almost guaranteed to occur, isolation is not sustainable in
the long term, and controlled contact is more “humane and ethical.” Once peaceful
contact is established, they say, governments could better protect the groups from outside
Survival International, an international NGO, strongly opposes Walker and Hill’s
view, pointing to terrible outcomes throughout history that resulted from similar
approaches. Violence, alcohol abuse, and disease have destroyed many such tribes and
reduced others to merely a few survivors. Tribes whose lands are protected, however,
carry on living as they have for centuries. The Sentinelese, who have survived for
hundreds of generations as hunter­gatherers, are by all appearances healthy, happy with
their existence, and uninterested in the outside world. Given such a situation, contact with
that world is unlikely to turn out well for them.
2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 12 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

( 38 ) According to the author of the passage, the Sentinelese’s attitude toward

1 did not prevent them from allowing prolonged contact with outsiders in
times of need, such as in the years before 1967.
2 is likely due to fear of the unknown being passed down through
generations, rather than being based on actual contact with other societies.
3 could be a protective strategy the tribe members learned from the British
colonists who attempted to train them to defend themselves.
4 probably developed in response to harm suffered by tribe members because
of the actions of various groups over centuries of history.

( 39 ) Which of the following best describes how the Indian government’s policy
toward the Sentinelese has changed?
1 The consequences of making contact with the Jarawa tribe have convinced
the government to respect the Sentinelese desire to stay isolated.
2 Because the Sentinelese have accepted that they are under Indian authority,
they are allowed to continue with some of their traditional practices.
3 Attempts by anthropologists to visit the Sentinelese are now made only
under the guidance of senior members of the Jarawa tribe.
4 Outsiders are no longer forcefully prevented from visiting North Sentinel
Island, as this could do the Sentinelese more harm than good.

( 40 ) What do Robert S. Walker and Kim R. Hill say about making contact with
isolated tribes?
1 India’s proposal to provide only food and medicine is not a long­term
solution to the problems that such tribes face.
2 Such tribes should be left alone unless it is clear that they are about to
voluntarily attempt to make contact themselves.
3 It is almost impossible to prevent contact between such tribes and outside
societies, so steps should be taken to ensure it happens in a positive way.
4 Since such tribes are fearful of technology, those who make contact with
them should try to conceal their equipment whenever possible.

( 41 ) The organization Survival International would most likely agree with which of
the following statements?
1 The fact that tribes who are in contact with outsiders have benefited greatly
from their knowledge is the only argument for controlled contact.
2 The most certain way to ensure tribes such as the Sentinelese remain
healthy in spite of modern­day threats is to leave them completely alone.
3 Interactions between the Sentinelese and other hunter­gatherers can provide
clues about how we should try to make contact with them.
4 Contact with isolated tribes should not be forced, but rather should happen
naturally so mutual trust and friendly relations can form.
2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 13 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

4 English Composition

● Write an essay on the given TOPIC.

● Use TWO of the POINTS below to support your answer.
● Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion
● Suggested length: 120 150 words
● Write your essay in the space provided on Side B of your answer sheet.
Any writing outside the space will not be graded.

Is it a good idea for local governments to build tourist sites, such as
theme parks and museums?

● Construction costs
● Effect on local people
● Spending by visitors
● The environment

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 14 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 15 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Listening Test

There are three parts to this listening test.

Part 1 Dialogues: 1 question each Multiple-choice

Part 2 Passages: 2 questions each Multiple-choice
Part 3 Real-Life: 1 question each Multiple-choice

※ Listen carefully to the instructions.

Part 1

No. 1 1 Traveling by road is too tiring.

2 People should not travel with pets.
3 Riding on trains is fun for children.
4 The man should stay home this year.

No. 2 1 Wait until Wednesday.

2 Choose another store.
3 Buy a new pair of pants.
4 Pay extra for faster service.

No. 3 1 Come back to the station at 10:15.

2 Wait for traffic conditions to improve.
3 Go to Kentbury by taxi.
4 Check the bus timetable.

No. 4 1 The software she used was out­of­date.

2 The project has not been finished yet.
3 Her boss was unable to help her.
4 She found some errors at the last minute.

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 16 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

No. 5 1 It featured several local universities.

2 It was produced by local students.
3 It attracted many new students.
4 It criticized the woman’s university.

No. 6 1 She has received two invitations for the same day.
2 She would rather attend the retirement party.
3 She has decided to cancel the party.
4 She cannot attend her grandson’s ceremony.

No. 7 1 Extend the visiting hours.

2 Call the woman tomorrow.
3 Contact Victor’s doctor.
4 Check to see if Victor is awake.

No. 8 1 Invest in the domestic market.

2 Buy some of his company’s stock.
3 Make a low­risk investment.
4 Get some advice about investments.

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 17 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Listening Test

No. 9 1 They cannot afford to build the herb garden.

2 The herb garden may require too much effort.
3 They should find a new landscaping service.
4 The dogs have more space than they need.

No. 10 1 They lost their way.

2 They had to take a different route.
3 The weather slowed them down.
4 People kept stopping to take photos.

No. 11 1 The service could have been better.

2 The main dish was tastier than the salad.
3 The menu choices were limited.
4 The lamb was not cooked well enough.

No. 12 1 He has been late for class recently.

2 He did not hand in an assignment.
3 He is struggling with biochemistry.
4 He has been unable to find a tutor.

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 18 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Part 2

(A) No. 13 1 Car sharing was introduced in the city center.

2 Parking lots were replaced with public parks.
3 Only electric cars are allowed in the city.
4 Many public areas are now suitable for walking.

No. 14 1 The local economy has been hurt.

2 A political party has benefited from it.
3 There has been an increase in crime.
4 Fewer babies are being born.

(B) No. 15 1 They cannot remember faces.

2 They are able to remember more words.
3 They tend to invent memories.
4 They recall past events more clearly.

No. 16 1 They feel that time passes more quickly.

2 They can be seriously affected by negative memories.
3 They have trouble forming relationships.
4 They are unable to identify false memories.

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 19 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Listening Test

(C) No. 17 1 They had to donate money to Carthage.

2 They had to dress plainly.
3 They had to serve in the military.
4 They had to leave Rome temporarily.

No. 18 1 He believed women should have more power.

2 He had a negative attitude toward women.
3 He took part in demonstrations.
4 He wanted to be wealthy himself.

(D) No. 19 1 He preferred the British style of acting.

2 He wanted to attend a famous university.
3 He hoped to meet famous British actors.
4 He found it hard to get work in the US.

No. 20 1 His plays had an antislavery message.

2 He worked for the British government.
3 His theater went out of business.
4 He was prevented from performing for royalty.

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 20 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

(E) No. 21 1 The satellite was too expensive to continue using.

2 The information the satellite sent was incorrect.
3 NASA thought the satellite had lost power.
4 NASA’s project goals had been achieved.

No. 22 1 The satellite’s operating system is too old.

2 The satellite is too far from Earth.
3 The satellite’s software has been deleted.
4 The satellite’s location is unknown.

(F) No. 23 1 They did not meet legal safety standards.

2 Fewer operations were being performed.
3 Their facilities were no longer suitable.
4 Patients complained they were unsafe.

No. 24 1 The hospital buildings have been knocked down.

2 Rich people are living in some former hospitals.
3 The apartments are not comfortable.
4 Some people have been given free apartments.

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Grade Pre-1

Listening Test

Part 3

(G) No. 25 Situation: You recently moved abroad from Japan with your
son. You are looking for a school less than 30 minutes’
walk from your home. A counselor tells you the following.
Question: Which elementary school should you choose?
1 Bishop.
2 Williams.
3 Thatcher.
4 Johnson.

(H) No. 26 Situation: You work in the PR department of a drug

manufacturer. Your boss tells you the following.
Question: What should you do first?
1 Check other companies’ products.
2 Contact the research team.
3 Meet with the company’s lawyers.
4 Work on the press release.

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 22 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

(I) No. 27 Situation: You are in Kenya for four days. You want to book a
tour where you can see as many kinds of animals as
possible. Your budget is $1,000. A travel agent explains
your options.
Question: Which safari should you choose?
1 The Big Cat Safari.
2 The Game Park Tour.
3 The Backpacker’s Special.
4 The Glamping Expedition.

(J) No. 28 Situation: You are starting an adult­education English

composition class. Your teacher is telling you about the
grading system. You want to score well on the journal
Question: What is one thing you should do?
1 Write only about the assigned topics.
2 Avoid grammar and spelling errors.
3 Follow the minimum page requirement.
4 Work in groups to write journal entries.

(K) No. 29 Situation: You are interested in woodworking but have never
tried it. You are free on weekday evenings. A representative
at the continuing­education center tells you the following.
Question: What day and time should you choose?
1 Mondays at six.
2 Tuesdays at eight.
3 Wednesdays at six.
4 Thursdays at eight.

2020年度第1回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 23 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
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1)試験日 A日程:6月28日
(日) B日程:7月5日(日)

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