Secondary Curriculum 2c

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Secondary Curriculum 2C


Flipped Classroom

Hi guys I will be discussing how music is used in videos games,

here is a short snippet of some video games that I grew up playing
(Alex Kidd, Mario, Zelda, 007, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat,

Did you guys notice how these video games were missing

What was it missing? Sound? No, it wasn’t just missing sound, it

was missing what I call T.A.M.M (Theme, Ambience, Mood

Like in films, music is most effective when it is used the correct

way, music in games help to draw the audience and is just as
effective as it is in films. In my video, I will discuss the importance
and the role of music in video games, and how it uses many of its
functions to create different ideas.

The first idea is ‘Theme’, theme is a subject or a piece of writing, in

this topic, theme music created for a game is used to help set the
theme of the game or the theme of the character in the game, for
e.g. if you listen to the theme music of this multiplayer game
‘Halo’ there is a sense of mysticism, heroicness, and adventurous
like theme. Theme music in video games help illustrate the type of
game you are playing whether it is fast, slow, scary, brutal,
gruesome, adventurous, joyous, calm, and mysterious and most
importantly the music helps to set the theme of the game.

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