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CREAD 2020
Imagen 1

The following grapich show us that the Human development Index has increase in all
regions in general. However, is higliest in Europe and central Asia, since those regions
have solid economics and more financial opportunities for the population.
On the other hand the lowest one was subsaharma Africa due to the food crisi.
We have to reep in mind the development coold be affected by crisis, epidemics, etc.
Imagen 2
1- In this grapich we can see the change an the Human development Index in the regions
that werw affected big the violent conflict.
The most affected regions were linia, sijrian Arab Republic and yemen
It´s important to notice, that with this rind of conflicts the life expectatncy de crease
- Life expectance is one of the principal factors that makes the contries decrease on the
human Index developnient ranking.
- In general there have been some important increases in the countries with the law est
Human deve lopment Index Since 1990.

Imagen 3

The scholarship has significant increase since 1990.

The percentange of scholarship on 1990 was around 5,8; arcund 20 years later the
percentage increase to 8,4.
As long as the population increase the ir education revels, they will close the existent gap.

Imagen 4

The number of students in a classioom it´s another important variable

Nowadags the quality of the education receired by the population makes the difference on
the kanking
Imagen 5
Anothe Topic that compose this Index is the gender inequality.
The gender gap is bigger on the countries with the bawest Human dere lop ment Index
It´s important to kanw tha the scholarship is helping to close this gap
Since the women are in chorge of the unpard job in the house, the have bess opportunithes
to take important jun
It´s well knwoon the wonen are mcre vulnerable on the Arabic states and medional asa, that
´s why those regions have the highest punctual and the lavest index.

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