Quiz 1.1 Physics 12

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A Premier Learning Institution

Fully Accredited by WASC, USA

Name: ___________________________________________________________ 12th GRADE – LOYALTY : STEM

Last Name First Name M.I.
Date: August 14, 2018 Quiz No. 1.1 Measurements & Uncertainty Score : _____/25 = _______%


I do hereby renew my commitment to observe, practice, and pursue the highest degree of intellectual honesty and integrity in
academic conduct by not choosing to cheat, lie, or plagiarize in accomplishing any academic work. So help me God.
Student’s Signature

I. Identify the word or group of words that is best described by the following statements. (10 pts)
_________________ (1) This division of physics deals with macroscopic objects moving at speeds very small
compared to the speed of light in vacuum.
_________________ (2) This deals with the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic
_________________ (3) This is the SI unit for mass.
_________________ (4) This usually comes from the measuring instrument or in the design of the experiment itself.
_________________ (5) This error may be reduced by increasing the number of trials of a measurement and
averaging out the results.
_________________ (6) This is a measure of how diverse or spread out are a set of measurements from their average.
_________________ (7) Express the speed of light in scientific notation. (c = 300 000 000 m/s)
_________________ (8) This deals with phenomena associated when an object moves with speeds approaching the
speed of light in a vacuum.
_________________ (9) This is usually considered in judging the accuracy of a measurement.
_________________ (10) This means 10 -3 of the basic unit.

II. Answer the following problems. (15 pts)

1. Horses are to race over a certain English meadow for a distance of 4.0 furlongs. What is the race distance in (a)
rods, and (b) chains? (6 points)
(1 furlong = 201.168 m, 1 rod = 5.0292 m, and 1 chain = 20.117 m.)

2. In an experiment, 5 trials were done to determine the acceleration due to gravity. Given the following
measurements for the acceleration in m/s2, determine the measured acceleration due to gravity (x = x ± σ).
Compute the percent error using the expected value of g=9.8 m/s 2.
(9 points)
Given (x – x) (x – x)

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