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Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Statics

Twelfth Edition

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Chapter 10
Method of Virtual
Work of a Force
Work of a Couple
Principle of Virtual Work
Applying the Principle of Virtual Work
Mechanical Efficiency of Real Machines
Sample Problem 10.1
Sample Problem 10.2
Sample Problem 10.3
Work of a Force During a Finite Displacement
Potential Energy
Potential Energy and Equilibrium
Stability of Equilibrium
Sample Problem 10.4
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In certain cases, such as the analysis of a
system of connected rigid bodies, the
method of virtual work is a more efficient
method than applying the equilibrium
analysis methods of the previous chapters.

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• Principle of virtual work - if a particle, rigid body, or system of rigid bodies
that is in equilibrium under various forces is given an arbitrary virtual
displacement, the total work done by the external forces during that
displacement is zero.
• The principle of virtual work is particularly useful when applied to the
solution of problems involving the equilibrium of machines or mechanisms
consisting of several connected members.
• If a particle, rigid body, or system of rigid bodies is in equilibrium, then the
derivative of its potential energy with respect to a variable defining its
position is zero.
• The stability of an equilibrium position can be determined from the second
derivative of the potential energy with respect to the position variable.

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Work of a Force 1

dU = F  dr = work of the force F corresponding

to the displacement dr
dU = F ds cos α

Three cases of particular interest:

 = 0, dU = + F ds  =  , dU = − F ds  = 2 , dU = 0

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Work of a Force 2

Forces that do no work:

• reaction at a frictionless pin support when the body
supported rotates about the pin
• reaction at a frictionless surface when body in
contact moves along the surface
• weight of a body when its center of gravity moves
• friction force acting on wheel rolling without
Sum of work done by several forces can also be zero:
• pair of equal and opposite internal connection
forces at a frictionless pin
• pair of equal internal tension forces at the ends of
an inextensible cord
• internal forces holding together parts of a rigid
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Work of a Couple

Small displacement of a rigid body:

• translation to AʹBʹ
• rotation about Aʹ of Bʹ to Bʹʹ

dU = − F  dr1 + F  ( dr1 + dr2 )

= F  dr2 = F ds2 = F rd
= M d

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Principle of Virtual Work
• Imagine a particle, acted upon by several forces, that
undergoes a small virtual displacement from A to Aʹ.
• The corresponding virtual work,
 U = F1   r + F2   r + F3   r = ( F1 + F2 + F3 )   r
= R  r
Principle of Virtual Work:
• If a particle is in equilibrium, the total virtual
work of forces acting on the particle is zero for
any virtual displacement.
• If a rigid body is in equilibrium, the total virtual
work of external forces acting on the body is zero
for any virtual displacement of the body.
• If a system of connected rigid bodies remains
connected during a virtual displacement, only the
work of the external forces need be considered.
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Applying the Principle of Virtual Work
• We wish to determine the force of the vise on the
block for a given force P.
• Consider the work done by the external forces for
a virtual displacement . Only the forces P and
Q produce nonzero work.
 U = 0 =  U Q +  U P = −Q  xB − P  yC
xB = 2l sin  yC = l cos 
 xB = 2l cos    yC = −l sin  
0 = −2Ql cos   + Pl sin  
Q = 12 P tan 

• If the virtual displacement is consistent with the

constraints imposed by supports and connections,
only the work of loads, applied forces, and friction
forces need be considered.
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Mechanical Efficiency of Real Machines
 = mechanical efficiency
output work of actual machine
output work of ideal machine

output work
input work
• For an ideal machine without friction, the 2Ql cos 
output work is equal to the input work. Pl sin 
= 1 −  cot 
• When the effect of friction is considered,
the output work is reduced.

 U = −Q xB − P yC − F xB = 0
0 = −2Ql cos  + Pl sin  −  Pl cos 
Q = 12 P ( tan  −  )

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Sample Problem 10.1 1

Determine the magnitude of the couple M required to

maintain the equilibrium of the mechanism.
For a virtual displacement consistent with the
constraints, the reactions do no work, so you can focus
solely on the force P and the moment M. You can solve
for M in terms of P and the geometric parameters.

Choose a coordinate system with origin at E. Then
xD = 3l cos
 xD = −3l sin

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Sample Problem 10.1 2

Analysis: • Note that no support reactions were

needed to solve the problem, nor was
• Apply the principle of virtual work it necessary to take apart the machine
at any connection. However, a clear
U = 0 = U M + U P and accurate FBD is still highly
0 = M  + P xD recommended.

xD = 3l cos 
 xD = −3l sin 
0 = M  + P ( −3l sin  )

M = 3Pl sin 
Reflect and Think:
This problem illustrates that the principle of
virtual work can help determine a moment as
well as a force in a straightforward computation.

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Sample Problem 10.2 1

Determine the expressions for  and for the tension in

the spring that correspond to the equilibrium position
of the spring. The unstretched length of the spring is h
and the constant of the spring is k. Neglect the weight
of the mechanism.

The tension in the spring is a force F exerted at C.
Applying the principle of virtual work, you can obtain
a relationship between F and the applied force P.
With the coordinate system shown,
yB = l sin yC = 2l sin
 yB = l cos  yC = 2l cos
The elongation of the spring is s = yC – h = 2l sin θ – h.
The magnitude of the force exerted at C by the spring is
F = ks =k(2l sin θ – h)
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Sample Problem 10.2 2

• Apply the principle of virtual work

U = U B + U F = 0
0 = P yB − F yC
P + 2kh
0 = P ( l cos  ) − k ( 2l sin  − h )( 2l cos  ) sin  =
F = 12 P

Reflect and Think:

You can verify these results by applying the appropriate equations
of equilibrium.

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Sample Problem 10.3 1

The principle of virtual work allows you to find
a relationship between the force applied by the
cylinder and the weight without involving the
reactions. However, you need a relationship
between the virtual displacement and the
change in angle θ, which is found from the law
A hydraulic-lift table consisting of cosines applied to the given geometry.
of two identical linkages and
hydraulic cylinders is used to
raise a 1000-kg crate. Members • Create a free-body diagram for the
EDB and CG are each of length platform and linkage.
2a and member AD is pinned to
the midpoint of EDB.

Determine the force exerted by

each cylinder in raising the
crate for  = 60o, a = 0.70 m,
and L = 3.20 m.
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Sample Problem 10.3 2

• Apply the principle of virtual work for a
virtual displacement 
 U = 0 =  QW +  QF DH

0 = − 12 W  y + FDH  s

• Based on the geometry, substitute expressions

for the virtual displacements and solve for the
force in the hydraulic cylinder.
y = 2a sin  s 2 = a 2 + L2 − 2aL cos 
 y = 2a cos  2s s = −2aL ( − sin  ) 
Reflect and Think:
aL sin 
The principle of virtual work s = 
gives you a relationship between
aL sin 
forces, but sometimes you need 0 = ( − 12 W ) 2a cos  + FDH 
to review the geometry carefully s
to find a relationship between s
FDH = W cot 
the displacements. L FDH = 5.15 kN

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Work of a Force During a Finite
Displacement 1

• Work of a force corresponding to an

infinitesimal displacement,
dU = F  dr
= F ds cos 

• Work of a force corresponding to a

finite displacement,

U1→2 =  ( F cos  ) ds


• Similarly, for the work of a couple,

dU = Md
U1→2 = M ( 2 − 1 )

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Work of a Force During a Finite
Displacement 2

Work of a weight, Work of a spring,

dU = −W dy U1→2 = − 12 ( F1 + F2 ) x
dU = − Fdx = −(kx)dx
U1→2 = −  W dy

U1→2 = −  kxdx
= Wy1 − Wy2 = 12 kx12 − 12 kx22
= −W y
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Potential Energy 1

• Work of a weight
U1→2 = Wy1 − Wy2

The work is independent of path and

depends only on
Wy = Vg = potential energy of the body with
respect to the force of gravity W
U1→2 = (Vg ) − (Vg )
1 2

• Work of a spring,
U1→2 = 12 kx12 − 12 kx22
= (Ve )1 − (Ve )2
Ve = potential energy of the body with
respect to the elastic force F

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Potential Energy 2

• When the differential work of a force is given by an exact differential,

dU = −dV
U1→2 = V1 − V2
= negative of the change in potential energy

• Forces that satisfy the above equation are called conservative forces.

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Potential Energy and Equilibrium
• When the potential energy of a system is
known, the principle of virtual work becomes
( U = 0 ) = − V = −
Since   0, then =0
• For the structure shown,
V = Ve + Vg = 12 kxB2 + WyC
= 12 k ( 2l sin  ) + W ( l cos  )

• At the position of equilibrium,

= 0 = l sin  ( 4kl cos  − W )

indicating two positions of equilibrium:

 = 0, and  = cos −1 (W/4kl)
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Stability of Equilibrium

=0 d 2V d 2V Must examine higher
d 0 0 order derivatives.
d 2 d 2
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Sample Problem 10.4 1

• Derive an expression for the total potential
energy of the system.
V = Ve + Vg

• Determine the positions of equilibrium by

setting the derivative of the potential energy
to zero.


• Evaluate the stability of the equilibrium

Knowing that the spring BC is positions by determining the sign of the
unstretched when  = 0, determine the second derivative of the potential energy.
position or positions of equilibrium,
and state whether the equilibrium is d 2V ?
 0
stable, unstable, or neutral. d 2

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Sample Problem 10.4 2

Modeling and Analysis:

• Derive an expression for the total potential energy of
the system.

V = Ve + Vg
= 12 ks 2 + mgy
= 12 k ( a ) + mg ( b cos  )

• Determine the positions of equilibrium by setting the

derivative of the potential energy to zero.
= 0 = ka 2 − mgb sin 
( 4 kN m )( 0.08m ) 
ka 2
sin  = =
mgb (10kg ) ( 9.81m s 2 ) ( 0.3m )
= 0.8699

 =0  = 0.902 rad = 51.7

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Sample Problem 10.4 3

• Evaluate the stability of the equilibrium positions

by determining the sign of the second derivative
of the potential energy.

V = 12 k ( a ) + mg ( b cos  )

= 0 = ka 2 − mgb sin   =0
 = 0.902 rad = 51.7
d 2V
= ka 2 − mgb cos 
d 2

= ( 4 kN m )( 0.08 m ) − (10 kg ) ( 9.81m s 2 ) ( 0.3m ) cos 


= 25.6 − 29.43cos 

d 2V
at  = 0: = −3.83  0 unstable
d 2

d 2V
at  = 51.7o: = +7.36  0 stable
d 2

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Sample Problem 10.4 4

Reflect and Think:

If you just let the block-and-disk system fall on its own, it will come to rest at
θ = 51.7. If you balance the system at θ = 0, the slightest touch will put it in

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End of Chapter 10

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