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Road and Bridge Information Application Theories and Procedures

- is the DPWH official central database for network level of road and bridge related data.
- It is a computerized database system using CONFIRM software.

Objective of RBIA
The objective of RBIA is to make comprehensive, appropriately accurate road and
bridge information throughout all parts of DPWH.
Objective of Training
To become familiar with the new system (RBIA) that includes Locational Referencing
System, Road and Bridge Data Collection Procedures Referencing Method.
I. Main components of RBIA
A. Locational Referencing System (LRS) - is a set of office procedures that include
technique for recording, maintaining and retrieving information. It must be
meticulously maintained to allow independent sets of data to be related to each
other. LRS is not a computer system, rather, the RBIA is the computer application
that fully embraces the LRS.
a. The LRS was modelled with five (5) Road Network Entities:
1. Road Name
2. Road Section
3. Nodes
4. Locational Reference Points (LRP’s)
5. Cross Sectional Positions (XSP’s)
b. Rules in Creating Road Network Entities
1. Road Name
- is an specific name of a road. It is simply a grouping of road sections.
Each road name is associated with Road Id (e.g. R00123LZ), Functional
Classification (e.g. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary) and Road
Numbering System (RNS).
Sample of Road Name Features in the RBIA/GIS Map Info

Road Numbering System

Sample of Road Numbering Shown in the RBIA/GIS Map Info

2. Road Section
- is a linear representation of a road centerline alignment and has a defined
length and direction (always in increasing label of km post). It is
associated with Road Name, Start & End Node and may contain
Intermediate Nodes and Road Section Id ( ex. S00935LZ).
- A road section is created as follows:
a. It must be contiguous in length without any breaks or forks.
b. Does not cross District Engineering boundaries.

Sample of Road Section Features in the RBIA/GIS Map Info

3. Nod
- are

points or connectivity elements of adjoining road sections and associated

with Node Id (ex. N00124LZ) and locations along a road section.
- Nodes are placed in the following instances:
a. Junction between all national road.
b. Junction between national road and other public roads (e.g. provincial,
municipal roads, etc).
c. End of national road.
d. Administrative boundary (e.g. municipal and provincial)

Sample of Node Features in the RBIA/GIS Map Info

4. Locational Reference Points (LRP’s)
- is a permanent physical feature located along or adjacent to the
carriageway whose location along a road section is known. LRP in most
cases are kilometer posts. If no KM post exist, permanent structures such
as bridge, culvert, etc. can be used temporarily LRP's.

Sample of Locational Reference Points in the RBIA/GIS Map Info

5. Cross-sectional Positions (XSP's)

- are used to specify the lateral location of road inventory elements along the
roadway (e.g. left, right, center).

c. Placement of Nodes

Intersection of two junctions From Single to Dual Carriageway

Administrative/District Boundaries Access Road

d. Roadway Configurations

In the RBIA, the road configuration are classified as follows:

1. Single Carriageway
- roads that consist of one more lanes without median at the center.

LRS of a Single Carriageway in the RBIA/GIS Map Info

Daang Mahalika (LZ)

2. Dual Carriageway
- roads with median at the center. This case, the left and right direction have
their own separate Road Section Id and LRS.

LRS of a Dual Carriageway in the RBIA/GIS Map Info


e. Placement of Kilometer Posts affected by Roadway Re-alignment

B. Road and Bridge Inventory Data
a. Road inventory elements store in the RBIA
1. Locational Referencing Points (LRP’s) 13. Shoulders
2. Congressional Districts 14. Side Slope
3. Environment 15. Sidewalk
4. Junctions 16. Ditches
5. Place name 17. Signages
6. Right of Way 18. Lightings
7. Carriageway Width 19. Guardrails
8. Number of Lanes 20. Markings
9. Surface and Pavement Type 21. Hazards
10. Pavement Thickness 22. Roadside Friction
11. Pavement Strength 23. Roadside Structures
12. Median 24. Vertical Sight Distance

25. Gradient 31. Horizontal Raduis

26. Terrainn 32. Curb & Gutter
27. Bridges 33. Traffic (RTIA)
28. Culverts
29. Spillways
30. Causeways

b. Recording Parameters of Road Inventory Elements

1. Locational Referencing Points (LRP’s)
The presence of an LRP and its location such as kilometer posts shall be

Code Description
K Kilometer Post

2. Congressional District
The limits of congressional districts shall be recorded at the start of each Road
Section and if there is any change in congressional jurisdiction along it.

3. Environment
The road environment shall be recorded at the start of each Road Section and if
there is any change along it.

Code Description
U Urban (Metropolitan) - population greater than 500,000
N Urban (Non-Metropolitan) - popuation between 10,000-
500,000 and density greater than 500 people per square
R Rural - population less than 10,000

4. Junctions
The presence of any type of public road junction shall be recorded. The
chainage shall be measured at the center of the intersection of the road being
Code Description
L Junction Left
R Junction Right
C Crossing

5. Place Name
The names of any city, municipality, and barangays where displayed on a sign or
arch shall be recorded. Names and location of public places (schools, hospitals,
church, etc) shall also be recorded.

6. Right of Way (ROW)

The ROW width shall be recorded at the start of road sections and if there is a
change in width along it. ROW if acquired or not acquired can be taken from
office records.

7. Carriageway Width
The width of the carriageway shall be recorded at the start of road section and if
there is any change in surface type, pavement type and width along it. To
distinguished between the edge of carriageway and the shoulder, the following
guidelines shall be used:

1. Painted continuous markings on the edge of the road shall delineate between
the carriageway and the shoulder.
2. When no painted marking is provided or visible, the carriageway width shall
comprise the entire paved width.
3. When there is no visible marking, but there is a clear change of pavement
(i.e. in terms of its use) for widths of less than 3m, the width beyond that
pavement width shall be recorded as "shoulder".
4. On unsealed roads (gravel or earth), the width shall be measured between
the most extreme wheel paths on the road.

8. Number of Lanes and Directional Flow of Traffic

The number of lanes shall be recorded at the start of road section and if there is
any change in the number of lanes along it. The standard width of 6.0m for
national road is considered as 2-lanes. The directional flow of traffic shall also
recorded at the start of road section if one-way or two-way passage.

9. Surface and Pavement Type

a) The surface type of the road shall be recorded from the start of road section
and if there is any change in the wearing surface. The dominant surface
material shall be deemed as the " Surface Type" using the following codes.

Code Description
C Concrete
A Asphalt
G Gravel
E Earth

b) The pavement type shall be recorded at the start of road section and if there
is any change in properties. This can be obtained from office records "As
Built Plans"
The re-construction year, year of last surfacing and re-gravelling shall also
recorded and this can be obtained from office records. Any work that involves
removal or modification of existing base course is deemed to be re-
10. Pavement Thickness
a) For asphalt pavement, the most recent surface thickness of the road shall be
recorded at the start of road section and if there is any change along it. The
most recent thickness is the depth of overlaid materials ranging from 10-
200mm. The thickness prior to overlay is called the previous surface
thickness ranging from 20- 1000mm.
b) For concrete pavement (no asphalt overlay), the thickness is the slab
thickness & the previous surface thickness is none. If with asphalt overlay, the
most recent thickness is the thickness of asphalt layer.
c) For gravel, the most recent surface thickness is the total depth of in-placed
gravel materials along the road and no previous surface thickness will be
11. Pavement Strength
a) Asphalt Pavement
The pavement strength shall be recorded at the start of road section or any
change in computed strength along it. The pavement strength of the road can
be obtained from MQC records. Occasionally, it may be necessary to excavate
a trial pit or core the pavement for the thickness and test the material for CBR
value to determine the SNP pavement for the thickness and test the material
for CBR value to determine the SNP.
b) Concrete Pavement
The slab thickness of the road at the start of the road section or any change
along it. It may be necessary to core the pavement to determine the slab

12. Median
The type of median shall be recorded for every occurrence. The start, end, width
and its location shall also recorded.

Code Description
D Depressed
R Raised
F Flush

13. Shoulders (Left and Right)

The type, width and location of shoulders shall be recorded at the start of road
section and if there is any change along it. The type of shoulders are classified
with the following codes:

Code Description
C Concrete
A Asphalt
G Gravel
E Earth
N None

14. Side Slope (Left and Right)

a) The type of side slope and its location shall be recorded in every
The type of side slope are classified with the following codes:

Code Description
E Embankment (Edge of surfacing >0.3m of ground level)
C Cut (Edge of surfacing <0.3m of ground level.

b) The slope angle of the side slope shall be recorded with the following codes:

Code Description
SH Shallow (<5 degrees)
MD Medium (5 to 30 degrees)
ST Steep (>30 degrees)

15. Sidewalks (Left and Right)

The type, width and location of sidewalks shall be recorded in every occurrence
using the following codes:

Code Description
C Concrete
A Asphalt
G Gravel

16. Ditches (Left and Right)

The type, size and location of lateral drainage shall be recorded in every
occurrence. The type, size and location of lateral drainage shall be recorded in
every occurrence.


Signs (Left and Right)

The type, size and location of road signs in every occurrence shall be recorded.
Only the signages installed by DPWH are considered using the following codes:

18. Lightings (Left and Right)

Any existence of lightings along the road section shall be recorded.

Code Description
E Exists

19. Guardrails (Left and Right)

The type and location of guardrails in every occurrence shall be recorded using
the following codes:
Code Description
S Steel (Steel guardrails)
W Wall (Concrete Wall or parapet)
S Steel

20. Markings (Centerline)

Pavement markings at the road centerline and its type shall be recorded at the
start of road section using the following codes:

Code Description
N None
P Painted
S Stud

21. Hazards (Left & Right)

The type of hazard, risks and its location along the road section shall be recorded.
Hazard treat shall be recorded using the following codes:

22. Roadside Friction

The roadside friction shall be recorded at the start of road section and every
change thereof. The roadside frictions are classified with the following codes:

23. Roadside Structures (Left and Right)

The type and location of roadside structures in every occurrence shall be recorded
using the following codes:

Code Description Description

R Retaining Wall Grouted Riprap
O Obstruction Stone Masonry
P Parking Pedestrian Overpass
Gabion Rockshed
Lay by Riprap
Coconet Crib Wall
Sand Blasting

24. Vertical Sight Distance

This is the restricted passing sight distance due to the vertical alignment as
defined by the DPWH and its occurrence shall be recorded as follows:

Code Description
E Exists

25. Gradient
The occurrence of pavement gradient shall be recorded between negative (-) 30 to
positive (+) 30 degrees.

26. Terrain
The terrain shall be estimated and recorded from the start of road section and if
there is change along it. It was recorded as follows:

Code Description
F Flat (<2 degrees)
R Rolling (2 to 6 degrees)
M Mountainous (>6 degrees)

27. Bridges
The occurrence of bridges shall be recorded reckoning at the low chainage of the
backwall of abutment "A". The bridge length shall be measured and bridge name
shall be recorded. Bridges are classified according to types using the codes below:

Code Description
C Concrete (Concrete substructure & superstructure)
S Steel (Steel Trusses and Steel Girders)
T Temporary (Timber, Bailey Panels, etc.)

28. Culverts
The chainage of culvert or culvert group shall be taken at the center. The culvert
length and dimensions shall be measured using a 5m steel tape. Properties of
culvert shall be recorded. Culvert are classified according to type using the
following codes:

Code Description
P Pipe (RCPC or Circular Type)
B Box (RCBC or Square or Rectangular Type)
A Arch (Semi-circle type)
O Other (Not classified as above)

29. Spillways
The type, length and width of spillway shall be recorded. Spillways in most cases
are made of concrete.

30. Causeways
The occurrence of causeway along the road section shall be recorded.

31. Horizontal Radius

The start and end of horizontal curvature shall also be recorded.

Code Description
R Raduis

32. Curb and Gutter

The start and end of Cub and Gutter shall also be recorded.

Code Description
C Concrete

33. Traffic
The traffic survey and analysis of this item is under the function of Road Traffic
Information Application (RTIA).

C. Road Inventory Data Collection

1. Locational Referencing Method (LRM)
The traffic survey and analysis of this item is under the function of Road Traffic
Information in the defined LRS of the road section. Road inventory must be
conducted on positive direction or increasing LRPs of road section. In the case of
dual carriageway, it must follow the traffic direction.

Two Methods of LRM:

1. Relative to Start of Section or Chainage Method
a. Record the start chainage of inventory elements and every change of
element attributes and parameters (I.e. pavement type, surface type &
width, shoulder type & width, bridge, year of construction and year of last
surfacing, etc.).
b. The chainage of bridges must be taken at the low chainage at the back wall
of Abut “A”.
c. Start data collection at the beginning of road section or at start node moving
toward positive direction until reaching the end limit of road section or at end
Exercise 1:

2. LRP + Displacement
a. This method is use in locating inventory elements along the road section.
b. Inventory elements can be located with referenced to the nearest LRP,
where displacement may be given either in positive or negative relative to
the positive direction.
c. This method is useful in making road inventory updates, establishing
boundaries, bridge location, station limits of project, etc.

Exercise 2: LRP + Displacement

2. Instructions for Road Inventory Surveys

Complete the data and location information at the top of survey form to describe
the road being surveyed. The bottom part of the form is to be signed and
approved by concerned DPWH Officials. Separate forms shall be used for each
road section.

3. Measuring Devices to be used

All distance shall be measured using the following measuring devices:

a. Trip Meter – Calibrated to 1000m

b. Measuring Wheel – 10km range at 1 cm graduation
c. Measuring Tape 50m
d. Measuring Tape 5m

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