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Notes from the Highland T H E S U N DAY E X P R E S S M AG A Z I N E Tell Me a Story

Looking for signs in Glasgow and Edinburgh, ahead of WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM The Kolkata musician whose song features in a
the independence referendum in Scotland Mohsen Makhmalbaf film
Down in Jungleland
Tech Traffic lessons from the animal kingdom Digital Native
Is the Xiaomi Redmi 1S worth buying? PAGE 3 PAGE 2 Why Fappening is not happening PAGE 4

In the preface to your memoir (And Those one or two, I think, are the ones who
Then One Day, Hamish Hamilton), you manage to be in the right place. And being
mention how the book began almost in the right place again, is not entirely a

An Actor,
like a memory game, a challenge to matter of luck. NSD mein mujhe yeh soojha
test how much you remember. ki agar roti kamani hai toh filmon se hi ka-
That’s how it started. As long as it was fun mani hogi. Toh yeh kaise hoga (I used to
to write about, I carried on. Then I’d pack it think that if I have to earn money, I would

up and put it away — for a year at times — have to do so through acting. How will
and not look at it. Later, I would remember that happen)? Alright, even if I get a role as
something and I’d say, wow, I have to write an inspector, I’ll do that.
about it. Look at Om Puri. Even if he had not
come to the film institute (Film and Televi-
So, now having written the book, are sion Institute of India, Pune), Govind Niha-
you nervous that people are going to lani zameen khod ke nikal laata Om ko
read it? (Govind Nihalani would have dug Om out
No, I wasn’t nervous about people reading of nowhere). As an actor, you have got to
it. I just thought that nobody would read it In a freewheeling conversation with one of his learn your job as thoroughly as you can. If
(laughs). I didn’t write it with an audience you know your job, then there’s nothing
in mind at all. I don’t live too much in the favourite screen idols Naseeruddin Shah, that can stop you. Because the bottomline
past, but this was a good excuse to indulge writer-director-actor Rajat Kapoor finds out about is that only good actors will get work.
myself. I just thought I’d try to recall as
much as I could and record it as accurately Shah’s complicated relationship with his father and But actors like Nawazuddin
and objectively as I could, without giving (Siddiqui) have been around for 20
in to my usual habit of getting over-
how he came to write his memoir years and nobody seemd to care, but
wrought about things. And that’s what I now, suddenly, everybody seems to
am particularly proud of having achieved. want to cast him. It happened to
I have never been able to talk about my Irrfan Khan too.
complicated relationship with Heeba (his In those 20 years, both these guys really
daughter from his first marriage) in inter- worked on themselves. Otherwise, they
views, but I could write about it at length would not have been able to deliver
in the book. My relationship with my fa- when the time came. I have tremendous
ther still troubles me because it never got regard for them, not only for their perse-
resolved and there was no closure. There verance but for the fact that they did not
was a lot of bitterness, but having written let it get them down. Chhote chhote role
about it, I found that I was able to over- kar kar ke ab yeh sab (They acted in small
come that bitterness and look at the rela- roles to get here). They didn’t let it break
tionship anew. their spirit.
In the book, you mention that you had
your first‘conversation’with your sometimes (laughs). The-easy-to-take-of- When you write about the first 20
father after he passed away.There fence attitude. Settling matters with your years of your life, it seems textured;
seemd to be a sense of closure, but fists, that kind of thing. you write about what comes later
now you say that you haven’t had that rather matter-of-factly. Does it have
closure in life. You do that? anything to do with our emotional
To some extent, yes. But it still comes back I did. Not any longer. response to our childhood?
and bothers the hell out of me. Ever since I It could be because those recent events are
have had my own children, I realised the Was anyone else in your family so close that I didn’t want to get swayed by
tremendous amount that we both missed interested in acting? my emotions. It is safer to talk about
out on. It was not done to put your arms There are a lot of people in my family who events that are far away. Possibly, that’s
around your dad’s shoulders the reason. Also, it is not in my
and things like that then. In COURTESY: HAMISH HAMILTON nature to be unemotional.
fact, he used to address his own I suppose I feel very deeply
father as ‘sarkar’ and he had to about those things from which I
seek an appointment to meet am far away. I feel safe in reveal-
him. So, from his perspective, ing them. There are many
he was a very chilled-out guy, I events in the latter part that I
suppose. The same way that I haven’t revealed. I didn’t want
think I am. But I realise that I to offend anybody. I haven’t
have made quite a few of the cared much about it in the past.
same mistakes with my kids But I thought this is the thing
that my dad made. Not so much that is going to last, so, let’s not.
in trying to determine their It’s okay to ruffle a few feathers,
lives for them, but in terms of but not to puncture anybody.
trying to discipline them. Those Agar kuchh achcha kehne ko
were blunders. nahin hai, toh kuchh mat kaho (If
you have nothing good to say,
Your father must have been then don’t say anything).
quite a dreamer too.You
write that he wanted to open But you were honest about
a restaurant in England. yourself. It takes courage to
I think he was, but he kept it to tell the world this is who I
himself. As Ratna (Pathak Shah, am, this is who I was.
wife) was pointing out the But wouldn’t you do that, if
other day, he lost out on the op- you were writing about your
portunity to be loved because life? Isn’t it what the reader
of his idea of how a father deserves?
should be. I didn’t know him. As
I get older, I begin to under- You have dedicated the
stand him better and I think book to your sons Imaad
that he was actually quite a and Vivaan, the only two
simple guy to understand. But I family members who do not
was too much of a kid and the feature in it.What has been
distance became unbridgeable their reaction to the book?
after a point. I really drove him They have not bothered to read
up the wall. it. And I don’t think they will for
at least another 10 years.
Of course, there was this LOOK BACK IN REMEMBRANCE (from top) Shah at his
whole idea of what it meant Mumbai residence; with his mother and brothers; with Om Puri Do you think luck had any
to be a man at that time. One role to play in how your
had to be of a certain kind to be should have become actors. My nana- nani career turned out?
considered masculine. (maternal grandparents), mamus — they Luck is a combination of factors. I consider
My mamus (maternal uncles) were my he- were tremendous actors (laughs). The myself to have been extremely lucky. But
roes. They were everything that I thought voices they had, you could hear them from then I kind of foresaw the kind of films
a man should be. Bandook vandook (guns), one end of Sardhana (near Meerut in UP, that were going to be made and realised
girlfriend, leather jackets, jeans, dark where they lived) to the other. And the that an actor like me would be needed in
glasses, cigarette, tractor, ghoda (horses). passion with which they lived. Of course, those films. When I saw Bhuvan Shome
That is the kind of atmosphere I grew up in they were great story-tellers. They were (1969), Sara Akash (1969) — I was in the
— skinning black bucks and cocking guns great characters, all of them. My dad’s side National School of Drama (NSD) then —
and discussions that went ‘aam ka baag also had a highly eccentric bunch of peo- Teesri Kasam (1966), and then Ankur
itne mein bika (the mango orchard sold for ple. But, of course, it was unthinkable to be (1974), mujhe laga ki mujhe toh inn filmon
this much).’ It was unreal. actors — bhandelagiri karoge? Nautanki mein kaam milega hi (I will definitely get
karoge (Will you perform, be an actor?)? work in such films). Let me try to be there.
How did you move away from that? My dad had a very hard time digesting
No, I think I still carry a lot of it. that. He belonged to the provincial civil There is skill and there is
service, equivalent to the IAS. You know, perseverance, but out of 100 people
How? the reason I say it is unresolved is because with the same skill and tenacity, only a
In the irrational way I respond to things he didn’t live to see what I was capable of. few will make a mark.
point of view 2
SEPTEMBER 14, 2014



down in jungleland


for). Watch swarms of insects, say lo-
custs or white ants, take to the air like
swirls of smoke — never a collision —
and they should be dropping like, um
Traffic lessons from the animal planet flies! Imagine trying to be an air traffic
THINKSTOCK controller at a beehive that’s just been
disturbed. They hum and roar and pour
out furiously, but they don’t crash into
each other and fall down.
Even flocks of birds: watch rosy
starlings or sandpipers swirl synchro-
nously in the sky, turning from black to
silver to black. It’s thought that each
bird keeps track of the ones flying clos-
est to it and catches tiny directional
cues which sets off something akin to
a Mexican wave. And all that weaving
and swerving has a purpose: to con-
fuse predators like the mighty falcon
that screams down towards them at
300+ kmph. Imagine us trying to do
that? Beggars belief. We have had sev-
eral mid-air collisions between air-
ROLE PLAY Rajat Kapoor with Naseeruddin Shah during the interview craft, which is quite astounding really
considering the size of the sky.

My point is there must be many if the time ever comes, I would be ready. Since I am not the one who generates the NTS LOVE speeding. They whiz they don’t run over or trample each Underwater, it’s the same story with
others as skilled and as talented... finance, I don’t get the plum parts. I fit up and down insanely narrow other to death. If they did, there’d be so shoals of (especially) small fish. There
I wish there were, but there aren’t people I remember watching your debut film into the roles that either no one will do stalks and stems, or careen much less work for the crocs. As for us? ought to be underwater collisions ga-
with that kind of faith in themselves. Peo- Nishant as a teenager.You made such or can’t do. along the ground recklessly, and yet, One person in a procession slips and lore but there aren’t.
ple make wrong choices. an impression with the way you have you ever encountered an ant with falls, panic flares like gunpowder ig- The “lesser” beings are much better
stammered and played your part. But these (commercial offers) keep its head smashed in and stuffed up the niting, and within seconds, 1,000 peo- sorted out in managing traffic. Okay,
But you made wrong choices too. Except for the film industry, everybody coming to you. backside of the ant ahead of it, just be- ple are trampled to death, most of maybe we’ve lost our instinctive re-
I made many wrong choices, in serious noticed it. It is probably the only film I It could be because they think adiyal cause the latter braked suddenly and them children, women or the old. If we flexes to avoid crashes, but sensibly,
films as well. But I did not limit myself to watched in a theatre as I was excited aaadmi hai, par acting achhi kar lega (He’s the tailgater was talking on its mobile? emulated wildebeest, god forbid, it we’ve made laws to help us out. What’s
any one category — that I’ll only do leading about it. And the audience was respond- an obstinate man, but he will act well). Ants don’t have road accidents. In would be carnage. And we’re the ones stupefying is that we sneer at them and
roles, which is a mistake some actors ing to the character. fact, traffic managers are now studying with the big, clever brains, remember. so the Indian death toll is the staggering
make. You shouldn’t define yourself in I went a bit far with the stammering. I Are you going to write about the last those marching columns of army ants Those great lumbering herds of bi- equivalent of 240 plus Airbus A380s
your mind that you are this. did the same in Sazaye Maut (1981, di- two decades of your career later? that blitz across the forest floor to see son, thundering across the prairies — crashing each year.
I used to wonder that if I ever became a rected by Vidhu Vinod Chopra) and I don’t know. It will become drier and how they do it. Okay, you shrug, but ants get in their way and you’re mince- Watch ants enter and exit an ant
star, what kind of a star would I be. Na toh Aakrosh (1980, directed by Govind Niha- drier. It will mostly be descriptions of are light — even if they bang into each meat, but the point is — they don’t run hole. Watch people enter and exit a
main gaane ga sakta, na toh main itna tagda lani). At that time, I was deeply affected by films or plays. I may write a fictional other they can’t possibly get badly hurt. over each other. They may bump and Metro coach. Remember the moron’s
hoon — Dharmendra-waale role bhi nahin Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate and book about these years. I did consider Right, let’s take those goofy wilde- jostle but they don’t trample each bathroom and the two reminders on it?
kar sakta (I can’t sing songs, neither am I so wanted to emulate him. writing this book in the third person, beest then: herds rushing pell-mell to- other en masse. “Undressing: First shoes, then trousers.
strong that I can carry off roles such as but then I abandoned that idea. I also wards a steeply banked river. They all And have you seen NASCAR racers Dressing: first trousers, then shoes.”
Dharmendra’s). I used to think that I How do directors of commercial films thought of writing about the acting ex- jump down steep muddy narrow spinning round and round the racetrack Got it? Duh! Go ask an ant.
would probably manage to get the role of a deal with you knowing that you don’t ercises which I have developed over the paths and crumbling cliff faces, one af- in similar fashion? One car weaves or
prime minister in historicals. I would tell hold such forms in high esteem? years. But then I discarded that idea too ter the other — and then swim into the wavers and there’s mayhem (which is Ranjit Lal is an author, environmentalist
myself, let me prepare for this too. So that They don’t know what to do with me. as that would become too technical. grinning maws of crocs. Unwise, but basically what the audience is waiting and bird watcher

mind games in the stars BY PETERVIDAL BIRTHDAYS

Your restricted planetary pattern
The declarer should always try to have more gives way to something more
than one string to his bow. Just playing for a par- ARIES TAURUS GEMINI
flexible. That should give you the
ticular to be located favourably is not the right MAR 21 - APR 20 APR 21 - MAY 21 MAY 22 - JUN 21
approach. That is the last resort play not the only leeway to break out of a tight spot
available play. The case in point was the problem and begin to consider your future
posed to you last week: The week opens with a Be prepared for happy Unless you persuade oth- options. Positive lunar alignments
sensible and serious family events and suc- ers that you are right, you at the end of the week will offer you
planetary combination, cessful domestic ven- may have to wait for your the extra impetus.
that favours enhanced tures. Don’t expect an- chance to return. En-
NORTH romantic hopes. Artistic nouncements yet though, hanced financial SEPTEMBER 15
❤ : K J 10 5
Arians may expect re- as it may be another three prospects offer some Optimism is your greatest strength.
♦ :A654 wards. Keep yourself or four weeks before compensation. Romantic You have the edge over the coming
♣ : KQ4 busy with a hobby after plans are finalised. Mone- developments focus weeks, and may not be in much of a
Thursday, especially if tary matters will become around mid-week, and mood to compromise. But there’s
also a chance that friends come to
♠ : K7 you’re learning some- increasingly important as there is every chance of a
❤:AQ 76 43 you with important offers, so don’t
thing new. the week progresses. very important meeting. blow it and don’t begrudge them the
♦ :K83
♣ :A2
assistance that only you can give.

The bidding: QUICK CLUES 5. All those bit of colour giving you the picture (6)
JUN 22 - JULY 23 JULY 24 - AUG 23 AUG 24 - SEP 23 SEPTEMBER 16
ACROSS 9. Where they eat barbecued fish, cake and lamb It’s an extraordinarily lively
pass pass
1. Apprehension about what is going to happen (8) stew (8) Mercury is steaming Fresh choices are coming Think long and deep moment, although you may
1❤ 2 NT (1)
5. Show good manners; conduct oneself well (6) 10. For example, I’m to accept the queen and her
3 ❤ (3) pass 4 ♦ (3) pass through a curious and your way, but why not be- about what is the best sometimes have trouble keeping up.
pass pass 9. City in Kashmir (8) form of government (6)
4 NT (4) 5 ❤ (5) colourful region of your gin where you left off at thing to do. You want to Your greatest asset is your ability to
pass pass 10. Make up your mind (6) 12. Bound to have lines in the circuit (6)
12. Stormy __: a person who causes or likes trou- 13. Is joking about the guard (8) chart. The result, in an- the end of last week, with help others without be- have a go at almost anything, but
ble or strife (6) 15. Motive for carrying on not making sense (6, 6) other two weeks, your stars in a position so ing exploited and fulfill your weakness is a tendency to
1: Jacoby 2NT; 2: Better than minimum with 6 13. Positive? No, just the opposite! (8) 18. Ladies-in-waiting? (4, 8) spread yourself too thin. You need to
cards; 3: Cue bid showing the A; 4: RKCB; 5: 15. Something devoutly wished for (6, 6) 23. Assassin said to be a winter-sports should be a radical shift perfect as to be almost your own dreams with-
enjoy life to the fullest.
Two without the Q 18. “Heard hilltop” anagram for a notorious enthusiast (8) of the odds in your unbelievable? If you play out being overwhelmed
dictator (6, 6) 24. Top style of musical party (4, 2) favour. Home life could your cards right, you’ll be by illusions and fan-
Opening lead Jack of clubs. Plan the play.
23. Clearing away or cleaning with a brushing 26. Joined, yet somehow untied (6) SEPTEMBER 17
There are 11 sure tricks six hearts, two dia-
movement (8) 27. A taxi not making a charge (8)
become a little tense, set up for life. A little tasies. Keep your feet on
monds and three clubs. Where will the 12th
but the results could be shopping and a few treats the ground at the begin- Your stars are generally harmonious
24. Our Lady of ____: Portuguese shrine (6) 28. “Stiffens,” he interpolate (6)
trick come from — you need to combine your and peaceful. There’ll be ups and
26. Abolish, abrogate or call off (6) 29. Merrymaking jokers who’re tangled in surf as desired. should lift your morale. ning of the week.
chances. Win the club lead and draw trumps. downs, but you’ll deal with them in
27. Playful repartee (8) nets (8)
Cash two more clubs discarding a diamond.
28. Ranges or extents (6) DOWN an assured manner. The key to
Cash DK and DA and ruff a diamond. Cross
29. Without identity or lacking character (8) 1. Cut it and keep quiet (6) LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS success is to remain calm. If you act
back to dummy and if the diamonds split 3-3
DOWN 2. Pin down in the ship — they’re carrying SEP 24 - OCT 23 OCT 24 - NOV 22 NOV 23 - DEC 22
discard a spade on the 13th diamond, if not in haste you may repent at leisure.
1. Make it ____: hurry, colloquially speaking? (6) shells (6)
play a spade towards the king.
2. Film maker __ Samanta, alas, no more (6) 3. Be-bop wildly about a half hour for top
Your problem for the week: 3. Superlative, excessive or drastic (7) gagman (3, 4) You may still be able to Don’t forget the impor- Yet again your planetary SEPTEMBER 18
4. Close tightly, in a way (4) 4. Quereus-like beginners in outrageously ab- benefit from travel, as ad- tance of maintaining a formations are perfect. Adventurous stars are shining, and
6. Raise, lift up or exalt (7) horrent killings yesterday (4)
venturous social stars are grip on family chores and All we can say is that if this is such a perfect moment to
NORTH 7. From the start __ in Latin (2, 6) 6. Old way of saying “Never again” (3-4)
8. ___ Scrooge: Dickensian miser? (8) 7. A detective squad at cricket match to make at their strongest. Contact domestic responsibili- you don't manage to travel that it’s difficult to see what’s
❤:AK 11. Mass per volume (7) thorough check? (4, 4) with foreign countries ties, but without squash- make the most of your keeping you at home. Perhaps, a
♦ : A 10 7 6 5 14. Getting the back up, as angry cats do (7) 8. Applauding man in church band (8) and distant parts could ing people you live with. life and talents, the fault family member from distant parts
♣ : 32 16. Searches thoroughly (8) 11. Distemper flat needed put on with will arrive at your doorstep.
17. ___ ___ one’s own: receive the recognition difficulty (4, 3) broaden your horizons, Over the rest of the year, lies with you. Family af-
that a person’s abilities merit (4, 4) 14. Anxious row over dangerous ride (7) especially if you’re try to lay down deep fairs have been compli-
♠: K Q 10 8 7 6 3 19. Tahitian seaport (7) 16. Collisions push mass all over (5-3) searching out new emo- foundations. Romantic cated, but there should
❤:7 20. Look over carefully (7) 17. It carries the current most active Surprising news is about to arrive
♦ :KJ3 21. Long, usually angry speech (6) member (4, 4)
tional links or consider- considerations should be now be a light at the end
♣ :AQ ing family changes. on the back burner. of the tunnel. from an unexpected source.When it
22. Plies, ranks or rows; strata (6) 19. Division has F.B.I agents put outside (7)
25. Idi Amin’s title (4) 20. Dinner trousers get sodden at drinks (3, 4) does, you’ll see that what once
CRYPTIC CLUES 21. I use credit for the holiday of a lifetime (6) appeared normal is now outrageous,
ACROSS 22. Ammunition turns (6) and what once seemed beyond the
The bidding: 1. Chef goes outside, as a pencil is needed for 25. Graduate beginning to know university in an DEC 23 - JAN 20 JAN 21 - FEB 19 FEB 20 - MAR 20 pale, is now quite acceptable.This is
business record (8) Asian capital (4)
NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST a perfect moment for tackling
— — 2♠ pass Now that Venus is begin- Unattached Aquarians You should find much to outstanding practical tasks.
2 NT (1)
5 ♦ (3)
4 ❤ (2)
6 ♣ (4)
SOLUTIONTO CROSSWORD 1972 ning to behave itself once
again, the balance of
will be feeling the pull of
permanent relationships.
comfort and console you
in the recent planetary SEPTEMBER 20
6❤ (5) 7♠
pass pass QUICK CLUES power in one particular What an ideal time to get line-up, even if you feel a Short-term choices could have
ACROSS: 1 Head in the sand, 8 Special, 9 Ragweed, 11 Rotate, 13 Scuttles, 15 Adorn, 16 Opposes, 18 partnership will shift hitched! All partnerships, little overworked. Your amazing long-term results, and
Residue, 19 Aside, 21 Insisted, 23 Behest, 25 Gardens, 26 Red card, 28 Dead and buried.
very subtly. You’ll be wise whether personal or pro- creative talents and self- serious options could produce wild
DOWN: 2 Electro, 3 DCI, 4 Nile, 5 Hard copies, 6 Sight, 7 Needles, 8 Serialising, 10 Disaffected, 12 Tangs, 14
1: Jacoby 2NT; 2: Splinter, better than minimum;
Cold season, 17 Stale, 18 Reserve, 20 Iterate, 22 Speed, 24 Grab, 27 Der. indeed to listen to good fessional, are ripe for re- less virtues are in fine consequences. Your first priority is
3: Cue bid showing the A; 4: Cue bid showing the A for more security, but it looks as if
5: Cue showing the A
CRYPTIC CLUES advice because if you suscitation. At work, working order. The way in
ACROSS: 1 Preoccupation, 8 Shocker, 9 Raw meat, 11 Therms, 13 Dead keen, 15 Inset, 16 Notches, 18 you’re heading towards greater
don’t, you will sink into make an extra effort to which you approach pro-
Lashing, 19 Rowdy, 21 Occupied, 23 Monica, 25 Miranda, 26 Inwards, 28 Dead reckoning. personal freedom and self-reliance.
Opening lead: Queen of hearts. Plan the play. complacency while oth- keep an employer sweet fessional difficulties will
DOWN: 2 Reopens, 3 Oak, 4 Curb, 5 Percentage, 6 Towed, 7 Openers, 8 Sitting room, 10 Tender years, 12
Mates, 14 Incinerate, 17 Harpo, 18 Lucerne, 20 Waitron, 22 Pined, 24 Kink, 27 Win. ers make the running. at the end of the week. soon be proved right.
travel 3
SEPTEMBER 14, 2014



A Notes from the

BRIGHTLY LIT room at Glas- Dreghorn), dines on his favourite tradi-
gow’s Kelvingrove Gallery tional roast beef from Aberdeen Angus,
and Museum is flanked by raised in Aberdeenshire.
the best work of Scotland’s “Frustrated rockstars make wonder-
portrait specialist Henry Reburn, and ful crime writers,” says detective-fiction
Salvador Dali’s stunning Christ of St John writer Ian Rankin in a documentary on

of the Cross. Amidst this dazzling bril- himself. Rankin, who has mapped out
liance, spotlights are trained on a bru- Edinburgh like no other for his crime-
tally honest self-appraisal of Scotland’s fiction readers, stays on Merchston
dark colonial past. Street and has JK Rowling and Alexander
Alongside a craggy mug of one Sir McCall Smith for neighbours in his tony,
Colin Campbell is a vast hollow sepia leafy lane. His first-ever John Rebus
frame of a picture captioned: “The novel (based on the iconic brooding de-
British left the Indian corpses to rot.” It is tective) was meant to be a hat-tip to RL
of an open field in Lucknow, where In- Stevenson’s Jekyll-Hyde, with the quib-
dian soldiers had rebelled against their ble that the author of the psycho-thriller,
British Army commanders in 1857. The despite being born in Edinburgh, based
Highland unit which marched into Luc- the novel in London. In the same docu-
know to end the rebellion was led by the mentary, Rankin explains how “Rebus is
Glaswegian Sir Campbell. “I have long a conservative with a small C, hates
been amused by the romanticised and change, so he’ll vote ‘No’.” Siobhan
misplaced sense of modern Scottish na- Clarke, the younger woman detective he
tionalism. It comes as no surprise to me created, would probably say ‘Yes’.
that Scottish officers were in the van- His neighbour Rowling, and musician
guard of putting down the rebellion. James MacMillan have openly sided with
Scots as an oppressed nation? Don’t ‘No’, inviting staunch criticism. Stuart
make me laugh,” says Raj Pal, Oxford- Kelly, who recently did a radio programme
shire County Heritage and Arts officer. for the BBC about the referendum debate
On September 18, as the Scots vote in a called “How Did Scotland’s Artists Turn
referendum for or against independence Nationalist?”, delves into the reasons why
from the rest of United Kingdom (com- those like writer Irving Welsh will weigh
prising England, Wales and Northern Ire- in with an ‘Yes’, while others enjoying the
land), this is a tiny reality check of their ‘cultural confidence’ that artistes, writers,
own past as oppressors in the heart of poets in Scotland are benefitting from,
Glasgow’s renowned museum. Perspec- might side with a ‘No’. “Culture has filled
tive is a wretched little wrench. what has been a political vacuum in Scot-
In 1707, Scotland and England were land. In the absence of a functioning legis-
forged (or “forced”, depending on who lature, people often looked to novelists
you talk to) into a union and have since and poets to ventilate issues of the day,”
been indistinguishable from each other as the radio programme says.
the British Empire for the rest of the world. As such, artists like and welcome
After over 300 years of a mostly peaceful change, but contemporary Scottish liter-
co-existence and despite the relentless ary and art figures “have followed in the
jibes that both the English and Scottish footsteps of the titan of 20th century lit-
keep hurling at each other, it remains to be erature, poet Hugh MacDiarmid”, says
seen if Scotland will vote for a culmination Kelly. With Anglophobia as one of his
of what some see as a centuries’ old strug- recreations, and frontier spirit breathing
gle for a separate identity (a ‘Yes’ vote) or through every word he wrote, the poet
keep their faith in a continuing Union (a has many following his works. “Many
‘No’ vote) and lean towards the similari- Scots see the later Thatcher-era through
ties shared rather than the differences. his lines,” says Kelly. A cultural-resist-
Opinion polls predict a very close race, as SPACE FOR ALL (clockwise from top left) a wall sporting a Scottish independence referendum sign; KelvingroveArt Gallery,Glasgow; the Edinburgh cathedral; and a view of Edinburgh ance to high-Thatcherism might have a
both sides issue desperate last-minute part to play in the polls.
pleas to woo voters. versa. Two years ago, it was 80-20 in who tell him, “I know nothing about Bonnie Prince Charlie, Mary Queen of knighthood, by pleasing the Londoners. No one believes they are living in a
“I won’t vote ‘Yes’, because I’m British favour of ‘No’ in official polls, now it’s 60- fighting and dying for independence, be- Scots, 1707, banning of the Highland dress The Scots have their own set of boasts real oppressive state, which usually pro-
— doesn’t matter Scottish or English!” 40 and could get tight. cause I’m lucky to vote peacefully for it.” and playing the pipe, Jacobite Risings, The to berate the English which have found duces revolutionary literature, but a cer-
says Sam Rother (name changed), a vol- At the Games, several English volun- The sentiment to assert their own Forty-Five, Robert the Bruce, Culloden, their way on Glen Appin art-work on tain buzz follows every word uttered by
unteer at the recently-concluded Com- teers struggled to comprehend the Glas- unique cultural identity has always ex- Bannockburn. It’s a rich, tragic history, posters. “What’s like us? Damn Few And literary figures on that matter of referen-
monwealth Games, who was born south gwegian chatter — fast, sing-song, ab- isted north of England. The Scottish strug- though these days they make jokes about They’re A’ Deid,” it says. It proceeds to dum. David Greige, famous playwright
of the border, and has lived all his life in breviated, brusque — almost like English gle for independence has its keywords: how those who vote a ‘No’ are in line for rub in how the Englishman likes mar- likens the September 18 vote to the
Scotland after his parents moved up spoken by a hurried Russian. “Not all malade (invented by Mrs Keiller of world offering the central character of a
north. “As British as someone from Man- British are same. London’s different from Dundee) at breakfast, wears a raincoat play (the hero) with a choice. “It’s not an
chester,” he adds. He’s pat with his fig- Manchester, and Glasgow’s different (patented by Charles Macintosh from easy choice,” he told Kelly in the BBC ra-
ures. Glasgow makes ships for the Royal from Edinburgh which is different from NO ONE BELIEVES THEYARE LIVING IN A REAL OPPRESSIVE STATE, Glasgow), walks to office along an Eng- dio show, “but if it was easy, the hero will
Navy and 16,000 jobs could be gone in a Inverness (up towards the Highlands). WHICH USUALLY PRODUCES REVOLUTIONARY LITERATURE,BUTA lish lane surfaced with tarmac (invented simply make it. If there was no pressure
blink in case of Yes, he moans. Close to 7 Do we all break free of each other after so by John Loudon MacAdam of Ayr), has of time, the hero would simply defer
lakh people will need to be displaced — many years together?” asks Rother, who CERTAIN BUZZ FOLLOWS EVERYWORD UTTERED BY LITERARY his cars fitted with Pneumatic tyres making the choice forever. This is Scot-
movement from north-south and vice has many African friends from college FIGURES ON THAT MATTER OF REFERENDUM (patented by John Boyd Dunlop of land revealing its character.”

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microSD card up to 32GB good as what you would get on the Sam- charge and that’s far too long.
MIHIR PATKAR sung Galaxy Nexus or the iPhone 4.
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Redmi 1S has a spec sheet that blows its recording 8GB internal memory. App installa- buy at this price, but buying it from Flip-
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best budget phone you can buy, but it’s 720p HD video recording croSD card can take care of all your ex- bination of patience and luck. It should-
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with MIUI v5
It’s sad that the Redmi 1S looks and feels ` 5,999 Xiaomi’s custom Android interface, Despite the slow-charging battery, app
like a budget smartphone. It’s heavy, it called MIUI, customises the operating crashes and the design flaws, the Xi-
has big bezels that are a put-off, the system so it doesn’t really look like aomi Redmi 1S is still the best phone
screen is prone to fingerprint smudges, Android. Nonetheless, it’s easy to use you can buy at this price. The problems
and the overall build quality feels cheap. possible to spot and use in a dark room. doubt, the best you get at this price. Plus, in this price range, it’s good enough. and works well. Considering that this are not deal-breakers and, importantly,
But perhaps, the biggest problem is the it has Dragontrail protection to keep low-cost phone might be ideal for Redmi 1S gets it right in the things that
capacitive buttons under the screen. They SCREEN away scratches on the glass. Sunlight PERFORMANCE those new to Android, Xiaomi has also matter: screen quality, overall battery
aren’t backlit, making them nearly im- The 4.7-inch HD screen is, without a legibility isn’t the best we have seen, but The Redmi 1S is a satisfying experience, made a “Lite Mode” for the MIUI. This life, and camera.
music 4
SEPTEMBER 14, 2014


Tell Me a
Kolkata-based naid asked himself if this had to be his
multi-instrumentalist last album, what was it that he would
want to say.
Tajdar Junaid’s music Released last August, What Colour is
will now be heard in Your Raindrop is an intimate self-por-
trait and each song is a story from Ju-
Iranian filmmaker naid’s life. “I wanted to tell stories with-
Mohsen Makhmalbaf’s out using words much, they can
become a crutch. I wanted to use si-
latest offering lence in the songs, so that the listener
can reflect on his/her own story. Differ-
ent songs were born out of different ex-
periences and I wanted to bring to-
gether all the people and the sounds
that have shaped me,” he says.
Prelude to Poland, another song
picked up for Sold, is a tribute to Frederic
Chopin. “He is one of my favourite com-
posers and I arranged the first half of the
song as I imagined he would have,” says
Junaid. It begins tentatively, delicately,
slowly swimming in memory and nos-
talgia. The second half is discordant and
tumultuous; Junaid wanted to bring
alive the turmoil the Polish composer
and pianist felt upon leaving his country
at the age of 20 when war broke out in
the November uprising of 1830.
Eighteen musicians feature in the 10-
track album, including former band
mate Vishal Nayak, Cognac’s ex-drum-
mer, Anusheh Anadil from Bangladesh
who provides the vocal harmonies on
Ekta Golpo, as well as Kiwi singer Greg
emy Award-winning director my music and I feel that the uni- In 2010, after playing guitar for differ- Johnson, who recorded the vocals for
ANUSHREE MAJUMDAR Jeffrey Brown for Sold, a verse is conspiring to make things ent bands in the city for almost a decade, Mockingbird in his studio in Los Angeles.
film on sex trafficking in happen,” says Junaid. he decided to stop performing live; an His family finds mention, too: Aamna

HE charango is a stringed in- the subcontinent and this Born and raised in Kolkata, unshakeable weariness had set in. “I was was written for his little niece. “I wrote it
strument from South Amer- month, one can hear it play Junaid first began playing the completely exhausted of the covers as a lullaby for her, she turns three this De-
ica, a small member of the lute in Iranian filmmaker guitar after his higher second- scene. It’s a great tool to expand your cember and recognises it as her song,” he
family and the star of Tajdar Mohsen Makhmalbaf’s lat- ary exams ended. “My elder musical vocabulary, the money is good, says. He also brought in his father, Junaid
Junaid’s Dastaan, the third track on his est offering, The President. brother Shandar played guitar but I was frustrated of being a photocopy Ahmad, a retired sailor, to recite for one of
whimsically-titled debut album, What Last year, Junaid wrote a and after my exams, I began machine, playing other people’s songs,” the most original tracks on the album,
Colour is Your Raindrop. “I first heard the note to Makhmalbaf. “I was looking for teachers. I met says Junaid. Yaadon ki Pari. “My father has always writ-
instrument while listening to the sound- watching a lot of cinema, es- Amyt Datta; that meeting With his days opening up, and with ten for himself but he was caught up with
track of The Motorcycle Diaries by Gus- pecially Iranian films, and fell transformed my life,” he says. time on his side, he began listening to providing for the family. I wanted to draw
tavo Santaolalla. I’d been playing the in love with their way of story- Datta is something of a legend different music genres, including Indian him out and use his poetry,” says Junaid.
guitar for years, I was bored of it. I’d telling, and the way they make in the country’s independent classical music. “I began to listen to Us- The song begins with his father reciting
taught myself the mandolin and the great cinema against all odds. I music scene. The 53-year-old tad Ali Akbar Khan, in particular. His his verse, the voice crackles as though a
ukulele,” says the 33-year-old multi-in- wrote to him out of respect and guitarist for bands such as music expanded the way I was ap- long-forgotten vinyl is playing till Junaid
strumentalist from Kolkata, who then shared links of my music, say- Skinny Alley and Pink Noise proaching my own music. I began to brings in his electric guitar and Nayak’s
procured the 10-stringed instrument all ing that I would love to con- is one of the most innovative think that my compositions should look drums to steer the track into a chaotic, yet
the way from Bolivia. nect,” he says. “I didn’t think and experimental musi- deeper into who I am, and what I am controlled, descent.
In Dastaan, the Urdu and Persian anything would come of my cians in India, and has men- about,” he says. Junaid is now working on his second
word for story, Junaid uses the charango message but Makhmalbaf wrote tored several young artistes. Although he never held a full-time album. “I’m not really doing anything,
to great effect, letting the notes rise and back to say that he had heard my “Five of us from his class formed a band, job, Junaid didn’t seek corporate funding though, just putting ideas aside. I’ve
fall and navigate the silences that linger music and had liked it,” says Ju- SING, MEMORY Junaid performs at Cognac, and we hit the festival and tour for his debut album, What Colour is Your recorded one tune so far, Devotion. It’s
between them; as the sarangi joins the naid. In March, the filmmaker recon- NH7 2013 in Kolkata (top); the album scene. When Cognac broke up, I joined Raindrop. “I have been teaching guitar close to The First Year in the first album.
charango, stories are told through every nected and asked whether he could use cover features a photograph of him taken Span and played with them for a while,” for many years and I used my savings That album came together like pieces of
movement of the instrumental track. Dastaan for The President, which he was by his father in Esplanade when he was says Junaid, whose family has been very from years of gigging,” he says. a jigsaw puzzle, perhaps this one will,
Last year, the song was picked by Acad- shooting in Georgia. “I am just out to play three years old supportive of his music career. While conceptualising the album, Ju- too,” he says.



Not Happening able is often misplaced on to the bodies of

those who need to be protected rather than
those who are committing the treacherous
The online world has just found another way to exploit acts of invasion.
women’s privacy It is also, perhaps, time to stop calling Fap-
pening a scandal. Painting it as scandalous,
implicitly feeds into the rape cultures of slut
HE LAST couple of weeks would whole world is united in its quest for the shaming that have become so matter-of-fact

T have been bad for you, if you are a

woman, online. While we already
know that the internet is a hostile play-
smutty, you, like me, have probably even
searched for and ogled at the authentic nu-
dity of your favourite movie heartthrob.
in social media worlds. This is a case of secu-
rity, of illegal possession and of continued
fetishisation and sexualisation of the female
ground, we have been reminded yet again, While I do not have a moral high horse here — body, which is celebrated by bro and lad cul-
and rather forcefully, that despite all our we are all bound together in our collective tures online. This crime, of invading privacy
promises of equality and freedom, the inter- perversity — there are a few things that need and exposing somebody to make them vul-
net is not a very good place for women. The to be, perhaps, talked about in the light of dif- nerable, is not a scandal about the women
latest in the continued exploitation of ferent responses to Fappening. who are in those pictures. If anything, it is a
women’s privacy and bodies is what has First thing first, the women whose photos scandal about how one of the most tight-
been called “Fappening” in popular parlance have been stolen from their phones, do not lipped, closed, and opaque computation com-
and picked up by other media. Fappening is a have to give either an apology or an explana- panies has allowed for such security breaches
new word that refers to people touching tion about anything. While these women are and not bothered to offer an apology or an an-
themselves sexually, while looking at pri- famous celebrities and, hence, will have a swer to those who put their trust in their
vate pictures of famous women, online. public relations team working to either sub- glossily branded services.
And unless you have been hiding under a due or strategically respond to this entire pens even more if you are a woman, and it Social media has become a hunting
rock, you have probably heard about the infa- phenomenon, the expectation that these leads to some really scary instances of cyber ground, where those who can be are often put
mous hack into Apple’s idrive, and illegal women (yes, celebrities, but still women) bullying that have resulted in young people into spotlights of shame. By either condoning
downloading and distribution of a handful of owe us, the spectating society, any explana- leaving heart-rending note-card videos nar- it, participating in it, or not fighting against it,
naked or sexual pictures of famous Holly- tion, is shameful. Within the myriad worlds of rating their own pain and in some cases, we become complicit in acts like Fappening.
wood celebrities that have gone viral. Come the internet, there has been a prevalent trend killing themselves. While the internet is a
to think of it, given the almost obscene spike to first leak and expose people’s private lives, space for transparency and accountability, Nishant Shah is director, research,
in Google’s search results, registering that the and then force them to speak for it. This hap- the onus of being transparent and account- The Centre for Internet and Society

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