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Jimenez 1

Mayra Jimenez

Ms. White

AP Literature and Composition

18 October 2020

College Essay

My parents both have different ideologies, goals, passions, morals, and manners. My dad

grew up in an abusive household with a drunk dad who had no respect for them and would come

home after, what he called work: drinking. My father being the oldest had to stick around to be

the “man of the house” meaning that he had to drop out of school at a young age to help his

single mother provide for his numerous siblings. We would say that my father was living life to

the fullest because with my father being a free kid, he rarely got into trouble with his mother.

However, he was still raised to be a kid with the correct manners and morals to get him through

life with people that were not his age so he could prosper. My mother, on the other hand, was

raised by both parents in a household where they were expected to always be at their best

behavior, as well as being studious children. My mother, as well as her siblings, were expected to

be the best ones in their class and the ones to be the most talented. Aside from having all of this

pressure of being these perfect children with little love displayed for them they were also

expected to be merciful children of god in the way that they had to attend church class and go to

mass every sunday. My mother did everything that was expected of her and she received a

respectable education and received her GED and was prepared to go into college and achieve her
Jimenez 2

dream of being a teacher, that is until she met my father. Both being so different yet so similar,

decided to impulsively get married and create this family of their own. That is where I came in. I

am their first child, and of course the one who is expected to be the role model. And ever since I

was a little girl I dreamt of being this person who healed animals not because I felt bad for them

being abused for being hit by cars but because it was a passion that had developed from such a

young age because of my parents. My parents, unlike theirs, raised me in a loving household

with more than they ever had. They let me be who I wanted to be and let me explore what I liked

to do. I could say that my dad was in a way more influential because he would push me a bit

harder in the way that he would take me with my uncle to provide the animals in need of

assistance. Ever since the first day my father had taken me along, on what I call my favorite

adventure, I was mesmerized from the way they acknowledged the horses to the way they would

knock them out, if it was necessary of course. The horse would gracefully fall to the floor with

the complete aid of gravity, with the air having its arm extended to hold the horses resilient hair

and the way the floor was their soft plush pillow. I fell in love instantly and in my eyes it was the

best thing my parents could have ever given me. The one thing they had longed for coming into

the United States was for me to be the first to attend a college or university to be better than they

were and provide a life for my family when I would come to the conclusion of building my

family. My parents have given me the opportunity to be something they never got to be and be

greater than they were. They have taught me that life is the toughest thing to come across but

there are those small things that are worth moving forward for, in this case, mine is animals.

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