Movie Class - Alice in Wonderland' (2009) After Watching The Movie, Answer These Questions

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After watching the movie, answer these questions:

1 – What’s Alice’s surname?

a) Kingsley b) Kinsley c)Kelsey

2 – What is the animal Alice follows?

a) A Rabbit b)a Dog c)a mouse

3 – What animal takes Alice to the Hatter?

a) The Dog b) the Rabbit c)the Cat

4 – The Red Queen is the White Queen’s...

a) Sister b) mother c) cousin

5 – When the Hatter is arrested, Alice hides in a...

a) Hat b) lake c)plant

6 – Alice tells to the Red Queen that she’s from...

a) Ubrage b) Umbrage c) Umbridge

7 – During the whole movie, Alice thinks she’s...

a) Imagining b)sleeping c)dreaming

8 - What’s the sixth impossible thing Alice thinks?

a) ‘Animals can talk’ b) ‘There’s a drink that makes you shrink’ c) ‘I can slay
the Jabberwacky)

9 - What’s the name of the dance the Hatter dances?

a) Futterwagen b) Futterdance c) Futterwegan

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