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The Legend of Mount Mayon - Modern Version

Being the only daughter of the most prominent business tycoon on Asia , Gayon is not totally happy
in her life considering she is the luckiest person on Earth having a multi - billion father. She knows
there's something that is missing on her existence that she needs to find out. And that is her ultimate
concern right now, to ascertain the missing piece that will change her perspective about life. And Gayon
will do everything with her power to experience that kind of feeling even if it costs her luxurious life.

Gayon is nineteen years old woman who doesn't give a fuck about the opinions of her surroundings. And
that makes her mysterious and interesting on the view of her suitors and expectators. Regarding she is
the only heir of her family, Gayon didn't do her job as righteous one. She keeps on disobeying his
father's order and do the opposite. Despite her meanie attitude, Gayon grew as a helpful and beautiful
young maiden on her locality. And besides, she can plays a lot of instruments like piano, guitar, and
even cello. In short, she's a total packaged. She have the beauty, the talent and even the brain. And
everyone envy her because of those certain characteristics that she possesed. But despite of those
perfections she had this little secret that only her and her father knows. And as a teenage girl she have a
lot of insecurities. And she keeps asking herself why she doesn't have a perfect family like everyone else
had. . Gayon grew only with her father because her mother died when she was giving birth to her. And
she blamed herself because of that. That's why she keeps on doing the things that will make her father
mad at her. But in the end of the process, her father didn't totally get mad at her rather loved her as his

Gayon is a Nursing student on the school they owned which named after her deceased mother and
Gayon herself. Martha was her mother which then combined with her name Gayon which technically
give existence to this most prestigious school on Asia, Mayon Academy.

One time, when Gayon was eating her lunch with her only bestfriend Camila on the cafeteria. There's
this commotion happened in front of her which then broked her moment to eat her precious meal. And
because of great annoyance she gave a death glare to the person who ruined her meal and instantly
called her assistant to expelled him out of her school. And boomed! The guy who unintentionally ruined
her meal get kicked out of her school. That's the reason why everyone is afraid of her except her
bestfriend, Camila Cabello. Even the daughter of the Governor can't beat her bitchiness and as the
Queen Bee of their school.

Though she can be a bitch sometimes, Gayon still have a good heart inside. She can be your worst
nightmare and at the same time your sweetest fantasy. A paradox it is.

Gayon is so stiff when it comes to affection. Because she was raped by unknown person when she was
13 years old. She was abducted only to raped her and that causes her a trauma . And up until now, they
still didn't know who the rapist is. Even their money can't solve her case. But they already concluded
that her rapist is so wealthy since they can't find who her rapist is.

Gayon can still remember how his rapist molested her.Though she can't see his face because she was
blindfolded during the process. She can still visualized how her rapist took her virginity. And that made
her the person she is right now. A bitch, reserved and strong person. And she didn't want to repeat what
happened on her past, that's why she engaged on a lot of self defense lessons. And she promised on
herself that she will find who her rapist is. And makes him pay to the misery he brought to her.

But that dreadful thought she had within herself vanished when she met this almost perfect guy named
Cloud. When she saw him first time, she instantly fell in love with him. And she promised to herself that
she will be the perfect girl he will ever had. But she didn't know that Cloud was the biggest nightmare
she had on her past. She was the one who raped her. And it's his plan to show up and make her loved
him and forgive him for raping her. Cloud is freakingly gorgeous guy. He was tall, probably over six feet.
And he can pass as a model on every damn magazine she knows. And his family status is a blast. He is
much wealthier than her. And that makes him a perfect guy on the view of Gayon's father. And after two
months of dating they became a couple. And it's a best day for the both of them. And as time passes by,
they became madly in love with each other.

But not every love story is always happy and perfect. Gayon's father finally discovered who was his
daughter's rapist. And he was so angry that he instantly hire a gun man to kill Cloud. His father's plan did
workout. His father killed his lover. And after she finds out the reason why his father did that , the love
she have for him didn't vanished rather she still forgive him. And she plan to take her life because her
life is useless if she can't be with him. Before she took her life , she wrote a letter to her father that she
forgave him for taking his lover's life. And told him that she loved him and ask a favor that their body will
be bury at the back of Mayon Academy. And a year after , the students of Mayon Academy noticed a
small mountain at the back of their school. Upon seeing the mountain, they instantly concluded that the
appearance of the mountain was Gayon who was buried there. And they also noticed some Clouds that
surrounds the peak of the mountain. Which they concluded as the past lover of Gayon which is Cloud.
Which only means that he is hugging Gayon,showering her with his affections and asking for her
forgiveness for raping her.

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