Parliamentary Procedure Script

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I. Nominated and Elected as Temporary Presiding Officer/Chair in the absence of the

Presiding Officer

1. TPO: Good morning everyone. The ___ Regular Session of the 8th Sangguniang
Panlungsod is hereby called to order. Please stand for the invocation to be led by Hon.
________, to be followed by the singing of the national anthem and the provincial hymn and
recitation of the members present of the PCL Creed.

National Anthem
Provincial Hymn
PCL Creed

2. TPO: Secretariat/Madam Secretary kindly call the roll

Sec: Announces the number of attendees

2.1. If there is quorum – presence of 8 members including the TPO, TPO declares the
presence of quorum and proceed to No. 3

TPO: Having attained the required number of members present, the temporary presiding
chair/officer declares the presence of quorum.

2.2. If the is no quorum

TPO: Having not acquired the necessary number to constitute a quorum, the temporary
chair declares a recess (until such quorum is acquired or for ____ minutes/hour)

After the recess proceed to No. 2. Until quorum is acquired or the body decides to
adjourn for lack of quorum, in the event that quorum is unlikely to be achieved.

3. TPO: Since the required number of members present has been attained, the temporary
presiding officer declares the presence of quorum.

4. Sec: Approval of the Order of Business

4.1. If there is a member raising to be recognized. Call said member and he or she can
move for the approval of business.

Mem: Thank you Mr. Chair, I move for the approval of the Order of Business

TPO: A motion has been made for the approval of the Order of Business. Any second?
or A motion has been made for the approval of the Order of Business duly seconded.

Mem2: I second the motion.

TPO: Motion duly seconded. Any comments or objections?

4.1.1. If there are amendments recognize them same as 4.1. (must be seconded)

TPO: If there are no other amendments or objections, the main motion of Hon.
_____ as amended is hereby approved, so ordered.

4.1.2. If there are no amendments or objections to the motion of approval of order of


TPO: Hearing no amendments or objections, the Motion of Hon. ____ duly

seconded is hereby approved, so ordered.
5. Sec: Reading and Approval of the Minutes of the previous session.

TPO: The chair solicits a motion from the Body (If no motion is made) or recognize a
member already raising.

Mem: Thank you Mr. Chair, as much as the member of this August Body has already
received advance copies of the said minutes. I move Mr. Chair to dispense the oral reading
of the minutes 1st Regular Session and instead the members review the same, page by
page, in silence.

Mem2: I second the motion.

TPO: It has been moved and seconded that the oral reading of minutes of the previous
session be dispensed with and instead we review the same page by page in silence. Any
comments or objections? Hearing none the motion is hereby approved. Page 1, page 2…….

TPO: Since there are no corrections, the same is hereby approved.

6. Sec: Privilege Hour

TPO: Any member wishing to avail of the privilege hour.

6.1. If there is a member wishing to be recognized. Call them to recognized allow them to
deliver their speech

6.2. If there is no such member.

TPO: There being no member availing of the privilege hour. Let’s proceed to the next
order of business.

7. Sec: Question Hour

7.1. If there are invited guests in the agenda or as amended, allow the secretary to call them
in the order as stated in the agenda or if any other arrangement was previously

TPO should recognize the member calling the guest. The will give a background as to
why the guest was invited. Usually there is a motion for the suspension of rules.
Dispose of the said motion

Mem: The guest are invited for the purpose of ______. At this juncture Mr. Chair I move
for the suspension of the House Rules to accommodate non members to address this
August Body.

Mem2: I second the motion.

TPO: A motion, duly seconded, has been made to suspend the House Rules to
accommodate non members to speak before this August Body. There being no
objections, the same is approved, so ordered.

Discussion. During the discussion, the presiding officer has the discretion who to call or
recognize first. Please be guided by our rules as to who should be called.

7.1.1. If there are no other questions. The presiding officer thanks the guests for their
time and often declares a RECESS so that he may go to the guest personally to
thank them and allow the members to thank the guests as well.

7.1.2. After the discussion. The sponsoring member will cause for the lifting of the
suspension of the house rules.

TPO: A motion is in order (If no motion is made) OR A motion has been made for
the lifting of the suspension of the house rules and duly seconded, any
comments or objections, hearing none the motion is hereby approved, so

7.2. If there are no invited guests.

TPO: There being no invited guests, lets proceed to the next item in the order of

8. Sec: First Reading and Referral of proposed measures and other communications.

TPO: Hon. ____, you are recognized.

Mem: Hon. Presiding Chair, in as much as the members were previously furnished copies of
the proposed measures and communication, I move to dispense the oral reading of the
same and instead these be referred to the concerned committee and be considered as
having passed the First Reading.

Mem2: I second.

TPO: A motion has been made to dispense with the oral reading of the proposed measures
and other communication and instead refer them to their appropriate committees and also
considered to have passed the first reading and duly seconded. Any comments or
objections. Hearing none the motion is hereby approved, so ordered.

9. Sec: Committee Reports (Sec calls the reports one by one)

TPO: (Recognize reporting member)

Rep: (Read his report) I move for the adoption of my report

Mem: I second.

TPO: A motion has been made, duly seconded for the adoption of the report. Any comments
or objections. Hearing none, the same is approved, so ordered. Will the Committee Chair
accept queries.

Rep: Yes.

TPO has discretion who to recognize first. The reporter usually moves for the approval on
second reading.

TPO: A motion has been made for the approval of the report on second reading. Any
comments or objections. Hearing none, the matter is hereby approved on second reading,
so ordered. What is your recommendation.

Rep: I move to have this matter calendared for third and final reading Mr. Chair.

TPO: Secretariat, please note.

10. Sec: Calendar of Business.

Secretary calls all matters calendared one by one. Action will depend on the nature of the
matter calendared. Please refer to the rules.

If nothing is calendared.

TPO: There being no business calendared today for the consideration of the Body, lets go to
the next item

11. Sec: Other matters

Same as previous (at 10)

12. Adjournment.

TPO: The chair solicits a motion from the Body (If no one moves yet)

Acknowledge member.

Mem: I move to adjourn the session Mr. Chair.

Mem2: I second.

TPO: Motion has been made to adjourn the session, duly seconded. Any comments or
objections. Hearing none the motion is approved, so ordered.

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