7 Bacterial Genetics PDF

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Enclonar, Kimberly / MLS 3A

o Composite transposons
Bacterial Genetics ▪ Cassettes (grouping of genes) flanked by
November 4, 2020 insertion sequences
Marx P. Catalan, RMT, MSMT ▪ For antimicrobial resistance
• 2 methods of transposition:
o Cut-and-paste mechanism
o Copy-and-paste mechanism

Genetic Exchange and Diversity

• Mutation
o Alteration in the original nucleotide sequence of
a gene or genes within an organism's genome
o Change in the organisms genotype
• Genetic Recombination
o Some segment of DNA originating from one
bacterial cell enters a second bacterial cell and is
exchanged or transferred
o Rec A protein
• Genetic exchange
o Transformation
Genes and Genetic Code
▪ Involves recipient cell uptake of naked
• Gene - a DNA sequence that encodes for a specific
(free) DNA released into the environment
product (RNA or protein)
when another bacterial cell (donor) dies
• Genome - all genes in an organism
and undergoes lysis
▪ Plays a role in antibacterial resistance
Bacterial Chromosomes
▪ Gene exchange by transformation is not
• Chromosomes - organized element of genes
limited to organisms in the same species
• Characteristics:
▪ Competent (able to do transformation)
o Not enclosed in a nucleus
□ Ex: Haemophilus, Streptococcus and
o Double stranded, closed and circular
o Extensively folded and twisted (supercoils)
• Transduction
▪ For preservation of genetic material
o DNA from two bacteria undergoes
▪ In prokaryotic cells, topoisomerases plays a
recombination mediated by bacteriophages
vital role in correct formation of supercoils
(viruses capable of infecting bacteria)
□ Topoisomerase 1 - cuts 1 strand
o Bacterial DNA may be randomly incorporated
□ Topoisomerase 2 - cuts 2 strands
with viral DNA (generalized transduction) or
▪ In eukaryotic cells, proteins known as
incorporated with the adjacent viral DNA
HISTONES forms a complex the DNA strand
(specialized transduction)
to form supercoils
• Conjugation
□ Rich in histidine and lysine o DNA exchange from two bacteria involving cell-
□ Positively charged
to-cell contact and requires mobilization of the
donor bacterium's chromosomes
Non-chromosomal Elements o Plasmids and transposons may be transferred via
• For creating resistance and adaptation capabilities conjugation
• Extra chromosomal elements that are able to o Uses a sex pillus (hollow surface appendage)
replicate and encode information o Chromosome transfer
o Plasmid transfer
• Autonomously replicating extra chromosomal DNA
• Cannot link up with chromosomal DNA (?)
• Contains the genetic information necessary for its
own replication

• Capable of replication independently of the host cell
• It may exist independently of the chromosome or
integrated into the chromosomes.
• Example: insertion sequences and transposons,

Transposons/Transposable Elements "Jumping Genes"

• Pieces of DNA that move from one genetic element to
• Unable to replicate independently
• Do not exist as separate entities in bacterial cell
• Types:
o Simple transposons/insertion transposons
▪ Limited to containing genes that encode
information required for movement from
one site in the genome to another.
Enclonar, Kimberly / MLS 3A

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