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Offort is a kind of engraving on metal, a technique of easel graphics of gravure

printing, which allows you to obtain impressions from printing plates ("boards"), in
the process of creating an image on which the surface is etched with acids. Known
since the beginning of the 16th century.
At the academy, we make a printing plate, after which the metal plate is covered
with acid-resistant varnish, on which the engraving drawing is scratched with
special tools. Then the plate is placed in acid, which etches the metal in the areas
exposed to the varnish. After etching, the rest of the varnish is removed from the
plate. Before printing, ink is applied to the plate, and then the smooth surface of
the printing plate is cleaned of it, as a result of which the ink is retained only in the
etched recesses. During printing, this ink is transferred from the recessed printing
elements onto the paper. Thus, etching is a kind of gravure printing.


 the points have a triangular shape, since they are set by the end of the
 strokes have sharp ends on one or both sides (at the points of entry or exit of
the grader from the plate)
 ; due to significant pressure on the graver, the lines are constrained and
change their thickness with different immersion of the tool.

Dry needle Dry point engraving is so called because it takes place without coating
the surface of the plate with varnish and without etching (techniques with a
chemical method of engraving are presented below). For this technology, needles
of different sizes, scraper and ironer are used. First, the metal plate is prepared for
work: grind, polish, process the edge and corners. Then the desired pattern is
applied to the plate using a graphite pencil or a thin needle and the engraving
process itself begins.


 lines have sharp ends (often in the form of hooks);
 on the strokes, velvety overflows of paint may occur if the barbs were not
erased due to numerous prints or were not removed forcibly;
 angular and straightened lines predominate.

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