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CVNG 1005
SEMESTER 2- 2009/2010


Dr Mwasha Abrahams
Extn: 3434

Aggregates are used in concrete for the following reasons:

 They greatly reduce costs

 They reduce the shrinkage of concrete
 They help produce a concrete with satisfactory plastic properties
 Low density aggregates decrease foundation load as well as increase
thermal insulation
 High –density concrete for radiation shielding (iron based aggregates)
 Improve fire resistance (limestone, light weight aggregates)
 Abrasion- resistance concrete for floors (granites or carborundum

Concrete exists as a two-phase material; the cement and the aggregate with each
contributing to the overall properties of the material. Therefore, even though it may
be more economic to produce concrete with a high of proportion of aggregate, this
needs to be balanced against the desired properties (both in the fresh and hardened
state) of the concrete produced. Inclusion of aggregate in concrete increases both
durability and better volume stability.


There are different types of aggregates for concrete which are obtained from a wide
range of sources as shown in Figure 1.

Normal Aggregate

Specified to BS EN 12620:2002 Aggregates for concrete, (and in PD 6682-1), this

form of aggregate is used in the large majority of concrete produced in the UK. There
are two primary types:
Please fill in
 Natural aggregates
 Artificial aggregates

Crushed aggregates
Crushed aggregates are obtained from the quarrying and, breaking down of rocks to
specified sizes.

Figure 1 – Type of aggregates

Rocks can be described as aggregates of minerals with mineral being defined as a
naturally occurring inorganic substance with a definite chemical composition. There
are three types of rock namely:


Igneous rocks (etymology from latin ignis, fire) are rocks formed by solidification of
cooled magma (molten rock), with or without crystallization, either below the surface
as intrusive (plutonic) rocks or on the surface as extrusive (volcanic) rocks

Igneous rocks can be classified according to chemical or mineralogical parameters:

 Ultra acidic igneous rocks containing a high

silica content, greater than 75% SiO2 (examples
pegmatite and alaskite )
 acid igneous rocks containing a high silica
content, greater than 63% SiO2 (examples
granite, rhyolite and dactite)
 intermediate igneous rocks containing between
52 - 63% SiO2 (example sienite andesite)
 basic igneous rocks have low silica 45 - 52%
and typically high iron - magnesium content
(examples Gabbro, Labrodorite,basalt)
 ultrabasic igneous rocks with less than 45%
silica. (examples Dunite picrite and komatite)
 alkalic igneous rocks with 5 - 15%alkali (K2O +
Na2O) (examples phonolite and trachyte)


Rock formed from sediments covers 75-80% of the Earth's land area, and includes
common types such as (chalk, limestone, dolomite, sandstone, conglomerate and
shale). These are made from fragments of other rocks, which have been broken down
by weathering forces (chemical and physical), abrasion and shattering This material is
then carried away and deposited (usually in water) into generally horizontal beds of
sediment. As these layers build up, the lower sediments get compacted together and
cemented by minerals, which fill the spaces between the fragments by the process
known as lithification.

Sedimentary rocks are classified by the source of their sediments, and are produced by
one or more of:

 Clastic rock formed from fragments broken off

from parent rock, by
o weathering in situ or

o erosion by water, ice or wind, followed
by transportation of sediments, often in
suspension, to the place of deposition;
 Biogenic activity; or
 precipitation from solution


Metamorphic rocks are formed when they are subjected to pressure, temperature and
chemical activity conditions different from those under which they were originally
formed. Such conditions can change the texture of the rocks and form new minerals,
all of which occurs without melting the rock: Mineral formed from this process are
known as index minerals, including sillimanite, kyanite, staurolite, andalusite, and
some garnet.

Other minerals, such as olivines, pyroxenes, amphiboles, micas, feldspars, and quartz,
may be found in metamorphic rocks, but are not necessarily the result of the process
of metamorphism.

Crushed Rock

Concrete aggregates produced from crushed rock tend to be angular and have a
relatively higher porosity resulting in a higher drying shrinkage to the concrete when
compared to sand & gravels. Granite is an example of a high strength and generally
high quality aggregate.

Sand & Gravel ( Heavyweight, Medium and low density aggregates)

Heavyweight aggregate

This is for use in specialist concrete, which has typical applications, because of its
high density (4800 kg/m3 to 8500 kg/m3 for heavyweight concrete) for shielding for
X-rays and in nuclear installations where protection is required against radiation (e.g.
gamma rays).

Medium aggregate

Most natural aggregates have solid densities with a narrow range of values between
2400 and 2700kg/m3 corresponding to relative densities between 2.4-2.7. These
densities produces concrete densities of 2200 to 2500kg/m3

Lightweight aggregate

Although previously specified to BS 3797:1990, this is now been superseded by BS

EN 13055-1:2002 Lightweight aggregates for concrete, mortar and grout

Lightweight aggregates are classified as aggregates, which have particle densities not
exceeding 2000 kg/m3 (compared to approx 2500 to 2.700 for normal aggregate).

Example of light weight aggregates(LWA) are:

 Synthetic lightweight aggregates (pulverized fuel ash; blast furnace slag )
 Natural light weight aggregates (clay pebbles; pumice etc)

Other LWA materials including sintered shale (Aglite), foamed pellitised slag
(Pellite) and expanded clay (Leca). Note that these materials have high porosity as
well as high absorption values..

LWA can be used to produce concrete having densities of as low as 500kg/m3

Other quality requirements for aggregate

Typical applications for lightweight aggregates include precast concrete blocks,

insulating structures and materials where a good fire resistance is required.

Figure 2 - Example of a grading curve

Classification of aggregates

Petrographic classification

This is a petrographic classification of aggregates and is carried out according to BS

EN 932-3:1997 Tests for general properties of aggregates - Part 3: Procedure and
terminology for simplified petrographic description. The standard requires a
systematic geological description, which includes information on formation,
mineralogy, geological age, presence of shell fragments, degree of weathering.

Size Classification

The particle size distribution is determined to the method given in BS EN 933-1:1997

Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates, Part 1 Determination of particle size
distribution (Previously BS 812: 1985, Part 103). This involves passing a
representative sample of the aggregate through a number of sieves (BS 410) with a
progressively smaller aperture size and then determining the mass retained on each
sieve. This is then used to calculate the cumulative percentage of the sample that
passes each sieve size . This percentage passing is then plotted on a graph against the
relevant sieve size to produce a ‘grading curve’ (Figure 2).

Aggregates are classified as being either ‘coarse’ (> 4mm particle size) or ‘fine’ (<
4mm particle size), ‘fines’ are classified as material smaller than 63 μm. Table 11 of
BS 12620: 2002 allows a maximum percentage fines of 1.5% and 4% for uncrushed
and crushed coarse aggregate respectively, and 3% and 16% for uncrushed, partially
crushed or crushed gravel sand and crushed rock sand.

Shape/texture classification

The external geometric characteristics and texture, like grading, of aggregate have an
important effect on the properties of the concrete produced with it. To try and
categorise these, the following definitions are used:

Roundness: relative angularity or sharpness of the corners and edges of a

particle. This is a result of the weathering and abrasion that the
particle has been subjected to.

Elongation: particles whose longest length is more than 3 x their thickness

are described as being elongated or non-cubical

Angular Possessing well-defined edges formed at the

intersection of approximate planar faces.

In addition, the surface texture is dependent upon the grain size, hardness, and pore
characteristics of the parent material and can be described as glassy, smooth, granular,
rough, crystalline or honeycombed.





Table 1 Aggregates size and their applications

No of stockpiles 20mm 10mm 5mm 150micronm

1 YES(ballast) - - -

Table 2 Alternative ways of batching graded aggregates of aggregates of maximum size 20mm

1) Simplest method is to have single stockpile of 20mm (ballast)- this is simple since only one
type of material need to be batched- but this method gives only poor control over the
distribution of particle sizes. This method is used for lightly stressed concrete such as ground
floor slabs in domestic dwellings.
2) The second is to use 20mm graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates. This method is
widely used in concrete production
3) This permit very close control over the coarse sizes which are prone to segregation. The extra
cost of materials and additional batching is compensated by the high quality of the concrete

Mechanical & Physical properties

Generally the strength of the aggregate should exceed the strength of the concrete.
BS EN 12620:2002 has requirements for a number of different mechanical and
physical parameters including:
 Resistance to fragmentation,
 Resistance to wear and resistance to polishing and abrasion.

Determination of then strength of aggregates is by the resistance to fragmentation

which is determined by the Los Angeles test (BS EN 1097-2:1998 Tests for
mechanical and physical properties of aggregates – Part 2:

Methods for the determination of resistance to fragmentation. This consists of

placing aggregate into a steel drum along with a charge of steel balls. The drum is
rotated a set number of revolutions causing the balls to grind and break down the
aggregate. The proportion of broken fragments, expressed as a percentage is,

Specific gravity/bulk density

Specific gravity (alternatively particle density = specific gravity x 1000) can be

defined in a number of ways:

Absolute specific gravity:

This is the ratio of the mass of a unit volume of material to the mass of the same
volume of water at the stated temperature. The volume in this case refers to the
volume of solid material excluding the pores.

Apparent specific gravity

As above, but the volume of material here refers to the solid material + the
impermeable pores (but not capillary ones, i.e. open at the surface of the aggregate).

Bulk specific gravity

As above, but the volume of material here refers to the solid material + all pores
(impermeable + capillary). The condition when all pores are filled with water but
there is no excess water on the surface of the aggregate is known as saturated surface
dry (SSD) see Figure 3

Figure 3 - Saturated surface dry (SSD) aggregate condition

The term bulk density refers to the density of a the aggregates and the voids between
them when packed together. Two forms are recognized; loose and compacted. These
values are required when there is a need to batch aggregates by volume.

Water absorption/moisture content

The water absorption of the aggregate is determined by measuring the decrease in
mass of a SSD sample after drying in an oven at 110oC for 24 hours and expressing
that decrease as a percentage of the dry mass of the sample.

e.g. SSD wt = 1256 grams (g)

Dry wt = 1203 g
Decrease = 1256-1203 = 53 g

water absorption = (53/1203)*100 = 4.4%

Since water contained within the capillaries is not considered to play a part in the
chemical reactions of cement hydration (i.e. SSD condition) then the moisture content
of aggregates is water contained in the aggregates over and above that required for the
SSD condition (‘free’ water, Figure 3). Such moisture has to be allowed for in mix
design calculations. Moisture content is usually determined by oven drying to BS EN

In addition to the properties previously mentioned, BS EN 12620:2002 also has

chemical requirements for sulphur containing compounds, chlorides, calcium
carbonate content and alkali-silica reactivity.

To ensure the long term durability of aggregates the standard also has requirements
for resistance to freeze-thaw cycles and resistance to salt attack.

Requirements for water used in concrete production

This is specified by BS EN 1008:2002 Mixing water for concrete - Specification for

sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered
from processes in the concrete as mixing water for concrete. The specification
broadly consists of two parts, one dealing with general requirements and the other for
the specific use of water recovered from processes in the concrete industry.

Water recovered from concrete production processes, underground sources, natural

surface water and industrial waste water does require testing. Such testing includes
chloride, sulphate and alkali contents, degree of contamination from sugars,
phosphates, nitrates, lead and zinc (all max 100 mg/l except nitrates 500 mg/l) and the
effect on setting time and strength of cement (>25% difference in setting time and
minimum 90% of 7 day strength when compared to samples made with
distilled/deionised water).


Water/cement ratio and aggregates/cement ratio

The objective of mix design is by systematic analysis of materials properties and

knowledge of how they affect concrete properties to produce as economically as
possible for a given volume of concrete such that the properties of both fresh and
hardened materials are as required for the specific purpose.
Definition of two important terms-on designing concrete mixes: water/cement ratio
and aggregates/cement ratio

mass of water in a concrete sample

water cement ratiio 
mass of concrete sample

mass of aggregate in a concrete sample

aggregate cement ratiio 
mass of concrete in that sample

After knowing the properties of cements and aggregates it is now possible to identify
the important properties of concrete itself in the fresh and hardened states,

Class exercise

1) Correction of moisture content

Determine the correct batch quantities for 1 cubic meter of concrete if the quantities
based on saturated surface dry aggregates are:

Cement 310 kg
Fine aggregates 650kg
Course aggregates 1190 kg
Water 180 litres

Moisture contents of fine and course aggregates are 4.5 % and 1.5% respectively
based on wet weight

2) Explain the properties and potential for the use of these rocks and how they could
affect the strength of hardened concrete;

Further reading

TAYLOR, G.D. and Smith B. J. (1992) Materials in construction: 6th impression, Ed,
Longman Scientific and Technical Harlow, Pearson Education Ltd. UK .pp 10-20

NEVILLE, A.M. and BROOKS, J.J (1987) Concrete technology. Longman Scientific
and Technical, Harlow. Ch. 3.

TAYLOR, G.D. (2001) Materials in construction: an introduction, 3rd Ed, Harlow,

Pearson Education Ltd. pp 51-60.


The moisture in 650 kg of fine aggregates equals

4.5/100x 650 = 29.25 kg
Hence add this amount extra to the quantity of fine aggregates giving
650 +29.25 = 679.25
As a correct batch mass of fine aggregate

The moisture in 1190 kg of coarse aggregate equals

1.5/100 x 1190 = 17.85 kg
Again this amount must be added to the quantity of course aggregates giving
1190 + 17.85 = 1207.85 as correct batch mass of coarse aggregate.

Correct batch quantity of water, the water contents above is subtracted from the given batch content

180 – (29.25 +17.85) = 132.9 kg or litres of water

basalt.- fully crystallized, .dark in color due to dark colored minerals such as olivine, avgite etc
found in this rock. The rock has high density 2.9 – 3.1
granite.- fully crystallized, color depending on type of minerals found in this rock density ranging
from 2.6 to 2.7 g/cm3
Labrador...same group as basalt. But is usually used as precious rock..


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