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home / study / science / advanced physics / advanced physics questions and answers / electrostatic precipitators (esp) are a common form of air-cl…

Question: Electrostatic precipitators (ESP) are a common form of air-clea…

Electrostatic precipitators (ESP) are a common form of air-cleaning device. ESPs are used to remove
particle emissions from smoke moving up smokestacks in coal and oil- red electricity-generating plants
and pollutants from the boilers in oil re neries. You can buy portable ESPs or whole-house ESPs that
connect to the cold-air return on the furnace. These devices remove about 95% of dirt and 85% of
microscopic particles from the air.
A basic electrostatic precipitator contains a negatively charged horizontal metal grid (made of thin wires)
and a stack of large, at, vertically oriented metal collecting plates, with the plates typically spaced about 1
cm apart (only two plates are shown in the (Figure 1) ). Air ows across the charged grid of wires and then
passes between the stack of plates. A large negative potential difference (tens of thousands of volts) is
applied between the wires and the plates, creating sparks that ionize particles in the air around the thin
wires. Negatively charged smoke particles ow upward between the plates. The charged particles are
attracted to and stick to the oppositely charged plates and are thus removed from the moving gas

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Ryker Jarvis answered this

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