Fundamentals of Trigonometry

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9.1 Introduction 9.2.1. Sexagesimal System: (Degree, Minute and Second).

Trigonometry is an important branch of Mathematics. The word If the initial ray OA rotates in anti-clockwise direction in such a way that it coincides
Trigonometry has been derived from three Greek words: Trei (three), Goni (angles) and with itself, the angle then formed is said to be of 360 degrees (360°).
Metron (measurement). Literally it means measurement of triangle. One rotation (anti-clockwise) = 360°
For study of calculus it is essential to have a sound knowledge of trigonometry. 1
It is extensively used in Business, Engineering, Surveying, Navigation, Astronomy, rotation (anti-clockwise) = 180° is called a straight angle
Physical and Social Sciences.
rotation (anti-clockwise) = 90° is called a right angle.
9.2 Units of Measures of Angles

Concept of an Angle
Two rays with a common starting point form an angle. One of the rays of angle is called
initial side and the other as terminal side. The angle is identified by showing the direction of
rotation from the initial side to the terminal side.
An angle is said to be positive/negative if the rotation is anti-clockwise/clockwise. Angles
are usually denoted by Greek letters such as a (alpha), b (beta), g (gamma), q (theta) etc. 1 1
1 rotation =360° rotation = 180° rotation = 90°
In figure 9.1 ∠AOB is positive and ∠COD is negative. 2 4

1 degree (1°) is divided into 60 minutes ( 60′ ) and 1 minute ( 1’) is divided into 60 seconds
( 60′′ ). As this system of measurement of angle owes its origin to the English and because 90,
60 are multiples of 6 and 10, so it is known as English system or Sexagesimal system.

Thus 1 rotation (anti-clockwise) = 360°.

One degree (1°) = 60’
One minute (1′ ) = 60”

figure 9.1 9.2.2. Conversion from D°M’ S” to a decimal form and vice versa.

There are two commonly used measurements for angles: Degrees and Radians. which
are explained as below: (i) 1630′ = =′
16.5 (As 30 = 0.5 )

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most useful for the study of higher mathematics. Specially in Calculus, angles are measured
25 1 60 in radians.
(ii) 45.25 = 45 15′ (0.25=

= = = 15′)
100 4 4 Definition: Radian is the measure of the angle subtended at the center of the circle by an
arc, whose length is equal to the radius of the circle.
Example 1: Convert 18 6′ 21′′ to decimal form.

Consider a circle of radius r. Construct an angle ∠AOB at the

1 ′  1 
 
 1  
= 1′   and =1′′ =    centre of the circle whose rays cut off an arc 
AB on the circle whose
 60   60   60 × 60 

length is equal to the radius r.
  1   1  Thus m∠AOB = 1 radian.
∴ 18 6′ 21′′ =

18 + 6   + 21 
  60   60 × 60  
= (18 + 0.1 + 0.005833)° =18.105833°

9.3 Relation between the length of an arc of a circle and the
Example 2: Convert 21.256° to the D M ′ S ′′ form
circular measure of its central angle.
Solution: 0.256 = (0.256)(1 ) Prove that q =

= (0.256)
= ( 60′ ) 15.36′ where r is the radius of the circle l, is the length of the arc and q is the circular measure
of the central angle.
and 0.36′ = (0.36)(1′)
= (0.36)(60
= ′′) 21.6′′

21.256°= 21°+ 0.256°

= 21 + 15.36′

= 21 + 15′ + 0.36′ By definition of radian;

An angle of 1 radian subtends an arc 
AB on the circle of length = 1.r
= 21 + 15′ + 21.6′′
1 1
An angle of radian subtends an arc 
AB on the circle of length = .r
= 21° 15’ 22” rounded off to nearest second 2 2

An angle of 2 radians subtends an arc 
AB on the circle of length = 2.r
9.2.3. Circular System (Radians) ∴An angle of q radian subtends an arc AB on the circle of length= q.r
⇒  q .r
AB =
There is another system of angular measurement, called the Circular System. It is

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⇒ l q .r
2π r
⇒ q=
l r
∴ q = r ⇒ q =
2π radian
Alternate Proof
Let there be a circle with centre O and radius r. Suppose that length of arc 
AB = l and Thus we have the relationship
the central angle m∠AOB = q radian. Take an arc AC of length = r. 2π radian = 360
By definition m∠AOC = 1 radian.
We know from elementary geometry that measures of central angles of the arcs of a
⇒ π radian 180
circle are proportional to the lengths of their arcs.
180 180

⇒ 1 radian = ≈ ≈ 57.296
m∠AOB m
AB π 3.1416
⇒ =
m∠AOC m
Further 1 = radian.
q radian l 180
⇒ =
1 radian r
≈ ≈ 0.0175 radain
l 180
⇒ q =


Thus the central angle q (in radian) subtended by a circular arc of length l is given by Example 3: Convert the following angles in degree:

l 2π
q = , where r is the radius of the circle. (i) radain (ii) 3 radians.
r 3
2π 2 2
Remember that r and l are measured in terms of the same unit and the radian measure Solution:
= (i) radains = (π radain) = (180 ) 120
3 3 3
is unit-less, i.e., it is a real number.
For example, if r = 3 cm and l = 6 cm (ii) 3 radains = 3(1 radain) ≈ 3(57.296 ) ≈ 171.888

l 6
then q
= = = 2 Example 4: Convert 54° 45 ‘ into radians.
r 3
 
9.3.1 Conversion of Radian into Degree and Vice Versa  45   3 219
Solution: 54 45′
= 
54 
=  54 
 60   4 4
We know that circumference of a circle of radius r is 2π r = (l ), and angle formed by one
219 
complete revolution is q radian, therefore, = (1 )
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Example 7: Find correct to the nearest centimeter, the distance at which a coin of diameter
219 ‘1’ cm should be held so as to conceal the full moon whose diameter subtends an angle of
≈ (0.0175) radinas
4 31’ at the eye of the observer on the earth.

≈ 0.958 radains.

Most calculators automatically would convert degrees into radians and radians into

Example 5: An arc subtends an angle of 70° at the center of a circle and its length is
132 m.m. Find the radius of the circle.

Solution: Solution: Let O be the eye of the observer. ABCD be the moon and PQSR be the coin, so that
APO and CSO are straight line segments.
3.1416 70 11
70 =
70 × radains = (3.1416)radain = radains. (π =
180 180 9
We know that mPS
= 1 cm, m∠AOC
= 31′

Now since m∠POC ) is very very small.

m∠ACO (=
∴ q radain
= and l 132m.m. ∴ PS can be taken as the arc .of the circle with centre O and
radius OP.
l l 9 31 × π
 q = ⇒ r = = 132 × =108 m.m. Now =
OP r=
, l 1 cm , q = 31′ = radains
r q 11 60 × 180
Example 6: Find the length of the equatorial arc subtending an angle of 1° at the centre of
the earth, taking the radius of the earth as 6400 km.  q =
π 3.1416 l 1 × 60 × 180 60 × 180
= 1 radains ≈ radain ∴ r = = ≈ ≈ 110.89 cm.
180 180 q 31 × π 31 × 3.1416

Hence the coin should be held at an approximate distance of 111 cm. from the observer’s
∴ q ≈ and r=
6400 km. eye.

l Note: If the value of π is not given, we shall take π ≈ 3.1416.

Now q =

⇒ l = rq ≈ 6400 × ≈ 111.7 km

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Exercise 9.1 9. A railway train is running on a circular track of radius 500 meters at the rate of 30 km
per hour. Through what angle will it turn in 10 sec.?
1. Express the following sexagesimal measures of angles in radians: 10. A horse is tethered to a peg by a rope of 9 meters length and it can move in a circle
i) 30° ii) 45° iii) 60° iv) 75° with the peg as centre. If the horse moves along the circumference of the circle, keeping
v) 90° vi) 105° vii) 120° viii) 135° the rope tight, how far will it have gone when the rope has turned through an angle of
ix) 150° x) 10 15′ xi) 35 20′ xii) 75 6′ 30′′
11. The pendulum of a clock is 20 cm long and it swings through an angle of 20° each

xiii) 120′ 40′′ xiv) 154 20′′ xv) 0° xvi) 3′′ second. How far does the tip of the pendulum move in 1 second?
2. Convert the following radian measures of angles into the measures of sexagesimal 12. Assuming the average distance of the earth from the sun to be 148 x 106 km and the
system: angle subtended by the sun at the eye of a person on the earth of measure 9.3 x 10-3
radian. Find the diameter of the sun.
π π π π π 13. A circular wire of radius 6 cm is cut straightened and then bent so as to lie along the
i) ii) iii) iv) v)
8 6 4 3 2 circumference of a hoop of radius 24 cm. Find the measure of the angle which it
2π 3π 5π 7π 9π subtends at the centre of the hoop.
vi) vii) viii) ix) x)
3 4 6 12 5
11π 13π 17π 25π 19π 1
xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) 14. Show that the area of a sector of a circular region of radius r is r 2 q , where q is the
27 16 24 36 32 2
circular measure of the central angle of the sector.
3. What is the circular measure of the angle between the hands of a watch at 4 O’clock? 15. Two cities A and B lie on the equator such that their longitudes are 45°E and 25°W
4. Find q , when: respectively. Find the distance between the two cities, taking radius of the earth as
i) l = 1.5 cm, r = 2.5cm 6400 kms.
ii) l = 3.2m, r = 2m 16. The moon subtends an angle of 0.5° at the eye of an observer on earth. The distance
5. Find l, when: of the moon from the earth is 3.844 x 105 km approx. What is the length of the diameter
i) q = π randains, r = 6cm of the moon?
17. The angle subtended by the earth at the eye of a spaceman, landed on the moon, is
ii) q = 65 20′ r = 18mm
1° 54’. The radius of the earth is 6400 km. Find the approximate distance between the
6. Find r, when:
moon and the earth.
i) l = 5 cm, q = radian

ii) l = 56 cm, q = 45 9.4 General Angle (Coterminal Angles)
7. What is the length of the arc intercepted on a circle of radius 14 cms by the arms of a
central angle of 45°?
There can be many angles with the same initial and terminal sides. These are called
8. Find the radius of the circle, in which the arms of a central angle of measure 1 radian  
coterminal angles. Consider an angle ∠POQ with initial side OP and terminal side OQ with
cut off an arc of length 35 cm.
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vertex O.
= Let m∠POQ q radian, where 0 ≤ q ≤ 2π ⇒ General angle is q + 2kπ , k ∈ Z ,

9.5 Angle In The Standard Position

An angle is said to be in standard position if its vertex lies at the origin of a rectangular
coordinate system and its initial side along the positive x-axis.
The following figures show four angles in standard position:
Now, if the side OQ comes to its present position after one or more complete rotations
in the anti-clockwise direction, then m∠POQ
will be
i) q + 2π , after one revolution ii) q + 4π , after two revolutions,

An angle in standard position is said to lie in a quadrant if its terminal side lies in that
quadrant. In the above figure:
Angle a lies in I Quadrant as its terminal side lies is I Quadrant
Angle b lies in II Quadrant as its terminal side lies is II Quadrant
Angle g lies in III Quadrant as its terminal side lies is III Quadrant
and Angle q lies in IV Quadrant as its terminal side lies is IV Quadrant
If the terminal side of an angle falls on x-axis or y-axis, it is called a
However, if the rotations are made in the clock-wise direction as shown in the figure,
m∠POQ will be:

i) q - 2π , after one revolution,

ii) q - 4π , after two revolution, quadrantal angle.

i.e., 90°, 180°, 270° and 360° are quadrantal angles.
It means that OQ comes to its original position after every revolution of 2π radians in
the postive or negative directions. 9.6 Trigonometric Functions
In general, if angle q is in degrees, then q + 360k where k ∈ Z , is an angle coterminal
with q . If angle q is in radians, then q + 2kπ where k ∈ Z , is an angle coterminal with q . Consider a right triangle ABC with ∠C =
90 and sides a, b, c, as shown in the figure. Let
m∠A =q radian.

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the angle be (x, y).

The side AB opposite to 90° is called the hypotenuse (hyp), If = r x 2 + y 2 denote the distance from O (0, 0) to P (x, y), then six trigonometric
The side BC opposite to q is called the opposite (opp) and functions of q are defined as the ratios
the side AC related to angle q is called the adjacent (adj)
y r y
sin q = ; cscq =( y ≠ 0) ; tan q = ( x ≠ 0)
We can form six ratios as follows: r y x
x r x
a b a c c b cosq = ; secq = ( x ≠ 0) ; cot q =≠( y 0)
, , , , and r x y
c c b a b a
In fact these ratios depend only on the size of the angle and not on the triangle formed. Note: These definitions are independent of the position of the point P on the terminal side
Therefore, these ratios are called trigonometric functions of angle q and are defined as i.e., q is taken as any angle.

a opp c hyp
Sin q :Sin q =
; Cosecant q : cscq =
; 9.8 Fundamental Identities

b adj c hyp For any real number q , we shall derive the following three fundamental identities:
Cosine q : Cos q= = ; Secant q : secq = = ;
c hyp b adj
i) sin 2 q + cos 2 q =
a opp b adj
Tangent q : tan q= = ; Cotangent q : cot q = = .
b adj a opp

ii) 1 + tan 2 q sec 2 q
We observe useful relationships between these six trigonometric functions as
iii) 1 + cot 2
q = csc 2
1 1 sin q Proof:
= cscq = ; sec q = ; tan q ; (i) Refer to right triangle ABC in fig. ( I) by Pythagoras theorem, we have, Dividing
sin q cosq cosq
cosq 1 a2 + b2 = c2 both sides by c2, we get
= cot q = ; cot q ;
sin q tan q a2 b2 c2
+ 2 =
c2 c a2
9.7 Trigonometric Functions of any angle
2 2
a b
⇒   +  = 1
Now we shall define the trigonometric functions of any angle. c c
Consider an angle ∠XOP = q radian in ⇒ (sin q ) 2 + (cosq ) 2 =1
standard position.
∴ sin 2 q + cos 2 q =
Let coordinates of P (other than origin) on the terminal side of (1)

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ii) Again as a2 + b2 = c2 ⇒ All trigonometric functions are +ve in Quadrant I.

Dividing both sides by b2, we get
(ii) If q lies in Quadrant II, then a point P(x, y) on its terminal side has negative x-coordinate.
a2 b2 c2
2 + 2 = and positive y-coordinate.
b b b2
2 2 y x y
a c ∴ sin q = + ve > 0, cosq =
= - ve < 0, tanq = =
= - ve <0
⇒   + 1 =
  r r x
b b
(iii) If q lies in Quadrant III, then a point P(x, y) on its terminal side has negative x-coordinate.
⇒ (tan q ) 2 + 1 =(secq ) 2 and negative y-coordinate.

1 + ta n 2 q =
sec 2 q (2) y x y
∴ sin q == - ve < 0, cosq ==- ve < 0, tanq = =+ ve > 0
r r x
(iii) Again as a2 + b2 = c2
(iv) If q lies in Quadrant IV, then a point P(x, y) on its terminal side has positive x-coordinate.
Dividing both sides by a2, we get
and negative y-coordinate.
a2 b2 c2 y x
+ = ∴ sin q == - ve < 0 cosq ==+ ve > 0 tanq = - ve < 0
a2 a2 a2 r r

2 2
These results are summarized in the following figure. Trigonometric functions
b c mentioned are positive in these quardrants.
⇒ 1 +   =  
a a
⇒ 1 + (cot q ) 2 =
(cscq ) 2

∴ 1 + cot 2 q =
csc 2 q (3)

= 2 2
(sinq )
2 2
= q , (cosq ) cos q=
and (tanq ) tan q etc.

9.9 Signs of the Trigonometric functions It is clear from the above figure that
sin (-q ) = - sin q ; csc(-q ) =- cscq
If q is not a quadrantal angle, then it will lie in a particular quadrant. Because

cos(-q ) =cosq ; sec(-q ) =secq
r = x 2 + y 2 is always positive, it follows that the signs of the trigonometric functions can
be found if the quadrant of 0 is known. For example, tan(-q ) =- tan q ; cot(-q ) =- cot q

(i) If q lies in Quadrant I, then a point P(x, y) on its terminal side has both x, y co-ordinates

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Solution: The terminal side of the angle is not in the I quadrant but cos q is positive,
Example 1: If tan q = and the terminal arm of the angle is in the III quadrant, find the ∴ The terminal side of the angle is in the IV quadrant

values of the other trigonometric functions of q .

1 1 13
Now sec q= = =
cosq 12 12
Solution: 13
8 1 15
tan q = ∴ cot q = = 2
15 tan q 8  12  144 25
sin q =
1 - cos q =
1-   = 1- =
8 64 289
2  13  169 169
sec q =1 + tan q = 1 +   =+
2 2
1 =
 15  225 225 5
∴ sin q =
289 17 13
∴ secq =
± =
225 15
As the terminal side of the angle is in the IV quadrant where sin q is negative.
a The terminal arm of the angle is in the III quadrant where sec q is negative
∴ sin q =-
17 13
∴ secq =
15 1 1 13
cosec q = = = -
sin q 5 5
1 1 15 13
Now cos q = = = -
sec q 17 17
- 5
15 -
sin q 13 = - 5
tan q = =
8  15  cosq 12 12
sin q= tan q . cos=
q - 
15  17  13
1 1 12
8 cot q = = = -
∴ sin q =
- tan q 5 5
17 12

1 1 17
and csc q = = = - Exercise 9.2
sin q - 8 8

1. Find the signs of the following:
12 i) sin 160 ii) cos 190 iii) tan115
Example 2: Find the value of other five trigonometric functions of q , if cos q = and the
terminal side of the angle is not in the I quadrant.
iv) sec 245 v) cot 80 vi) cosec 297

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2. Fill in the blanks: ratios.

i) sin(-310 ) =
.... sin 310 ii) cos(-75 ) .... cos 75
7. If tan q = and the terminal arm of the angle is not in the III quad., find the values of
iii) tan(-182 ) =
.... tan 182 iv) cot(-173 ) =
.... cot137

v) sec (-216 ) =
... sec 216 vi) cosec(-15 ) =
... cosec 15 csc 2 q - sec 2 q
csc 2 q + sec 2 q
In which quadrant are the terminal arms of the angle lie when
i) sin q < 0 and cos q > 0, ii) cot q > 0 and cosec q > 0, 5
8. If cot q = and the terminal arm of the angle is in the I quad., find the value of
iii) tan q < 0 and cos q > 0, iv) sec q < 0 and sin q < 0, 3 sin q + 4cos q
cos q - sin q
v) cot q > 0 and sin q < 0, vi) cos q < 0 and tan q < 0?

4. Find the values of the remaining trigonometric functions:

9.10 The values of Trigonometric Functions of acute angles 45°,
i) sin q = and the terminal arm of the angle is in quad. I. 30° and 60°

9 Consider a right triangle ABC with m∠C = 90 and sides

ii) cos q = and the terminal arm of the angle is in quad. IV. a, b, c as shown in the figure on right hand side.

3 π
iii) cos q = - and the terminal arm of the angle is in quad. III. (a) Case 1 when m∠A= 45= randian
2 4
iv) tan = - and the terminal arm of the angle is in quad. II. then m∠B =45

⇒ ∆ABC is right isosceles.
v) sin q = - and the terminal arm of the angle is not in quad. III. As values of trigonometric functions depend only on the angle and not on the
size of the triangle, we can take a = b = 1
By Pythagoras theorem,
5. Find cot q = and the terminal arm of the angle is not is quad. I, find the values of
8 c2 a 2 + b2
⇒ c2 = 1 + 1 = 2
cos q and cosec q .
⇒ c=
m +1  π
6. If cosec q = and m 0  0 < q <  , find the values of the remaining trigonometric \ Using triangle of fig. 1, with a=b= 1 and c = 2
2m  2
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half the hypotenuse.

a 1 1 Let c = 2 then b = 1
sin 45=

= ; csc 45
= 2;
c 2 sin 45 \ By Pythagoras theorem ,
b 1 1
cos 45
= ; sec 45=

= 2;
c 2 cos 45 \ a 2 + b 2 =
a 1
tan 45
= 1 ; cot 45
= 1. ⇒ a2 =c2 - b2
b tan 45
= 4 -1 = 3

π ⇒ a =3
(b) Case 2: when m∠A = 30 = 
then m∠B =60 \ Using triangle of fig.3, with a = 3, , b = 1 and c = 2

By elementary geometry, in a right triangle the measure of the side opposite to 30° is a 3 1 2
half of the hypotenuse. sin 60=
= ;
csc 60=

= ;
c 2 sin 60 
Let c = 2 then a = 1 b 1 1
\ By Pythagoras theorem , a2+b2 = c4 cos60=
= ; sec60= = 2;
c 2 cos60

a 1 1
tan 60=

= 3; cot 60=

= .
⇒ b 2 =c 2 - a 2 b tan 60 3
= 4 -1
=3 Example 3: Find the values of all the trigonometric functions of

⇒ b =3
-7π 19π
(i) 420° (ii) (iii)
4 3
\ Using triangle of fig.2, with a = 1, b = 3 and c = 2

Solution: We know that q= + 2kπ q , where k ∈ Z

a 1 1
sin 30=

= ; csc30=
= 2;
(i) 420° = 60°+ 1(360°) (k= 1)
c 2 sin 30
= 60°
b 3 1 2 3 2
cos30= = ; sec 30= = ; ∴ sin 420 =sin 60 = ; csc 420 =
c 2 cos30 
3 2 3
a 1 1 1
tan 30
= 
= ; cot 30
= 
= 3. cos=420 cos60
= 
; sec
= 420 2
b 3 tan 30 2

π tan=420 tan
= 60 3; cot
= 420
(c) Case 3: when m∠A= 60= radian, then m∠B =30 3

By elementary geometry, in a right triangle the measure of the side opposite to 30° is
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The point (1,0) lies on the terminal side of angle 0°

-7π π
(ii) = + (-1)2π (k =-1)
4 4 ⇒ x=1 and y = 0

π so r= x2 + y 2 = 1
 -7π  π  1  -7π  π  y 0 1 1
∴ sin  sin   = ;
 = csc  csc   =2 ;
 = ∴ sin 0 = == 0 csc 0 =  =(undefined)
 4  4 2  4  4 r 1 sin 0 0
 -7π  π  1  -7π  π  x 1 1
cos = cos0= = = 1 sec 0= = 1
  cos
=   ; sec =
  sec
=   2; r 1 cos 0
 4  4 2  4  4
 -7π  π   -7π  π  y 0 1 1
tan = tan 0=

= = 0 cot 0=
= (undefined)
  tan
=   1 ; cot =
  cot
=   1; x 1 tan 0 0

 4  4  4  4

When q = 90
19π π (b)
(iii) = + 3 ( 2π ) (k =
3 3 The point (0, 1) lies on the terminal side of angle 90°.

= ⇒ x=0 and y = 1
 19π  π 3  19π  π  2
∴ sin  sin ( ) = ;
 = csc  =csc   = ;
 3  3 2  3  3 3 so r= x2 + y 2 = 1
 19π  π 1  19π  π 
cos =  cos
= ( ) ; sec =  sec
=   2 ;
 3  3 2  3  3 y 1 1
∴ sin 90 = = = 1; csc90 = 1;
 19π  π   19π  π  1 r 1 sin 90
tan =
  tan
=   3 ; cot =
  cot
=   . x 0 1 1
 3  3  3  3 3 cos90= = = 0; sec90= = (undefined);
r 1 cos90 0

y 1 x 0
tan 90= = (undefined); cot 90= = = 0.
9.11 The values of the Trigonometric Functions of angles
x 0 y 1
0°, 90°, 180°, 270°, 360°.
When q = 180
When terminal line lies on the x- axis or the y- axis, the angle q is called a quadrantal
Now we shall find the values of trigonometric functions of quadrantal angles 0°, 90°,

180°, 270°, 360° and so on.
The point (-1, 0) lies on the terminal side of angle 180°.
(a) When q = 0°
⇒ x = -1 and y = 0

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so r = x2 + y 2 = 1 sin 360
= 
= 0 0; csc 360 is undefined;
y 0 r 1 cos 360
= 
= 
1; sec=360 = 1
∴ sin 180 =

= =0; csc 180 = = (undefined); cos0
r 1 y 0
tan 360
= 
= 0 0; cot 360 is undefined.
x -1 r 1
cos 180 = = =-1; sec 180 = = = -1;
r 1 x -1
y 0 x 1 (ii) q + 2 kπ q ,
We know that= where k ∈ Z
tan 180=

= = 0; cot 180=

= (undefined).

x -1 y 0 π 3π

Now - = + (-1)2π (k =-1)
2 2
When q = 270
(d) 3π

The point (0, -1) lies on the terminal side of angle 270°. 2
⇒ x = 0 and y = -1
 π  3π   π
∴ sin  -  =
sin   = - 1; csc  -  = - 1;
 2  2   2
so r = x2 + y 2 = 1  π  3π   π

cos =-  cos  =  0 ; sec  -  is undefined;
 2  2   2
y -1 r 1  π  3π   π
∴ sin 270 = = =-1; csc 270 = = = -1; = tan  -  tan   is= undefined; cot  -  0
r 1 y -1  2  2   2
x 0 r 1
cos 270=
= = 0; sec 270=
= (undefined);
r 1 x 0 (iii) Now 5π =
π + 2(2π ) (k =
y -1 x 0
tan 270=

= (undefined); cot 270=

= = 0. =π

x 0 y -1

∴ sin 5π =sin π =0; csc 5π is undefined;
Example 4: Find the values of all trigonometric functions of cos 5π =cos π =
- 1; sec5π = -1;
= 5π tan
= π 0; cot 5π is undefined;

(i) 360° (ii) (iii) 5π
Exercise 9.3
Solution: We know that q=
+ 2 kπ q , where k ∈ Z 1. Verify the following:

(i) Now 360° = 0° + 1(360°), (k = 1)

(i) sin60° cos 30° - cos 60° sin 30° = sin 30°
= 0°
π π π
(ii) sin 2 + sin 2 + tan 2 2
6 3 4
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1 3
9.12 Domains of Trigonometric functions and of Fundamental
(iii) 2 sin 45 + cosec 45 = Identities

2 2

π π π π We list the trigonometric functions and fundamental identities, learnt so far mentioning
(iv) sin 2 : sin 2 : sin 2 : sin 2 = 1: 2 : 3: 4.
6 4 3 2 their domains as follows:
Evaluate the following: (i) sin q , for all q ∈ R
π π π
tan - tan 1 - tan 2
i) ii) 3 6 3 (ii) cos q , for all q ∈ R
π π π
1 + tan tan 1 + tan 2
3 6 3 1
(iii) csc q
= , for all q ∈ R but q ≠ nπ , n∈Z
sin q
3. Verify the following when q = 30°, 45°
i) sin 2q = 2sin q cos q ii) cos
= 2q cos 2 q - sin 2 q 1  2n + 1 
(iv) sec q
= , for all q ∈ R but q ≠  π , n∈Z
cos q  2 

iii) cos 2q
= 2cos 2 q - 1 iv) cos 2q= 1 - 2sin 2 q
sin q π
2 tan q =(v) tan q , for all q ∈ R but q ≠ ( 2n + 1) , n∈Z
v) tan 2q = cosq 2
1 - tan 2 q
4. Find x, if tan2 45° - cos2 60° = x sin 45° cos 45° tan 60°. cosq
(vi) cot q
= , for all q ∈ R but q ≠ nπ , n∈Z
5. Find the values of the trigonometric functions of the following quadrantal angles: sin q

5 (vii) sin
= 2
q + cos 2 q 1 , for all q ∈ R
i) -π ii) -3π iii) π
2 π
9 (viii) 1 + tan 2 q sec 2 q
= , for all q ∈ R but q ≠ ( 2n + 1) , n∈Z
iv) - π v) - 15π vi) 1530° 2
235 407 (ix) 1 + cot 2 q csc 2 q
= , for all q ∈ R but q ≠ nπ , n∈Z
vii) - 2430° viii) π ix) π
2 2
Now we shall prove quite a few more identities with the help of the above mentioned

6. Find the values of the trigonometric functions of the following angles: identities.
i) 390° ii) - 330° iii) 765°

-17 13 Example 1: Prove that cos 4 q - sin 4 q = cos 2 q - sin 2 q , for all q ∈ R
iv) -675° v) π vi) π
3 3
25 -71 Solution: L.H.S
= cos 4 q - sin 4 q
vii) π viii) π ix) -1035°
6 6

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1 - sin q
L.H.S. =
1 + sin q
1 - sin q 1 - sin q
= (rationalizing.)
1 + sin q 1 - sin q
( cos q ) - ( sin q )
2 2 2 2
(1 - sin q )

=( cos q + sin q )( cos

2 2 2
q - sin q )
2 =
1 - sin 2 q
= (1) ( cos q - sin q )
2 2
( sin 2 q + cos =
q 1)
(1 - sin q )
1 - sin q
= =

= cos q - sin q = R.H.S.
2 2
cos 2 q cos q
1 sin q
Hence cos 4 q - sin 4 q = cos 2 q - sin 2 q = - = secq - tan q = R.H.S
cosq cosq

1 - sin q
nπ Hence = sec q - tan q .
  1 + sin q
Example 2: Prove that sec 2 A + sec 2 A cosec 2 A  Where A ≠
cosec 2 A = , n∈ Z 
 2 
Example 4: Show that cot 4 q + cot 2 q= cosec 4 q - cosec 2 q , where q is not an integral multiple
Solution: L.H.S
= 2
sec A + cosec A 2

2 2 of .
1 1 sin A + cos A 2
= + =
cos 2 A sin 2 A cos 2 A sin 2 A
= 2 2
=  sin 2 A + cos 2 A 1

cos A sin A L.H.S.
= cot 4 q + cot 2 q
1 1 = cot 2 q (cot 2 q + 1)
= 2
. 2
cos A sin A
= =

sec 2 A. cosec 2 A R.H.S = (cosec 2 q - 1)cosec 2 q

Hence sec 2 A + cosec 2 A =

sec 2 A. cosec 2 A. = cosec 4q - cosec 2q
= R.H.S.
1 - sin q π
Example 3: Prove that = sec q - tan q , where q is not an odd multiple of . Hence cot 4 q + cot 2 q = cosec4q - cosec 2q .
1 + sin q 2

1 - sin q Exercise 9.4
L.H.S. =
1 + sin q
Prove the following identities, state the domain of q in each case:
1 - sin q 1 - sin q
= (rationalizing.)
1 + sin q 1 - sin q
1. tan q + cot q =
cosec q secq 2. sec q cosec q sin q cos q = 1
(1 - sin q )

1 - sin 2 q version: 1.1 version: 1.1
(1 - sin q )
1 - sin q
= = 30 31
cos 2 q cos q
1 sin q
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
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3. sec q 4.
cos q + tan q sin q = cosec q + tan q secq =
cosecq sec 2 q 20. sin 3 q - cos3 q = (sin q - cos q )(1 + sin q cos q )

5. sec 2 q - cosec 2 q =tan 2 q - cot 2 q 21. sin 6 q - cos 6 q = (sin 2 q - cos 2 q ) (1 - sin 2 q cos 2 q )

6. cot 2 q - cos 2 q =
cot 2 q cos 2 q 7. (sec q + tan q ) (sec q - tan q ) =
1 22. sin 6 q + cos 6 q =
1 - 3sin 2 q cos 2 q

1 - tan 2 q 1 1
8. 2 cos q - 1 = 1 - 2sin q 9.
2 2
cos q - sin q = 2
2 2
23. + 2sec 2 q
1 + tan q 1 + sin q 1 - sin q

cosq - sin q cot q - 1 sin q cos q + sin q cos q - sin q 2

10. = 11. + cot q =
cosec q 24. + =
cosq + sin q cot q + 1 1 + cos q cos q - sin q cos q + sin q 1 - 2sin 2 q

cot 2 q - 1
12. = 2cos 2 q - 1
1 + cot q

1 + cos q
13. = (cosec q + cot q ) 2
1 - cos q

1 - sin q
14. (sec q - tan q ) 2 =
1 + sin q

2 tan q
15. = 2sin q cos q
1 + tan 2 q

1 - sion q cos q
16. =
cos q 1 + sin q

17. (tan q + cot q ) 2 =

sec 2 q cosec 2 q

tan q + sec q - 1
18. = tan q + sec q
tan q - sec q + 1

1 1 1 1
19. - = -
cosec q - cot q sin q sin q cosec q + cot q

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