Vocabulary For A Book/film Review:: Unpleasant Parts of It

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Vocabulary for a book/film review:

Twists and turns = unexpected things that happen in a story

Light-hearted = funny and not intended to be serious

Escapism = something pleasant or exciting that helps you to forget about real life and the boring or
unpleasant parts of it

A fantastic read = a very good book

without spoiling the plot = without giving away the ending

hair raising chases = frightening but exciting chases

gripping = very exciting and interesting

my all-time favourite book = the best book I have ever read

compelling = interesting or exciting enough to keep your attention completely

a fast-moving plot = a story where lots of things happen

jaw-dropping stunt scenes = amazing and exciting dangerous scenes

a highly-acclaimed novelist = a respected, admired novelist

my only reservation about... = my only criticism about...

the movie is enhanced by digital technology = the pictures in the movie are improved by digital

the story revolves around = the story is about

far-fetched = difficult to believe because it is very unlikely

thought-provoking = interesting in a way that makes you think of new ideas or that changes your
attitude to something

the book's strength lies in = the strongest feature of the book is

big-budget = when a lot of money was spent on making a film

low-budget = when a film was made with little money

the story is set in = the story takes place in

a convoluted plot = very complicated, or more complicated than necessary

to deliver a performance = to give a performance

state-of-the-art special effects = when an equipment or technology uses the newest and most advanced
ideas and features

the film is an adaptation of a novel = the film is based on a novel

sequence = a part of a film that deals with one event or that has a particular style
depiction of characters or events = description of characters or events

a nail-biting finale = an exciting spectacular ending

the film was shot on location = the film was made in the real place, not in the studio

moving = making you feel emotional

sequel = a book, film, play etc that continues the story of an earlier one

as the story unfolds = as the story becomes more clear as details become known

perspective = point of view (of a character, several characters)

wacky = funny, or silly

well-observed = recognisable from life

to gross = to earn a lot of money

a real page-turner = a very exciting book

I would thoroughly recommend it = I would highly recommend it

Setting = a particular time or place that a play, book, film etc happens in

a box-office hit = a successful film that brought in a lot of money

absolutely superb = extremely good

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