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From Knowledge to Wisdom

Journal of Materials Science and Engineering (A & B)
ISSN 2161-6213 & ISSN 2161-6221 DOI: 10.17265/2161-6213 & 10.17265/2161-6221

Paper Acceptance Notice

3 Germay Dr., Unit 4 #4651, Wilmington DE 19804, USA

Ramsés Otto Cunha Lima

Federal Rural University of Semiárido – UFERSA. Av. Francisco Mota, 572 -

Bairro Costa e Silva, Mossoró, RN, Brazil

Dear Ramsés Otto Cunha Lima,

Thank you very much for your support and contribution to our journal!

We are pleased to inform you that your paper titled Comparative study on mechanical

properties of additive manufacturing polymers and common engineering plastics

used in industry (author (s): Ramsés Otto Cunha Lima, Samuel de Oliveira Martins,

Kalyude Diógenes de Sousa and Mayla Alencar Medeiros) has passed the examination

of our Journal’s Peer-Review Committee, it will be published in the Journal of

Materials Science and Engineering (A & B) recently. The publishing fee is $ 60.0 USD

per page according to the policy of our journal. The total number of pages of your paper

is 10, so the total publication fee of your paper is $760 (including the express postage

fee $ 60.0 USD, color printing fee $ 70.0 USD and bank transfer fee $ 30.0 USD).

Considering your situation, we decide to give you 20% discounts. After the discounts,

the final publication fee is $626 = 10 × $60 × 0.8 + $70 × 0.8 + $60 + $30. We will

typeset and print your paper as soon as we get the publishing fee.

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